1880 Steele County, Minnesota Federal Census Microfilm Images Reel Number T9-635 D - G = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = These files contain all of the readable names as extracted from the microfilmed 1880 Federal Census page images for Steele County, Minnesota. The official date of the census was June 1, 1880. In addition to the SURNAME, Census Page, First Name and Age, I have added the Soundex code corresponding to each SURNAME. The "Enumeration District" Table, below, allows you to associate a census page with a township, city or village. These files represent my best efforts at interpreting the text from the images. Others reviewing the images will interpret the text differently. The microfilm images are often of low quality. The census taker's penmanship is sometimes very poor. Time was not kind to the written text: the ink was absorbed by the paper yielding a 'fat squiggle' instead of written text and many images indicate paper discoloration (darkening) making the writing often difficult to read. The Clinton Falls Township pages are severely degraded due to darkening and are essentially unreadable. The SURNAMES are ordered alphabetically. I have chosen to use a "family friendly" format that preserves much of the family information from the census listings. If you don't find the person(s) you seek, be very creative with alternate spellings and possible misspellings. The spelling of the census takers was often "creative". They generally spelled the names "as they heard them" (i.e., phonetically). Some of the census takers also had the (bad) habit of using initials instead of names. Reading the images was sometimes difficult but especially so when poor penmanship is combined with strings of "m", "n", "u", "w", "e", "i", "r", "s", etc. letters. A special "problem" that I found in the 1880 census images is the use of 'old style' written scripts especially for the letters "s", "f" and "ss". I have chosen to NOT change the 'appearance' of the name - for example the name "Agnes" appears to be "Agnef" in terms of our modern scripting and so I used "Agnef" as the first name. I made few attempts to correct 'obvious' spelling mistakes. Occasionally I made an "educated guess" about a name. In other cases I "flagged" names as partially unreadable. In a few instances the SURNAME was entirely unreadable. = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Census Enumeration Districts, Steele County, 1880 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Census Pages Enumeration District Population ---- ---- ------------------------- ---- 1 - 8 Merton Township 756 9 - 18 Havana Township 851 19 - 26 Aurora Township 600 27 - 32 Blooming Prairie Township 562 33 - 36 Blooming Prairie Village 338 37 - 44 Medford Township 761 45 - 53 Clinton Falls Township 503 (a) 54 - 61 Owatonna Township 584 62 - 93 Owatanna City 3161 94 - 102 Somerset Township 811 (b) 103 - 108 Summit Township 536 (c) 109 - 122 Deerfield Township 858 (d) 123 - 131 Meriden Township 809 132 - 138 Lemond Township 649 139 - 147 Berlin Township 683 (e) ----- Total 12262 (a) The CLINTON FALLS Twp. pages are all badly degraded. For practical purposes, they are unreadable! In a few instances I was able to 'logically deduce' a surname based on readable fragments along with other available records. These names are flagged with the percent (%) symbol. (b) One page in the Somerset Twp. group is not sequenced properly. I corrected this to preserve family grouping. (c) Several pages of Summit Twp. data are unavailable. The population total shown includes these "missing" persons. Up to 35 families and 200 persons are involved. (d) A number of pages in the Deerfield Twp. group are incorrectly sequenced. Caution is required to avoid "breaking up" family groups. I corrected for this in these listings. (e) The last page of this census, containing Town of Berlin data, is grouped with the images for Traverse Co., MN. = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Explanation and Samples of Special Notations. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - SURNAME, Soundex Page Name(s) & Age(s) -------------------- ---- ------------------------------------------- F*any, F000 12A ...Chase(?) 