Data - Misc. info from The Cassville Democrat August 8, 1925 In the news.... Source: The Cassville Democrat, publication date August 8, 1925 Reminder, if you are checking this page from the surname index be sure to read all of it, many names appear more than once. Cassville *J.W. Coleman and W.A. Scott, president of the Bank of Aurora, were in this city, Monday looking after the foreclosure of a trust deed. While here Mr. Coleman made the Democrat a pleasant call and stated that he visited almost every summer resort in the Ozarks last Sunday and had a fine trip. *Mr. and Mrs. Means Ray of Jefferson City, and Mr. and Mrs. Robert Nolan of St. Louis, left Saturday, for an auto trip to Michigan, and the Canadian border. They will be gone two weeks. Means said he would be home the last of September. *Mrs. Wright Weatherly accompanied by her son, Paul of Earlham, Iowa, have been visiting their old home in Exeter, with relatives and friends, and accompanies by George Weatherly and Bart Briscoe of Exeter, were in Cassville Wednesday. *Mr. and Mrs. W.S. Fogg of Pasley neighborhood served about 30 friends and relatives to a fine chicken dinner, July 1926, in honor of their daughter-in-law and granddaughter, Mrs. Walter Fogg of Merryville, LA., and Miss Tensie Fogg of Beaumont, Texas, who have been visiting here for the past two weeks and will return to their home next Monday. Mrs. Walter Fogg said she is delighted with this country , especially Roaring River, and her little son, Clinton Ray says the things he has enjoyed most on his visit, is the horseback rides and good swims. *John Ray was in Kansas City, last Saturday *Prosecuting attorney Burgess of Monett spent Monday in this city. *The Mitchell-Thomas Motor Co. received a car of Ford trucks, Monday *LOST - A new $5.00 bill, Thursday, July 16, between the music store and the post office. Finder will confer a great favor by returning same. *James Wilson has had his residence painted, just north of the city limits. *Mrs. H.P. Sons has been visiting Mrs. E.N. Meader and husband in St. Louis *Joseph W. Mitchell of Wayne, returned last week from a visit with relatives at Tulsa, Okla. *Dan Shoemaker of near Golden and Wm. Holden of near Mano spent a part of last Sunday in this city. That street in from of J.W Hisney's residence, west of the square is a sore eye to this city. It should be graded and graveled. *Mrs. Mary Bayless and her son Guy, wife and three son's of Claremore Okla., have visited their many relatives and friends in Cassville and surrounding country this week. *DIED - The premature infant babe of Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Arnold of this city, Sunday. *Grat Reese has been sich this week, with a severe cold. Hardly able to speak above a whisper. *Marion Lawrence of near Washburn had business in Cassville, Wednesday. He said he had a food crop of cantelopes this year. Ridgley *Quite a few people were in Ridgley, Sunday *J.S. Berry was visiting on Shoal creek, Friday night *Keeling brothers are buying tomatoes to ship around here. *Perry Weaver was driving a new car at Wheaton, Saturday *The canning factory started operations here, August 1st *Russ May was visiting his son-in-law, Clarence Harrison, one day last week. *Clarence Harrison and wife have returned from Anderson, where they have been visiting. *Uncle Joe Stamps is digging a pond on his farm Butterfield *We are having unusually cool weather for this time of year *Grandma Ellis was taken seriously ill last Friday. She is reported to be some better at this time. *The government has made Miss Harris, a blind lady, a present of a radio set. It is being installed in her parents home, north of L.W. Nickle's store. *J.S. Roller and C.C. Black made a buisness trip to Pilcher, Okla., and Parsons, Kans., last week. *Talmadge Lee of Springfield visited his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Noble Lee, east of town. Talmadge is one of Barry county's boy's who is making good. *At the regular meeting of the Baptist church here last Saturday, Rev. J.T. Brattin was called as pastor. Clana Henbest was elected clerk; W.L. Henry, Treasurer; Mrs. Lizzie McGlothlin, J.A. Roller and C.D. Henbest, messengers; William Gowan and Sallie Davis as alternates to the assembly at Corinth in September. Mineral Springs (Too late for last week) *John England returned from a buisness trip to Oklahoma a few days ago. *Mr. and Mrs. Jim Sisney have been real sick. *Ernest Meadows enjoyed a fox chase at Martin Redding's, Saturday. *Most all the tomato pathces are good but Will Erwin has about seven acres which is extra good. *Jim Sisney's are enjoying a visit with some of their old neighbors from Kansas. *Rev. Crouch filled his regular appointments at Mineral, Saturday night and Sunday. *Frank Stumpff and Alfred Moore visited at Granvil Moore's one night last week. *Arthur Smith transacted buisness in Cassville Moneyday. *Dr. Kelly was called to Shell Knob Friday night to see Issac Epperly who was sick. © 1999 Susan Tortorelli All Rights Reserved