1900 Steele County Minnesota Federal Census Name Index Microfilm Images Reel Number T623-793 I - K ========================================================================= USGENWEB NOTICE: In keeping with our policy of providing free information on the Internet, material may be freely used by non-commercial entities, as long as this message remains on all copied material, AND permission is obtained from the contributor of the file. These electronic pages may NOT be reproduced in any format for profit or presentation by other organizations. Persons or organizations desiring to use this material for non-commercial purposes, MUST obtain the written consent of the contributor, OR the legal representative of the submitter, and contact the listed USGenWeb archivist with proof of this consent. If you have found this file through a source other than the MNArchives Table Of Contents you can find other Minnesota related Archives at: http://www.usgwarchives.net/mn/mnfiles.htm Please note the county and type of file at the top of this page to find the submitter information or other files for this county. File Formatted by Terri -- MNArchives Made available to The USGenWeb Archives by: John Haberman ========================================================================= These files contain the readable names as extracted from the microfilmed 1900 Federal Census page images for Steele County, Minnesota. The official date of the census was June 1, 1900. The census pages are all dated between June 1 and July 15. In addition to the SURNAME, Census Page, First Name and Age, I have added a Soundex Index corresponding to each SURNAME. An "Enumeration District" Table, below, allows you to associate a census page with a township, city or village. These files represent my best efforts at interpreting the text from the images. Others reviewing the images will read some of the text differently. The microfilm images are often of low quality. Over time the ink has absorbed into the paper yielding 'smeared' text. The aging of the paper results in darkening that makes text difficult to read. The tape used to repair tears microfilms as solid black. The SURNAMES are ordered alphabetically. I have chosen to use a "family friendly" format that preserves much of the family information from the census listings. If you don't find the person(s) you seek, be very creative with alternate spellings and possible misspellings. The spelling of the census takers was often "creative". They generally spelled the names "as they heard them" (i.e., phonetically). Reading the images was sometimes difficult but especially so when poor penmanship is combined with strings of "m", "n", "u", "w", "e", "i", "r", "s", etc. letters. The penmanship of several of the census takers ranged from bad to very bad! (My experiences interpreting the census images suggest that a given person's name will have an alternate spelling about 25% of the time.) I made few attempts to correct 'obvious' mistakes (spelling and other.) I tried to enter the information as it appears in the images. (Example: several census takers wrote their "o" such that it appears as an "a" or "u".) Occasionally I made an "educated guess" about a name. In other cases I "flagged" names as partially unreadable. In a few instances the SURNAME was unreadable. = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Census Enumeration Districts, Steele County, 1900 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Census Pages Enumeration District Population --------- ------------------------- ---- --------- 1 - 10 Aurora Township 965 11 - 19 Berlin Township 811 20 - 36 Blooming Prairie Township 1655 (a) 37 - 42 Clinton Falls Township 493 (b) 43 - 55 Deerfield Township 767 56 - 64 Havana Township 808 65 - 72 Lemond Township 791 (c), (d) 73 - 79 Medford Township 667 80 - 88 Meriden Township 880 89 - 96 Merton Township 769 97 - 109 Owatonna City Ward 1 1240 110 - 118 Owatonna City Ward 4 885 119 - 139 Owatonna City Ward 2 2099 (e), (d) 140 - 153 Owatonna City Ward 3 1337 (f) 154 - 160 Owatonna Township 626 161 - 170 Somerset Township 908 171 - 178 Summit Township 799 (g) ---- Total 16500 (h), (d) The letters "A" & "B" are used to identify the front and back sides respectively of each numbered census page (image.) (a) pages 28 - 36 are indicated as the Village of Blooming Prairie. (b) page 42 is identified as the Village of Clinton Falls. (c) Up to 50 persons (at least 12 Surnames) are unavailable as a result of 1 missing page image. (d) Totals include the "missing" persons. (e) Up to 200 persons (at least 41 Surnames) are unavailable as a result of 4 missing page images. (f) Owatonna City Ward 3 includes 282 persons identified as living at the Orphan Home (pages 149 - 151.) (g) Some page images are sequenced incorrectly for Summit Township. I have corrected the affected