12 Fis~er, F200 96B Vincencs 41, ... F?rerson, F662 128B John 19 Zimmerman, Z565 51B ..., Eda - Gilbertson, G416 135B (none) (--) Farnsworth(?), F652 142B Albert 31, ... Larkey%, L620 48B Christ* 44, ... Baldman, B435 46B (M) * Carter, C636 50B ..., (F) 36, ... Zeipa, Z100 83A ..., Cecelia m10 * indicates multiple letters as unreadable ~ indicates one letter as unreadable ? indicates that the previous letter is uncertain - or -- indicates no entry in that column (?) indicates an 'educated' guess % CLINTON FALLS Township only, Name is an "educated guess" (F) indicates an unreadable Female name (M) indicates an unreadable Male name m# indicates an age in months d# indicates an age in days = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Explanation and Samples of the "Family Friendly" format. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - The format used in this listing is "family friendly". The hope is to preserve to some extent the family groupings as listed in the census data. Each "new" family or surname is indicated by a new entry in the "Surname" field. That person defined as "Head" of the household is listed first. Others qualify as family and will be listed on the same or next line(s) if: 1. they have the same surname 2. they are listed on the same census page 3. they are listed as wife, son, daughter, etc. These rules do not work for in-laws, married daughters, step or adopted children etc. You need to examine the census images for this information. Samples from this data: SURNAME, Soundex Page Name(s) & Age(s) -------------------- ---- ------------------------------------------- Larson, L625 72B Mary 16 Lewis, L200 66B Rachel 58, Ella 22, Jacob 20, Milton 16, Martin 30, Mary 20 Larson, L625 136B Hans 59, Gunnel 44, Larse 24, Hattie 16, Mindy 13, Matilda 10, Henry 6, Laura 3?, Josie m10, Mary 29 Johnson, J525 11A Leow 50, Emma 56, John 20, Betsy 17, Julia 13, Emma 11, Carrie 9, Nelson 6 Johnson, J525 11B Anna m6 Kannwisten, K523 98B Gallif* 29, Augusta 38 Kannwisten, K523 100A Augusta 15, Martha 9, Alvine 6, Ida 3 The first 'Larson' entry shows 1 person. This suggests a person living alone, living with others not sharing the same surname (aunt, uncle, nephew, niece, parents, grandparents, etc.), a roomer or boarder or lodger in another household, a servant, a hired person, an orphan or ward of the state etc. The 'Lewis' family suggests a one parent family. The head of this family is most probably a widow or widower. The second 'Larson' entry suggests a traditional family - two parents plus children. The page width limitation of 70 columns requires multiple lines to list all family members. Since all family members are listed on a single census page, the SURNAME, Soundex and Page entries are omitted. The 'Johnson' entries indicate a family where members are listed on multiple census pages (in this case the "A" and "B" sides of the page.) The SURNAME, Soundex and Page entries are added in here. The "Kannwisten" entries reveal a similar situation. The members of this family are listed on nonconsecutive pages. (A sequencing error occurred when the pages were numbered or microfilmed.) Another clue that the last two examples represent a family 'split-up' on the census pages is the ages of the persons. It is unlikely that a household consists of persons aged 3 - 15 years or of only a 6 month old. = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = - - - - Notes - - - - 1. The SURNAME "Sister" is utilized to identify the Sisters at the Sacred Heart Convent. 2. The Soundex Index: This code number is intended to assist you in finding SURNAMES that sound alike. One flaw with this code is that it is based on "English" phonics - so it may work poorly for French or Native American etc. names. Another problem occurs for those with "prefixed" names (other than Mc- and Mac-) because these names are sometimes coded with and sometimes without the prefix. 3. For those names flagged as only partially readable, an attempt to determine a possible Soundex Index was made. The zero "0" is used to "pad" the index to its proper length. 4. 115 is the age of oldest person listed. 1 day is the age of the youngest person listed. 5. About 385 persons have been omitted from these listings because of missing pages and at least 37 SURNAMES lacking a readable first letter. 61 First Names are entirely unreadable. A number of names are flagged as partially readable. 6. The listing of "Landowners of Record" for Steele County in 1879 is available. Information from this may be useful in finding the information missing from lost and unreadable pages from the 1880 census. 