Part 3: Full Newspaper Articles (Pre-1924) clipped and saved in "My Grandmother's (Mabel Bessie Eidem Runsberg) Scrapbooks". Most of the Articles are from Hennepin and Meeker Counties. USGENWEB NOTICE: In keeping with our policy of providing free information on the Internet, material may be freely used by non-commercial entities, as long as this message remains on all copied material, AND permission is obtained from the contributor of the file. These electronic pages may NOT be reproduced in any format for profit or presentation by other organizations. Persons or organizations desiring to use this material for non-commercial purposes, MUST obtain the written consent of the contributor, OR the legal representative of the submitter, and contact the listed USGenWeb archivist with proof of this consent. Made available to The USGenWeb Archives by: Kris Sullivan ****Note: Use your "Search or Find command" to locate names you are searching for. This file is not alphabetical it is grouped by newspapers, types of articles and dates.**** To Whom It May Concern: I decided Grandma must have had a long-term purpose in mind when she started putting her scrapbooks together, and I feel I have an obligation to share much of the information she collected through the years, which are stricly newspaper clippings, although in most cases, the newspaper source and/or date is missing, but we do have a general year in most cases. I would suspect that much of the information comes from the Hopkins, MN, Minneapolis, MN and Litchfield, MN newspapers. I will, whenever possible, include a newspaper name, date, and any other relevant information. Please note: Some of the phrases and spelling are as they were in the original Newspaper Articles. :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: The following notices are from 1906-1908 papers in Meeker County. :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: Death of E.B. Sorness Death from old age claimed E.B. Sorness on Tuesday of this week who resided with his wife on a farm some miles southwest of this city. The funeral services were held Thursday afternoon with services in the Ness church conducted by Rev. O.M. Norlie. The deceased was a native of Norway and was born June 28,1835. The widow is the only survivor, there having been no children. ******************** Mourning Death of Little Son Mr. and Mrs. A.K. Brown of Action town are mourning the death of their little son and only child Rutherford Leland, aged one year and eight months. Death came Sunday, May 17, 1908, after an illness of a week from dropsy. The deceased was born September 25, 1906. The funeral services were held Wednesday with services both at the house and at Arndahl church, interment being in the cemetery adjoining the church. Following is another article regarding the above-mentioned death. At Rest Died, Rutherford Leland Brown, after an illness of seven days at the home of his parents Mr. and Mrs. Albert K. Brown in town of Acton, Sunday, May 17, 1908 of dropsy. Rutherford Leland was born in Grove City, September 23, 1906, and was, at the time of his death 1 year, 7 months and 24 days old. The sorrowing parents have the sympathy of the entire community in the loss of their little son. Funeral services were held at the home in Acton Wednesday, May 20 at 10:30 o'clock, and at the Arndahl church at 11 o'clock, interment being made in the cemetery adjoining the church, Rev. Norlie officiating. The funeral was a large one, and many were the floral tributes given by the many friends of the family. "Another little lamb has gone To dwell with him who gave; Another littlr darling babe Is sheltered in thr grave. God needed one more angel child Amidst his shining band, And so He bent with loving smile, And clasped our darling's hand." :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: The following appeared in a 1906-1910 Minneapolis paper. :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: Svanhild Amundsen Will Sleep Among Fjords She Loved Student's Body Will Go Home Across the Mine-Strewn Waters Died By Her Own Hand on Banks of Minnehaha Through the mine-infested North sea the body of little Svanhild Amundsen will be shipped back to her native Norway, to be laid to rest near one of the fjords where she spent her childhood. Svanhild is the girl who came bravely to America last fall full of hope and ambition, to register in the dental college at the University of Minnesota. Dropped From Sight Her mind weakened under the scholastic load that she tried hard to carry and a week ago yesterday her reason gave way. She dropped from sight and yesterday a party of police and university men found her body crumpled under a mantle of snow in a quiet nook on the banks of Minnehaha creek, near Vincent ave., and 55th St. Hers was a romantic nature, but even with her reason tottering, she sought out one of the city's poetic spots to end her life's journey. On the bank of the creek made famous by Longfellow she laid down for her eternal sleep, and the "laughing waters," as they trickled under the ice, lulled her to her last slumber. Nature tucked her away under a blanket of snow and there she was found with a half smile on her placid features. Beside her lay her muff and her hat. Near one of her cold, white hands, the searchers found a brown paper which had contained the poison that solved for her the riddle of existence. The mysteries of chemistry, that had made her life unendurable, were invoked by the tired little student to end her worries. Chloride of potassium, nitric acid and bichloride of mercury taken from a university laboratory, were the agents of destruction. This morning at the morgue an autopsy satisfied the coronoer as to the cause of death. Car Man Gave Clue A street car conductor furnished the clue that led to the discovery of the tragedy. He told university officials yesterday that a girl answering Svanhild's description alighted from his car the day of her disappearance. Her actions attracted his attention and so well did he describe here that the university folk were staisfied the body was in the vicinity. Last night Prof. E.E. Nicholson of the university cabled the sad news to Christiania. No answer has been received at noon and it is thought the body will go on its long journey across the seas without a friend accompanying it. If the ship that bears the clay of Svanhild succeeds in negotiating the trecherous stretches of sea that covers a thousand mines, interment will be made in her native land. Through the Skagerrak and up into Christiania, Svanhild will come home, but how different will the home-coming be from that her parents planned when they kissed good-bye last August! :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: The following is from a 1908 Meeker county paper. :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: Lars Daniel Anderson Lars Anderson, one of the old settlers of Acton town, died at his home on Friday, May 22, 1908, of cardiac asthma. He was born in Norway on June 24, 1837, and was at the time of his death 70 years, 10 months and 22 days old. Mr. Anderson came to this country in 1966, settling in the state of Michigan, where he worked at the carpenter's trade for two years, when he came to Kandiyohi county and filed on a homestead, where he lived until the year 1873, when he moved to town of Acton, where he lived until the time of his death. Mr. Anderson was a man of sterling character, well liked by his fellowmen, and altho he suffered much during his later years was always patient. He leaves beside his wife seven children to mourn his death: the Messrs. Albert, Alfred and John Anderson; the Misses Celia and Christine Anderson; the Madames Olaf Iverson and