family relationships. (h) 114 Persons have also been omitted from these listings because I was unable to determine a surname. = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Samples of the "Family Friendly" format - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Surname, Soundex Page Name(s) & Age(s) ---------------- ---- ------------------------------------- 1880 Haberman, H165 103A Wenzl 62, Rosie 60, Jacob 29, Adolphus 24, Ferdinand 19, Carrie 17 Haberman, H165 107A Vencil 39, Clara 37, Mary 17, Vencil 15, Threse 13, Manuel 11, Paul 8, John 6, Peter 4, Jacob 2, Annie d1 1900 Hubberman, H165 144B John 26, Kate 20, John 1 Hoberman, H165 177A Wencl 58, Thressy 56, Rosy 16, Melia 12, Stena 11, Josie 10 1910 Habrman, H165 277B Wencl 69, Thressia 67, Amelia 21, Stanislav 20 Haberman, H165 226B John J. 35, Kathrine 30, John W. 11, Joseph 8, Elizabeth 5, Clara 3, George 8m 1920 Haberman, H165 45A Vencil 79, Thresa 77 Haberman, H165 146B John 46, Katherine 40, John R 21, Joseph R 18, Elizabeth 14, Clara 12, George 10, Albert 8, Louise 5, Paul 2 1930 Haberman, H165 189A Kate 50, George 20, Albert 18, Louise 15, Paul 13 Notes: 1. This composite shows entries from the 1880 - 1930 censuses and covers four generations of my family. 2. The identification appears ONLY in this sample. 3. Notice the variety of spellings, names and nicknames. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Explanation for Special Notations appearing in the listings - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - * indicates multiple letters as unreadable ~ indicates one letter as unreadable ? indicates that the previous letter is uncertain - or -- indicates no entry in that column (?) indicates that the name is an 'educated' guess (F) indicates a Female Person but an unreadable name (M) indicates a Male Person but an unreadable name m# indicates an age in months (for children younger than 1) d# indicates an age in days (for children younger than 1 month) = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = This format, called "Family Friendly", evolved as a way to maintain some of the family relationship information from the census listings. Each new entry in the "Surname" column results from any of the following factors: 1. A new "household" marked in the census 2. A new "family" marked in the census 3. A new Surname occurring in the census 4. A 'continued' listing appearing on a new page For each new "Surname" entry, a Soundex Code is also shown. That person marked as "Head" of the household is named first. Others listed on the same line, or continuing line(s), include those listed as wife, husband, son, daughter, and others sharing the same surname. Sometimes family members are not listed on the same page as the household "Head". This causes the sort routine to generate a new line and "Surname" entry. I have forced the routine to place these cases immediately following the line containing the "Head" of the household. A review of the ages usually suggests that this has happened. This format fails to show family and household relationship information for: 1. in-laws 2. married daughters and their family 3. the wife's parents and siblings 4. step children 5. adopted children 6. siblings at the State School (Orphan Home) !! IF YOU HAVE ANY DOUBTS ABOUT POSSIBLE FAMILY RELATIONSHIPS, !! !! YOU MUST OBTAIN AND CAREFULLY EXAMINE THE CENSUS IMAGES! !! = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = - - - - Notes - - - - 1. The SURNAME "Sister" is utilized to identify the Sisters at the Sacred Heart Convent. 2. Most persons listed on pages 149 - 151 are officially "inmates" at the State School for Indigent Children (the "Orphans Home"). 3. The Soundex Index: This code helps to find SURNAMES that sound alike. One flaw is that it is based on "English" phonics (i.e., (French or Native American names might not conform.) Another problem occurs for "prefixed" names (other than Mc- and Mac-) since these names may be coded with or without the prefix. 4. For those names flagged as only partially readable, an attempt to determine a possible Soundex Index was made. The zero "0" is used to "pad" the index to its proper length. 5. A summary of the information contained in the 1900 Federal Census Records (images) is contained in a separate file. 6. Useless 'information' gleaned from the census pages: One household lists a wife and a mistress and many children. One household lists two wives - and many children. One listing indicates a woman as 'head of household' followed by entries for her husband and children. The entries for 'age' and birth 'month & year' often disagree! John Haberman January & December, 2001; January 2003 = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = SURNAME, Soundex Page Name(s) & Age(s) --------------------- ---- ------------------------------------------- Ichason, I225 91A John 10 Ichorst, I262 54A Albert 23 Ienevan(?), I515 107A George 40, Elizabeth 42, Grace 7, May 5 Ille, I400 27B Alvin 30, Emma 26, Clarence 7, Blanche 4, Irvin 2 Ille, I400 27B Ole 53, Mary 49, Guy 15, Almeda 11 Ingersoll, I526 101B Mary 82 Inghum, I525 97B Josiah 47, Maria 46, Fanie 13, Loring 9, Wendal 5 Ingvalson, I521 34A Sophia 13 Ingvalson, I521 35B Lena 23 Inickstad, I523 71A Lora 46, Clyde 11, Harry 9, Lila 8, Arthur 6 Inman, I550 111B Jahn 15 Inman, I550 133A Lyman 62, Verona 56, John 15 Inman, I550 75A George 25 Isaacs, I220 34A Louis 32, Alta 36, Felix 4, Urban(?) 