1920 Steele County Minnesota Federal Census Name Index Microfilm Images Reel Number T625-863 K - L ========================================================================= USGENWEB NOTICE: In keeping with our policy of providing free information on the Internet, material may be freely used by non-commercial entities, as long as this message remains on all copied material, AND permission is obtained from the contributor of the file. These electronic pages may NOT be reproduced in any format for profit or presentation by other organizations. Persons or organizations desiring to use this material for non-commercial purposes, MUST obtain the written consent of the contributor, OR the legal representative of the submitter, and contact the listed USGenWeb archivist with proof of this consent. If you have found this file through a source other than the MNArchives Table Of Contents you can find other Minnesota related Archives at: http://www.usgwarchives.net/mn/mnfiles.htm Please note the county and type of file at the top of this page to find the submitter information or other files for this county. File Formatted by Terri -- MNArchives Made available to The USGenWeb Archives by: John Haberman ========================================================================= These files contain the readable names as extracted from the microfilmed 1920 Federal Census page images for Steele County, Minnesota. The official date of the census was January 1, 1920. The census pages are all dated between January 2 and April 6. In addition to the SURNAME, Census Page, First Name and Age, I have added a Soundex Index corresponding to each SURNAME. An "Enumeration District" Table, below, allows you to associate a census page with a township, city or village. These files represent a "best effort" at interpreting the text from the images. Others reviewing the images will read some text differently. Often the penmanship of the census taker was poor. Some microfilm images are low quality. With time the ink was absorbed into the paper yielding 'smeared' text. Aging of the paper results in darkening that makes some of the text difficult to read. The SURNAMES are ordered alphabetically in a "family friendly" format. This format preserves much of the family information from the census listings. Proper genealogy requires that YOU MUST VERIFY YOUR FINDINGS BY OBTAINING AND EXAMINING THE ORIGINAL, SOURCE, INFORMATION. If you don't find the person(s) you seek, be very creative with alternate spellings and possible misspellings. The spelling of the census takers was often "creative". They generally spelled the names "as they heard them" (i.e., phonetically). Reading the images was sometimes difficult but especially so when poor penmanship is combined with strings of "m", "n", "u", "w", "e", "i", "r", "s", etc. letters. (My experiences interpreting the census images suggest that a given person's name will have an alternate spelling about 25% of the time.) I made few attempts to correct 'obvious' mistakes (spelling, age, relationship etc.) I tried to enter the information as it appears in the images. (Example: several census takers wrote their "o" such that it appears as an "a" or "u".) Rather than indicate some names as totally unreadable I sometimes made an "educated guess" about a name. In other cases I "flagged" names as partially unreadable. However, in a few instances the NAME was totally unreadable. = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Census Enumeration Districts, Steele County, 1920 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Census Pages Enumeration District No. Notes --------- ------------------------- --- --------- 1 - 9 Aurora Township 817 10 - 17 Berlin Township 748 (a) 18 - 21 Ellendale Village 367 (a) 22 - 32 Blooming Prairie Village 1012 33 - 39 Blooming Prairie Township 698 40 - 49 Clinton Falls Township 473 50 - 57 Deerfield Township 754 58 - 65 Havana Township 718 66 - 74 Lemond Township 837 75 - 87 Medford Township 695 88 - 96 Meriden Township 764 97 - 103 Merton Township 675 104 - 119 Owatonna city Ward 1 1513 (a),(b) 120 - 135 Owatonna city Ward 2 1562 (a),(c) 136 - 152 Owatonna city Ward 3 1642 (a),(d) 153 - 165 Owatonna city Ward 4 1266 (e) 166 - 181 Owatonna city Ward 5 1269 (a),(c) 182 - 188 Owatonna Township 609 189 - 197 Somerset Township 885 198 - 205 Summit Township 759 ------ Total 18063 (f) The letters "A" & "B" are used to identify the front and back sides respectively of each numbered census page (image.) (a) Additions to previously recorded family groups were entered on the last page(s) for this enumeration district. (b) Includes the Poor Farm (p. 119A) and Pillsbury Academy (p. 119B) (c) Some page images are sequenced incorrectly for this district. (d) Includes 393 persons living as the State School for Indigent Children (the "Orphan's Home", pp. 138A - 142A.) (e) Includes the Sacred Heart Convent. (f) 17 Persons have also been omitted from these listings (but not from this total) because I was unable to determine 7 surnames. = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Samples