J.A. Magnuson. Funeral services were held at the home in Acton, Tueaday, at one o'clock and at the Norwegian Lutheran church in this city at 2:30, Rev. Valler officiating. :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: The following columns of community social news from Fair View are from 1906 -1916 papers in Meeker County. :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: Mrs. Anderson of Atwater spent Sunday at the Moen's. ******************** Mr. and Mrs. T. Lien took a drive to Cedar Mills last Wednesday. ******************** O.T. Rolseth of Minneapolis visited at Tuseth's Tuesday and Wednesday. ******************** Miss Annie Coleman visited with Ethel Larson Tuesday evening. ******************** O. Johnson of Idaho spent the greater part of last week at Moen's. ******************** Mrs. Albert Larson spent the first of the week with Mrs. Cornelius at Litchfield. ******************** Mrs. J.P. Johnson visited with Mrs. H.T. Halverson Tuesday afternoon. ******************** Quite a crown of Fairviewites was pleasantly entertained at Gorgenson's Sunday afternoon. ******************** Chas. Sundahl and Mis Luella Sather of Litchfield were Sunday callers at O.H. Halverson's. ******************** Mrs. Tuseth pleasantly entertained Miss Effie Erickson Tuesday evening. ******************** Mr. and Mrs. Albert Larson visited with their son Joseph Larson Wednesday afternoon. ******************** Miss Selma Hovey visited at P.A. Peterson's Sunday last. ******************** Mrs. T. Olson and Miss Bessie called at Sorness' Monday. ******************** Mrs. H.L. Halverson and daughters Winnifred and Leona of Litchfield and Miss Bessie Olson visited at J.G. Nelson's Wednesday. ******************** Mrs. Geo. Mickelson and babe, Burton, visited last week with the former's cousin, Miss Clara Kittelson. ******************** Mrs. Joseph Larson, Mrs. A. Larson and mother called at the Sundahl farm Tuesday. ******************* Mr. and Mrs. Swan Erlandson of Grove City visited the J. Tuseth's Sunday. ******************* Mrs. G. Sundahl and daughter Ida of Litchfield visited at H. Olson's Friday. ******************* Mr. and Mrs. Martin Schuman and Miss Katherine Jackson of Rosendale and M rs. Will Morton of Gladstone, Mich., visited at J.G. Nelson's Sunday. ******************* The Misses Bessie Olson and Selma Halverson and Theodore Farnquist were callers at Emil Nystrom's Tuesday evening. ******************* Geo. Matson of Minneapolis visited at Christ Kittelson's last week. ******************* Messers Fred and George Evenson, Nytle Larson, John Halverson and Arthur Olson were over Sunday visitors to Minneapolis. ******************* The C. Johnson family visited at Holmgren's of Four Corners Sunday. ******************* Miss Selma Hovey is doing dressmaking at Andrew Kittelson's. ******************* Mrs. J.G. Nelson spent the first part of the week visiting at Faribault and in Minneapolis. ******************* Mrs. M. Ness was a Sunday caller at Christ Kittelson's. ******************* Miss Bessie Olson spent Sunday at Hovey's. ******************* O.H. Halverson visited at Andrew Evenson's Sunday. ******************* Miss Selma Halverson and brother Clarence called at J.G. Nelson's Saturday evening. ******************* Miss Sarah Kittelson spent last week in Litchfield. ******************* Miss Emma Nelson is visiting with Miss Ivy Lagergren at Grove City. ******************* The T. Lien family visited at Hartz's in Acton Sunday. ******************* A few Fairviewites attended the party at Morten Peterson's of Bell Grove Saturday evening. ******************* Mr. A. Stewart and daughters Lydia and Anna of Crow River visited at Chas. Johnson's Sunday. ******************* Miss Bessie Olson is visiting with her sister at Grove City a few days. ******************* Thomas Johnson from near Atwater visited at home Sunday. ******************* The O. Peterson's are entertaining company from Cedar Mills this week. ******************* Gust Holmgren of Four Corners was a Fair View caller Sunday. ******************* Theodore Lien made a call at Acton Monday evening. ******************* Peter Peterson and sister Tillie of Bell Grove visited with Miss Clara Kittelson Sunday. ******************* The Andrew Kittelsons and Christ Kittelson drove to Cosmos Sunday and visited with the Andrew Draxton's. ******************* Miss Clara Kittelson attended the party at Aug. Johnson's at Rosendale Saturday evening. ******************* Mrs. Geo. Mickelson of Crookston, Minn., is visiting relatives here. ******************* M. Kittelson of Washington is here visiting friends and relatived. ******************* Miss Effie Erickson was pleasantly entertained at Albert Larson's Wednesday evening. ******************* J. Tuseth pleasantly surprised his daughter Pearl on her 11th birthday be presenting her an organ as a gift. ******************* Miss Mable Nelson attended and took part in the music recital given by Miss Mamie Peterson of Litchfield, Wednesday evening. ******************* The Moens entertained company Sunday. ******************* Mr. and Mrs. L. Erlandson of Grove City were over Sunday visitors at Olson's. ******************* The A. Larsons visited at Emmanuel Larson's in Litchfield Monday evening. ******************* Miss Lottie and Mr. Harry Larson spent Sunday afternoon at T. Lien's. ******************* Mrs. Jacob Olson and daughter Lily spent Sunday at Andrew Kittelson's. ******************* Emil Nystrom and sister spent Sunday afternoon with relatives at Beckville. ******************* Miss Dinah Nelson spent a few days this week with her brother Joseph Nelson. ******************* The Chilstroms, Colmans, and Miss Ethel Larson were Sunday callers at Chas. Johnson's. ******************* Miss Lily Olson and Otto Lindell were Sunday callers at J.G. Nelson's. ******************* The funeral services of Arthur Evenson whose sudden death had caused great sorrow to his folks, relatives and many friends, were held at the Ness church Wednesday p.m. Rev. Norlie officiated. ******************* Mr. and Mrs. Voxland and daughters Alice and Harriett of Goodhue county are visiting at O.L. Thoen's. ******************* Mrs. T. Olson entertained a crowd of company Friday afternoon. ******************* Messers Harry Edblom and Otto Lindell of Litchfield were Sunday callers at J.G. Nelson's. ******************* Miss Selma Hovey spent last week at Grove City. ******************* Rev. and Mrs. E. Peterson of Chippewa Falls, Wis., are visiting with the latter's parents Mr. and Mrs. Harold Kittelson. ******************* Miss Marie Peterson of Lowery, Minn., on her way to St. Paul visited with Miss Clara Kittelson and other friends here a few days last week. ******************* Misses Marie Peterson and Clara Kittelson visited at A.R. Anderson's at Greenleaf Sunday. ******************* Misses Bessie Olson and Mabelle Nelson spent Sunday with Miss Selma Hovey. ******************* Rev. and Mrs. E. Peterson, Rev. and Mrs. M. Kittelson and Mr. Harold Kittleson visited at the home of Andrew Kittelson Tuesday. ******************* Miss Josephine Ness of Red Wing, Minn., visited with relatives and friends at Fairview the last few days of last week. ******************* M.O. Ness' entertained company Sunday. ******************* Mrs. M. Schuman of Rosendale and Mrs. Will Morton of Gladstone, Mich., visited with Mrs. Henry Hanson Tuesday. ******************* Mr. and Mrs. Christenson of Northwood, N.D., are visiting in North Fairview. ******************* Misses Selma Halverson and Bessie Olson and Mrs. Olson visited Tuesday at J. Hovey's. ******************* Jessie Moen expects to leave for Warwick, N.D., Monday where he will remain for some