3, Ivan 1 Iuaale, I400 90A Hans 22, Sarah 15 Iuale, I400 95A Martin 45 Iversan, I162 5B Hans 21, Anna 18 Iverson, I162 66A Mons 34 Ives, I120 142A William 24, Mirtle 24, Baby(F) m4 Jackel, J240 60A William 33, Magdalena 31, Arthur 7, Ella 6, Walter 4, Alma 1, Frederich 66 Jackson, J250 111B Andrue 30, Fannie 32, Clyde 9, William 6, Carlos 4, Percy 1 Jackson, J250 149B Anna 38 Jackson, J250 150A Rosa 10 Jackson, J250 6B Ed 24 Jacobsan, J212 8A Hagan(?) 33, Kate 23, Ida 2 Jacobson, J212 169A Anton 48, Alfred 15 Jacobson, J212 153A Rasmus 55 Jacobson, J212 128B Charles 41 Jacobson, J212 129A Isolana 23, Donald 1 Jacobson, J212 106B Nels 50, Saphia 40, Millar 16, Clarence 13, George 12, David 10, Nels 8 Jacobson, J212 90B Chas 35, Mary 32, Helena m4, Sinrin 73 Jacobson, J212 91A Carl 36 Jacobson, J212 70A Peter 60, Lena 62, John 33, Paulina 26, Mary 20, Peter 17 Jacobson, J212 70A John 50, Mary 53, Julia 21, Emil 19, Johannah 18, Elanor 17, Albert 14, Otta 12, Christian 3 Jacobson, J212 57B Hans 70, Anne 66 Jacobson, J212 26A Ole 50, Mary 50, Lena 18, Matilda 15, Edmund 12 Jacobson, J212 13A Mathias 52, Carrie 41, Ovelia 23, Oscar 18, Ella 18, Julia 15, Kate 13, Christian 10, Nina 8, Anna 7, Luella 4, Otto 2, Morris m11 Jacobson, J212 13A John 27, Louisa 23, Reynolds 3, Agnes 1 Jahnsan, J525 101A J.Palmer 61, Anna 52 Jahnsan, J525 2B George 39, Frida 26 Jahnsan, J525 3A James 61, Susan 41, Gearge 20, Darathea 12, Samull 10, Alvine 8, Alfred 5, Margariet 3, Agnes 1 Jahnsan, J525 3A James 30, Julia 65, Wilda 26 Jahnsan, J525 5B Fred 48, Mary 47, Julia 21, Alfred 17, Walter 15, Mabel 13 Jahnsan, J525 9A Julia 66, Betsey 27, Carl 25 Jahnsan, J525 9A Jahn 28, Mollie 28 Jahnson, J525 34B Nels 49, Anna 50, George 20, Ida 11 Jahnson, J525 2B Sch*(M) 39, Dike 31, Archie 14, Charley 12 Jahnson, J525 9A Peter 37, Seena 44, Maggie 13, Hannah 11, Nels 73 Jahnsson, J525 10A Ole 55, Mary 54, Hogan 27, Lauis 21, Anna 17, Matilda 15, Hannah 13, Emma 10, Eddie 7 Jahreiss, J620 112B Richard 26, Mary 26, Ella 3 Jahreiss, J620 115B John 28, Elizabeth 24 Jahreiss, J620 146B John 62, Marie 62 Jahreiss, J620 147A Godlap 28, Thrassa 28, Hattie 6, Fretta 3 Jahriess, J620 141A Charles 41 Jameson, J525 150B Mabel 16 Jamiten(?), J535 80A Henry 20 Janes, J520 112A Anthony 56, Sabra 51, Jennie 26 Janeson, J525 97B William 41, Allice 34, Norsval 5, Lorence 4, Paul 3, Donnald 1 Janisch, J520 73A Joseph 26 Janke, J520 81A Frank 32, Lille 26, Frank 5, Perl 2, Elsie m1 Janke, J520 45A William 40, Mina 37, Edward 13, Martha 12, Christian 10 Janke, J520 45A Michial 73, Mathilda 56 Janke, J520 46A John 71, Eustine 71 Janke, J520 46B Charles 30, Matilda 29, Carl m2 Janroman, J565 140A Clara 19, Lizzie 13 Jans, J520 115A Magge 14 Jansa, J520 27A John 50, Albina 39, John 19, Annie 18, Lydia 14, William 12, Martha 4, Helen m9 Jansen, J525 33B Olga 18 Janson, J525 172A Andrew 59, Anna 34, Ella 15, Carrie 13, Alfred 10, Mary 9, Chris 7, James 6, Anna 4, Agnes 2 Janson, J525 144B Sada 75 Jarann, J650 97B Fredie 21 Jargensan, J625 8B Nels 64, Catherine 61, Chris 23, George 18 Jargensan, J625 9A Louis 13 Jargensen, J625 2B Lo* 45, Caroline 36, Sophia 15, Genie 12, Laura 9, Daniel 6, Charley 4, Mary 3 Jasan, J250 64A Frank 43, Anna 38, Frank 15, Anna 13, Mary 9, Elsie 3 Jass, J200 114A Richard 60, Barbra 60 Jasten?, J235 55B Charles 42, Minnie 36, Lenhard 14, Herbert 4 Jebson, J125 91B Peter 67, Minnie 66, Louis 22, Anton 20 Jebson, J125 93A Christ 26, Jenny 28, Harold 5, Everett 4 Jebson, J125 96B Anton 19 Jefferson, J162 127B Nels 51, Lena 47, Alice 22, Agnes 20, John 17, Harry 12, Leslie 8 Jeffery, J160 149A Walter(?) 5 Jeffery, J160 78B Byron 22 Jeffery, J160 31B E.E. 32, Anna 18 Jeffrey, J160 78A Charles 69, Charalett 49, Byron 20, Bengiman 18, Anna 15, Henry 13, Elsie 8 Jeffry, J160 150B Esther 3 Jefts, J132 123A Chas 66, Mary 68 Jelem, J450 1B Joseph 27, Francis 23, Saren m5 Jelinek, J452 122B Rosa 15 Jenet, J530 149A Michael 7 Jens, J520 84B Dorathy 74 Jensan, J525 162B Jens 73, Carrie 72, Soren 43, Sophie 32, Carrie 13, Harry(?) 