St. John's Evalgelistic Cemetery, Racine Township, Mower co., MN ========================================================================= USGENWEB NOTICE: In keeping with our policy of providing free information on the Internet, material may be freely used by non-commercial entities, as long as this message remains on all copied material, AND permission is obtained from the contributor of the file. These electronic pages may NOT be reproduced in any format for profit or presentation by other organizations. Persons or organizations desiring to use this material for non-commercial purposes, MUST obtain the written consent of the contributor, OR the legal representative of the submitter, and contact the listed USGenWeb archivist with proof of this consent. If you have found this file through a source other than the MNArchives Table Of Contents you can find other Minnesota related Archives at: Please note the county and type of file at the top of this page to find the submitter information or other files for this county. FileFormat by Terri--MNArchives Made available to The USGenWeb Archives by: Cassandra Hanson Submitted: Apr 2002 ========================================================================= ST. JOHNS EVANGELISTIC CEMETERY Racine Township T-104-N R-14-W Section 18 Information copied from tombstones Recordings completed 22 May 1976 Information recorded from tombstones by Mower County Genealogical Society Reproduced by Cassandra Hanson (sic) for Tombstone Transcription project with permission by MCGS. BECKER: Grandma b.1807 d.1891 Grandpa b.1816 d.1890 Great-grandma b.1805 d.1889 Amanda (see Amanda HUBER) Elizabeth b.1855 d.1944 F.C. b.13Nov1851 d.09May1905. BEHRING: Anna b.17Apr1861 d.04Nov1879. BIEDERBRICK: Almeda O. b.14Apr1898 d.26Aug1898 Anna b.1885 d.____ August b.12Mar1870 d.12Feb1940 Caroline (see Caro1ine SCHROEDER) Cora b.03Nov1845 d.09Apr1922 Emma b.02Dec1870 d.03Sep1948 John R. b.15Nov1887 d.12Jul1904 Reinhadt b.09Dec1881 d.14May1911 William b.1885 d.19-- BOTTCHER: A1bertena b.21Oct1838 d.15Apr1922 Herman Carl Wilhelm b.22Dec1859 d.24Mar1888 (aged 29 yrs 3 mos 2 days) Karl b.16Jul1836 d.14Feb1903 BUCHOLZ: Amelia B. b.1878 d.1900 August R. b.1866 d.1952 CHRISTGAU: John b.1862 d.1892 Kunicunda b.14Jan1817 d.25Feb1886 Mathius b.04Nov1887 d.06May1913 Wi1he1m b.24Apr1851 d.19Apr1876 CRANE: Eleanor b.1913 d.__ Ralph W. b.1914 d. DETTLOFF: C.A. b.28Jan1821 d.06Feb1889 Elisabeth b.10Feb1846 d.23Dec1880 Father b.03May1850 d.03Jan1927 Mother b.06Oct1855 d.13Aug1947 Franklin b.1878 d.1953 Johannes b.25Jun1892 d.30Oct1894 Leona b.1893 d.__ Musetta b.1883 d.1969 Otto R. b.1889 d.1975 Rueben J. b.25Aug1910 d.08Nov1967 DONALDSON: Alma H. b.1874 d.1934 (wife of Charles J. Donaldson) DREWES: Mabel W. b.1887 d.1963 Friedrich b.1882 d.1935 DUHRMANN: Adolph b.22Jan1870 d.11Mar1895 (Sohn Von W'm Undk) Anna b.1880 d.1964 Karoline b.10Mar1887 d.22Nov1894 Leonard b.1874 d.1966 W’m b.28Jan1831 EVERTS: Anna b.1885 d.1940 Edwin J. b.1911 d.1936 Henry b.1882 d.1963 EWERT: Amelia G. b.1864 d.1932 Fred E. b.26Oct1856 d.04May1949 William A. b.03Feb1888 d.27Feb1959 FARRNBACHER: Machta Lena b.06Jan1794 d.01Jun1888 FIDDLER: Elnora M. b.1883 d.19-- John E. b.1881 d.1955 FLANDERS: Cyrus G. b.1868 d.1939 GRIEBNOW: Augusta b.1865 d.1945 August b.16Dec1858 d.14Apr1904 Norma Elaine b.1932 d.1933 HOFFMAN: Dwain Charles d.04Jun1940 HUBER: Amanda BECKER d.07Mar1937 - wife of A. L. Huber LAABS: Anna Friedrike Marie b.14Dec1837 d.02Nov1899 Carl A. b.1903 d.1968 Charles b.25Aug1825 d.19Jun1883 (aged 52 yrs 4 mos 15 days) Henry Frederick b.1872 d.1944 LaVio1et b.1921 d.1968 Martha Augusta b.1881 d.1911 LAMB: Heinrich b.01Dec1861 d.06Dec1887 LAMPE: Johann b.08Mar1825 d.07Apr1881 Sophie b.07Apr1824 d.10Mar1896 LEWIS: Kathryn b.1897 d.1947 MC EACHREN: John O. d. Jan1973 (son of Mar1ys and Oakley) POLLARD: Amanda b.17Jun1888 d.21May1969 wife of Frank Pollard QUANDT: Hu1da b.09Aug1859 d.12Jul1886 wife of August Quandt REHBINE: Alma b.10Sep1888 d.09Feb1889 Amelia b.1865 d.1926 Elsa A. b.13Aug1889 d.06Apr1890 Franz Friedrich Carl b.29Jul1868 d.30Jan1895 Frankie A. b.12Sep1891 d.01Jan1892 Henry b.1865 d.1955 RAATZ: Friedrick b.12 ? 1815 d.19Aug1903 ROOT: Grant L. b.1895 d.1968 Emma b.1896 d.19__ SCHROEDER: Alvin C. b.10May1891.d.31Oct1973 Hilda B. b.31Jul1898 d.____ Armin E. b.26Dec1890 d.18Jan1974 Gertrude b.17Jan1896 d.30Jan1960 Alma H. (see Alma H. DONALDSON) Ella H. b.1883 d.1939 Arthur L. b.11Aug1884 d.01Jul1963 Augusta M. b.1883 d.1970 Baby b.26Dec1919 d.02Jan1920 Bertha d.22Oct1876 (aged 25yrs,1 mo,23days;wife of J. Schroeder) Father b.07May1835 d.14May1900 Mother b.10Nov1838 d.01Dec1906 Caroline BEIEDERBICK b.31Jul1876 d.19Oct1902 (wife of H. C. Schroeder) C.L. d.10Oct1926 (aged 81 yrs 10 mo 19 days) A1bert J. F. b.1876 d.1877 Elizabeth d.18Apr1898 (48 yrs 5 mos 1 day - wife of C. L. Schroeder) Clara A. E. b.1874 d.1876 Henry b.15Jul1876 d.14Aug1910 Herman W. b.1856 d.1939 Mary H. b.1865 d.1950 Johannette b.10Dec1810 d.06Sep1882 Mary b.11Apr1857 d.29May1940 John b.25Jul1847 d.11Apr1906 Fred L. b.1879 d.1962 Lloyd W. b.24Apr1930 d.31 May 1930 Walter J. b.1880 d.1969 THIER: Erma Irene b.26Jun1908 d.30Jul1908 VICTOR: James b.1950 d.1953 WEGNER: Whi1he1mine b.30May1829 d.11Jul1881 - wife of Johan Wegner WEILAND: Walter b.1884 d.19__ Herman b.1886 d.1973 ZIERATH: Ella A. b.1893 d.___ Walter E. b.1889 d.1959