Olmsted County MN Archives Obituaries.....Dodge, William Henry February 19, 1907 ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. http://www.usgwarchives.net/copyright.htm http://www.usgwarchives.net/mn/mnfiles.htm ************************************************ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Christine Lafler gen@asheris.net January 15, 2009, 4:38 am Olmsted County Democrat, weekly edition, Friday, February 22, 1907 W. H. DODGE AT REST Elderly Citizen and Trustee Emer- itus of the Methodist Church Died Tuesday. At 5:40 o'clock on last Monday morning the tired spirit that has been fluttering within the body of W. H. Dodge, took flight, and the aged Rochesterian was no more. For weeks the man had hovered between life and death, and at times the end has seemed only the matter of minutes. But the rugged nature, taught by many years of discipline to overcome, could not so easily loose its hold on life. Thus the man bowed with the weight of years approached that end which is only the beginnind; that transition which can be but glorious for such as he. There was no spec- ial disease wasting his frame, and only the weakness which advanced age entails, lead to Mr. Dodge's final re- lease. William H. Dodge, for many years engaged in the lumber business on Main street, was born in Saratoga county, New York, March 24, 1821. He came to Rochester in 1867, and became a partner with E. E. You- manns in the lumber business. Three years later he bought out his part- ner's interest and has ever since been in business on his own account. He has been ably assisted, especially since old age laid its hand upon him, by his son, Elam P. Dodge. Al- ways honorable and upright in all transactions of life, Mr. Dodge ex- pected the same of others. Hypo- crisy and deceit were ever hateful to this stern, straightforward citizen. He never was an aspirant for public office though he served as alderman from the second ward from 1872 to 1874. He found his chiefest pleasures in serving the welfare of the Methodist Episcopal church. He announced his Christian belief at an early age and always remained steadfast in the faith. The records of the First M. E. church of Rochester bear strong testimony to the guiding hand of Mr. Dodge, his religious convictions, his benefactions, and his business sagacity. He has held numerous offices of trust in the church. He was one of the earliest members of the organi- zation here and his reminiscencs (SIC) con- cerning the early days of struggle and privation are most interesting. When the church celebrated its fiftieth an- niversary, Mr. Dodge was one of the speakers who brought clearly to mind the pioneer history. In recognition of his long service on the board of trustees, he was last fall elected trustee emeritus, an honor bestowed for life on those who have proven worthy. Mr. Dodge was married in 1842 to Miss Hannah M. Kilmer. She died in 1860, and he was married to Miss Rachel M. Rogers of Massachusetts, in 1861. She survives, and the fol- lowing children: Mrs. Carrie Miller, Mrs. Gertrude Burrows and Elam P. Dodge, all of Rochester, and Mrs. Etta Rogers of Sycamore, Ill. Dur- ring the weeks of his prostration, Mr. Dodge has received their devoted ministrations and the care of a train- ed nurse. He is also survived by two brothers, Levi Dodge of Delphin, Indiana, and Joseph C. Dodge of Ne- wark, New Jersey. File at: http://files.usgwarchives.net/mn/olmsted/obits/d/dodge2nob.txt This file has been created by a form at http://www.genrecords.net/mnfiles/ File size: 3.6 Kb