of the "Family Friendly" format - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Surname, Soundex Page Name(s) & Age(s) ---------------- ---- ------------------------------------- 1880 Haberman, H165 103A Wenzl 62, Rosie 60, Jacob 29, Adolphus 24, Ferdinand 19, Carrie 17 Haberman, H165 107A Vencil 39, Clara 37, Mary 17, Vencil 15, Threse 13, Manuel 11, Paul 8, John 6, Peter 4, Jacob 2, Annie d1 1900 Hubberman, H165 144B John 26, Kate 20, John 1 Hoberman, H165 177A Wencl 58, Thressy 56, Rosy 16, Melia 12, Stena 11, Josie 10 1910 Habrman, H165 277B Wencl 69, Thressia 67, Amelia 21, Stanislav 20 Haberman, H165 226B John J. 35, Kathrine 30, John W. 11, Joseph 8, Elizabeth 5, Clara 3, George 8m 1920 Haberman, H165 45A Vencil 79, Thresa 77 Haberman, H165 146B John 46, Katherine 40, John R 21, Joseph R 18, Elizabeth 14, Clara 12, George 10, Albert 8, Louise 5, Paul 2 1930 Haberman, H165 189A Kate 50, George 20, Albert 18, Louise 15, Paul 13 Notes: 1. This composite shows entries from the 1880 - 1930 censuses and covers four generations of my family. 2. The identification appears ONLY in this sample. 3. Notice the variety of spellings, names and nicknames. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Explanation for Special Notations appearing in the listings - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - * indicates multiple letters as unreadable ~ indicates one letter as unreadable ? indicates that the previous letter is uncertain - or -- indicates no entry in that column (?) indicates that the name is an 'educated' guess (F) indicates a Female Person but an unreadable name (M) indicates a Male Person but an unreadable name m# indicates an age in months (for children younger than 1) d# indicates an age in days (for children younger than 1 month) = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = This format, called "Family Friendly", evolved as a way to maintain some of the family relationship information from the census listings. Each new entry in the "Surname" column results from any of the following factors: 1. A new "household" marked in the census 2. A new "family" marked in the census 3. A new Surname occurring in the census 4. A 'continued' listing appearing on a new page For each new "Surname" entry, a Soundex Code is also shown. That person marked as "Head" of the household is named first. Others listed on the same line, or continuing line(s), include those listed as wife, husband, son, daughter, and others sharing the same surname. Sometimes family members are not listed on the same page as the household "Head". This causes the sort routine to generate a new line and "Surname" entry. I have forced the routine to place these cases immediately following the line containing the "Head" of the household. A review of the ages usually suggests that this has happened. This format fails to show family and household relationship information for: 1. in-laws 2. married daughters and their family 3. the wife's parents and siblings 4. step children 5. adopted children 6. siblings at the State School (Orphan Home) !! IF YOU HAVE ANY DOUBTS ABOUT POSSIBLE FAMILY RELATIONSHIPS, !! !! YOU MUST OBTAIN AND CAREFULLY EXAMINE THE CENSUS IMAGES! !! = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = - - - - Notes - - - - 1. The SURNAME "Sister" has been assigned to the Sisters at the Sacred Heart Convent. 2. The Soundex Index: This code helps to find SURNAMES that sound alike. One flaw is that it is based on "English" phonics (i.e., (French or Native American names might not conform.) Another problem occurs for "prefixed" names (other than Mc- and Mac-) since these names may be coded with or without the prefix. 3. For those names flagged as only partially readable, an attempt to determine a possible Soundex Index was made. The zero "0" is used to "pad" the index to its proper length. 4. A summary of the information contained in the 1920 Federal Census Records (images) is contained in a separate file. 5. Some of the enumerators indicated the age of a child under 5 in year and months format. I recorded the "months" information only for those children under 1. 6. It is frequently possible to detect errors in the census data images because several numbering schemes were used. Each page was numbered by the enumerator. Each household and family were sequentially numbered as data was collected. (This is how it is possible to often unite families whose information is listed on different pages.) Each page was numbered when it was submitted in final form by the census taker. Each page image was indexed when it was microfilmed. Each page might also be indexed by the vendor from whom it was obtained. John Haberman February 2001; April 2002; January 2003 = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = 1920 Steele County Minnesota Federal Census Name Index Microfilm Images Reel Number T625-863 K - L SURNAME, Soundex Page Name(s) & Age(s) --------------------- ---- ------------------------------------------- K*, K000 144B Anton 23 K?elm, K450 13A Albert 