7 Jensan, J525 163A Sandy 6, Nettie 1, Nellie 8 Jensen, J525 171B Martin 39, Tena 30, Harry 11, Ella 1 Jensen, J525 172A Peter 16 Jensen, J525 172A Ola 33, Julia 74, Nels 45 Jensen, J525 172A James 43 Jensen, J525 172A Jorgen 53, Gena 59, Anna 20, Peter 41 Jensen, J525 172B Andrew 19 Jensen, J525 173B Carrie 54, Hans 22, Peter 21, Christena 21, Wille 20, Edward 18, Emma 15 Jensen, J525 173B Tena 39, Martin 16, Sophia 14, Mollie 12, Frank 10, Tilda 7, Emel 4, Richter 2 Jensen, J525 163B Peter 29 Jensen, J525 169B Nels 31, Johannie 26, Julia 5, Carrie 3, Petter 28 Jensen, J525 139B Julin 20 Jensen, J525 67A Celia 54 Jensen, J525 71B Hans 71, Mrs Hans 77 Jensen, J525 60B Ole 36, Wilda 27, Adolf 7, Lawrence 5, Alma 3, Joseph 1 Jensen, J525 20B Jas. F. 25 Jensen, J525 23B Hannah 49, William 30, Hilda 17, Chris 11 Jensen, J525 23B Martin 31, Laura 34, Nora 5, Amelia 3 Jensen, J525 24A Raymond 1, -- m2 Jensen, J525 24A Hans 62, Stena 57, Annie 21 Jensen, J525 27A Hans 34, Mary 38, Matilda 14, Hans 12, Carl 10, Lawrence 7, Clara 5, Alfred 1 Jensen, J525 29A George 56, Carrie 45, Gena 13, Aslack 9 Jensen, J525 30A Lena 24 Jensen, J525 35A Annie 16 Jensen, J525 17A Lars 31, Lena 26, Emra 2, Sylva m4 Jensen, J525 9A Jens 41, Hannah 46, Mabel 12, Edna 7, Nellie 4, Robert 33 Jenson, J525 175B Christian 60 Jenson, J525 176A Peter 47, Mary 37, Lily 10, Henry 4, Edward 2, Peter 17 Jensun, J525 108A Peter 55, Sophia 57, John 23 Jergerson, J626 22A George 44, Patrick 36, Clara 11, Otto 9, Mary 7, George 5 Jergerson, J626 22B Agnes 3, Martha m11 Jergerson, J626 25B Mary 68 Jesperson, J216 140B Maggie 14 Jesperson, J216 138B Nels 41, Bertha 35, Frank 12, Maggie 14, Christina 11, Christian 9, Annie 7, Lizzie 6, Mabel 4 Jewell, J400 75B Charles 25 Jirele, J640 166A Anton 50, Josephine 27, Alois m9 Jirele, J640 156A Jahn 49, Anna 39, Anna 18, Mary 16, Frances 11, Martha 8 Jirele, J640 160A Agnes 16 Jirele, J640 8A John 40, Anna 44, Joseph 19, Walter 10 Jirele, J640 8A W.J. 26, Anna 23, Rosa 2 Jirele, J640 8A Wencl 54, Anna 42, Alois 18, Joseph 14, Milley 8, Emil 14, Agnes 12, Willie 10 Jirousek, J622 172A Wencl 30, Josephine 26, Mary 5, Josephine 3 Jirousek, J622 156B Wenzel 58, Mary 51, Frank 24, Anna 22, Josephine 20, Frances 18 Jirschele, J624 9A Jaseph 43, Amelia 51, Anna 13, Amelia 11, Othilie 9 Joeriman, J655 84A Joseph 50, Mary 45, Walter 25 Joeriman, J655 84B Jacob 24, Elfreda 21, Lewis 19, Amanda(?) *, Doratha 15, George 9, Henry 65 Johannassohn, J525 149A Frank 7, Otto 15, Louis 11 Johannassohn, J525 150B Frida 6 Johannassohn, J525 151A Doris 2, Edna 3, Sitona 3 Johnsan, J525 108B Edward 31, Elizabeth 23, Rosette 3, William 26 Johnsen(?), J525 90B Chas 18 Johnson, J525 171A Hans 44, Marion 35, Christina 16, Thomas 13, Andrew 11, Addie 9, George 7, Anna 5, Harry 3 Johnson, J525 174B Henry 21 Johnson, J525 176A Louis 19 Johnson, J525 176B Ova 75, Engibur 77, James 46 Johnson, J525 110B Robert 53, Ida 51, Ralph 19, Robert 17 Johnson, J525 111A Nels 37, Mary 27, Stewart 2, Harvey m4 Johnson, J525 111B Jane 79 Johnson, J525 149A John 7, Guy 7, Ralph 12, Roy 10 Johnson, J525 149B Jessie 21 Johnson, J525 150B Maud 15 Johnson, J525 140B Elmer 19, Lena 24 Johnson, J525 143A Anna 76, Emma 23, Laura 14 Johnson, J525 144A Luna 73 Johnson, J525 145A Hans 55, Martha 41, Birtle 11, Almond 18, Arthur 17 Johnson, J525 148B John 29, Edna 27, Herald 2, Emma 24 Johnson, J525 119A Howard 55, Alberta 50 Johnson, J525 120A Elizabeth 64, Estelle 23 Johnson, J525 123A Arthur 30, Martha 23 Johnson, J525 127A Sophia 19 Johnson, J525 129A Sarah 19 Johnson, J525 131A Chris 34, Lottie 32, Louise 10 Johnson, J525 109A Josephina 18 Johnson, J525 91B Christian 20 Johnson, J525 95A John 86, -- -- Johnson, J525 95A Ole 51, Louisa 50, Lena 24, August 22, Gilbert 20, Martin 17, Sarah 15, Ella 12, Oscar 9, Mabel 5 Johnson, J525 95A Sievar 53, Nila 52 Johnson, J525 86B He* 36 Johnson, J525 75B Smith 73, Sabrena 18 Johnson, J525 76A Orlando 69, Olive 52 Johnson, J525 68B James 45, Bertha 35, Lawrence 19, Osemar 17, Arnold 13, Arthur 10, Gwarda 8, Eva 5, Dora 5, Rachael m11, Charles 19 Johnson, J525 71A Gilbert 36, Obedia 33, Clarence 6, Julian 3 Johnson, J525 71A Mary 37, Eda 15, Claring 13, Johnne 11, Ingbert 7 Johnson, J525 71A Lars 50, Bessie 39, Libbie 21, Oscar 14, Hartwid 9, Lansing 4 Johnson, J525 71B Arne 40, Jennie 29, Clara 10, Joseph 6, Lemick(?) 4, Harvery 1, John 80 Johnson, J525 71B Martin 43, Gena 26, Clifford 12, Usevalt 10, Freda 8, Olga 5 Johnson, J525 71B George 36, Sophie 28, Mable 5, Gladys 4, Richard 2, Ella 1 Johnson, J525 71B Anton 40, Sarah 29, H*en(M) 3, Chester 2, Charlie 33 Johnson, J525 72A Christina 7 Johnson, J525 57A Christen 59, Josephina 45, Alfred 16, Fred 14, Mabel 12, Nellie 10, Walter 8, Gerty 5? Johnson, J525 58B Cassius 38, Flora 35, Clara 9 Johnson, J525 59A Lasse J. 69, Emma(?) 