7. A summary of the information contained in the 1880 Federal Census Records (images) is contained in a separate file. John Haberman March, August, December 2001 & March 2002 = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = SURNAME, Soundex Page Name(s) & Age(s) -------------------- ---- ------------------------------------------- Daby, D100 78B Wilson 58, Sophia 56, Sallie 20, Abraham 16 Dagner, D256 56B Gotlip 43, Sophia 30, Louisa 12, Emma 10, Ernest 8, Louie 5, Eddie 3, Berthie 2, Julia 69 Dahli, D400 76B Eelen 17 Daily, D400 65A Marvin 59, Mary 56, Maggie 17, Augusta 57 Daily, D400 71B Chas 21 Dalgl~ish, D424 103A James 18 Dalgliesh, D424 18B Walter 49, Mary 53 Dall, D400 146A Charles 12, Asel 9 Dalliger, D426 34B Andrew 24 Daniels, D542 38B George 35, Chloe 27, George 7, Mattie 6, Earle 5, Frank 4, Willie 2, Alice m6 Daniels, D542 4B Frank 20 Daniels, D542 7A Laura 53 Danton, D535 30A Henry 40, Emma 32, Bertha 6, Jenie 3, Mary m10 Darby, D610 62A Benj. 32, Annie 30, George 5, Harry 3, Wm m3 Darmody, D653 107B Edward 34, Mary 27, Bridget 11, Kate 9, Ellen 7, Michal 5, Thomas 3, Edward 1 Dartt, D630 37B Henry 22 Dartt, D630 70B Edward 55, Carrie 38, Laura 16, Harvey 13, Rolland 2 Dartt, D630 82B Walter 21 Datz, D320 125B Rudolf 35, Amelia 30, Otto 5 Davidson, D132 3B Robert 39, Hellen 29, Clarance 7, Lillian 3, Florance 3 Davidson, D132 56B Robert 55 Davidson, D132 81A Wm 51, Ellen 50, Isabella 17, Mary 16, Robt 24, Wm 21 Davis, D120 113B James 32, Lorinda 37, Francis 7 Davis, D120 129B Robt 46, Mary 30, John 8, Christopher 5, Emma 3, Willie m11 Davis, D120 130A William 50, Eliza 61, Sarah 23, Wm 19, Fanny 17 Davis, D120 34A Dora 22 Davis, D120 3B Emma 27 Davis, D120 79B Frank 62, Mary 62, Emma 26 Davison, D125 44A Christian 35, Julia 30, Christian 1 Davison, D125 56B Phebe 43, Lenallen 18, Eva Jane 14, Mary 12 Dawson, D250 91B Chas 33, Emily 32, Danill 8, Chas 6, Richard 4, Agnes 2, Wm m4 Day, D000 132B W.W. 40, Olive 42, Linnie 14, William 10 Day, D000 23B Ida 12 Day, D000 40B James 34, Susan 28, Carrie 7, Henry m2 De~my, D000 124A M.L. 54, Catherinn 52, Edmn 21, John 18, James 14, Willie 11 Deal, D400 118A John 61, Emma 52 Deal, D400 118A Sarah 18, Dora 14 Dean, D500 129A Jacob 36, Louise 23, William 4, Elvina 2 Dean, D500 66B Jas 56, Henrietta 54 Dean, D500 90B Mary 31, Miranda 73 Debing, D152 18A Adolph 8, Ida 6, Leonard m3 December, D251 62B Franz 67 Deeg, D200 72B Martin 17 Deeg, D200 88A Jno 33, Mina 23, Lina 3, Lenhard 1, Baby(M) d21 Deeg, D200 89A Christ 21 Deering, D652 89A Maggie 17 Deering, D652 89A Franki 37 Deets, D320 58B Joseph 58, Grace 54, Peter 29, Joseph Jr. 23, George 21, Anna 19, August 16, Frank 14 Degner, D256 97A Earnest 42, Mary 30, Mary 19, Albert 8, Augusta 6, Earnest 3 Dehult, D430 51B Domnic 42, Matilda 38, Matilda 9, Annie 7, Emma 5, Frances 3, Amelia 2, Josephine m8 Deininger, D552 73B Rob't 30, Marie 22, Maggie 3, Emelia 1 Denalfe, D541 65A Chas 42, Henrietta 42, Anna 15, Jennie 12 Denalfe, D541 65B Fannie 2 Denerlich, D564 96A Anton 24 Dennerline, D564 81B John 45, Anna 49, George 19, Mary 17, Sarah 14, Elisa 12 Dennis, D520 71B Alexander 39 Derdall, D634 6A Joe 18 Deremer, D656 40B James 63, Louisa 56 Desmady, D253 31A Tom 41 Deutschman, D325 86A Fred 55, Susanna 31, Lillie m8, Emma 22 Dibble, D140 56A Albert 18 Dickey, D200 69A Jennie 34 Dickey, D200 82A Andrew 22 Didlesen, D342 28A L.C. 29, Mary 23, Christen 4, Anna 1 Diederick, D362 126B Susan 19 Dies, D200 29B Allen 57, Alice 53, Lucy 27, Authus 17, Lewis 15, Elmer 11 Dietts, D320 2A David 57, Martha 47 Dillingham, D452 40A Vernon 28, Alice 26, Grace 2 Dillon, D450 90A Chas 15, Jno 10 Diment, D553 93A Jos 30, Olive 25, Morton 2 Dimurick, D562 38B George 55, Martha 51, Homer 18, Myron 16, Luther 14, Julietta 9 Diniges, D522 90A Chas 62, Minna 54, Lina 20, Mina 18 Dinnin, D550 49A Dennis 61, Bridget 55, John 19, Mary 17, Ann 14 Diveish, D120 107B John 22 Dodge, D320 40B Albert 45, Martha 38 Dohmeyer, D560 89A George 24 Dolgnar, D425 137A August 34, Mary 30, Mary 14, Henry 11 Dolgner, D425 130B Christ'n 54, Elizebeth 36, Katie 20, Chas 19, August 16, Edward 10 Dolyner, D456 123A Wm 24, Louise 60, Louisa 22, Emilie 7 Donaldson, D543 63A Edward 35, Oriana 28, Catherin 8, John 3 Donaldson, D543 65B John 64, Catherin 55 Donaldson, D543 68B Emily 46, Mary 14, Elizabth 11 Donnally, D540 