time. ******************* Supt. Kate M. Jones visited the Fairview school on Friday of last week. ******************* The M.O. Ness', George Evenson and Arthur Olson spent Sunday at J.G. Nelson's. ******************* Mrs. George Mickelson and Clara Kittelson left for Minneapolis Wednesday for a short stay. ******************* The Lees of Beckville visited Sunday with the Chas. Nelson's. ******************* Misses Christine Evenson and Olea Johnson and Messrs. Theodore Lien and ******************* Arthur Olson drove to Atwater Saturday to attend a Young People's Society at Jacobson's. ******************* Mabel Berg has been confined to the house being ill with a very severe headache. She has improved. ******************* Elsie Johnson and Alfred Johnson visited with Katherine Jensen Sunday afternoon. ******************* Conrad Paulson of Breckenridge, Minn., has been visiting with friends and relatives here. ******************* Mrs. John Nystrom and Evelyn, left for Beckville Sunday after an indefinite stay here. They went to join Mr. Nystrom who has been there since they arrived from Canby, Minn., a month or so ago. ******************* Hannah and Belinda Halverson entertained company Sunday evening. ******************* Mr. and Mrs. C.L. Fredrickson went to the cities Thursday afternoon. ******************* Mrs. Fredrickson went down to consult a physician about her eyes. ******************* Miss Belinda Halvorson, teacher in district 65, is now staying at Victor Erlandson's after several months stay at O.L. Thoen's. ******************* Menton Voxland of Kenyon, Minn., now a student at the agricultural school in St. Paul, visited over Sunday with his sister, Mrs. O.L. Thoen and family. ******************* Olav Voxland of Kenyon, Minn., is visiting with his sister, Mrs. O.L. Thoen and family, having arrived last Thursday. ******************* Mr. and Mrs. O.L. Thoen and Leona, Miss Mabel Lien, Alfred Samdahl, Olav Voxland, Mrs. O.H. Halvorson and Miss Hannah, and Mr. Ernest and Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Pederson were entertained at Mrs. Oline Olson's Wednesday evening. ******************* Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Ness had their little daughter baptized Sunday afternoon at their home by Student Hoifjeld. Lucille Muriel is her name. ******************* Mr. and Mrs. S.J. Erlandson of Grove City, entertained the following last Saturday evening, the occasion being their wedding anniversary; Mr. and Mrs. O.H. Halvorson and Misses Hannah and Belinda; Mr. and Mrs. J. Tuseth and Miss Pearl; Mrs. Oline Olson, Miss Bessie and Messrs. Inor and Odwin Olson; Mr. and Mrs. O.L. Thoen amd Leona; Messrs. Olav and Menton Voxland of Kenyon, Minn., and Mr. and Mrs. J.H. Anderson and son Marlowe of Grove City and Miss Mabel Lien; and Alfred Samdahl. ******************* Levi Holmgren, wife and daughter spent Sunday last at Emil Nystrom's. ******************* Mrs. Carrie Johnson and Vivian visited at And. Kittelson's Wednesday. ******************* Mr. and Mrs. And. Kittelson, John Tuseth, wife and daughter, Misses Ethel Larson and Bessie Olson were entertained by Miss Mabel Nelson of Litchfield Tuesday afternoon, in honor of Mrs. A.D. Stillman of Montana, formerly Miss Effie Erickson, teacher in District 8. ******************* Mrs. J.C. Johnson, Bernard and Frances visited at Mrs. O. Jensen's Sunday. ******************* Mrs. G.E. Holmgren and son and Miss Jennie Johnson spent Tuesday at Ed. Kittelson's. ******************* The A.O. Hanson's Sundayed at Sigure Bjornstad's. ******************* Miss Hannah and Ernest Halverson visited at C.G. Johnson's Thursday afternoon of last week. ******************* The funeral of Mrs. Halsten Anderson were held Saturday afternoon. Rev. O.M. Norlie of Minneapolis officiated. ******************* Miss Mabel Lien has returned after a couple of weeks' stay with her brother, Theodore and wife in Danielson. ******************* Mrs. Oline Olson, Miss Bessie and Odwin Olson visited at O.H. Halverson's Saturday evening last. ******************* Miss Mabel Lien is assisting Mrs. O.L. Thoen until after the auction. ******************* Mr. and Mrs. Harry Hanson departed for their new home in Litchville, N. Dak., Tuesday. ******************* Miss Esther Thompson left for Fargo Tuesday, after several months' stay at the J.P. Hovey home. :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: Following are columns of community social news from Acton from 1908-1916 in Meeker county papers. :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: Ernest Forberg, living ten miles southwest of town, faced the severe storm Saturday. Ernest said he didn't need to bring in wheat on a day like Saturday but he was out of tobacco. He therefore killed two birds with one stone. ******************* Martin Mathison made his usual trips down east Sunday. ******************* G.P. Draxten hired a man about three weeks ago, but that is the last he saw of him. He says that if the gentleman doesn't show up pretty soon he will either advertise or send out the Acton detective. ******************* The mail carrier on Route 6, Wm. Buchanan, was seen with one of S.A. Hartz' teams last Monday. ******************* Carl Phele is moving his machinery to a farm northwest of Grove City where he will live next year. ******************* Mattis Anderson hauled butter for the Acton creamery last Tuesday. He found the road very bad. ******************* A.R. Brown transacted business at Litchfield Tuesday. ******************* Our mail carrier Chas. King had an accident the other day when his team ran away from him. ******************* A baby girl was born to Mr. and Mrs. Ole Norgaard Thursday, Feb. 10. ******************* Ole J. Olson visited at Sanden Hartz' from Monday till Wednesday. He will soon return to his home at Baudette, Minn. ******************* John and Hans Runsberg returned from Pine River last Tuesday where they have been since last fall. ******************* Mr. and Mrs. O.N. Danielson visited at Henry Dahl's last Sunday. ******************* William Hartz took a load of furniture to town for Mrs. Krook last Wednesday. ******************* Mr. and Mrs. Nick Mathison visited at A.O. Hanson's Tuesday. ******************* Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Anderson and family were entertained at Olof Christenson's last Sunday evening. ******************* Master Pete Johnson was a caller at A.O. Hanson's last week. ******************* Olof Voxland visited school in Dist. 65 last Monday. ******************* Miss Belinda Halvorson won the box of candy at the candy contest last week. ******************* Alfred Samdahl called on Grove City friends last Friday evening. ******************* Louis and Carl Hovey hauled hay Friday ******************* Alfred Anderson went to Acton on skis to get his mail. ******************* Nels Shorey, Ole Eidem, Pete Draxten and John Mathison were among those who broke roads Monday. ******************* Andrew Thompson made a trip to Grove City Monday. ******************* Chas. Hartz took his brother John and wife to Lake Koronis Monday. He remained over until Tuesday before returning. ******************* Mrs. Ingeborg Anderson died Tuesday while sitting in a chair. ******************* A son was born to Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Kittelson. ******************* Mr. and Mrs. John Hartz are visiting at Chas. Hartz' this week. ******************* Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Moe and family of Swede Grove visited N.P. Bisser's Sunday. ******************* Mr. and Mrs. Nick Mathison who arrived from Horthwood, N.D., the day before Thanksgiving are visiting friends and relatives in this vicinity. ******************* Invitations