69, Nelse 26 Johnson, J525 62B Magnus 27, Agnes 48 Johnson, J525 62B Peter 61, Carrie 63, Tom 25 Johnson, J525 63A Simon 21, Mary 49 Johnson, J525 63B James 44, Julia 70, John 27 Johnson, J525 63B John 47, Bertha 44, Gertrude 21, James 16, Dora 11 Johnson, J525 46B John 47, Gertrude 50, Julia 24, Emma 8 Johnson, J525 54B Nels 30, Mary 27, Ella 6, Lillie 2 Johnson, J525 21A Samuel 39, Rendina 38, Stephina 19, Clara 12, Jenning 8, Rena 5 Johnson, J525 24A Susan 52, John 29, Albert 26, Henry 20, Edward 19, Sophia 17 Johnson, J525 29A Nellie 33 Johnson, J525 29B John 54 Johnson, J525 30B Ole 43, Annie 23, Inger 1, Melvin m6 Johnson, J525 31A Osmund(?) 34, Leonara 24, Mable 1 Johnson, J525 31A John 30, Senora 30, Alfred 5, Melvin 2, Belina m3 Johnson, J525 31A Henry 23, Clara 56 Johnson, J525 31B George 66, Wealthy 62, Earl 25 Johnson, J525 32A Malla 25 Johnson, J525 33B George 40, Annie 34, Emma 14, Elsie 11, Alvin 7 Johnson, J525 35A Richard 33, Carrie 21, -- m3 Johnson, J525 35B George 40, Annie 39, Minnie 14, Ada 12, George Henry 11, Rosie 8, Clinton 4 Johnson, J525 11A Albert 28, Millie 21, Lilian 3 Johnson, J525 11A Andrew 59, Anna 43, Nels 25, Anna 22, Tillie 17, Gilbert 10, Arthur 9, Selma 5 Johnson, J525 11A Butler(?) 30 Johnson, J525 12A Peter 48, Mary 36, Arthur 11, Elmer 8, Carrie m8 Johnson, J525 12B Lewis 31, Jennie 22, Sedate 2, Anna m4 Johnson, J525 13A Jens 55, Anna 60, Segar 34, Thomas 21, Severt 20, Anna 18, Henry 11 Johnson, J525 13B John 39, Jane 33, Anna 10, Garma(?) 9, Mary 7, Louis 4, Agnis 2, Elsie m2 Johnson, J525 14A John 53, Andrme 34, Alma 13, Mina 12, John 10, Carl 8, Edgar 7, Celia 5, Ettie 3, Clara 4 Johnson, J525 14B Peter 47, Hellen 43, Carrie 23, Nels 22, Peter 20, Emma 17, Carl 13, Hans 12, Alma 9, William 7, Julia 5 Johnson, J525 15A Oscar m10 Johnson, J525 15A John 29, Lena 23, Gilbert 5, Minnie 2, Della m2, Lewis 11 Johnson, J525 17B Edward(?) 32 Johnson, J525 18A Ellen 27, Carrie 4, Erva(M) 2 Johnson, J525 18B Peter 68, Hannah 68, Peter 23, Hans 26 Johnson, J525 2B M* 49, Dorothy(?) 61, Anna 23, * 21 Jones, J520 172B Edward 34, Jennie 32 Jones, J520 149B Laura 31 Jones, J520 150A Minnie 11, Winifred 9 Jones, J520 151A John 10, Tom 6? Jones, J520 141B S. 25 Jones, J520 125A Charlotte 57 Jones, J520 102B Eligeh 48, Anna 45, Justine 18 Jones, J520 103A Charles 44, Carrie 43, Grace 19, Ada 13 Jones, J520 75B Rhoda 75 Jones, J520 77B Jefferson 47, Carrie 31, Clarene 3, Raymond 1 Jones, J520 57B Isac 56, Allen 59 Jones, J520 59A Alonzo Robert 51, Florence 28, Charles 19 Jones, J520 62A William 63, Ray 33, Roy 21, Latina 30, Lucile 1 Jones, J520 63A Orison 47, Mary 43, Ethel 16, Willie 14, Alice 10, George 5 Jorgensan, J625 97B Mary 17 Jorgensan, J625 7B Hans 62, Lena 29, Lauis 26, Charley 14, Alice 11 Jorgenson, J625 171A Henry 51, Maggie 45, Peter 24, Ella 18, Sena 16, Julius 13, Julia 13, Fritz 10, Fred 10, Mary 8, Edna 5, Hattie 2 Jorgenson, J625 175B Nels 47, Carrie 49, Hanna 24, Harvey 20, Torvil 20, Peter 17, Ida 14, Emma 13 Jorgenson, J625 176B Arthur 10 Jorgenson, J625 169A Hans 45 Jorgenson, J625 72A John 46, Minnie 49, Alfred 15, Emma 9, Hans 7 Jorgenson, J625 20B Christian 60, Christian 27, Johanna 22 Jorgenson, J625 2B Jorgen 21 Jorgerson, J626 69A Albert 17 Jorisman, J625 88A Lewis 20 Jorman, J655 139A Edward 28 Jorriman, J655 80A Emma 22 Joslph, J241 144A Herman 35, Emma 31, Rowland 7, Esler 5, Paul 3 Josten, J235 119B Otto 34, Carrie 31, Adelbert 10, Margaret 4 Jovs, J120 109A Richard 18 Joy, J000 150B Paul 5 Junberg, J516 150A Helmar 12 Junek, J520 62B Josef 51, Barbara 31, Barbara 13, Joseph 8, Libuse 3, Agnes m1 Junker, J526 154A William 40, Agness 33, Samuel 14, Jane 12, William 6 Junker, J526 68A George 30, Florence 28 K?ilborn, K416 2B Grace 20 Kading, K352 137A Emil 42, Gurta 38, Emma 17, Albert 14, Emiline 11, Hans 8, Carl 6, Ernest 3 Kading, K352 81B Lillie 13 Kading, K352 85B August(?) 50, Johannah 48, Bertha 22, Malinda 19, Rebecca 17, Orlando 12, Ester 10, Elmer 8, Harvey 7, Clarence 6, Cloa 4 Kading, K352 86B William 75, Louisa 76 Kading, K352 87A Albert 23 Kading(?), K352 81B Fer* 48, Louise 74, Minnie 46, Mary 39, Rose 35, Frank 33 Kalekar, K426 59A Vincent 44, Anna 39, Anna 16, Henry 13, Emma 8, William 7, Emilie 4, John 2 Kallea, K400 114A Charls 31, Martha 34 Kalohm, K450 83A Martha 12, George 18 Kanne, K500 120A Walter 18 Kanne(?), K500 50A David 36, Lydia 27, Erwin 7, Florence 4, Mytrle m11 Kanntz, K532 100B Philip 42, Amda 29, Magdalena 17, Ida 14, Beatrice 13, Lousia 5 Kanttkia(?), K532 134A Adam 77, Eve 74 Kapka, K120 140A Martha 16 Kapka, K120 139A Bertha 13, Robert 20, Albert 18 Kaplaen, K145 142B Godfrey 40, Annie 30, Jennie 13, Carrie 9, Elsie 7, Arthur 5, Reuben 3, Avold m6 Kaplain, K145 142B Anna 27, Emil 32, Claud 5, Mirtle 3, Harold 1 Kaplan, K145 161A Joseph 43, Francis 39, Emil 18, Grace 15, Mable 13, Archy 7, Walter 5, Monroe 4, Hazel 3, Howard 1 Kaplan, K145 163B Joseph 43, Bertha 39, Carrie 11, Joseph 9, Elsa 7, Grace 5, May 3 Kaplan, K145 22A John 46, Francis 40, John 17, William 14, Emily 11, Edward 9, Ella 