89A Andy 50 Doolittle, D434 63B Geo 33, Maria 33, Henry 10 Doolittle, D434 70B Jos 45, Susan 34, Eva May 12, Guy 5, Francis 75, Lucy 50 Doosdall, D234 98B August 55, Agusta 27 Dopping, D152 85A Martha 26, Edward 7, Ida 6, Wm 3 Dorman, D655 4B David 44, Eliza 35, Robert 12, Alice 10, Maggie 8, Joseph 3 Dorman, D655 5A Lillian 3, Benjaman m2 Dougherty, D263 82A John 83 Douglas, D242 40A Fernando 50, Abigail 48, Ida 22, Nettie 20, Earl 17 Downie, D500 66A Simon 30, Etta 30, Elizabeth 70 Downie, D500 84B Edward 27, Ida 27, Mildred m4 Downie, D500 86A Andrew 35, Catharnie 30, Lizzie 8 Drake, D620 39A Edwin 74 Drake, D620 39B Richard 37 Drebert, D616 90A Francis 48, Mary 41, Clara 18, Oliver 16, Alexander 14, Mary 12, Ellen 9, Isabell 7 Dreis, D620 91A Jos 22, John 25 Drew, D600 21A R.H. 45, Elmira 35, Harriet 7 Drinking, D652 125B H.C. 27, Amelia 25, George 3, Matilda 2 Drinking, D652 125B Henry 31, Minnie 26, Ida 6, Anna 1, John 62, Henry 73 Drought, D623 84B Henry 47, Mary 38, Warren 18, Florence 15, Edith 13, Mabel 11, Ralph 9 Drugen, D625 67B Francis 57, Mary 55, Theresa 25, Agnes 16 Drupke, D612 77B Paulina 22 Drupke, D612 81B Helena 44 Dubois, D120 9B Jas 44, Hariett 29, Lawrence 5 Duffy, D100 128B Patrick 54 Dugen, D250 27A Denis 75, Mary 52, Thomas 26, James 24, Michel 20, Johanna 19, Katy 14 Duncan, D525 76A Jas 29 Dunigan, D525 144A Patrick 66, Margeret 49, John 26, Hanah 24, Michal 22, Cattarina 18, Margeret 16, Thomas 11 Dunker, D526 14A John 60, Heny 25, Fred 21, Mary 17, Almond 11, August 8 Dunker, D526 17B Harmon 53, Metta 37, John 11, Rabecca 4, Hellen 1 Dunnell, D540 93B Mark 56, Sarah 46, Warren 29, Fannie 22, Mark 15 Dunwiddn, D535 49A William 46 Durfey, D610 77A Josephine 40, Susan 17, George 9 Durfy, D610 62A Lena 16 Durgin, D625 40A Elijah 54, Maggie 42, Orville 10, Elwin 7, Charles 3, Marcia 79 Durham, D650 124B John 23 Durham, D650 63B Mary 45 Durham, D650 63B Eddie 4 Duroe(?), D600 82A Mary 81 Durrell, D640 62A Julia 58 Duscheck, D220 85B Mary 16 Dusek, D220 121B Minna 2 Dusek, D220 121B Lorance 38, Josephine 36, Mary 11, Frantiska 9, Josephine 7, Joseph 5, Frank 3, Vincene m3 Dusek, D220 17A John 40, Barbara 40, Peter 14, John 9, Anna 4 Dustal, D234 55B Frank 52, Mary 53 Dustal, D234 55B Mary 14 Dutton, D350 28B Frank 22 Dutton, D350 34A N.L. 50, Mary 49, Will 13, Sarah 12, Hattie 9 Dutton, D350 37B Charles 42, Laura 29, Alice 7, Florence 4 Dutton, D350 39B Allen 84 Dwinell, D540 62A Nathan 46, Susan 42 Dynes, D520 69A Wm 36, Abigail 33, Willis 11, Ina 2 Eaesback, E212 33B Frank 22 Eaeshert, E263 33B J.P. 30 Ealer, E460 15A Henry 22 Early, E640 79A Chas 35, Jalia 32, George 3, B. Mary 1, Catharine 68 Easler, E246 11B George 20 Eastman, E235 42A Daniel 54, Hannah 50, Orient 19, George 12, Edward 8 Eastman, E235 52A Oren 52, Silva 40, Renl 24, Sydia 15, Vinal 18, Robert 12, Ambrose 9 Eastman, E235 88A J.O. 34, Hannah 27, Elisabeth 8, Mabel 1 Easton, E235 63A Elisha 66, Chancy 39, Leora 32, Ella 29, Lizzie 22 Easton, E235 93A Ellen 31 Eaton, E350 6A Walace 23 Ebeling, E145 129B Michael 43, Anna 38, George 14, John 12, Powell 8, Mike 3, Mary 1 Eckes, E220 35A Ole 28, Rosalind 22, Ernest m1 Edlin(?), E345 99B Charles 21 Ednington, E355 99B Izebell 17 Edson, E325 22A J.L. 66, Elizabeth 53 Edwardson, E363 26A Nels 45, Anne 35, Edward 7, Anna 4 Edwinyton, E353 83B Lornida 19 Edwordson, E363 19B James 37, Anna 33, Edward 13, Barbary 11, Hans 9, Julsous 6, Nels 4, Jermel 2 Eelis, E420 71B Jas Cady 40, Catharine 36, Katie 12, Jessie 10, Benj 8, Harriet 68 Egan, E250 3A Michael 47, Margaret 38, John 17, William 13, Mary 7, Edward 5, Michael 2, Maggie 1 Eggleston, E242 6A William 36, Lucinda 28, Gertie 9, Ella 8, Daisy 2 Egleston, E242 131A Anna 91, Anna 47 Egnac, E252 55B Tataras 45 Eicholsen, E242 112A Godfred 27, Elisabeth 24, Emma 2 Eicholser, E242 112A Godfred 31, Elsabeth 24, Emma 2 Einfelt, E514 45B Christinn 44 Eisert, E263 117A Charles 61, Roseanna 55, Rudolph 17, Emma 18, Helen 15 Eisert, E263 117A Charles 36, Mary 26, Henry 9, Albert 7, Charles 5, Lewis 3 Electa, E423 101B Bills 71 Elias, E420 121B Peter 26, Sarah 28, Elias m11 Elickson, E425 135A Ellick 45, Mary 44, Earnest 7, Hattie 5, Josephene 2 Elison, E425 80B Jos 55, Elisa 52, Edward 23, Emelia 21 Ellemann, E455 10A Julius 32, Carrie 24, Christian 4, Ettie 3, Martya 1 Ellenson, E452 51B Conrad 58, Elizabeth 46, John 16, Margaret 14, Conrad Jr. 13, Jo* 