are out announcing the marriage of Miss Dorothy Heinrich of Cosmos to Baldwin Draxten resident in Danielson. Both parties are well known to many here in Acton, the groom being a nephew of O.J. Amdahl and P.A. Draxten. The wedding will take place next Wednesday Dec. 8. All here wish them joy and a long happy life together. ******************* O.R. Amdahl who underwent an operation at the hospital in Litchfield last Wednesday is doing very well according to reports. We all hope for his speedy recovery. ******************* Miss Lottie Olson of Atwater is dressmaking at the Chas. Hartz home this week. ******************* Mrs. Gunder Draxten visited at Eidem's Wednesday afternoon. ******************* Miss Josephine Pederson visited at Alfred Anderson's Wednesday evening. :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: The following columns of community social news from Arndahl appeared in 1906-1916 Meeker county papers. :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: Oscar Danielson spent the past week in the cities. ******************* Sander Hartz and Family and Chas. Hartz and family sepnt Sundat afternoon at Gundred Draxten's. ******************* Mrs. Pete Bisser called on Mrs. Ole Norgaard Tuesday afternoon. ******************* Miss Leona Dahl spent last Saturday with her sister in Grove City. ******************* The Pete Bissers entertained the H.E. Dahl's at supper Monday evening. ******************* Mr. and Mrs. Adolph Brown and family spent Sunday at thr A.R. Brown home. ******************* Mr. and Mrs. Harry Hanson were entertained at the Pete Bisser home a few days last week. ******************* The O.P. Barrows entertained company Sunday afternoon. ******************* Anton Hartz called at O.P. Eidem's Sunday. ******************* Mrs. H.P. Hanson and family visited with Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Madson Sunday. ******************* Mr. and Mrs. Gundred Draxten visited at the Geo. Paulson home Sunday afternoon. ******************* Mr. and Mrs. Nels Nelson left for a trip to the twin cities last week. ******************* The Pete Bissers and Mr. and Mrs. Harry Hanson spent Saturday evening of last week at the Christ Johnson home. ******************* Sander Hartz and family spent Sunday with his brother Chas. Hartz and family. ******************* Arthur Nelson spent Sunday afternoon with the Gregory boys. ******************* The funeral of Miss Ethel Gunderson of Cosmos, which was held Friday afternoon at Arndahl, was quite well attended in spite of the bad weather and roads. ******************* Mrs. Ole Hartz returned last week from Aberdeen, S.D. where she has spent the winter months with her daughter Mrs. J.A. Wensberg. ******************* George Paulson, Sr. visited at the Ole Eidem home Saturday afternoon. ******************* Miss Myrtle Waylander called on Mrs. Ole Nelson Friday afternoon. ******************* A number of friends and relatives were entertained at the O.P. Eidem home Friday evening. ******************* Miss Irene Dahl of Grove City spent the holidays with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. H.E. Dahl. ******************* Mr. and Mrs. O.N. Danielson visited from Friday evening till Saturday afternoon with the latter's parents, the D.N. Danielsons. ******************* Mr. and Mrs. Ole Nelson were entertained at the Andrew Pearson home in Litchfield, Saturday. ******************* Mr. and Mrs. H.O. Runsberg spent Friday evening with the Chas. Hartz. ******************* Josie Mathosin spent Tuesday afternoon with Pearl Dahl. ******************* Mrs. Carl Johnson, who has been quite ill, is reported to be improving. :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: The following column of community social news from Danielson appeared in 1906-1916 Meeker county papers. :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: A few relatives and friends were entertained at a skating party at Mads Madson's Wednesday evening of last week. ******************* Mrs. Soren Morten, old time resident of this town, who died at the home of her daughter in California, was buried Wednesday in the Litchfield cemetery. Quite a few from here attended the funeral. ******************* Jens Hanson of Litchfield called at Rosendale Saturday evening. ******************* Mr. and Mrs. L.P. Jepson of Minneapolis visited at the Bende Hanson and Carl Nelson homes from Friday until Tuesday. They made the trip by auto. ******************* Mrs. Adolph Brown entertained the Ladies aid last Friday. It was well attended. ******************* Lars Christenson spent Sunday afternoon at Charlie Hartz. ******************* Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Anderson and children of Fairview visited at Pete Bisser's last Thursday evening. ******************* P.K. Brown, a former resident of Acton but for the last fourteen years of Grove City, passed away last Sunday night. The funeral was held Thursday afternoon with services both in Grove City and Arndahl churches by Rev. Quill of Minneapolis. ******************* Miss Anderson is staying at the home of her sister Mrs. Hans Bendickson. ******************* Mr. and Mrs. K.C. Knutson spent Sunday with the F.C. Peterson's in Atwater. ******************* The Levi Henderson's went to Wayzata Sunday morning and spent the day with Emil Henderson's returning the same evening. ******************* The Bende Hanson and Carl Nelson young folks and Mr. and Mrs. Jepson were entertained by the Augistinson home Sunday evening. ******************* The Jerry Knutsons entertained a few of their relatives Tuesday evening. ******************* Mr. and Mrs. Pete Sorby of Atwater visited at Elof Peterson's and M.P. Nelson's Sunday. :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: The following article appeared in a 1906-1910 Meeker county newspaper. :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: Pretty Wedding In Greenleaf Village Miss Hilda C. Peterson Became the Bride of Albert T. Johnson Wednesday Noon The marriage of Miss Hilda C. Peterson, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Hans Peterson, to Albert T. Johnson took place at the home of the bride's parents, Wednesday, Nov. 1, in the presence of eighty friends. The wedding march was played by Mrs. Martin Johnson and at 12 o'clock the bridal party entered the parlor, preceded by Rev. Mr. Norlie of Ness church and took their places before a background of green and white. The Lutheran service was read by Rev. Mr. Norlie. The bride was attired in white wool crepe and carried bride's roses. She was attended by her sister, Miss Olga Peterson, as bridesmaid, who wore a white wool dress and carried pink roses. The groom was attended by Olof Peterson as groomsman. The rooms were tastefully decorated for the occasion, the parlor in pink tulips and the dining room in cupids and hearts. After congratulations were showered upon the happy pair the guests sat down to a wedding dinner which fully sustained the reputation Mr. and Mrs. Peterson already have as hosts. Mr. and Mrs. Johnson are two of the best and most favorably known of the young people of the community. The gifts were numerous and the matrimonial barque of the happy couple set sail under the most auspicious circumstances. After November 25, they will be at home to their many friends in Ellsworth where Mr. Johnson has prepared a cozy and comfortable home for the bride. :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: The following columns of community social news from Arndahl appeared in 1906-1916 Meeker county papers. :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: The Misses Sarah Bakk and Mabel Mathison visited at Jacobson's the first of the week. ******************** George