Biographical Sketch of E. W. Ray, St. Joseph, Buchanan County, MO >From "History of Buchanan County, Missouri, Published 1881, St. Joseph Steam Printing Company, Printers, Binders, Etc., St. Joseph, Missouri. ********************************************************************** E. W. Ray, of the firm of Dougherty, Ray & Co., lumber dealers, St. Joseph, was born in Randolph County, North Carolina, July 2, 1832. His parents emigrated to Missouri, settling on a farm in Buchanan County in 1841. Inclined by nature to mercantile rather than to ag- ricultural pursuits, he determined to abandon the plow, and in 1866, embarked in general merchandise, in partnership with Mr. Morris, in St. Joseph. After a successful and highly satisfactory experience of four years in this connection he sold out his interest in the same, and associated himself in the lumber trade with Dougherty and others, thus instituting the firm of Dougherty, Ray & Co., now one of the representative firms of St. Joseph. On November 18, 1858, Mr. Ray married Miss Fannie J. Snyder, a native of Indiana, born in 1838. The result of this union was two children: Mary F., born August 5, 1859, died July 13, 1870, and Mark E., born November 3, 1861. Mr. Ray had the misfortune to lose his first wife. On June 24, 1879, he married Miss India Cowden, a native of Indiana, and a lady who ach- ieved an enviable reputation as an instructor of youth. She went to St. Joseph in 1860, and there opened a private school, which she taught with success until 1864. She afterwards accepted a position in the public schools of St. Joseph, discharging with distinguished ability, the duties of principal of the Everett School in that city, during a period of seven years, retiring from the profession in 1879, to the universal regret of the many who knew and appreciate her sterling worth. ==================================================================== USGENWEB NOTICE: In keeping with our policy of providing free information on the Internet, data may be used by non-commercial entities, as long as this message remains on all copied material. These electronic pages may NOT be reproduced in any format for profit or for presentation by other persons or organizations. Persons or organizations desiring to use this material for purposes other than stated above must obtain the written consent of the file contributor. This file was contributed for use in the USGenWeb Archives by: Penny Harrell ====================================================================