11, Elizabeth 9 Ellermann, E465 9B Mary 44, Albert 10, Owego 6 Ellingrson, E452 110B Ella 21 Ellingson, E452 143B Elling 49, Anna 36, John 16, Mary 14, Ellin 12, Anna 8, Martian 6, Peter 4, Errick 2, Bertha m6 Ellington, E452 113B Herbram 56, Gertrude 40, Elmar 20, Erving 15, Christian 13, Henry 11, Minnie 7, Gertie 4, Oliver 1 Ellington, E452 34B Lewis 31, Jane 32 Elliott, E430 104A William 50, Agnes 28, Charles 1 Elliott, E430 39B George 31, Hester 33, Evaretta 9, Amy ?8 Ellis, E420 10B Wm 60, Sophia 62 Ellis, E420 10B Wm 29, Betsy 21, Chrissa 5, Sophia 3, Fanne 1 Ellis, E420 124A Sam'l 53, Mary 53, Minnie 16 Ellis, E420 141B Alf*s 22 Ellis, E420 143A Willann 32, Anna 27, Roas 7, Parl 5, Bennie 3, Vena 1, Edwen 18 Ellis, E420 23A Charles 55, Sarah 55, Martha 12, Blancha 15, Elnner 18 Ellis, E420 23B Charls 30, Madora 23, Guy 3 Ellis, E420 33A Joe 25, Lizie 26 Ellis, E420 39B Byron 7, Lillie May 5 Ellis, E420 57B J.Q. 55, Rubama 48, Frank 19, Cyrus 18, George 9 Ells, E420 40B Lewis 44, Mary 37, Herbert 16, Frederick 14, Eugene 12, Walter 10, Hattie 8, Lena 3 Ells, E420 42A Henry 48, George 18, Elfie 13, Ida 9 Elton, E435 76A Ole 38, Lena 31, Agnes 15, Olaf 14, Andrew 12, Carrie 4 Ely, E400 84A E.D. 32 Embery, E516 43B Charles 67, Hannah 70, Catharine 40, Edwin 25 Emckson, E525 21B Anna 37, Knut 21, Edward 11, Mary 9 Engel, E524 85A Barbara 43, Wm 22, Joseph 13, Maggie 11 Engleking, E524 21B Eornest 43, Cathrine 29, Charles 14, Albert 12, Louesa 11, Rudolph 4, John 9, Louis 7, Edward 2 Engleking, E524 22A Emma 15, Chs 15 Enney, E500 16A Joseph 46, Candace 36 Enosthac, E523 95A Fisher 60, Mary 54 Erasmass, E625 59A Fred 19 Erdman, E635 15A Andrew 43, Anna 38, William 16, Charles 15, Edward 9, Andrew 5, Caroline 3, Mary m11 Erickson, E625 123B Louis 50, Johanna 36, Peter 17, Anna 11, Eddie 8, Erasumos 6, Tesia 4, Louise 2, Olena m3 Erickson, E625 3B John 26, Cegra 50, Lewis 23 Erickson, E625 4A Ole 33, Anna 21, Garrena 1 Erickson, E625 80B Hans 28 Erlandson, E645 3A Ole 32, Caroline 24, Bertena 3, Edward 1 Erno, E650 27A Jos 39, Ellen 26, Mary 7 Erno, E650 27B Freddie 4, Joseph 3, Frank m2 Eroshek, E622 57A Wenzel Jr. 38, Mary 31, Wenzel 10, Joseph 8, Mary 6, Frank 4, Anna 2, Josephine m9 Eroshek, E622 57A Wenzel St. 67, Anna 51 Erowell, E640 76B Wm 24 Errickson, E625 20A Borger 37, Bertha 36, Edward 8, Canen 5, Ludwig 3, Anna m7 Erskin, E625 66B Manul 30, Charlotte 26, Lotta 3, Fanny 31, Ada 23, Ernest 16, Murry 13, David 60 Erskine, E625 123B Ernest 17 Erving, E615 58B William 47, Mary 37, John 7, Daniel 6, William 4, Edwin 1, John 81 Erwin, E650 42B James 49, Emily 43 Escra, E260 55B Joseph 36, Anna 34, John 7, Jo~eph 4, Anna 1, Katerina 69 Eselick, E242 10A John 19 Eucenaer, E256 127A George 51, Fredk'a 36, Wm 15, Chas 14, Mary 13, Herman 11, George 9 Eunkan, E525 111B Ellen 18 Eurs, E620 60A Charles 23 Eustrom, E236 34B Emma 24 Euzrnaner, E265 82A Louisa 17 Everetts, E163 10A Dora 19 Everson, E162 145B Peter 60, Margerett 58, Emma 20, Ole 16 Ewer, E600 54B S.J. 25, Clarifsa 21, Jennie 4, Ebert 1 Ewer, E600 9B Nancy 49, Charles 26, Francis 24, Mary 14, Nellie 11, Seth 9, Geo 6 F*any, F000 12A Dewrk 58, Lydia 52, Chase(?) 12 F?rerson, F662 128B John 19 Fagan, F250 133A Thamas 22 Fagan, F250 25B Peter 47, Jennie 32, Ann 18, Mary 10, Cathrime 8, Nellie 6 Fagan, F250 69A Mary 19 Fairmgton, F652 33B Wm 23, Addie 17 Faith, F300 136B Wm 24 Fallon, F450 31B M. 44, Martha Jane 42, Joseph 12, Ella 9, Stephen 7, Grace 2 Fallon, F450 31B Pat 46, Bridget 46, Mary Ann 21, Elizabeth 18, Jane 14, George 11, Frank 8, Maggie 6 Fallon, F450 35B A. 75 Faltysck, F432 16A Joseph 26, Anna 22, Joseph 3, Frank m7, Fransisca 50 Faltzsak, F432 59B Joseph 60 Fanger, F526 10B John 16 Farmer, F656 64A Sam 42, Fannie 18 Farmer, F656 64A DeEstng(?) 