7 Kaplan, K145 29B Mary 18 Kaplin, K145 155B Joseph 70, Anna 36, Anna 16, Earnest 14, Eugene 12, Bessie 10, Charly 8, Christine 7, Victor 4, Felix 3, Oswald 1, Otta 1 Kapuski, K120 114A Agnes 62 Karans, K652 39A Micheal 44, Veronica 37, Martha 15, Mary 13, Marten 11, Jonnie 8, Frank 7 Karlson, K642 176B Amandor 59 Karrupp, K610 84A John 7, Theo 28, Bertha 21 Karson, K625 66A Inegba* 52, Lark 22, Hans 21, John 19, Fred 17, Rasmus 13, Bertha 12 Karsten, K623 45A Christ 57 Karsten, K623 45B Sophia 59, Fredricka 32, Lydia 21, Emma 17 Karsten, K623 51A Joseph 35, Rosina 30 Karyer, K660 118B Emil 32 Kascae(?), K200 103A Lizzie 56, Harry 30 Kashuler(?), K246 161B Wencel 31, Mary 24, William 4, Anton 1 Kasmaski, K252 116B John 34, Briget 35, Kattie 10, Valentine 8, Mary 7, Agnes 5, Saphia 4, Frank m6 Kasmaski, K252 106B Mary 15 Kasmaski, K252 108A Anton 41, Gertrude 37, Ele 14, John 13, Hellen 10, Martha 8, Frances 6, Threasa 4, Adelaide 3, Antan 1 Kasmasku, K252 116A Stive 26, Anna 20, Burnie 3, Ruth 2 Kasmoski, K252 116A Martin 28, Antania 28, Engie 3, Hoe 1 Kaspar, K216 165B Anton 45, Francis 41, Anton 21 Kaspar, K216 166A Alois 19, Otto 17, Sidney 10, Georgia 8, Blanche 6, Waldemar m8 Kaspar, K216 167A John 38 Kasper, K216 142A Albert 47, Rose 39, Emma 18, Hubert 16, Ella 13, Elsie 11, Raymont 9, Robert 8, Rudolph 3, Alfreda 2 Kasper, K216 99A Walter 28, Minnesota 23 Kasper, K216 105A Frank 36, Anna 28, Walter 8, Helen 6, Irene 2, Agnes 20, Sam 16 Kasperson, K216 30A Mary 20 Kasrupp, K261 82A Henry(?) 36, Fri*de 31, Fred 12, Elsie 9, Johnie 6, Mable 4 Kass, K200 55A Gustav 39, Anna 35, Esther 9, Louis 8, William 6, George 2, August 37 Kates, K320 106B Hansan 19 Kattke, K320 115B Fredrick 37, Dorra 35, Carl 8, Arthur 5, Otto 3 Katz, K320 113B Frank 44, Rossalie 42, Peter 18, Albert 15, Frank 14, Felix 11 Katz, K320 114A Mary 8, Anna 4 Katz, K320 121A Albert 35, Mabel 29, Florence 5, Josephine m3 Keafe, K100 139A Katie 32 Keck, K200 28B William 21 Keck, K200 32B Alexander 18 Keefe, K100 176A John 41, Anna 41, Albert 15, Kate 13, John 11, Julia 9, Mike 7, Edie 5, George 2 Keefe, K100 50A Hannah 22 Keefe, K100 27A Michael 49, Margaret 39, William 18, Charles 16, Mary 13, George 9, Helen 5, John 3 Keefe, K100 28A Henry 30 Keefe, K100 28B Mary 49, Fred 23, Katie 17, Daniel 15, Gertrude 13, Florence 11 Keefe, K100 29B Sarah 40 Keefe, K100 32A Mary 37, Mary 20, Margaret 18, Josephine 17 Keeler, K460 148A Elizabeth 54, Walter 26, Jennie 30, Harvy 8, Earl 7, Edith 4 Keenan, K550 30B Ellen 39, Jean 32, James 28, Mary 23 Keenan, K550 33A Michael 47, Ellen 44, Josephine 21, Eugene 20, Anna 16, Francis Rose 13, Mary Florence 10, Michael 7 Keene, K500 149A Frank 6 Keller, K460 150B Edna 14 Kelley, K400 110A Thomas 57, Elsie 50, Grace 20, Thomas 17, Willie 14, Laura 12 Kelley, K400 107A William 69, Martha 60 Kelm, K450 11B Albert 50, Bertha 33, William 10, Hattie 6 Kelsie, K420 77B Charles 72, Martha 65, Phebe 35, Relief 33, Alford 23 Kendall, K534 119B John 36, Frances 31, Frank 12, Homer 4, Jean 2 Kendell, K534 101A Olivia 34 Kendy(?), K530 111B John 58, Kathrine 55, Agnes 23, Muraran 26 Keneivscher, K512 139A Gustas 55, Gertie 58 Kennedy, K530 30A Georgina 22, Thomas 45 Kennewicker, K526 163B Augusta 59 Kent, K530 29B Jas. W. 36, Laura 31 Kenther, K536 29A Herman(?) 24 Kenyon, K550 171A Thomas 54, Mirriam 50, Arthur 28, Mary 17 Kenyon, K550 161B Will 47, Anna 36, Nellie 15, Jessie 13, Irvin 11, Ora 8, Ferna 6 Kenyon, K550 163A Darwin 41, Dora 32, Clayton 5, Irene 3 Kenyon, K550 170A Fredrick 36, Minnie 34, Fennamore 8 Kenyon, K550 134B Walter 49, Abbie 47, Mildred 11 Kepp, K100 107A Herman 52, Mary 42, Augusta 20 Kerger, K626 96A Emil 23 Kerger, K626 13A Mary 27, Emma 5, Evald 5, Mamie 2 Kern, K650 150A Freddie 10 Kern, K650 52A Sebastian 28, Elisbeth 30 Kettlewell, K344 144A Edd 14 Keyese, K200 126B May 37 Kierndn, K653 139B Patrick 40 Kieselbach, K241 59B Gustav 37, Emma 30 Kilborrn, K416 99B Isac 45, Ruth 29, Lester 15, Charles 8, Cecil 6 Killen, K450 36A Kate 47, Doris 8, Georgiana 18 Kilty, K430 126A William 34, Julia 36, William 15 Kimball, K514 121B Wallace 54, Mary 53, Gertrude 33, Roy 25 Kinder, K536 33A Helen 21 Kindziara, K532 116A Winsent 30, Vernick 22, Sylvester 5, Rebaima 4, Sewergn 2, Balbina m7 King, K520 99A Kate 35, Clarke 16, Lillun 14, Mabell 11 King, K520 89B William 41, Mary 36, Arthur 8, Marjorie 6, Louisa 3, Florence 2 King, K520 11A George 31, Anna 30, William 12, Henry 6, Mary 4 Kingsbury, K521 111A Emily(?) 