70, Bertha 55 Kading, K352 91B Orlando 32, Elsie 22 Kading, K352 145B Frank 52, Lydia 51, Frances 4, Ruth m2 Kading, K352 145B John 66, Minnie 62, Rosie 56 Kading, K352 146B Charles 70 Kading, K352 147A Johanna 67, Albert 43, Elmer 27, Malinda 39 Kading, K352 147B Emil 32, Elleott 6 Kading, K352 172B Carl 24, Margaret 22, Luella 1 Kading, K352 178A Emil 61, Augusta 55, John 27, Ernest 23, Gertrude 18, Lauis 16, Clarence 12 Kading(?), K352 173A Albert 35, Margaret 33, Everett 5 Kahm, K500 150B Herbert 38, Lorinda 34 Kaiser, K260 154B Elanor 28, Gretchen 30, Richard 6 Kajawa, K200 127B Catherine 32 Kalb, K410 145A Amos 58, Minnie 5~ Kalos, K420 122A Zois 24 Kane, K500 142A Ray 12 Kanger, K526 33B Hazel 19 Kanne, K500 55A L.R. 56, Lydia 47, Myrtle 20 Kanne, K500 55A Irven 26, Anna 27, Lester 1 Kanne(?), K500 120A Florence 24 Kaplan, K145 19B Anna 49 Kaplan, K145 34A Annie 65, Edward 35, Eva 31 Kaplan, K145 34B John 36, Alice 22, Evelyn m2 Kaplan, K145 34B Edward 29, Wilhelmena 22, Clarince 2 Kaplan, K145 143B Emil 37, Nettie 36, Clayton 9, Stanley 8, Vernice 5, Orel 2 Kaplan, K145 149B Godfrey 55, Anna 49, Arthur 24, Ruben 22, Avald 22, Harvey 18, Clarence 12, Donald 12 Kaplan, K145 154B Fannie 58, Joseph 54, Howard 21, Cellia 22 Kaplan, K145 170A Ruben 23, Florence 24, Valerie 2, Blanch 1 Kaplan, K145 183A Chaarles 28, Victor 24, Felix 22, Otto 20, Emily 17 Kaplan, K145 194B Walter 25, Mary 25, Lorraine 2 Kaplan, K145 203B Frank 30, Ester 26 Kapland, K145 1A Josph 63, Bertha 59, Josph 29 Kaplin, K145 156A William 33, Estella 27 Kaplink, K145 140B Joslph 11, Frances 9, Victor 7, Mary 6, Johanna 4 Karans, K652 46A John 29, Mary 28, Thomas 4, Donald 2 Karans, K652 161B Michal 63, Veronica 56, Frank 27, Mary 26, Dorothy 1 Karger, K626 51A Erven 14, Elvera 7 Karnetz, K653 167A Elmer 30, Clara 29, Evelyn 6, Ora 2, Charles 29 Karrow, K600 53B Gustav 61, Anna 54, George 21, Annie 16, Ervin 15, John 12 Karsow, K620 53B L.J. 27, William 26, Myrtle 19 Karsten, K623 173B Safia 80, Fredrika 35 Karvonen, K615 139B Wainoe 5, Walter 8 Kasel, K240 169A Henry 57, Clara 23 Kasmoski, K252 82A John 55, Stasey 52, Valentine 28, Frank 20, Clara 15 Kasmosky, K252 116B Anton 60, Gertrude 56, Gertrude 18 Kaspar, K216 204B Sidney 30, Helen 29, John 2, Charly 1 Kasper, K216 80A Jay 40, Anna 44?, Valdimore 15, Jay 10, Kennetth m11 Kasper, K216 106B Minnie 43, Eugene 16, Margaret 14 Kasper, K216 109B Frank 50, Anna 48, Alice 17 Kasper, K216 151A Albert 66, Rosa 59, Rudalph 23, Alfreda 21 Kasper, K216 189B Alois 39, Mary 37, Albe(?) 14, Irene 7, Vernon 4 Kasper, K216 196B Anton 64, Otto 37, Blanche 25, Charley 20, Mary 32 Kasppner, K215 186B Edward 27, Minnie 26, Alvin 5, Ester 2 Kasprzak, K216 155B Igona 28, Mary 28, Regina 2, Edward 1 Katola, K340 93B John 14 Kattke, K320 180B William 64, Caroline 56 Katz, K320 163A Albert 35, Anna 35, Grace 13, Peter 12, Emilia 10, Edward 9, Joseph 7, Florence 6 Kaufman, K155 178B John 51, Mary 50, Frank 32, George 29, LeMont 26, Ester 24, Paul 22, Mark 19, Elenor 18, Cyril 14, May 9 Kdabasnicka, K312 2A Josph 39, Stella 31, Rose 15, Elizabeth 11, Edward 9, Magedlen 6, Margret 5, Lillain 1 Kdabasnicka, K312 2A William 22, Veronica 20, Lawrance m6 Kdaboranicka, K316 3B Anton 34, Martha 29, Alice 8, Leona 2, France 60 Keck, K200 60B Henry 34 Keck, K200 62A Emil 28 Kedziora, K326 179A Vincent 50, Veronica 42, Severina 27, Bellgina 20, Jasephina 19, Julia 17, Josepf 15, Florence 14, Jacob 12, John 10, Mary 9, Frank 7, Frances 4, Vincent 1 Kedzora, K326 170B Bell 20 Keefe, K100 26A Danil 35, Stasia 31, William m3, Fredrek m3 Keefe, K100 29B Mary 69, Gerterud 32 Keefe, K100 105B William 38, Ida 38, Howard 3, Marion 1 Keefe, K100 125A Marie 25 Keefe, K100 170A Albert 49, Mary 44, William 19, Trina 18, Margaret 10, Edward 8, Eveline 4 Keefe, K100 172A Kate 53 Keeler, K460 140A Chester 10 Keenan, K550 31A Eugene 51, Mary 44 Keenan, K550 31A Micheal 67, Ellen 63 Keene, K500 131B Nettie 68, Thaddeus(?) 30 Kehoe, K000 124A Ione 19 Kelem, K450 64B William 31, Louisie 33, Carl 6, Herbert 3 Keller, K460 62B John 55, Veronika 44, Margrett 17, William 16, Farancis 12, Danel 2 Keller, K460 86A Harry 29, Ruby 22, Arrlawayne m10 Keller, K460 126A Helen 20 Kellogs, K420 139B Chester 11 Kelly, K400 107B William 33, Elizabeth 29, Mary 2, William m5 Kelly, K400 121B Steve 46, Annie 42, John 18, Vera 13, Carl 8 Kelly, K400 122A Martha 85 Kelly, K400 128B Thomas 38, Margeret 28, Kathleen 2 Kelly, K400 158A Thomas 78, Elsie 69 Kemmer, K560 166A George 35, Phillipine 28, William 10, Floyd 3 Kemrelly, K564 151B William 34, Cecelia 25, Robert 1 Kendrick, K536 85B Anna 27, Lucile 3 Kenyon, K550 107A Fred 56, Minnie 53, Fenimore 27, Jeannetta 13 Kenyon, K550 110A Willis 67, Anna 56, Ferna 25 Kenyon, K550 124B Fayette 44, Mary 40, Chapin 8, Dorothy 14 Kenyon, K550 124B George 78, Stella 50 Kenyon, K550 126A Sidrien 30, Florence 32, Jeane 4, Barbara 2 Kenyon, K550 126B George 58, Alice 58 Kenyon, K550 126B Charles 73, Charlotte 71 Kenyon, K550 126B Maria 71, Viola 49, Myrtie 45 Kenyon, K550 156B Sewin 30, Sarah 27, Willis 5, Maryann 3 Kenyon, K550 162B Arthur 48, Veronica 37, Leo 15 Kenyon, K550 190B Darwin 61, Dora 52, Clayton 24, Lucile 23, Rodney m9 Kepp, K100 135B Mary 63 Kester, K236 118B Edith 24 Ketridge, K363 138B Alice 37 Key, K000 139B Willard 5 Kieman, K550 167A Patric 59 Kiese, K200 140B Carlton ? Kilborn, K416 80A Chales 29, Elizabeth 29, Donna(?) 