Obit of Anna (LAFRENZ) RALFS (b.1906 d.1970), Rock Co., MN ========================================================================= USGENWEB NOTICE: In keeping with our policy of providing free information on the Internet, material may be freely used by non-commercial entities, as long as this message remains on all copied material, AND permission is obtained from the contributor of the file. These electronic pages may NOT be reproduced in any format for profit or presentation by other organizations. Persons or organizations desiring to use this material for non-commercial purposes, MUST obtain the written consent of the contributor, OR the legal representative of the submitter, and contact the listed USGenWeb archivist with proof of this consent. If you have found this file through a source other than the MNArchives Table Of Contents you can find other Minnesota related Archives at: Please note the county and type of file at the top of this page to find the submitter information or other files for this county. FileFormatted by Terri--MNArchives Made available to The USGenWeb Archives by: Claire Grant ========================================================================= [Anna (Lafrenz) Ralfs Died April 26, 1970 She is buried next to her husband George Ralfs in the Maplewood Cemetery, Luverne, Rock County Minnesota.] This Word of Remembrance is from the back of the Funeral service hand out. Ann L. Ralfs was born in Germany on August 28, 1906. She was the daughter of Mr. & Mrs. Fritz Lafrenz. She came to America at the age of six and to Rock County in 1919. She was united in marriage to George Ralfs at Durant, Iowa, on December 26, 1924. They moved to Luverne in 1940. Mr. Ralfs passed away in 1950. She is survived by her four children, Helen; Mrs. L. J. Siebenahler of Hardwick, Harold of Canton, S. D., Velma; Mrs. Vernon Grant of Humboldt, S. D., And Julie; Mrs. Dick Anderson of Madelia, Minn. She is also survived by 12 grandchildren, one sister Marie; Mrs. Harley Bell of Luverne, 3 brothers, Hans & Henry Lafrenz of Luverne and Fritz of Sioux Falls. Mrs. Ralfs was a member of the First Presbyterian church of Luverne. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- From a newspaper Clipping held by Velma Ralfs/ Grant; We wish to express our thanks to the many people that sent cards and gifts to mother while she was sick, to the hospital staff and Doctors, to the minister for all his prayers, and to all that thought of us in our bereavement. You will always be remembered .Ann Ralfs Family