55 Kinnay, K500 77B Alfared 74, Eugene 53 Kinney, K500 134B Newton 57, Phebe 49, Mabel 11, Emery 8 Kinney, K500 104A Mary 52 Kinney, K500 105A Stilman 61, Lattie 38, Warren 14 Kinney, K500 16B Edward 68, Mary 63 Kinyon, K550 149B Mollie 26 Kinyon, K550 121B Anson 62, Maria 51, Myrtie 25 Kinyon, K550 123A Charles 52, Charlotte 50, Fayette 24, William 23, Edna 19 Kinyon, K550 123B William 67, Mattie 59, George 39, Alice 38, Sidney 11 Kinyon, K550 79B Jessie 9 Kipp, K100 75A Mary 48 Kirkebom, K621 141B Olgo 26 Kirkham, K625 158A Merret 20 Kirsch, K620 149A George 6 Klatt, K430 115B Hendreatha 70, Adaph 30, Eward 4 Klatt, K430 133B Ernie 33, Bertha 33, Emil 7, Otto m11, August 37 Klein, K450 113A Fredrick 43, Lavisa 35, Celia 15, Herbert 13, Elsie 11, Luella 9, Clarens 6, Elvara 4 Klein, K450 150A Pauline 7 Klein, K450 123A Louis 29, Katherine 25, Edmund 4, Viola 1 Kleker, K426 166A Vincent 50, Francis 49, Joseph 24, Milea 18, Frank 15 Kleker, K426 166B Vincent 26, Iddie 24, Alice 3, Robert m10 Kleker, K426 116A Haward 8 Kleker, K426 132A Anna 69 Klemmer, K456 81A John 46, Bertha 42, Charles 21, Richard 18, George 16, Martha 14, John 13, Bertha 10 Klien, K450 168B Herby 14 Klima, K450 121B John 32, Jennie 27, Harvey 9, Hazel 8, Helen 6, Harold 4, Louis 21 Klims, K452 143A Frank 22 Klin, K450 94B John 44, Tonie 28, Frank m10, John 15, Josoph 12, William 10 Klint, K453 52A Harry 25 Klitsch, K432 135B Richard 33, Paulina 21, Heneriette 4, Carl 2, Victor m2 Kloiber, K416 31B Mary 23 Kloiber, K416 35A Louis 44, Anne 44, Louis 12, Annie 11, Wallie 8, Louise 6 Kluge, K420 32B Olive 17 Klupac, K412 157A Peter 90, Rasa 69 Knapp, K510 124A Orvile 54, Ludski 17, Orville 11 Knicknbocker, K525 147B Wm 70, Hellen 55, Clarence 25, Elanor 19 Kniefel, K514 62A Mathew 7, Mary 6 Kniefel, K514 37A Henry Sr. 60, Amelie 48, Henry Jr. 22, Winnie 17, Joe 15, Mary 12, Eddie 9, Eda 8, Anton 5, Fred 3, Frank 1 Kniefel, K514 38B William 19 Knight, K523 124B Jennie 50 Knigslay, K524 140B Mory 52, Martha 44, Ellen 21, Floid 17 Knoblock, K514 120A Adolph 68, Sophia 62 Knowlton, K543 65B *(F) 64 Knuslduch, K524 108B Nel* 60, Actia 59, Arthur 19, Irma 17 Knutson, K532 111B Nils 23, Elizabeth 28 Knutson, K532 12B Nels 57 Koanea, K500 40A August 73, Margret 66 Koberowski, K162 29A Francis 12 Koch, K200 134A John 26, Lilian 23 Koenig, K520 106B Hugo 37, Emma 27, Florence 3, Lilian 1 Koenig, K520 109A L.E. 27, Aurella 24 Kohlmeir, K456 134B Paul 76, Caroline 65 Kokaisel, K224 142A Martin 43, Annie 29 Kokaisel, K224 146A John 50, Johanna 50, John 28, Phelix 21, Frank 16, Jeseph 14, Mary 12, Martin 77, Annie 74 Koller, K460 75A Arek 16 Koon, K500 140B Wm 45, Belle 45, Blanch 24 Kop, K100 175B Nels 71, Soren 27, Peter 24, Sophia 15 Kordahl, K634 73A Mary 55, Carl 29, Anton 21, Oscar 16, Emma 13, Arnold 7 Korrupp, K610 87B John 57, Louisa 56, Gilbet 15, Alma 13 Korstars, K623 88A Fred 62, Mary 63 Kottke, K320 97A Minnie 27 Kottkie, K320 139B Ignate 44, Albertina 46, Othelie 12, Hulda 9, Freda 6 Kovalask(?), K142 77A John 37, Helen 20, Mary 14, Anna 11, Frank 8, Martha 3, Joseph 1 Kovar, K160 168A Wansel 45, Abbie 17, Wansel 15, Amelia 14, Alois 11, Bertha 9, Mary 7, Albert 6, Hellen 5, Alice 3, Martha 2 Kovar, K160 62A Frank 44, Josephine 55, Anna 17 Kovar, K160 62B Josie 15 Kovar(?), K160 156B Anton 48, Anna 45, William 19, Anton 17, Matilda 14, Libbie 12, Adalph 10, Anna 72 Kovars, K162 43A Frank 28, Anna 26, Louis 5, Joseph 3 Kovars, K162 47B Anton 31, Francis 22, Agnes 8, Anna 6, Maggie 5 Kovars, K162 47B John 66, Odellia 38 Kr*, K600 65B Torgeret 27 Krabsch, K612 149A Oscar 11, Jesse 6 Krabsch, K612 150B Francis 8 Kraemer, K656 143A Anna 18 Kraemer, K656 139A Mike 54, Susie 48, Annie 18, Mary 16, Katie 12, Susie 8, Frankie 6 Kraemer, K656 139A Cornelius 55, Minnie 57 Krajicek, K622 90A Frank 25 Krall, K640 118B August 45, Paulina 42, Otilje 12, Herman 8, Julia 5, William m1, Frida 13, Paulina 10 Kramath, K653 139A Gottlieb 26, Martha 19 Kramnse(?), K652 7B Nels 50, Carrie 48, Anna 24, Julia 22, Albert 17?, Henry 15, Carl 13, Ella 11, Nedarthne 8? Kramp, K651 103B Bernard 28, Jirna 26 Krappner, K615 148A Eva 23 Kratochvil, K632 96A Josoph 21 Krause, K620 163B Ida 22 Krause, K620 158A Rudolph 35, Amalia 38, Mabel 8, Milton 4, Lilli 1, William 18 Krause, K620 158A Emil 27 Krause, K620 80A Amelia(?) 35, Willis 9, Ester 8, Ernest 7 Krause, K620 65B Otto 25, Matie 15 Kreasal, K624 39A Julius J. 38, Louisa 34, Julius 11, Annie 10, Willie 7, Eddie 4, Amil 2, Paul m2 Kreasal, K624 39A Julius E. 36, Augusta 31, Fred 7, Charlie 6, Emma 4, Mary 2, Herman 17 Kreasal, K624 40A William 38, Bertha 32, John 5, Elsia 3, Mattie m6 Kreig, K620 83A Frank 39, Anna 38, Almer 14, Ida 13, George 11, Eva 9, Lawrence 7, Susan 5 Kreisel, K624 143B Minnie 32, Mary 27, Christian 24, Anna 22 Krenke, K652 86A Frank 24 Krenke, K652 66A Adolph 27, Mamie(?) 