37, Jane 28, Clyde 4 Farmer, F656 64B Geo 46, Emma 49, Cornelia 19, Frank 21, Edwin 17, Samuel 16, Elizabeth 10, George 4 Farnsworth, F652 78B Horace 30, Ardelia 24, Frank 4, Rosanna 63 Farnsworth, F652 92B Alfred 52, Joanne 38, Jessy 11 Farnsworth(?), F652 142B Albert 31, Ada 26, Maude 5, Myrtie 2 Farnum, F655 113B Asa 24 Farrar, F660 14B Lillian 12 Farrel, F640 30A Jone 20 Farrell, F640 90B Maggie 18 Farrer, F660 39B Almon 40 Farrington, F652 36A Tabn 26, Emma 20, Chas 4, George 2 Farrington, F652 68A Seri*(M) 80, Mary 79 Faso, F200 129B Henry 40, Sophia 38, Henry 9, William 8, Aloena 4 Fedder, F360 85A Theodore 33, Eva 34 Fedder, F360 85B Matilda 13, Albert 11, Theodore 9, Theresa 7, Katie 6, Ludwig 3, Dora 2 Feely, F400 76B Dennis 25 Feeney, F500 30A Patrick 53, Thomas 24, Mary 19, John 17, Helen 16, James 14, Catharnie 13, Emma 8 Feeney, F500 35B Thomas 46, Maria 41, Edward 14, Eliza Jane 12, Frances 10, Isabell 3, Helena 1 Feeny(?), F500 33A Will 22 Femer, F560 116B William 39, Amelia 39, Josephine 16, Carel 14, Caroline 12, George 9, Henretta 6, Albert 3, Amelia 1 Femer, F560 119A John 50, Sophia 46, Hellen 16, Anna 14, Allvina 12, Caroline 7 Femer, F560 120B Carol 48, Caroline 48 Fenner, F560 90B Albert 51, Albertine 47, Martha 19, Louis 15 Fenno, F500 85B David 56, Sarah 49, Burt 30, Frank 25 Fenno, F500 85B E. Ray 49, Elizabeth 47, Alex 18, Clark 12 Fensco, F520 10A Peter 36, Mary 30, Jens 8, Christian 6, Andrew 4, Mary 2, Hans m2 Ferrington, F652 29A A.E. 56, Florma 52, Luke 18 Fietmr, F356 23B John 50, Bridgett 47, Nellie 21, John 18, Mary 16, Margrate 14, Thomas 11, Cathrine 9, Sarah 5, Lusia m7 Filger, F426 50A Frank 26 Finch, F520 147A Horace 37, Irene 36, Herbert 11, Fred 9, Calvin 7, Minnie 5, Myrtle 3, Ella m3 Finch, F520 47B Tyler 37, Amelia 27, Minnie 16?, Arthur 5?, Earnest 5? Finch, F520 47B Albert 29?, Julia 27, Ellenor 6 Finch, F520 51A Cyrus 33, Mattie 33, George 14, Minerva(?) 73, Maude 1 Fingelson, F524 145B Aslag 36, Mary 25, Anna 1, Ole 26 Finger, F526 13A August 52, Louesa 52, Charles 20, Ellen 15 Finger, F526 88A Minnie 21 Fingerson, F526 135B Peter 36, Margaret 35, Margaret 8, Allie 6, Helmena 2, Rangie 5 Finley, F540 1B Henry 23, Ida 21, Clifford 1 Finley, F540 73B Lotta 20 Firman, F655 71A Elisha 73, Elmira 63, Jerusha 40 Fis~er, F200 96B Vincencs 41, Jahunnah 40, Mary 10, Vincencs 3, Joseph 2 Fisher, F260 103A Josephine 11 Fisher, F260 130A A.W. 49, Mary 30 Fisher, F260 31A Frank 46, Thersa 45, Rosa 15, Frank 13, John 11, Josephine 9, Mary 7 Fisher, F260 50A Benjiman 65, Annie 60, Charles 23, Mary 18, Frank 16 Fisher, F260 52A Joseph 25, Annie 25, Willie 4, Louis 2, Edward m9 Fisher, F260 64A Andrew 39, Sarah 30, Minnie 13, Maggie 8 Fisher, F260 94B Joseph 34, Frances 42, Joseph 14, John 12, Anton 10, Adolph 8, Wilaminie 3 Fisher, F260 95B Steys 22 Fisher, F260 96A Anton 46, Anne 40, Joseph 12, Amelia 6, Anna 4, Anton m3 Fisk, F200 65A James 45, Elizabeth 45, Oscar 22 Fitseve, F321 24B Gandlif 30, Christina 22 Fitzgerald, F326 35A Ed 26 Flanagan, F452 84A Elisabeth 22 Flanders, F453 40B Abiel 61 Flannagan, F452 63B Anna 18 Flannigan, F452 31A M. 60, Bridget 55, Elizabeth 22, Ann 19, John 17, Ellen 15, Emma 12 Fletcher, F432 68A Harvey 48, Larissa 50, Harvey 18, Mary 12, George 9 Fordyce, F632 41B Harry 5 Forsyth, F623 80A Geo. 33, Delcena 29 Foster, F236 134B George 42, Elen 23, Nellie m8 Foster, F236 135A Henry 39, Rasa 31, Ella 9, Florence 8, Lenis? 26, Charles 24 Foster, F236 42A Thomas 55, John 28, Lizzie 18, Maggie 16, Willie 14, Ellen 12, Jessie 9, Eddie 7 Foster, F236 55A Charles 21 Foster, F236 78B Edward 33, Lotta 34, Etta 16 Foster, F236 82B Elisha 44, Altheana 44 Foster, F236 83A Henry 23, Malvn 21, Jas 10, Raymond 7 Foster, F236 84B Chas 22 Fowler, F460 10B Ida 18 Fowler, F460 11A Abigale 74 Fowler, F460 37B Alvado 30, Lydia 22, Floy 1 Fowler, F460 43A Lorin 35, Anna 26 Fox, F200 139B Charles 49, Ester 42, Fredrich 20, Adelbrt 16, Cora 5, Pearl 2 Frances, F652 113B Isacc 54, Olive 50 Frances, F652 113B Lora 27, William 17, Saul 14, George 10 Francis, F652 40B Albert 42 Francis, F652 41A William 53, Celia 36, Anna 14, May 10 Frank, F652 59B David 25, Harriet 28, Kenneth 2, Virena 1, Hattie d28 Frank, F652 70A Levi 51, Elmira 51, Ellsworth 19, Ida 16, Chas 14 Frank, F652 85A Henry 23 Franklin, F652 34B Dennis 25 Frauen, F650 97B Mattrn 56, Catherine 59, Mary 19, Nichales 18 Frazer, F626 93B T. Henry 39, Mary 23 Fredenberg, F635 41A Anodyare 78 Fredenberg, F635 69B Myron 53, Gertrude 44, Carrie 20, Milton 19, Gertie 11, Hidie 9 Fredenberg, F635 90A Jerry 51, Cordelia 58 Fredrickson, F636 31A Paul 55, Mary 48, George 16, Carrie 18, Mary 14 Fredrickson, F636 31B Jacob 12, Andrew 10 Freeman, F655 38B Benjamin 48, Sarah 47, Frank 15, Addie 13, Mary 10, Roger 2 Freeman, F655 39A Samuel 45, Fred 7 Freeman, F655 44A Elisha 40, Amy 33 French, F652 71B Jas 41, Mary 30, Nettie 8, Minnie 1 Fretze, F632 18A John 61, Alena 60, Barbara 13 Fretze, F632 18A Michael 56, Elonora 60, Leonard 22, Mary 18, Heny 20 