St. Louis County MN Archives Deed.....Existing, Occupants - Land, Office 1858 ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. ************************************************ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Debra Crosby November 14, 2020, 6:16 am Written: 1858 Minnesota Pioneer Thur Mar 18, 1858 pg7 MISCELLANEOUS NOTICE--Pursuant to Section 3 of the Act entitled 'An Act prescribing Rules and Regulations for the execution of trusts arising under the Act of Congress entitled 'An Act for the relief of citizens of Towns upon lands of the United States, under certain circumstances, passed March 3d, 1855.' " Public notice is hereby given that on the 1st day of March, A. D. 1858, the subscribers entered at the Land Office at Buchanan, Minnesota Territory, the lands comprising the site of the Town of Duluth, in the County of St. Louis, Minnesota Territory, in trust for the several use and benefit of the occupants thereof according to their respective interests, which lands are described in the duplicate receipts of the Receiver for money recieved by him in payment there- fore, as follows: Lot No. four 4) of Section No. twenty seven (27). Lot No. four (4) of Section No. thirty-four, and Lots number one (1) and two (2) of Section No. thirty-five (35) in Township No. fifty (50) Nort of Range No. fourteen (14) West and Lots numbered one (1) two (2,) three (3,) and four (4,) in Section No. two (2) Lot No. one (1) of Section No. eleven (11) and Lot No. one (1) of Section No. twelve in Township No. forty-nine (49,) North of Range No fourteen (14) West, containing two hundred and thirty-seven acres and eighty-three hundredths of an acre [237-83-100.] Each and every person as Association or Company of Jurors claiming to be an occupant or occupants, or to have or possess, or to be entitled to the right of occupancy or possession of such lands, or any lot, block, parcel, or share thereof, is required by the fourth section of said Act to file within sixty days after the first publication of this notice in the office of Joshua B. Culver, Recorder, one of the subscribers, at Duluth, in St Louis County, Minnesota, a statement in writing, containing an accurate description of the particular pieces or parts thereof, in which he. she, or they claimed to have an interest, and of the specific right, interest, or estate, which he, she or they may respectively claim, to be entitled to receive, or be forever debarred claim thereof. WILLIAM NETTLETON, President JOSHUA B. CULVER, Recorder. ROBT E. JEFFERSON } EDWARD H. RICE }Trustees WILLIAM ORD } Forming the corporate authorities of the Town of Duluth St. Louis County, Minnesota Additional Comments: submitter is not related and has no further information File at: This file has been created by a form at File size: 3.2 Kb