8 Kilborn, K416 100B Isaac 64, Ruth 49, Howard 17 Kilzman, K425 173A Frank 31, Alice 29, Bernice 9 Kimball, K514 104A William 74 Kimball, K514 128B Katherine 48 Kinder, K536 151B Erich 4 King, K520 2B C.C. 34, Brtha 36, Cvit 3, Cegan m4 King, K520 97B William 61, Emma 47, Louise 23, Harold 17, Mildred 11 King, K520 145A Corndon 90 King, K520 174B Arthur 27 Kingeboro, K521 8B Mark 34, Elsie 27, Lucile 4, B*(F) m5 Kinney, K500 110A Stillman 80, Charlotta 58, S.Warren 33 Kirby, K610 27B Julia 50 Kirby, K610 140B Gebulon 4 Kiselback, K241 156B Gustav 56, Emma 49, Matilda 14 Kiser, K260 141B Mabel 17 Kisne(?), K250 157B Charles 27 Kissner, K256 151B Tillie 30 Kittenour, K356 141A Robert 1 Klapp, K410 134B Emil 53, Bertha 52, Otto 20, Ella 17 Klar, K460 124A Charles 22 Klaryk, K462 25A Chaterine 8 Klecker, K426 148A Anna 57, William 27, Jahn 22, Alice 15 Klecker, K426 174A Henry 35, Marry 34, Pauline 10 Kleckner, K425 121B James 30, Inez 29 Klein, K450 97A Hans 45, Kate 37, Louis 14, Walter 12, Ella 10, Laura 9, Rudolph 6, Hilda 3, Raymond m7 Klein, K450 149A Joseph 31, John 33 Klekar, K426 189A Frank 33, Frances 31, Frank 9, Edward 6, Elizabeth 5 Klekar, K426 189A Vincent 70, Frances 69 Klekar, K426 189B Joseph 45, Annie 39, Ludwig 16, Joseph 11 Klekar, K426 189B Vincent 46, Annie 37, Robert 20, Vincent Jr. 18, Regina 14, Annie 12 Klemmer, K456 114A Richard 37, Margaret 27, Evelyn 6, Dona 3, Donald 3, Guelma m10 Klemmer, K456 123A Carl 41, Emma 29, Lorcieda 8, Eleanor 5, Mabel 4 Klileska(?), K442 182B Paul 23 Klima, K450 53B F.W. 35, Emma 27, Paul 7, John 4, Anabelle 1 Klima, K450 83A Bartley 37, Marie 27 Klima, K450 105B Louis 40, Ella 36, Helen 17, John 16, Gertrude 14, Charlotte 10, Lawrence 6, Katharine 3, Mary 1 Klima, K450 111A John 52, Jennie 48, Helen 26, Paul 18, Mildred 17, Zelda 14, Herbert 13, Dorothy 11 Klingbeil, K452 31B Rudolph 41, Anna 37, Margerate 10, Louise 7, Kathryn 6, Laster 10 Klockzien, K425 143B Robert 46, Jennie 48 Kloker, K426 141A Otto 15 Knaak, K520 68B William 36, Rose 36, Gladys 10, Clarence 7 Knaak, K520 94A John 34, Victoria 26, Dorine 5 Kneifel, K514 40A Henry 78, Molly 61, Fred 24, Frank 22 Kneifel, K514 40A Anton 26, Ethel 23, Clement 1 Knickerbocker(?), K526 108A Helen 76 Kniefe, K510 50B E.P. 30, Ella 28, Edith 5 Kniefel, K514 54A Joseph 36, Anna 29, Alvin 7, Herbert 5, Harvey 3, Margaret 1 Knsak, K522 165A Paul 27, Julia 26, Pauline 2, Fred 62, Elisabeth 59 Kobierowski, K162 116B Joseph 45, Katherine 39, Eleanor 20, Edward 18, Mary 16, George 14, William 9, Margaret 5 Koch, K200 54A Henry 46, Lillie 43, Harold 12 Kodera, K360 140A Otto 10 Koerner, K656 123A Arthur(?) 43 Kokaisel, K224 147A Johanna 68, Anna 36 Kolmire, K456 147B Julius 50, Annie 52, Frank 24, Elsie 26, George 17, Bertha 12, Florence 2 Komer, K560 170A Charles 28, Grace 22 Kort, K630 142A Caroline 68, Agnes 42 Kosmoroske, K256 162A Martin 46, Antonia 42, Prayeda 18, Cicelia 16, Harry 15, Joe 20 Kottla(?), K340 154B Frederick 60, Carl 26, Otto 21 Kottla(?), K340 155A Freda 18, Arthur 24 Kouasack(?), K220 123B Frank 24 Kova, K100 52A Frank 49, Annie 48, Joseph 22 Kovaleske, K142 85A John 55, Ellen 41, Roman 13, Edward 8 Kovaliski, K142 154A Joseph 21 Kovar, K160 52A Anton 51, Frances 42, Annie 26 Kovar, K160 113B Frank 65, Josephine 66 Kovar, K160 149A Louis 31, Frances 29, Harold 7 Kovar, K160 138B Helen 24 Kovar, K160 140A Henry 1 Kovar, K160 172B Jaseph 55, Mary 56, Amey 23, Lauise 20, Jasie 18 Kovar, K160 175A William 39 Kovar, K160 175B Amelia 30, Alice 9, Effie 7 Kovar, K160 183B Adolph 30, Alice 33 Kovar, K160 184A Anton Jr. 37, Alice 28, Arlowine 5, Anton Sr. 62, Anna 66 Kovar, K160 194A Wencel 66, Mary 27, Albert 25, Martha 21 Kovar, K160 194A Vencel 34, Annie 23 Kovar, K160 204B Eles 22 Krafcheck, K612 168A Valentine 58, Mary 56, Edward 18, Martha 20 Krahuler, K646 133B Wencl 50, Mary 47, William 23, Anton 21, Frank 18, Edward 14, George 12, Charles 9, Mary 1 Krakules, K624 119B Elsie 16 Kramer, K656 158A Albert 43, Bertha 36, Reynold 17 Kramer, K656 180B Michael 73, Susanna 68, Katharine 29, Susanna 26, Frank 24 Kramer, K656 180B Cornelius 75 Krampideg(?), K651 62B Adolph 49, Willhelmina 42, William 22, Emilia 16, Lidia 15, Carl 13, Minie 9, Adolph Jr. 6, Dorotha 4, Goerge 3, Martha m11 Krandy(?), K653 13A Ernest 25?, Lena 28, Clifford 11?, Lena 5 Krause, K620 54A Adolph 40, Mary 35, Elmer 14, Elvira 10, Benita 10 Krause, K620 54A Emil 47, Autusta 45, Ellen 14, Alvin 12, Clarence 10, Hazel 9, Lorraine 4 Krause, K620 67B Otto 44, Emma 37, Ervin 18 Krause, K620 106B Clara 23 Krause, K620 111B Micheal 65 Krause, K620 112A Pelagia 53, Adelaide 24, Ceicilia 30, Susan 27 Krause, K620 136A Walter 38 Krause, K620 136B Anna 23, Joseph 1, Frank