Friday, F630 100A Henry 23 Friller, F646 35B Z. 86 Frona, F650 66A Augusta 18 Fruklar, F624 16A Frank 22, Barbara 20 Fryer, F660 75B Wm 39, Mary 39, Frank 12, John 10 Fugler, F246 76B Ole 45, Ellen 36, Matilda 14, Ole 12, Louis 7, Walter 5, Jennie 3 Fuller, F460 132B John 75, Hesiah 45, Elizabeth 34 Fuller, F460 20B D.C. 55, Adealia 42, Bertha 11, Fred 8 Fuller, F460 33B Royal 56, Emily 50 Fuller, F460 34A Ella 23, Frank 20, West 16, Lillie 20 Fuller, F460 36A D.C. 54, Adelia 41, Frank 16, Fred 7 Fuller, F460 54A Curtis 33, Euritta 38, Stella 5, Marian 3 Fuller, F460 81A Edwin 49, Harriet 49 Fuller, F460 93A Isaac 59, Melissa 61 Furtney, F635 76B Jos 25, Emma 18 Gabrel, G164 23B George 48, Martha 33, Lillia 21, George 13 Gage, G200 82A George 32, Addie 26 Gage, G200 84B Etta 28 Gallea, G400 49A James 25 Gamble, G514 136B Wm 50, Tilda 40, Mary 19, Emma 18, Rafs 13, David 11, Ray 2 Gannon, G550 85A Wm 23 Ganser, G526 83B Frona 15 Ganser, G526 91A Peter 43, Maria 34, Maggie 12, Willie 11, Addie 5, Susan 17 Gantt, G530 40B Alexander 33, Olive 25, Elisabeth 73, Lizzie 37 Ganzer, G526 79B John 42, Theresa 41, Frank 18, Veronica 16, Kate 14, Gertrude 12, Peter 10, Jos 8, Morris 5, Willie 3 Ganzer, G526 86A Katie 12, George 9 Gardint, G635 68B Maggie 18 Gardner, G635 35B Chas 49, Martha 38, Lizzie 19, Charlotte 12, Henry 7, Jennie 6, Chas 1 Gartman, G635 86B Aug 52, Charlotte 41, Hermann 6, Fred 4, Aug 1 Gassner, G256 111A Christian 48, Margret 28, Rosenna 10, Killion 6, Annie 4, Annitrens 2, Mary m7 Gatchell, G324 39B Emery 50, Sarah 35, Leslie 21, Preston 18 Gates, G320 139B Amos 43, Hanna 41, Mary 13, Carrie 11 Gates, G320 68B Jenny 35, Fred 12, Susie 9 Gatewood, G330 82B Chas 40 Gauld, G430 135A A.W. 52, Lydia 48, Abner 15 Gault, G430 73A Thos 38, Henrietta 38, George 9 Gaylord, G463 78B Orlando 31, Prisila 24, Chas 3, Jos 1 Gaynor, G560 5A Elizabeth 27 Gebson, G125 43B William 40, Mary 36, Jane 9, William 7, Mary 5, Margaret 3, Barbary m10 Geddings, G352 33B Grace 8 Gees(?), G200 112A Luesa 2 Geissel, G240 89B James 27, Agnis 27, Maggie 5, Bertha 2, Harry m7 Gellon, G450 7A Isaac 23 Germaine, G655 133A J.F. 24, Mary 19, Nemezine m6 Getman, G355 104B William 20 Gibson, G125 1A George 71, Jane 71, John 32 Gibson, G125 1A James 34, Alma 29, Ralph 6 Gibson, G125 33A Tomy 25 Gibson, G125 38A Freddie 50, Sarah 39, Perry 15, George 13, Ellera 11, Orlando 6, Mark 21 Gibson, G125 43A Elmer 28, Hattie 19, Byron 1 Giddings, G352 34A C.S. 48, Nancy 47, Mary 11, Adelene 68 Gilbert, G416 112B Giles 45, Sarah 34, Emma 9, Fredrick 7, Harry 4, Allan m3 Gilbert, G416 81B Nancy 51, Chas 17 Gilbert, G416 9A Geo 50, Emalin 37, Wm 21, Emma 17 Gilbertson, G416 135B (none) (--) Gilbertson, G416 138B Andrew 36, Birget 30, Gilbert 6, Clara m6 Gilette, G430 123A A. 29 Gill, G400 77B Chas 28 Gillelle, G440 128A Byron 41, Julia 37, Lena 18, Jessie 13 Gillett, G430 55A James 28, Eliza 27, Ida 5, Ira 3, James m9 Gillett, G430 62B Isaac 33, Alice 32, Grace 11, Arthur 4, Henry 1 Gillett, G430 71B Lydia 59 Gillett, G430 74A Hannah 61, Lydia 23, Edward 21, Harry 18, Burt 17 Gills, G420 23A Christian 25, Sophiah 57, Dora 20 Gilman, G455 37A Henry 48, Jane 49, Carrie 18, Willie 14, Freddie 10 Gilman, G455 44A Sylvester 62, Mary Ann 61 Gilson, G425 93A Thos 25 Girsel, G624 17A Anton 33, Josaphine 30, Josopline 4 Gladbach, G431 54A John 45, Catherine 48, William 19, Christine 15, Barbara 12, Maggie 10, Mary 8, Henry 5, Carl 3 Glaeser, G426 84A Jacob 26 Glafser, G412 138B Henry 30, Susan 32, Charles 8, Myrta 5 Gleasn, G425 34A Henry 57, Jane 49, George 19, Ferd 16, Lillie Belle 12 Gleason, G425 70B Mary 29, Chas 5 Gleichman, G425 116B (none) 53, Matilda 35, George 14, Emma 10, Julia 8, Heneretta 3 Gll, G400 125B C.A. 29, Jenny 24 Gnop, G510 98A Psear 42, Mary 35, Carrie 16, Julia 13, Daniel 11 Goldsmith, G432 81B Usher 73 Golnboski, G451 92A Martin 38, Kate 33, Mary 9, Valentin 8, Brijet 5, Rosalie 2, John m10 Gond, G530 127A George 21 Gondie, G530 9A John 28, Jennie 29, Ellen 5, Mary 2, Wm m4 Gondie(?), G530 11A Wm 56, Grace 58, Jane 31, Agnes 22, Samuel 20, James 18 Goodell, G340 92A Henry 39 Goodsell, G324 125A F.W. 52, Emma 34, Allice May 17, Clara 12, Grace 8, George 1 Goodwin, G350 68B Louise 45, Helen 19 Goolsbey, G421 107B William 52, Francis 46, Lavinia 26, John 24, Lousia 22, James 19, William 16, Warren 14, Ellen 12, K?esta 10, Etna 7, George 5, Henry 2 Gordon, G635 104B Charles 31, Viola 27, Charles 5 Gordon, G635 133A Jay 49, Americo 43, Mary 17, William 8, Claire 6 Gordon, G635 139A Sidney 40, Martha 42, Minnie 16, Leslie 6 Gordon, G635 144A James 56, Polly 56, Henry 20 Gordon, G635 144A Dewight 33, Mary 49, Myra 22 Gordon(?), G635 143A Elan 25, Clara 18 Goubman(?), G155 143A Sykes(?) 