Paulson returned to his home in Litchfield for the holidays. He had been spending some time at the home of his son here. ******************** Mrs. Sander Hartz and William and George Draxten visited at Gunder Draxten's Sunday evening. ******************** Mr. and Mrs. N.P. Bisser entertained a few of their friends at dinner Saturday evening. ******************** School in Dist. 38 closed Friday for the holiday vacation. Miss Waylander returned to her home in Grove City. ******************** Herman Runsberg assisted George Erickson Monday. ******************** Little Hildah Hanson spent a few days last week at the home of her uncle, Geo. Moe in Grove City. ******************** Mrs. Barney Anderson of Minneapolis is visiting at the Hans Hendrickson home. She is on her way home from the northern part of the state where she had been visiting her brother who is very ill. ******************** The Edel Krooks entertained company Sunday afternoon. ******************** The Bende Hansons visited in Glenwood from Saturday until Sunday. They made the trip by auto. ******************** Mrs. Oscar Danielson was central for Miss Martinson Monday afternoon. ******************** Mr. and Mrs. Luther Nelson, Mr. and Mrs. Axel Johnson and John Edblom visited at H.E. Dahl's Sunday afternoon. ******************** Rosa Danielson assisted Mrs. Sander Hartz during threshing. ******************** The Pete Pehle's, Lars Christenson, Belvin Anderson, Irene and Leona Dahl visited at Pete Bisser's Sunday evening. ******************** Mr. and Mrs. John Mathison and family spent Sunday afternoon at the Ole Eidem's. ******************** Leona Thompson spent the latter part of the week with Ella Thompson in Danielson. ******************** Ole Eidem, and brother Pete Eidem of Washington who has been visiting here, are spending the week in the northern part of the state with relatives. ******************** Mrs. Sam Krook, who has been visiting with her son in Minneapolis, returned Monday afternoon. ******************** Nels Brown is the owner of a Buick six. ******************** Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Lundeen and children of Atwater spent Sunday with the Sander Hartz. ******************** Quite a few from here attended the surprise party at Alfred Anderson's in Atwater Sunday evening. ******************** Mr. and Mrs. N.P. Bisser were in Tuesday afternoon. ******************** Mr. and Mrs. W. Kammer and Florence of Grove City visited at the Henry Dahl home Sunday. ******************** Oscar Stark will have an auction sale today. ******************** Lillie Draxten, who has been staying with her uncle in Princeton for some time, returned to her home last Thursday. ******************** Mr. and Mrs. N.P. Bisser visited with Pete Pehles north of Grove City Sunday afternoon. ******************** Mrs. H.P. Hanson is suffering from a felon on her hand. :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: The following columns of community social news from Acton appeared in 1906-1916 Meeker county papers. :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: Geo. Draxten and Willie Hartz were Edel Krook's handy men during the auction sale. The sale was well attended. ******************** Even Jacobson was in town and had a load of feed ground Saturday. ******************** Ole Peterson and daughter, Hilda, of Swede Grove visited at Gunder Draxten's Saturday. ******************** The Baer Brothers' last job of threshing was at Carl Johnson's. They made for home Sunday morning. ******************** Bennie Nordstrom of Minneapolis, was a caller at E. Krook's Saturday. ******************** Pete Bisser left Monday morning for Fergus Falls where he is to be a juror in court. ******************** Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Paulson, Jr., entertained a number of friendsSaturday evening. Everybody had an enjoyable time. ******************** Willie Hartz and Oscar and Geo. Draxten spent Sunday evening at Gunder Draxten's. ******************** Bernard Stenberg, a son of Anton Stenberg, was taken home from the hospital, Sunday where he had a couple of operations. ******************** Sivert Forsberg transacted business at Grove City, Tuesday. ******************** Belvin Draxten of Cosmos, called at Sander Hartz', Tuesday. ******************** The P. Barrows entertained company, Sunday. ******************** We are all glad to hear that the Bende Hanson's are up and around again. They were suffering from pneumonia. ******************** D.N. Danielson and Emil Anderson arrived Wednesday morning from Bowman, N.D. Mrs. Ole Hartz came with them from Aberdeen, S.D., where she had been staying with her daughter Mrs. J.A. Wensberg since early in the fall. :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: The following column of community social news in Hope Lake appeared in a 1906-1916 Meeker county paper. :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: It is reported that Mrs. Carl Johnson is very ill with pneumonia. Here is wishing she will soon recover. ******************** A surprise was tendered by Walter Anderson for the Misses Nomie Kinck and Amelia Lenhard last Saturday evening. They were each presented with a pair of shirtwaist pins. Hope Walter enjoyed himself altho he did not draw the attention of the Fairview bunch as expected. ******************** Miss Minnie Bendickson is dressmaking for Ella Thompson. ******************** Mrs. Lenhard, Millie and Ernest and Nomie Hinck were in Litchfield Monday and remained in for the evening. :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: The following columns of community social news from Fair View appeared in a 1906-1916 Meeker county paper. :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: Elsie Johnson is absent from school being ill with chicken pox. Little Russell and Frances, her brother and sister, are also having it. ******************** Mr. and Mrs. Emil Nystrom and Boyd spent Saturday afternoon at J.A. Nystrom's and L. Roman's in Strout. ******************** Mr. Brown, the proprietor of the Oscar Youngstrom farm, was taken ill one day last week. Dr. W.P. Robertson of Litchfield attended him. ******************** Mrs. O.H. Halvsorson spent Sunday afternoon with Mrs. E.B. Sorness. During the afternoon they both visited at G.H. Evenson's. ******************** Alfred Samdahl visited with Louis Hovey Sunday afternoon. ******************** The infant son of Mr. and Mrs. J.C. Johnson died Thursday. The burial took place in the Ness cemetery Saturday afternoon. ******************** Miss Belinda Halvorson visited from Friday until Sunday in Grove City with her sister Mrs. J.H. Anderson and family. ******************** Hans M. Hanson went home after an indefinite stay with his brother-in-law Ed Kittelson. Several of his home folks became ill and he had to assist there. ******************** Mrs. Oline Olson and Inor Olson have been on the sick list. ******************** A son was born Tuesday to Mr. and Mrs. Henry J. Duffy. ******************** Betsy Berg was on the sick list Tuesday so she was not able to be in school. ******************** Mrs. Oline Olson and family Sundayed at G. Pederson's. ******************** Miss Esther Pearson, Miss Hannah Halvorson and Ernest Halvorson visited at C.G. Johnson's Sunday afternoon and part of the evening. ******************** Hans Hanson of Danielson is assisting his brother-in-law Ed Kittelson during the stacking of corn. ******************** Anton Nelson spent Tuesday evening at the And. W. Nelson home. ******************** Mr. and Mrs. O.H. Halvorson and Jens P. Williams and family Sundayed at J. Tuseth's. ******************** Harry Nelson took his usual trip to Grove City