m2 Krause, K620 136B Edward 43, Mary 39, Hillary 14, Bernard 13, Alvina 11 Krause, K620 137B Pearl 25 Krause, K620 173B John 45, Agnes 35, Regina 1 Krause, K620 184B Rudolph 56 Krause, K620 185A Amiela 54, Milton 24, Lillian 19 Krause(?), K620 187A William 37, Clara 35, Helen 11, Herbert 9 Krause(?), K620 187A Gustoff 53, Emma 44, Henry 21, Esma 18, Odella 13, Clara 23 Krausse, K620 154A William 82 Krausse, K620 154B Wilhelmina 78 Kreiger, K626 168A John 70, Amelia 69 Kreisel, K624 42A William 54, Bertha 57, Elsie 22, Mamie 19, Harry 17, Alvina 15, Anna 13, Emma 11, Willie 8 Kreisel, K624 43A Julus 31, Gladys 24, Charles 4 Kreisel, K624 46A Trissa 78 Krell, K640 35B John 46, Verene 39, Leo 16, Remont 13 Krenk, K652 68A Otto 41, Minnie 31, Alma 14, Erwin 12, Arthur 9 Krenke, K652 73B George 31, Rosie 30, Gerhardt 7, Harvy 3, Ruben m10 Krenke, K652 73B William 29, Wanda 24, Louise 69 Krenke, K652 74A Gust 39, Albert 33 Kriefel, K614 84A Benjamin 30, Ella 24, Bernard 10, Louis 5, Evelyn 3, Mildred 1 Krienke, K652 51A F.W. 48, Emma 41, William 19, Leona 16, Alma 12, Lucile 11, Loretta 7 Krier, K660 166A Elizabeth 62, Miles 29, John 27, Harry 23 Kriesel, K624 44A Julius 58, Louis 54, Edward 24, Emil 22, Paul 19, Minnie 16, Alfreda 14 Kriesel, K624 46A Herman 38, Edith 38, Arther 8, Clarence 7, Ordella 5, Harold 3 Kriesel, K624 46A Earnest 56, Augusta 52, Carl 24, Albert 20, Ella 18, Edith 12, Earnest 14 Kripner, K615 147B Eva 53 Kripner, K615 139A John 48 Krippner, K615 53A Peter 42, Charlotte 43, Herbert 3, Maggie 45, Kathrina 84 Krippner, K615 129B Adolph 48, Mary 46, Louis 20, Melvin 19, Harry 17 Krisel, K624 44A William 28 Kroll, K640 70A Otto 25, Martha 23, Amelia 53, Olga 23, Ella 21, Ludwig 18, Alma 15 Kroll, K640 70B Hugo 28, Amanda 27 Kroll, K640 168A August 66, Pauline 62, Celia * Kruckeberg, K621 5B Ernest 48, Lenia 46, Erven 20, Lea 18, F?rank 13, Flose 11 Kruckeberg, K621 6A Herbert 31, Amada 25, Alvon 1 Kruckeberg, K621 7A George 34, Ida 31 Kruesel, K624 66A Theadore 38, Minnie 34, Laura 12, Walter 11, Bertha 8 Kruesel, K624 68A Henry 37, Emma 28, Kurt 7, Elmer 6 Krugar, K626 154A August 52, Ida 43, William 22, Hazel 19, Genevia 14, Eunice 11, Ivedell(?) 9 Kruger, K626 27A William 21, Alma 23, Marie 2 Kruger, K626 50A Charles 47, Augusta 46, Leonard 1 Kruger, K626 112A Benjamin 40, Mabel 40, Evelyn 14 Kruger, K626 156B August 84 Kruger, K626 160A Jacob 82, Carloin 70 Kruger, K626 161B Henry 52, Ea~sona 39 Kruger, K626 172A Philip 42, Mary 34, Mary 14, Agnes 13 Kruger, K626 172B Levinee(?) 10, Eugine 5, Sylvester 2 Kruger, K626 196B August 58 Krulhedug, K643 5B Herman 40, Mertha 37, Leaon 15, Elatha 11, Clarence 19, Clifer 7, Floid 5, Mildes 3, Earl 1 Kruse, K620 38B August 65, Augusta 50, Walter 24, Pearl 25 Krusel, K624 158A Elsie 22 Kryaferschmidt, K616 64A Peter 20 Kubartensitz, K163 184B Martha 6 Kubasta, K123 35A Anton 53, Emely 45, George 19, William 15, Robert 13, Emely 11, Roman 10, Annie 3 Kubat, K130 23B Anton 66, Frances 61 Kubat, K130 59A Frank 47, Marie 41, Anna 17, Agnes 15, Elsie 13, Edward 11, Mary 9, John 6, Magdaline 4, Sophia 1 Kubat, K130 59B Vincenc 46, Rose 37, Albert 13, Walter 12, Irine 8, Margret 7, Angeline 3, Frances m9 Kubat, K130 60A Joseph 44, Anna 33, Agnes 10, William 8, Goerge 6, Raymond 1, Louis 30 Kubat, K130 62A Henry 43, Mary 33 Kubat, K130 62B Henry 13, Mary 15 Kubat, K130 68B Victor 39, Anna 23 Kubat, K130 128A Emil 40, Minnie 40, Bertina 30, Irving 23 Kubat, K130 146B Otto 43, Elizabeth 35, Foster 15 Kubat, K130 148A Josephine 77 Kubat, K130 149A William 46, Emma 43, Irene 10, Alvin 3, Edward 37 Kubat, K130 152A Edward 39, Elsie 34, Clifford 7, Rosemary 4 Kubat, K130 157B Samuel(?) 49, Inga 47 Kubat, K130 160A John 52?, Josie 53, Patrica 16, Josie 12, Mary 9, Steve 19 Kubat, K130 164A Samuel 73, Matilda 72, Elsie 26 Kubat, K130 167A William 46, Ida 43, Mable 16, William 15, Harvey 13, Ada 11, Alice 10, Mayme 2 Kubat, K130 184A Anton 52 Kubat, K130 189A Frank 45, Rose 41, Albina 20, Rudolph 19, Joseph 16, Albert 13, Rose 10 Kubat, K130 190B Peter 38, Frances 31, Edward 11, Agnes 10, Felix 9, George 4, Mary 2 Kubat, K130 190B Anton 55, Frank 18, Henry 15, Christena 13, John 10, Rose 7 Kubat, K130 191B Charley 23, Steve 19 Kubecek, K122 163B Frank 36, Francis 31, Victor 10, Francis 8, Georgia 7 Kubiatowicy, K132 186A Felix 5 Kubiatowicz, K132 111A Martin 41, Frances 41 Kubiatowicz, K132 111A Andrew 35, Margaret 31, Eugene 8, Margaret 3 Kubiatowicz, K132 111A Steve 38, Emma 34, Leonard 13, Donald 10, Paul 7, Imogene 4, Helen m4 Kubiatowicz, K132 145A Joseph 44, Lena 42, Anthony 18, Alice(?) 