34, Eliza 29 Gould, G430 132A Loyal 40, Sarah 38, Luella 16, Chester 7, Joel 73 Gould, G430 134A Ruth 73, Frank 28, Martha 32, Mable 3 Gould, G430 40B Peter 50, Hattie 33, Albert 13, Munroe 10, Allie 8, Augusta 5, Charles 3, Walter 1 Goulden, G435 61A William 22 Gowdy, G300 25B Louis 48, Laura 44, Nellia 24, Jenne 22, Lillian 15 Gowdy, G300 25B H.L. 57, Horrult 55 Grace, G620 33A Edna 3 Grafshans, G612 97A Y. 60, Mary 60, Lars 14, Catherine 16 Graftes, G613 112A Ole 50, Annie 57, Mary 26, Betsy 23, John 20, Lesy 12, James 7, Annie 5 Graham, G650 134B John 65, Eliza 61, Francis 28, Thomas 26, Eliza 20 Graham, G650 96B Neil 47, Mary 38 Graief, G610 98B Frank 26, Amelia 21 Graif(?), G610 98B Mathias 60, Theresia 50, Jahn 22, William 20, Anton 17, Mary 15, Theresia 13, Magtilene 11, Henry 8, Alexender 6 Gramps, G651 73A Hy H. 21 Grandpray, G653 129A Jos 62, Marinda 57, Samul 16, F~ny 14 Granel, G654 83B Julius 40, Louisa 34, Sophia 7, Conrad 5, Julius 3, Louise 1 Granoski, G652 79A John 56, Kathrine 53, Michael 23 Granowski, G652 80B Anthony 28, Katie 20 Granowski, G652 89A Mike 24 Grant, G653 115B Patrick 23, Henry 17, Mary 14, Katy 12, Magy 10 Grant, G653 40B Harrison 59, Chloe 58 Grant, G653 43A Mary 73, Hannah 60, Alexander 76 Grant, G653 43B Ellen 42, Alexander 17, Sarah 15, William 14, Duncan 13, Jennette 11, Donald 9, Kate 6 Grant, G653 63A Margeret 18 Grant, G653 72B Frank 33, Mary 26, James 4, Addie 2, Frank m6 Grass, G620 82A Julia 14 Graves, G612 42B Alphens 65, Fannie 62 Gray, G600 146B Edward 45, Fanie 41, Charles 20, Minnie 10 Gray, G600 86B Noel 57 Greeley, G640 1A Edward 31, Amelia 29, Lydia 2 Greely, G640 73B Orrin 55, Sarah 45, Edward 22, Frank 10 Greely, G640 88A Harmon 35 Green, G650 123B Lorenzo 73, Amy 72, Ella 16 Green, G650 33B Jim 29, Lule 18 Green, G650 47B George 59, Mary 48, Frank 21, Mary 17, George 13, Kittie 9 Green, G650 66A Sophie 52, Jane 23, Matilda 18, Fred 16, Ernest 11 Green, G650 70A Samuel 35, Eva 26, Ralph 6, Claudia 5, Earl 2 Green, G650 81A Eugene 34, Martha 30 Greenwood, G653 77A Sam 67, Miranda 47, Eva 25, Samuel 22, Wm 18, Nellie 17, Chas 16 Greenwood, G653 96B Samuel 22 Gregory, G626 65A Mary 82 Greif, G610 88A Theresa 15 Grenoska, G652 95B George 44, Anteney 31, Mary 13, Frank 8, Michal 6, Stanslav 4, Gustenna 1 Griff~n, G610 10A John 55, Anna 58 Griffin, G615 25A Morris 65, Nancy 60 Griffin, G615 25A Patrich 22 Griffin, G615 25A James 22 Griffin, G615 93A Austin 34, Elizabeth 33, Zella 12, Herbert 7 Griffiths, G613 87A Eugene 30, Ruth 21, Ida 1 Grinoskie, G652 80A Jos 60, Annie 40, Andrew 18, George 16, Annie 14, Katie 11, Stephen 9, Frank 6, Jos 4, Mary m6 Gritzmocker, G632 99A Herman(?) 40, Augusta 36, William 11, Herman 5, Martha 2 Grneckly, G652 20B Aug 54, Johannah 53, Adolph 23, William 21, Alvena 10, Corlina 82 Groh, G600 65B Adam 22 Grono, G650 7B August 22 Grono, G650 8B William 20 Gross, G620 104B Gilbert 49, Sarah 49, Gilbert 25, Perry 22, Wallice 20, Adelade 18, Martin 13, Henry 8 Gross, G620 90A Maria 73, Martin 13 Groti, G630 93B Eric 22 Grout, G630 43B Naham 39, Margaret 30 Growr, G660 35A Ingwald 24 Grubenrkewstan, G615 95B Julian 24, Barbara 20, Mary m11, Henry 2 Gruby, G610 121A Stephen 42, Lenna 42, Ruben 17, Frank 15, Lenna 14, Evea 12, Johephenn 9, Peter 5, Stephen 2, James m8 Gruhalt, G643 137A William 14 Grunz, G652 127B Chas 24, Mary 27, Albert 1, Baby m10 Grunz, G652 79A August 30, Fridericke 27, Hermann 8, Mary 4, Augusta 1 Grunz, G652 79A David 66, Louise 63 Guder, G360 6B Joseph 26, Anna 18 Gulegan, G425 101B John 29 Gunde, G530 15A Geo 47, Lona 38 Gunderson, G536 145B Knude 30, Olive 28, Anna 3, Albert m8 Gundesson, G532 30A S. 50, Jane 45, Maggie 22, Allice 18, Gertie 15, George 12, Jennie 10 Gundesson, G532 30B Nels 7, Sophea 4, Clara 2, Bertha m9 Guning(?), G552 39B Calvin 58, Jane 57 Guning(?), G552 39B Charles 27, Eulia 20, Maurice 1 Gunther, G536 63B Emma 19 Gunther, G536 73B Fred 22 Guthrie, G360 33B Mike 31, Mathens 13 Gutterson, G362 64A Alonzo 50, Nancy 46, Ina 22, Arthur 20, Mabel 16, Fred 12, Frank 8, Grace 3, Geo 27