Sunday afternoon. :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: The following column of community social news from Danielson appeared in 1906-1916 Meeker county papers. :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: The Emelius Nelson young folks visited Saturday in Paynesville. ******************** Dr. and Mrs. Hawkinson and Mrs. C. Nelson and daughters, of Litchfield, were entertained last Sunday at Emelius Nelson's. ******************** Miss Hattie Schultz took in the teachers' convention and visited at home a few days last week. ******************** Carl Nelson, Minnie, Agnes, Ella and Nels Hanson autoed to Glenwood, Saturday, returning Sunday evening. While there they visited at the home of Wm. Nelson and family. ******************** Dagmar Peterson visited at the home of her sister, Mrs. Lundeen, last week. ******************** The Bende Hanson and Augustinson young folks and A.M. Nelson attended a social and big time in Harvey, Friday evening. ******************** Sophus Falk was seen on our roads last Thursday, hitting the high spots in a brand new Rambler. ******************** A number from here attended the dance at Theo. Carlson's in Cosmos, Saturday evening. ******************** Mads Madson went to Fair View after a load of stock, Saturday. ******************** Mr. and Mrs. A.C. Peterson and Mrs. Mortenson visited the former's daughter at Crow River, Sunday. ******************** Dr. and Mrs. Cutts, of Grove City, visited at the Garfield Cutts home Sunday. ******************** Frances Eidem and Carl Nelson visited at Carl Pehle's Saturday evening. ******************** Mrs. Carl Pehle visited a few days of last week with her sister Mrs. Pete Pehle at Grove City. ******************** Iver Olsens were entertained at A.C. Petersen Saturday evening. ******************** Mr. and Mrs. A.C. Peterson went to Crow River last Thursday to attend the funeral of the Stiff baby. Mrs. Stiff returned with them home yo stay a couple of weeks with her folks. ******************** Mr. and Mrs. Carl Lundeen visited with the A.C. Petersen's Sunday. ******************** L.M. Jensen who bought the Aug. Johnson farm moved his stock out last Wednesday and is now living there. ******************** Frances Eidem went to Litchfield Sunday to stay with her mother for some time. ******************** Agnes, Arthur and Hans Hansen and Miss Asto visited at the home of Carl Nelsen's Thursday evening. ******************** Mrs. P. Mortensen entertained a few of her neighbors at a supper party Sunday evening. ******************** Mrs. Levi Henderson returned home Saturday evening after a couple of weeks visit with her sister at Wayzata. :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: The following announcements/articles are from a 1906-1916 Meeker county papers. :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: Nels Paulson Dead Former Postmaster of Grove City Died Tuesday Morning. Held Office Sixteen Years. Nels Paulson, for sixteen years postmaster at Grove City, died Tuesday morning of this week at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Nels Shorey near that village, with whom he had resided since his retirement from the post office two years ago. Mr. Paulson was a native of Sweden and was nearly 70 years old at the time of his death. He is mourned by one daughter, Mrs. Charlebois of Manilla, Philippine Islands. The funeral was held Thursday. ******************** Death of George H. Nelson Former Danielson Resident, Died at Oslo, Minn., Friday, Februart 4, Age 39 Years George H. Nelson, son of O.K. Nelson of Danielson town, died at Oslo, Minn., Feb. 4, 1916, and was at the time of his death 39 years and six months old. Mr. Nelson was a resident of International Falls and Baudette, Minn., for a number of years, near which places he proved up a homestead. Later he went to Edmonton, Canada, where he worked at the carpenter trade. Three years ago he was united in marriage to Miss Clara Tonderum of Oslo. They made their home at Edmonton for a year when Mr. Nelson's health began to fail, so they returned and made their home in Minneapolis until his health became so poorly that it was necessary for him to stop work and go north to Oslo for a rest, and in the hopes of regaining his health. Deceased was a favorite with all who knew him by his kind disposition and good principles, always thinking of the welfare and feelings of others. He is mourned by his wife who also mourns the loss of their little son born to them about a year ago but who lived only three days. He is also survived by his aged father, five brothers and four sisters, Oliver N., California; Carl T., Anton P., and Lloyd M., all of Danielson; Daniel A., Minneapolis; Mrs. H.W. Peterson, Crow River; and Mrs. B. Anderson, Mrs. F.B. Johnson and Mrs. A.A. Nelson, all of Minneapolis. The funeral was held from the home of A. Tronderum, Mrs. Nelson's parents, with burial in the Big Woods church cemetery. ******************** Mrs. Ingeborg Anderson Acton Lady Died Tuesday at Home of Son, Mattis Anderson in That Town Mrs. Ingeborg Anderson, widow, died on Tuesday of this week at the home of her son Mattis Anderson in Acton. The funeral services will be held this afternoon at 1 o'clock at the residence and at 3 o'clock from Ness church, O.M. Norlie, former pastor of the church, will preach the funeral sermon. Mrs. Anderson was a native of Norway and was born September 14, 1844. She is survived by two daughters and one son, Mrs. C.E. Lenhard, Greenleaf town, Miss Ida Anderson and Mattis Anderson, resident in Acton town. Mr. Anderson, her husband, died two years ago. ******************** Boerner-Nelson Miss Elizabeth Boerner and Otto Nelson Were Married Thursday Afternoon Miss Elizabeth Boerner, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. F.W. Boerner, resident northeast of town, and Otto Nelson, son of Mr. and Mrs. Ole Nelson of Acton, were united in marriage Thursday at the Methodist church, Rev. Crawford Grays officiating. The bride was attended by Miss Magdaline Turck and the froom by William Boerner. The wedding ceremony was witnessed by only the immediate relatives and friends. Mr. and Mrs. Nelson left Thursday night for their home at Toston, Mont., where he has a claim. ******************** Martinson-Nelson Miss Anna O. Martinson Becomes Bride of Nels T. Nelson Wednesday Afternoon Miss Anna O. Martinson, daughter of Arnor Martinson of Cokato, and Nels T. Nelson, eldest son of Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Nelson of Acton town, were united in marriage Wednesday afternoon. Rev. J.E. Linner, pastor of the Swedish Lutheran church of this city, performed the ceremony at the residence of Mr. and Mrs. Albert R. Brown in Acton town, the latter a sister of the bride. Miss Eleanor Nelson was bridesmaid and Melvin Martinson attended the groom. Miss Mabel Brown played the Lohengrin wedding march and Mrs. N.C. Brown sand, "When Song is Sweet." The bride's gown was of ivory satin and she wore a veil caught with lilies of the valley. She carried bride's roses. Miss Nelson's dress was of blue messaline trimmed with shadow lace and fur. She carried carnations. The parlor was decorated in green and white and the dining room in pink and white. After March 1, Mr. and Mrs. Nelson will be at home on their farm in Litchfield town. ********************- Mrs. Anna Moe Mrs. Anna Moe died last week at the home of her daughter Mrs. O.I. Moe in Acton at the age of 95 years. ******************** Jacobson-Erickson Pretty Wedding Solemnized Last Week Wednesday in Arndahl church A pretty wedding was solemnized in Arndahl church on Wednesday of last week when Miss Emma Jacobson, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Jacob