15, Addie 8, Marion 6 Kubicek, K122 23B Frank 25, Mary 21, Bernhard 7, Frank 4, Peter 23 Kubicek, K122 76A R.E. 45, Cathrine 38, Mathew 19, Rudalph 18, Mary 13, Katherne 11 Kubicek, K122 83A Vincent 43, Francis 42, Alabena 18, Frances 16, William * Kubicek, K122 126A Marie 14 Kubicek, K122 173B Matilda 69 Kubicek, K122 198A John 39, Josefa 37, Karolina 82 Kubicek, K122 198A Anna 43, Anna 21 Kubicek, K122 199B Bohumir 46, Anna 40, Helena 21, Edward 19, Anna 16, Martha 12, Henry 9, Elizabet 7, Egnes 5, Vlasta 3, Bernadeta m11 Kubicek, K122 199B Anton 41, Emilie 36, Margaret 18, Mary 15, Anton 12, Ludmilla 9, Clement 6, Stephen 3 Kubinski, K152 111B George 9 Kubinski, K152 186B Micheal 13 Kubinski, K152 187A Alex 19 Kubista, K123 24A Mabel 21 Kubista, K123 163B William 29, Bertha 38 Kubista, K123 190A Charley 36, Mary 34, Charley 11, Margaret 8, Ferdinand 5, Ignas 45 Kubista, K123 190A John 57, Teresie 54, Joseph 23, John 21, Grace 15, William 12 Kubista, K123 192A Frank 39, Julia 33, Mary 15, Agnes 13, Walter 11, Frank 10, Martha 8, Alvina 5 Kubista, K123 192B Harriet 3, Henry m2 Kubista, K123 194A Walter 24, Mary 17 Kubista, K123 194A Anton 26, Anna 24 Kubista, K123 195B Jasephine 44, Anton 24, Emil 23, Emily 21, Agnes 20, Adeline 17, Adolph 15, Jasephine 13, Rudolph 8 Kuchenbecker, K251 96A Edward 35, Alice 31, Ernestine 8, John 2 Kuchenbecker, K251 194B William 43, Frances 34, August 8, Herbert 7, Evelyn 5, Margaret m5 Kuchenbecker, K251 194B Rick 41, Elizbeth 34, Theodore 85, Anna 69 Kuchenbecker(?), K251 94B Bernhard 38, Josephine 36, Violet 14, Evelyn 12, Harvey 8, Edward 6, Bernard 2 Kuckenbecker, K251 105B Edward 89, Ernestine 71 Kuckenbecker, K251 190B Theodore 46, Mayme 44 Kude, K300 144A Ole 11 Kuest(?), K230 129B Henry 18 Kuhuke, K200 154B Herman 73, Paulina 63, Matilda 39 Kuiefel, K140 107B Matthew 27, Clara 25, Raymond 2 Kujath, K230 150A Alvina 16 Kujawa, K200 95A Tommas 68, Mary 54, John 28, Vincent 18, Hellen 16, Josepine 14, Anna 13, Barnhard 10 Kujawa, K200 144B Stella 27 Kujawa, K200 151A Peter 59 Kujawa, K200 173B John 71, Lina 67, Roman 25 Kujowa, K200 83A John 39, Annistica 34 Kuker, K260 162A Theresa 36 Kukuczka, K220 140A George 3 Kulzer, K426 175B Lauis 37, Francis 35, Jasephine 11 Kulzer, K426 181A Augusta 60, Devrey 21 Kunkeberg(?), K521 8A Fred 57, Freda 53, Laura 21, Alda 17, Ewald 15 Kuntz, K532 4B Frank 43, Mary 38, Mary 12, Annie 8, ~urthea 6, Mallnie 6, Everd 4, Irsome 3, Mary 66 Kuntz, K532 62A John 29 Kuntz, K532 68A Henry 35, Anna 28, Norman 6, Gilbert 5, Adaline m2 Kuphal, K140 180A Charley 40, Annabel 40, Clifford 17, Lawrence 12, Beatrice 10, Macel 8, Phyllis 1 Kurckeberg, K621 8A John 59, Amiela 53, Anna 28, Arnold 23, Ameala 21, Nettie 18, Alfred 15, John 31, Manny 31 Kurckeberg, K621 8A Henry 61, Ida 51, Elmore 19, Hearld 16, Wilhard 11 Kurckeberg, K621 66B Delorme 33, Minnie 32, Loretta 12, Ordena 8, Viola 6 Kusalbansoe, K241 3A Julius 65, (M) 23, Minnie 27, Esther 19 Kvainiska, K152 172B Frank 34, Amy 32, Amy 11, Frank 9, Martha 6 Kvasnecka, K125 190B John 40, Mary 32, Helen 13, Ludmila 11, Adolph 8, Marie 6 Kvasnicka, K125 27B Allice 8 Kven, K150 22A Embrick 53, Marry 45, Thilma 16, Tilmer 16, Alvira 14 Kwakenst, K252 166B John 53, Johanna 43, Lillian 21, Maria 14, Alma 13, Lawrence 12, Herald 9, Donald 7, Kenneth 5, Alvina 2, Clifford m10 Kwasnicka, K252 180A John 69, Barbara 63, Agnes 37 Kwekkeborn, K216 165B Delia 30 Lageson, L225 16A Martin 59, Isabell 55, Edwin 35, Martha 28, John 25 Lageson, L225 16B Lars 63, Christina 49, Melvin 21, Luella 16, Sophia 14, Leon 11, Carl 9 Lageson, L225 16B Enoch 24, Agnes 23, Eloise 2 Lageson, L225 19B James 55, Anna 47, Milford 20, Eldora 19, Leola 16, Carla 14 Lageson, L225 160A Albert 41, Eva 37, Jenett 8, Martha 2 Lageson, L225 203A Minnie 30, Wills 25, Olivia 23 Lain, L500 202A Elisha 79, Mary 77, George 45 Laizinger(?), L252 183B Alvia 27 Lambert, L516 41A Fred 37, Ida 32, Elmer 8, Elysebeth 7, Ida 6, Ervin 3 Lambert, L516 115B John 55, Jennie 43, John 18, Mary 17, Jennie 14 Lambke, L512 186B Herman 30, Elsie 26, Levern 2, Lorene 1 Lamson, L525 136A Henry 65, Marie Anna 43, Oliver 14, Emma 13, Viola 11, Harrison 9, Cyrus 7 Landon, L535 15B Conrad 37, Maude 27 Landon, L535 16A Virgil 6 Landon, L535 87A Elton 55, Christena 49, Kathrine 12 Lane, L500 146A Irene 33 Lang, L520 128A Rachael 64 Lang, L520 185B Andrew 42, Katherin 40, Edward 10, Richard 8, Eliotte 7, Mary 2 Langdon, L523 200B C.R. 46, Margaret 36, Elenora 14 Lange, L520 166A Lauis 56, Eliza 52, Gertrude 26, Mable 22, Frances 20, Elmore 18, Emile 15, Stephen 8 Langer, L526 52A Albert 33, Julia 27, Eva 5, Dorthy 3, Anton 1 Langer, L526 77A Albert 39, Josephine 31, George 1?, Erven 5 Langer, L526 160B Frank 29, Adeline 24, Ina 9, Irene 6, Luclie 1 Langer, L526 178B Jacob 57, Teresse 59, Anna 22, Emil 18, Julius 16, Mary 2 Langer, L526 194A Walter 23, Martha 23, Norbert 20 Langher, L526 60B August 45, Mary 43, Lora 19, Ida 16, Albert 10 Langhlin, L524 157B Edward 44, Mary 16, Edith 13 Langlia, L524 15A Henry 36, Sena 35, Arvid 10, Athan 8, Orpha 7, Orville 5, Henriette 2, Howard m6 Langr, L526 113B Frank 63, Anna 59, Lambert 26 Langr, L526 114A Carl 70, Barbara 68, Carl 43 Langr, L526 190B Ferdinand 34, Mary 34, Benjamin 7 Lanston, L523 97B Jens 72, Helena 65, Jessie 28 Lanstson, L523 97B Christ 66, Carrie 50, Annie 35 Lanstson, L523 129A Lanst 75, Mattie 77, Peter 40, Agnes 33 Lara, L600 202B Arnold 34, Ida 37, Anabel 8, Cubert(?) 6, Richard(?) 