26 Krenke, K652 72B William 57, Louisa 49, Gustoff 20, Paul 16, Albert 14, George 11, Mary 10, William 8 Krenz, K652 52B Gotlieb 45, Martha 30, Louisie 18, Martin 16, Gotleib 5, Matha 4, Freda m11 Kreuz, K620 49B Otto 20 Kreuz(?), K620 53A Christian 46, Ottilia 37, Ernestine 18, Gustav 15 Kreuz(?), K620 53B Anna 13, Christian 12, Olga 9, Lydia 7, Ida 4, Benjamin 2 Krier, K660 126A Harry 43, Elizabeth 42, Walter 14, Miles 10, John 8, *(F) 6, *rry(M) 3 Krier, K660 31A Albert 31, Kate 31, Mary 7, Retia 3, Harry 1 Kripner, K615 11B August 38, Maggie 8, Edward 8, Martha 5 Krippner, K615 80A John 24 Krippner, K615 51A Andrew 67, Kate 63, John 31, Maggie 25, Peter 22 Krippner, K615 4B Chris 23, Lizzie 18 Krisch, K620 150B Rosie 12 Krogan, K625 47B Ole 84, -- 78 Kroll, K640 68A Julia 48 Kroll, K640 68B Ludwig 40, Amelia 32, Meta 12, Hugo 9, Otto 6, Olga 4, Ella 1 Kron, K650 151B Ernest 12 Krouse, K620 158A Gustave 33, Emma 24, Elsa 5, Clara 3, Henry 1 Krouse, K620 158A William 62, Amelia 59, Adolph 20, Mattie 15 Kruckebera, K621 3B John 39, Amelia 34, George 14, Jahn 10, Arney 8, Lydia 6, Harold(?) 4 Kruckeberg, K621 119B Ernst(?) 30, Louise 24, Gertrude 3, Irvin 1 Kruckeberg, K621 5B Henry 41, Ida 31, Albert 15, Estella 12, Ezra 10, Elizabeth 8 Kruckeberg, K621 5B Fred 37, Reka 33, Herbert 11, Alma 6, Laura 1 Kruckeberg, K621 6B * 47, Fred 27, Otto 22, Minnie 18, William 13, Bertha 10, August 7 Kruckeberg, K621 10A Herman 20 Kruckeberg, K621 10A George 22, Amelia 18 Krueger, K626 46B Charlie 37, Anna 28, Herold m7 Kruesel, K624 162A Henry 17 Kruesel, K624 61B A* 65, Hattie 58, Augusta 20, Theodore 19 Kruger, K626 160A John 51, Amelia 50, Mary 14, August 38 Kruger, K626 111A Norbert(?) 29, Agnes 26, Leona 5 Kruger, K626 115A Julius 40, Rosie 40, Alfred 11, Ida 10, Franke 8, Julius 7, Rasa 5, Chrestina 1 Kruger, K626 143B August 37, Ida 26, Willie 3, Bernice 1 Kruger, K626 105B August 64, Augusta 63, Henry 27, Matilda 26, Lydia 22, Benjamin 19 Kruger, K626 68B Charles 28, Augusta 26, Edith 2 Kruger, K626 69A August 32, Mary 32, Arthur 7, John 5, Clara 1 Krunz, K652 106A Adolph 27, Fances 20, Elsa m9 Ksiansawkive(?), K522 151B Ike 21, Rosie 20 Kuajawa, K200 75A John 50, Lena 48, John 21, Marten 15, Sadie 10, Romie 7 Kubacek, K122 173A Bo*run 27, Annie 20, Helen m5, Edward m11 Kubat, K130 165B John 36, Josy 33, Victor 9, Charley 3 Kubat, K130 165B Joseph 52, Anna 44, Edward 19 Kubat, K130 167A Frank 25, Rosie 23, Albina 1, Rudolph m0 Kubat, K130 167A Anton 35, Josephine 27, Melia 12, Edward 17 Kubat, K130 167A John 66, Agnes 57, Peter 17, Agnes 16 Kubat, K130 155B Anna 77 Kubat, K130 156B Samuel 54, Matilda 52, Henry 23, Jasie 19, Olga 9, Elsie 7 Kubat, K130 160A Anton 50 Kubat, K130 112A Samuel 29, Inga 28 Kubat, K130 115B William 26, Ida 22 Kubat, K130 142B Adolph 23, Emil 21, Libbie 16 Kubat, K130 97B Margart 22 Kubat, K130 57A Frank 28, Mary 21 Kubat, K130 57A Anton 56, Pauline 54, Anton 33, Vincent 26, Joseph 25, Englebert 22, Henry 18, John 15, Villiam 13, Alauis 10 Kubat, K130 58B Emil 20 Kubat, K130 25A Anton 45, Francis 40, William 19, Elsie 4 Kubat, K130 34A Mylo 26, Mary 25 Kubeatowicz, K132 147A Joseph 25, Lena 22 Kubiatowich, K132 80A Thos 35, Mary 29 Kubiatowiez, K132 145B Joseph 63 Kubiatowiez, K132 146A Josie 56, Martin 21, Steven 18, Andrew 15, Annie 11 Kubicek, K122 174A Annie 23, Annie 1 Kubicek, K122 174B John 20, Josie 18, Caroline 61 Kubicek, K122 177A Frank 35, Mary 31, Mary 10, Matilda 10, Frank 9, Joseph 7, Rosy 5, Peter 3, Charles m10, Anton 22 Kubicek, K122 132B Rudolph 26, Katie 19 Kubicek, K122 41A Vincent 60, Matilda 50, Frank 16, Matilda 14, Albina 11 Kubieraski, K162 108A Joseph 24, Chatrina 21, Elnory m9 Kubista, K123 165B John 37, Tresie 34, Anna 6, Joseph 3, John 1 Kubista, K123 165B Ignac 70, Rosy 56, Ignac 26, Frank 18, Charley 16, Josephine 14 Kubista, K123 168B Anton 32, Emily 24, Anton 6, Walter 4, Mabel 2 Kubista, K123 169B Frank 43, Josephine 25, John 15, Frank 14, Joseph 11, William 9, Anton 5, Amil 3, Amelia 2, Agnes m6 Kubista, K123 108B Frank 75, Fransic 49 Kucera, K260 156B Frank 69, Antonia 67 Kuchenbecker, K251 162A Theodore 65, Anna 49, Theodore 26, William 24, Martha 22, Richard 20, Elizabeth 15 Kuchenbecker(?), K251 161A Arnold 27 Kuckanbeker, K251 88A Edd 70, Esteena 51, Amanda 18, Bernard 17, Edward 16, Nat* 12 Kuel(?), K400 114B Thrasa 61, Charls 22 Kuenke, K520 48A Herman 54, Pauline 42, Mathilda 19, August 18, Pauline 15, Christina 12, Edith 10, Freda 2 Kuger, K260 154A Jacob 62, Caroline 48, Philip 22, Clarra 18, Albert 15, Jahn 11 Kuhns, K520 87B John 64, Lena 64 Kujawa, K200 80B Thos. 48, Mary 33, Cecilia 19, Waltar 17, Alex 15, Katie 11, Johnie 9, Stella 6 Kulas, K420 140B Anna 22 Kulos, K420 147B Edward 41, Christine 35, Stella 7, Mary 11 Kulzer, K426 105A Joseph 52, Barbra 53, Leuis 16 Kunke, K520 53A Minne 13 Kunz, K520 4B Frank 48, Mary 46, Frank 22 Kupka, K120 102B Anna 20 Kuplan, K145 171A Wencil 50, Anna 30, Frank 11, Emma 9, Anna 5, Artie 2 Kuss, K200 51A Paul 47, Anna 40 Kutkie, K320 139A William 44, Lena 36, Edward 17, William 14, Gusta 11, Eva 6 Kvasnicka, K125 7B Joseph 46, Francis 40, Jaseph 18, Antone 14, Anna 12, William 3 Kvern(?), K165 28A Mattie 26