R. Jacobson, became the bride of Hans B. Erickson of Montana. The Misses Alice Jacobson and Idah Ostland were bridesmaids and Knute Brown and Elmer Nelson attended the groom. The wedding march was plated by Miss Mabel Brown. The bride wore a gown of crepe de chine and veil and carried a bouquet of bride's roses. The church was decorated in pale green and white. A reception followed at the home of the bride's parents. Mr. and Mrs. Erickson left for their home in Montana this week. ******************** Peterson-Halverson Arthur Halverson of This City Pincipal in Double Wedding at St. Peter Arthur Halverson of this city and Miss Emma Peterson of St. Peter, were married on Tuesday evening at 6 o'clock. The affair was a double wedding, the other bride being Miss Eda Peterson and the groom Will Carffe of Willow Creek, S.D. About fifty guests were present, all immediate relatives. The brides were dressed alike in white charmeuse entrain, with veils and lilies of the valley. There were no attendants. A three-course supper was served. Arthur is a son of Mrs. H.T. Halverson, resident west of town, amd his bride is favorably known here, having made several extended visits. Mr. and Mrs. Halverson will reside in Austin. Those from here who attended were Mrs. H.T. Halverson and son Harry Halverson, Mr. and Mrs. George Evenson and Miss Elvera Hanson. They made the trip by auto, returning Wednesday. ******************** Edquist-Madson Miss Augusta E. Edquist and Charles Madson, both resident in Acton, were married Wednesday afternoon in Atwater, in the presence of only immediate relatives. Rev. G.O. Schberg performed the ceremony. They will reside on the Nels Brown farm in Acton. ******************** Marrried at Fargo Miss Esther Thompson of Grove City and Henry Anderson of Warwick, N.D., were married at Fargo Wednesday. ******************** Sells Confectionery Edel Krook of Acton has bought the Lorenz Johnson confectionery located in the building near the Quigley feed yard and will take possession in the course of a few weeks. Mr. Johnson will continue the business in the meantime. ******************** Cosmos Young People Join in Wedlock Miss Esther Ceclia Carlson and Chas. J. Larson Were Married Wednesday A pretty wedding was solemnized at the Cosmos Swedish Lutheran church Wednesday when Miss Esther C. Carlson became the bride of Chas. J. Larson. As the bridal party entered the church, Mrs. Alf. H. Nelson played the Lohengrin wedding march. After the ribbons had been stretched the ushers Elmer Olean and Albert Carlson entered. Then followed the bridesmaids, Misses Edith Larson and Signe Carlson. Next in order was the maid of honor, Miss Hilda Carlson and the best man, Harry Larson. Little Hazel Nelson, the ring bearer, preceded the bride and groom. The ribbon girls were: Esther Magnusson, Alma and Lillie Larson, and Hulda Ruth and Laura Carlson. After the ceremony Miss Florence Abrahamson sang "O Promise Me." The color scheme thruout the church was pink and white. After the church services the bridal party and their guests repaired to the home of the bride's parents where a four course luncheon was served in a large tent profusely decorated where the guests who numbered one hundred and seventy-five were assembled. While the luncheon was being served the Star Orchestra pleased the audience with a number of splendid selections. Rev. Chelgren presided as toastmaster. Miss Etta and Lester Nelson pleased the audience with a vocal duet, "I Love You." Miss Florence Abrahamson sang a Swedish solo. Following this number John A. Carlson, uncle of the bride, gave a short talk after which Walfred Lund sang, "A Perfect Day," following this, toasts were given by Mrs. Alfred H. Nelson, Albert Lindquist, Lester Nelson and Albert Carlson. The contracting parties are among the most prominent of Cosmos young people and are general favorites among their scores of friends. Both have spent the greater part of their lives here and grew to young manhood and womanhood among us. The bride is the eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Solomon Carlson of Danielson. She has been active in social and church circles and his highly regarded by all to whom she is known. She completed a course at Gustavus Adolphus college and since then has successfully taught several terms of school. The groom who is the eldest son of Mr. and Mrs. Pete Larson, is highly respected by everybody. For a number of years he has been filling a position as mail carrier, a year ago he purchased the Cosmos store where he has built up a lucrative mercantile business. After spending a few days in camp at Diamond Lake, the happy pair will be at home to their many friends in Cosmos. The guests from away were: Mrs. S.J. Magnusson, St. Peter; Miss Florence Abrahamson, Buffalo Lake; Miss Esther Berg, Stockholm, S.D.; Miss Ester Magnusson and the Misses Hannah and Olga Olson of Carthage, S.D; Miss Olean and Elmer Olean, Annandale; Miss Lillie Linde, Swea City, Iowa; Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Lundgren, Atwater; Miss Mabel Ryden, Grove City; Hilda and Alfred Carlson, Minneapolis and Master Clarence Anderson and Albert Carlson of Swea City, Iowa. ******************** Roberg-Ness Wedding Wednesday Pretty Ceremony Performed at One O'clock at Ness Church. Reception Later. Miss Louise Roberg, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Lars Roberg, and Oscar P. Ness, son of Mr. and Mrs. Marion O. Ness, were married Wednesday afternoon at one o'clock in the Ness church, Rev. O.M. Norlie officiating. Miss Belinda Halvorson played the organ and Miss Olga Halvorson sang "Love's Old Sweet Song." The ushers were Arthur Hanson and Bennie Johnson. The bridal party consisted of bridesmaids Miss Laura Ness and Miss Clara Grimstad, who wore gowns of white crepe de chine and corsage bouquets of white carnations. The attendants were Betel Fisthamar and Lewis Grimstad. Melvin Ness of Minneapolis, brother of the groom, acted as best man and Miss Stella Roberg, sister of the bride, was maid of honor. The maid of honor wore a gown of white crepe de chine and a corsage of pink sweet peas. Little Genevieve Campbell and Margurite Johnson were the flower girls. They wore simple little dresses of white voile and carried baskets of white and red peonies. The bride wore a gown of georgette crepe over ivory satin. The bodice was of lace tastily trimmed with pearls. He tulle veil, arranged in cape effect, was caught with lilies of the valley. She held a shower bouquet of white bride roses. A largely attended reception followed the ceremony at the home of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Lars Roberg, where two long tables placed under a canopy were tastily decorated with baskets of red and white flowers and covers were laid for two-hundred. The guests from away were Mr L. Knutson and the Misses Esther and Louise Knutson, LaCrosse, Wis.; Mr. and Mrs. Bly and Melvin Ness, Minneapolis and Betel Fisthamar, Madison, Wis. ******************** Peterson-Sorby Wedding Saturday Ceremony Performed at Arndahl church in Presence of Relatives and Friends. A very pretty wedding took place in Arndahl church on Saturday last, June 26, when Miss Bertha Peterson and Peter Sorby were married. Before the arrival of the wedding party, Beatrice Sorby, sister of the groom, and Florence Nelson sang, "Beauty's Eyes,' and during the ceremony they sang "I Love You Truly." The Lohengrin wedding march, played by Mrs. Alfred Nelson, annouced the arrival of the wedding party. Irene and Nora Peterson, sisters of the bride, Rhoda Nelson and Alice Nelson were the little garland bearers who stretched ropes of pink and white ribbons and roses to form an aisle through which the wedding