3 Larex(?), L620 48A Edward 44, Anna 24, John 13, Annabell 6, Edward 2 Larkay, L620 111B Charlotta 72, Ruth 32 Larkey, L620 176A Grace 31 Larkoski, L622 136B Joseph 27, Mary 25 Larsen, L625 85B Carl 31, Mary 29 Larsen, L625 200B Albert 36, Sina 37, Ralf 11, Paul 8 Larson, L625 1A Nels 62, Mary 50 Larson, L625 6B John 32, Micka 34, William 10, John 8, Lillie 6, Raymond 3 Larson, L625 9A Albert 26 Larson, L625 13A Amelia 5~, Christian 28, Hannah 21, Henry 18, Oscar 15 Larson, L625 21A Arney 67, Mary 58, Lillian 12 Larson, L625 21B Lanrdes 29 Larson, L625 25A Johnna 78 Larson, L625 27B Hans 69, Chirstena 75 Larson, L625 31B Knut 65, Bena 52 Larson, L625 33A Martin 71 Larson, L625 37B Nels 49, Caroline 42, Clara 11, Glays 5 Larson, L625 39B Peter 34, Agnes 29, Laurane 7, Marion 5 Larson, L625 52A Lanis 31 Larson, L625 52B Annie 42, Anna 39, Bertha 36, Henry 29, Peter 73, Harvey 17 Larson, L625 53A Marvin 22 Larson, L625 67A Fredrick 37, Margaret 33, Ingwald 12, Earl 11, Evan 8, Leo 7, Myrl 5, Eleanor 3, Ingeborg 72 Larson, L625 72A Carl 4? Larson, L625 73A Harry 36, Ida 34, Loring 9, Verna(?) 7, Manuel 5 Larson, L625 73B Gustav 59, Eliza 47, Melvin 23, Lola 21, Elmer 20, Rudolph 17, Chester 15, Guy 13, Ernest 13, Jane 11 Larson, L625 108A Nels 73, Etta 64 Larson, L625 118B Cora 23 Larson, L625 122A Jennie 27 Larson, L625 128A Bertha 30 Larson, L625 143B Lewis 71, Mary 50, Harvey 25, Paul 21 Larson, L625 146A Gustavois 30 Larson, L625 151B Hans 76 Larson, L625 140A Myrtle 13 Larson, L625 166A Lars 64, Johanna 57, Grace 22 Larson, L625 175A Loraine 35 Larson, L625 196B Villars 84 Larson, L625 201B Marinus 61, Cristina 61, Julius 29, August 22, Anna 18 Latham, L350 150A James 33 Latrop, L361 180B Henry 66, Margaret 53, Albert 33 Laughlin, L245 101B Edward 51, Bertha 46, Edward 18, Mary *, Raymond 14, Lucille *, Magdalen *, Robert 4 Laughlin, L245 101B James 23 Laughlin, L245 180B John 76, Margaret 50, Leo 21, Jaseph 19, Mary 12 Laughlin, L245 182A John 27 Laughlin, L245 182B Veronic 26 Laursen, L625 18B Chris 32, Olga 26, Evelyn 5, Ardes 2 Law(?), L000 45A Laura 19, Darrell m11 Lawison, L250 4B Anna 61, Henry 26, Bludwig 29, Emil 24, Martin 18, Alice 12, Sena 32 Lawrence, L652 141A Floyd 11, Howard 12 Lawson, L250 58A Lewis 47, Christine 38, Elmer 12, Harvey 11, Arnold 6, Alvin 4 Lawson, L250 131B Alfred 40, Lillian 36, Alice 15, Floyd 12, Flowrein 12 Lawson, L250 138B Louisa 37 Lazue, L200 112A Patrick 65, Mary 63, Emmet 24, Leo 29 Lea, L000 12B Henry 40, Inga 37, Ardis 10, Esther 9, Pearl 7, Oriet 5 Lea, L000 13A Peter 52 Leach, L200 105A Helen 36, Mabelle 31, Jane 3, David 2 Leach, L200 126B Harlan 53, Eva 48, Elmore 22, Marjorie 18, Lawrence 17, Dorothy 12 Leach, L200 150B Mark 31 Leader, L360 52B Minnie 42 Leader, L360 53A Fred 61 Leaman, L550 138B John 41, Grace 38, Carlton 2 Leanard, L563 140B Irene 12, Eveline 10 Leary, L600 125A Mora 74 Leary, L600 127B Eleanor 25, William 6 Leary, L600 143A Charles 32, Nellie 32, Laverne 1 Lebahn, L150 52A John 57, Hattie 34, Reinhold 12, Fred 87, Minna 84 Lebahn, L150 91A Herman 35, Mathilde 27, Dorothy 2, Gertrude m7 Ledtke, L320 154B Emil 32 Lee, L000 15A Andrew 32, Gilma 24, Edward 37 Lee, L000 18A John 40, Anna 30, Alice 9, Clarence 8, Harry 6, Ernest 4, Kenneth m2 Lee, L000 72B Karen 75 Lee, L000 77A Ralph 45, Jennie 42, Etta *, Orsin *, George *, Lawrence *, Ralph * Lee, L000 85A George 63, Emely 61, Herold 37 Lee, L000 101A Jens 47, Ella 34 Lee, L000 102B Peter 33, Georgana 27, Parnell 2 Lee, L000 110A Carl 43, Sophia 46, Floyd 15, Clarence 17, Paul 7, Karn 75 Lee, L000 122B James 92 Leggo, L200 110B Fred 54, Elise 49 Lehman, L550 143A Charles 27, Hazel 21, George m11 Lei, L000 103A Carrie 54, Oscar 30, Louis 22 Lei, L000 103B Edna 18, Ingeborg 16, Clara 8 Leibe, L100 181B William 52, Elizabeth 49, Murial 21, Florence 19, Cecelia 17, Jaseph 16, John 13, Annabel 10 Leibolt, L143 83A Myrtle 11 Lemar, L560 127A Rose 15 Lembke(?), L512 68B Amiel 32, Ella 21, Myrtle m1 Lemphi, L510 141B Paulson 14 Lennce(?), L520 122A Edna 24 Lennon, L550 99B Charley 34?, Alice 34, Lucile 3, Myron 1 Lennon, L550 99B Arthur 37, Chloe 31, Nora 6 Lennon, L550 99B Will 24, Alice 22, Donald 1 Lennon, L550 100B George 64, Mary 57 Lennon, L550 118A James 37, Helen 38 Lensum, L525 28A Mellia 26 Leo, L000 172A Signet 18, Lilly 15 Leon, L500 21B Pedro -- Leonard, L563 138B Alta 49 Leovold, L143 157B Ester 19 Lequin, L250 141B Olivena 13 Lerach, L620 168A Chas 64, Mary 66, Lorinda 9 Lerash, L620 142B Martin 60, Louise 39, Edward 22, Marten 21, Regina 14 Lerberg, L616 19A Andrew 53, Charlotte 47, Irvin 19, Ruth 15, Josephine 10, Arthur 5 Lerum, L650 202B Charly 33, Matilda 30, Engeline 9, Orville 7 Lester, L236 99A Stanley 27, Edith 30 Leubold, L143 78A Earnest 37, Gusta 26, Freda 10, Mildred 3, Harry 2 Lewis, L200 27A Arnban 72 Lewis, L200 27B Lewis 84 Lewis, L200 87A Frank 31, Nettie 25, Audrey 2 Lewis, L200 108A Emma 44, Rhoda 77 Lewis, L200 123B George 69, Clara 55, Garland 22, Osborne 18, Sarah 9 Lewis, L200 140B Edna 10 Lewis, L200 174A Alfred 69, Myrtle 2?, Alfred 23, George 21 Lewisan, L250 4B Edward 46, Martha 