Barry County, Missouri - Just Pull The Chain Uncle Zeke and Aunt Liney "Just Pull The Chain" Submitted by Sylvia Stevens Uncle Zeke was Ezekiel ELLIS, the son of Benjamin Abbott ELLIS and his wife, "Aunt Liney" was Harriet Emmaline CALTON ELLIS. I have pictures of them somewhere. They lived in Monett Missouri having come from Tennessee and Alabama. Liney was hard of hearing and Zeke and she were very "countrified" and unsophisticated. There is a family story of Zeke, having been invited to a friend's home who had electricity. He was 'caught short' during the visit and had to visit the restroom. He was told "To turn the bathroom light on, just pull the chain." He apparently went in and did so. Conversation went on without him for a while, but eventually the people noticed that Zeke had not emerged from the bathroom for quite some time! Finally the owner of the home investigated and found Zeke, still in the room, muttering and cussing under his breath. Subsequent investigation found that Ezekiel ELLIS had never before SEEN a pull chain type light and he was trying to turn it off by pushing the chain back INTO the fixture! Quite reasonably, he had figured that if you pull the chain to turn it on, you had to push it back to turn the light off. Return to Online Data Index <../barry.htm>Return to Barry County © 1999 Susan Tortorelli All Rights Reserved