party passed, led by Rudolph Olson and Fred Holmgren, ushers. Peter Peterson, brother of the bride, was groomsman, Miss Constance Nelson, cousin of the groom, was bridesmaid and Miss Johanna Peterson, sister of the bride, was maid of honor. Little Edith Sorby, sister of the groom was ring bearer and flower girl. The bride was attended by her maid of honor and met the groom and his brother, his best man, at the altar where Rev. O.M. Norlie performed the ring ceremony. A color scheme of pink and white was carried out most effectively. The bride's dress was of white satin draped with silk chiffon with yolk and sleeves of embroidered organdy. Her full length veil was made in cap effect and fastened with lilies of the valley. She carried a shower bouquet of pink and white roses, pink and white carnations and ferns. Her two attendants were gowned in pink silk crepe de chine and carried white carnations. The flower girl carried sweet peas. The profusion of flowers was furnished by the Peterson Greenhouse at Escanaba, Mich., the Petersons being aunt and uncle to the groom. After the ceremony the guests were served with a four-course luncheon at the home of the bride's parents in Danielson town. The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Elof Peterson and has hosts of friends whose good wishes will follow her. The groom is a contractor and building and has recently located to Atwater, where Mr. and Mrs. Sorby will make their home, and where they will be at home to their friends after July 20. ******************** Hovey-Hanson Quiet Wedding Performed at Swedish Lutheran Parsonage Wednesday A quiet but very pretty wedding was solemnized at the Sewdish Lutheran parsonage on Wednesday afternoon, when Miss Selma Hovey became the bride of Harry Hanson of Verona, N.D. The ceremony was performed by Rev. Linner, and Mrs. Linner played the wedding march. The groom was attended by Messrs. Louis and Harris Hovey, brothers of the bride. Miss Esther Thompson, who was maid of honor, wore a dress of yellow crepe meteor and carried white carnations. Miss Ida Erland was bridesmaid and wore an alice blue messaline dress. She also carried white carnations. The bride was gowned in a beautiful dress of ivory satin and carried an arm bouquet of bride's roses. Her veil was fastened with lilies of the valley. The bride is a popular young lady of Action, who has won a host of friends, who wish her and her helpmate a happy married life. The groom has a farm home in North Dakota where they will make their home in the near future. The happy couple left on the afternoon train for a short visit in the twin cities. ******************** Mrs. Hans Nelson Resident of Litchfield for Nearly Forty Years Died Early Saturday Mrs. Hans Nelson died early Saturday morning of last week from a complication of ailments after a long illness, which dated from the death of her son Frank Nelson. The funeral services were held Monday afternoon from the Swedish Methodist church and were conducted by Rev. A.G. Beck, pastor of that church. Mrs. Nelson was born in Sweden October 29, 1952. She came to Litchfield with her family thirty-nine years ago and in this city continued her home till death removed here. She is survived by the husband and the following children: Otto, Peter Nelson and Mrs. Soderstrom, Minneapolis, and Racie Nelson and Chas. Nelson, New Richmond, Wis. All of the children were here for the funeral. ******************** Cosmos Young Lady Died Late Sunday Miss Ethel Gunderson Passed Away Sunday After Illness of Two Months Miss Ethel Lillian Gunderson, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Gunderson of the town of Cosmos, died late Sunday afternoon at the Litchfield hospital from pneumonia and complications. Miss Gunderson was taken ill in November. Not making a satisfactory recovery she was brought to the Litchfield hospital just before the holidays, a month later. She was an inmate of that institution for four weeks. Miss Gunderson was born in this state, November 1, 1892. She was a bright young woman and ambitious. She received a good common school education, graduated from the Hector high school and later became one of the most popular teachers in the south part of Meeker county. Miss Gunderson was teaching when her illness overtook her. The survivors are the parents, Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Gunderson, and the following brothers and sisters, Miss Mabel Gunderson, Montana; Alvin, Reuven, Lester, Emerald and Eleanor Gunderson, all resident at home. The funeral services were held yesterday with short services at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Frank T. Nelson of this city at 10:00 a.m., and at 1:00 p.m. in Arndahl Norwegian Lutheran church. Interment was in the cemetery adjoining. :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: The following column of social news from Square Corner appeared in a 1906-1916 Meeker county paper. :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: The following were entertained at the Matt Anderson home on Christmas day: Mrs. C.E. Lenhard amd Amelia, Ernest and Ethel; Miss Naomi Hinck; Miss Anna Lindberg; Peter Lindberg; Ira and Onie Edgecomb. ******************** Mrs. Clausen has been quite poorly lately. She is 87 years of age. ******************** Mr. and Mrs. K.C. Knutson and Victor Danielson were entertained at P.K. Larson's lat Saturday evening. Nels Danielson is visiting with his parents during Chiristmas. He teaches school at Pennock. ******************** Mr. and Mrs. Theodore Lien entertained company last Sunday. ******************** Student Knutson of Minneapolis preached at Arndahl last Sunday. ******************** Victor Danielson visited with his brother Herman, in Beckville, last Sunday. ******************** Alex Kunze arrived here Friday from Montana for a visit with friends and relatives. Mr. Kunze is an old aquaintance here and we are glad to see him again. ******************** Miss Elsie Johnson visited from Sunday till Monday with Nora Nelson. ******************** Miss Ida Anderson spent Monday afternoon with Anna Lindberg. ******************** Tosten Olson, Ira, Onie and Miss Lela Edgecomb were pleasant callers at L.P. Lindberg's last Sunday. ******************** Mattis Anderson was in Rosendale last Monday. ******************** Frank Anderson was laid up with the grip last week. ******************** Ira and Onie Edgecomb and Otto Lindberg were out hunting Monday afternoon. They had good luck. ******************** Mrs. P.K. Larson is sick with the grip. ******************** John Edgecomb, who now occupies the Nels Fredrickson farm, has rented the Mrs. Paulson farm near Grove City which is now occupied by Sigrid Bjornstad. ******************** Miss Elizabeth Hanson and brother Pete were entertained at L.P. Lindberg's last Monday evening. ******************** Misses Anna Lindberg and Ida Anderson spent Tuesday afternoon with Mrs. K.C. Knutson. ******************** Mrs. C.E. Lenhard and Miss Naomi Hinck spent Monday and Tuesday in Litchfield. ******************** Mattis Anderson and Geo. Nelson were training colts last Tuesday. ******************** John Hildebrandt has arrived from Breckenridge for a visit with friends here. ******************** Albert Jordin of Cosmos has rented the Tosten Olson farm. G.A. Anderson, the present renter, will have a sale in February. ******************** Miss Susie Hatch, teacher in our school, has gone to Henderson to spend her Christmas vacation. ******************** Miss Lela Edgecomb has returned from Atwater where she spent a few days with her sister. ******************** Miss Inga Hinck and Miss Naomi went to Minneapolis, Wednesday, for an extended visit. ********************