41, Hilmon 16, Arthur 15, Signie 13, Esther 12, Ma* 8, Edvin 7, Burnad 5 Lewison, L250 16A Andrew 47, Seena 42, Luvena 17, Hazel 15, Olive 12, Lauretta 10, Stanley 7, Inez 4, Sedate 2 Lewison, L250 63A James 42?, Marion 38, Leonard 18, Arnold 16, Marvin 11, Adeline 8, Jehne 6, Enela 3, Virgina 1 Lewison, L250 63A Edward 51, Helma 34, Harold 18, Stela 11 Lewison, L250 120A May 23, Margeret 19, Grace 16 Lewison, L250 120B Laura 11 Lewison, L250 139A Margeret 19 Liddington, L352 148A Essex 67, Luverna 53 Lien, L500 18A Palmer 20 Lilli, L400 137B George 29 Limbke, L512 155A Andrew 71, Emma 60, Andrew 26, Theodore 28, Aval* 22 Linden, L535 50A Leonard 11 Lindermeth, L536 47A David 43, Lauise 37, Enmery 17, Ellen 15, Alfred 14 Lindesomth, L532 99A Harry 42, Katie 38, Alice 11, Virginia 7? Lindskov, L532 118A Jens 70, -- 62 Lingner, L525 191B Charley 14 Linse, L520 3B Herman 47, Eda 40, William 17, Lorone 14, Leatha 8, Mildred 5 Linse, L520 3B Ed 40, (F) 41 Linse, L520 4A Ervin 18, Mamie 16, Elmer 12, Edwin 11, Lorinda 8, Elvira 3 Linse, L520 5A August 68, Sofa 62 Linse, L520 5B August 33 Linse, L520 93B Gustav 34, Edith 33, Alvin 12 Linter, L536 85A Eugene 33 Lippert, L163 145B Emil 49, Minnie 38, Feldala 83 Lithe(?), L300 51B Elmer 25, Carl 73, Bertha 67 Litke, L320 136B Elmer 24, Hilda 23, Evelyn 4 Litke, L320 175A Louise 80 Little, L340 20B Edward 24, Ellen 21 Little, L340 104A Charlotte 38, Veronica 15, Norma 13, Frances 11 Lloyd, L300 84A Guy 35, Grace 31, Lyle 11, Carl 10 Locke, L200 122B Elizabeth 54, Gladys 33 Lockman, L255 127A William 27, Verna 29 Loderquist, L362 141B Loder 12 Logan, L250 84A Charles 64, Maryitte 64 Logan, L250 84A John 21, Lela 18 Loivth, L130 175A Jennie 58 Loken, L250 10B George 35 Loken, L250 11B Peter 64, Bertha 57, Richard 25 Loken, L250 12A Andrew 25 Loken, L250 13B Jacob 35, Nora 29, Clarence 8 Loken, L250 20B John 66, Mary 64 Lonergan, L562 14A John 36, Frank 29 Lonergan, L562 14B Maurice 48, Myrtle 43, Malcolm 19, Leona 17, Susan 15, Elaine 13, Olive 12, James 11, Alice 9, Kenneth 7, Paul 5, Gertrude 2 Lonergan, L562 14B Peter 56, Robert 46 Lonergan, L562 130B Margaret 19 Loney, L500 52B A.J. 47, Anna 45, Harvey 18, Roy 15, Guy 13, Lila 9 Long, L520 48B Sam 67 Longebart(?), L521 62A Bell 63 Longeven, L521 100B Henry 50, Georgia 45, Edward 25, Josephine 23, Frank 18 Longeven, L521 101A Active 17, Adele 14, Oscar 13, Hector 10, Melene 7 Loomis, L520 193B Arthur 48 Lorensen, L652 81B Lawrence 85 Lorenze, L652 51B Albert 44, Orrilla 42, Avis 17, Emma 15, Everett 13, Willie 11, Una 7, Vernie 5, Albert 3, Evans 1 Lorenze, L652 55B William 75 Lorenzl, L652 55A Louis 36, Annie 31, Hazel 15 Lorkoski, L622 147A Valentine 67, Darette 58 Lorlosacke, L642 165A Nick 13 Lorlovich, L641 141B Nicholas * Lourst, L623 191B Julius 27 Loven, L150 13B Carl 26, Anna 26 Loven, L150 15A Julia 42, Christina 40, Lena 38, Edward 35 Loven, L150 21A Sherman 29, Agnes 30 Loven, L150 151B Archie 14 Lubovich, L112 191B Eli 14 Lubrem, L165 99A Ferdinand 47, Henrietta 43, Alfreieda 17, Myrtle 11, Ferdinand 4 Luck(?), L200 150B Rudalph 42, Irving 1 Lueck, L200 122A Arnold 26, Josephine 28 Luen, L500 160B Herbert 44, Anne 41, Charles 18, Rena 17 Luhmann, L550 93A Henry 49, Alvina 39, Ruben 18, Loren 15, Fern 8 Luhs(?), L200 89A William 55 Luise, L200 159A William 35, Stella 32, Esther 5 Luky, L200 157A William 62, Bridget 58, Jeramiah 41 Lull, L400 123B George 52, Mertle 45, Luvern 17, Helen 13, Everett 10 Lull, L400 126B Anna 42, Katherine 14, Eugene 12, Richard 11 Lund, L530 24A Christofer 54, Bertlialane 49, Hannah 18, John 14, Josephine 12, Herry 10, Chester 8, Paul 7 Lund, L530 26A William 24, Annie 24, Harold 3, Ideth 2, Marie m1 Lund, L530 27A Christ 27, Hazel 25, Ethel 6, Howard 4, Thomas 1 Lund, L530 112B Lucia 73 Lund, L530 141B Hellen 12 Lundahl, L534 138A Lewis 55, Margeret ?4, Lloyd 21, Franklin 16, Violet -- Lundall, L534 80A Frankln 16 Lundquist, L532 152A Albert 32 Lung, L520 146A Charles 55, Frances 51 Lungren, L526 144A Carl 25, Daretta 21 Lurtig, L632 41A Carl 43, Anna 36, Henry 14, Edward 13, Freda 11, Richard 10, Thedore 9, Willie 8, Paul 6, Emma 5, Bertha 3 Lusthart(?), L236 108A Fred 57, Amelia 46 Lyle, L400 130B Charles 52, Lillian 47, Fern 21, Charles 14 Lynard, L563 23B Christ 39, Nora 33, Harold 11, Clarence 10, Edward 8, Christater 6 Lynard, L563 130B John 62, Mary 47, Loretta 21, Ambrose 19, John 15 Lynard, L563 143A Evelyn 15 Lynard, L563 150B Joseph 44 Lynard, L563 199A L.J. 40, Marie 38, Evelin 15, Ethel 14, Florence 12 Lynard, L563 199B Jos 30, Demis 67, Marie 71 Lynch, L520 124B Anthony 81, Mary 76, Mary Jane 43 Lyndrup, L536 17A Matilda 36, Chris 15 Lynes, L520 29B Kathren 22 Lynse, L520 6A John 73, Anna 50, Joseph 18, Raymond 17, Martin 15, Margeret 14, Manda 11, Hubert 6 Lyon(?), L500 176A Lenora 47 Lyonel, L540 142A Werner 16 Lysne, L250 26B Ole M. 39, Anna 37, Howard 12, Agnes 10, Geraldine 8, Anna 3, Regina 1 Lysne, L250 26B Ole J. 75, Marie 73, Emma 30, Alvin 27 Lysne, L250 29B Lewis 41, Julea 33, Lawrance 10, Ruth 7, Keneth 4 Lysne(?), L250 39B John 47