Bio of ELLETSON, Levi, Wright Co., MN ======================================================================== USGENWEB NOTICE: In keeping with our policy of providing free information on the Internet, material may be freely used by non-commercial entities, as long as this message remains on all copied material, AND permission is obtained from the contributor of the file. These electronic pages may NOT be reproduced in any format for profit or presentation by other organizations. Persons or organizations desiring to use this material for non-commercial purposes, MUST obtain the written consent of the contributor, OR the legal representative of the submitter, and contact the listed USGenWeb archivist with proof of this consent. If you have found this file through a source other than the MNArchives Table Of Contents you can find other Minnesota related Archives at: Please note the county and type of file at the top of this page to find the submitter information or other files for this county. FileFormat by Terri--MNArchives Made available to The USGenWeb Archives by: Diane Hanson Submitted: April 2004 ========================================================================= 335 HISTORY OF WRIGHT COUNTY Levi Elletson, himself a pioneer, represents the third generation of sturdy men who have helped develop Minnesota, and he in turn has raised a fourth generation of splendid children who will still further take their part in Minnesota's progress. The founders of the family Job and Marie Elletson, were born in England. About 1836, stirred with noble endeavor, they set sail for the new world, and upon their arrival established for themselves a home in Canada. In his latter years, Job Elletson came to Minnesota, and located in Wabasha county, where he died. He was twice married and reared a large family. By his first marriage he had four children, Job, Frank, Elizabeth and Mary, and by his second marriage he had seven children, Albert, William, Daniel, George, Mariah, Mary and Hannah. Frank, the second son of this family, came to Wabasha county, Minnesota, in the early fifties, and there established for himself a home in the wilderness. But as the years passed he decided to venture still further into the wilderness. Accordingly, with his household goods and his family, he set out for Wright county in an old-fashioned wagon drawn by a pair of oxen. They passed through St. Paul, continued their journey, and in time reached Buffalo township, where they secured 160 acres in section 10. There was an old shack on the place, and into this the family moved. No roads led to the tract, thick woods covered all the neighborhood, no other settlers were near, and provisions were scarce. But they set at work with a will, clearing the land, getting in crops, putting up a log house, and preparing for the future. They were well on the road to prosperity when the Civil war opened. Fired with the zeal of patriotic enthusiasm, Frank Elletson listened to the call of duty and enlisted in Co. H, Fifth Regiment Minnesota Volunteer Infantry. For three years and six months he followed the fortunes of that regiment, proving himself in every way a loyal soldier. At the battle of Gettysburg he received a slight wound. Returning home after the war he again took up the duties of farm life. Gradually he developed the farm, and attained a substantial prosperity. In his latter years he joined the G. A. R. and he delighted in telling of his experiences in the war. He died July 9, 1898. By his good wife, Permile Prindle, he had three children, as follows: Fannie, May and Levi. Levi Elletson, the third child of this family, was born on the old homestead in Buffalo township, June 2, 1861. He assisted his father in developing the home farm, and now owns the place where he was born. To the original claim he has added 160 acres more. He is a successful farmer, and makes a specialty of blooded Hereford cattle. He also raised fine sheep and swine and a few horses. He has a pleasant modern home, and his well 336 HISTORY OF WRIGHT COUNTY tilled acres are very productive. While interested in public affairs and the intimate friend of many public men, Mr. Elletson has been too busy with his work to engage actively in political life. He has, however, taken a prominent part in fraternal matters, being a charter member of Buffalo Camp No. 3926, M. W. A., of Buffalo, and a member of Buffalo Lodge No. 141, I.O.O.F.; also the Encampment at Montrose. Mr. Elletson was married December 4, 1883, to Amanda J. Varner, born March 2, 1863, daughter of Henry Varner, the pioneer, who is elsewhere appro- priately mentioned. Mr. and Mrs. Elletson are the parents of nine children, all of whom are living. They are: Annie E., born April 2, I885; Henry V., born April 11, 1887; Miles Francis, April 9, 1889; James Adam, born April 27, 1891; Mark Eugene, October 8, 1893; Susan Edna, January 21, 1896; Reuben Wesley, September 18, 1899; Harry Golden, July 24, 1902; and Donald Morgan, February 6, 1905.