butler co mo cemetery vol4 index o-s Copyright 1997, 2001  By:  Betty Hanks and Terry  McLean,  tmclean@earthlink.net Index O – S —O— O’FARRELL James, 102 Jas., 102 Lee, 102 Maggie, 95 N. D., 106 Nathan, 102 William, 102 O’FERRELL Dovey, 102 Nathan, 102 O’HOWELL Dudley, 113 ODELL Vanessa, 108 ORR Laura, 102 R. P., 64 Robert, 102 OSBORN Anna, 67 D., 68 Dora, 43 Edward, 133 Eldon, 27 Ervin, 79 Hazel, 68 Hettie, 27 Irene, 84 James, 68 Lillie, 81 Lula, 68 Martha, 68 Mary, 43 Priscilla, 61 William, 68 OSBORNE Charles, 21 OSBURN Bertha, 87 Samuel, 87 OTIS, 101 Labrier, 102 OVERFIELD Dutch, 139 Elmer, 139 Golda, 139 OVITT Richard, 56 OWENS Bertha, 43 Doyle, 63 Luther, 43 Ruth, 63 —P— P., W. H., 26 PAGE Dora, 109 Minie, 9 N. W., 109 Wright, 109 PALMER Branch, 78 Patrick, 14 Rose, 78 PANNABAKER, see   also PANNEBECKER C. M., 102 Sylvia, 102 PANNEBECKER, see   also PANNABAKER E. M., 102 PARCE William, 11 PARK Elsberry, 69 William, 102 PARKER Edith, 118 Harvey, 118 Mary, 118 PARKERSON Ada, 16 PARKIN Jessie, 48 PARKS Ada, 102 Anna, 102 Edna, 122 Leona, 102 Minnie, 102 Roena, 102 Sadie, 102 William, 102 Parrent FH, 14, 39 PARRISH Bernice, 38 Donald, 38 PARSON L., 123 R., 123 V. H., 130 W., 123 PARSONS Bertie, 124 Donald, 120 Harry, 124 Jerry, 120 Mary, 120 Ronald, 120, 130 Victor, 124 PATTERSON Aurelia, 133 PATTY Alice, 9 Clarence, 9 Cory, 9 Dellar, 9 Fitz, 8 Haitha, 9 Hetta, 9 J. C., 9, 50 John, 50 Josa, 9 Joshua, 9 Mary, 9, 50 PEARCE Burney, 22 Ida, 22 Jesse, 22 Robert, 22 William, 11, 22 PEARCE, see also PARCE PEAS Leo, 26 Sarah, 26 PEER Arnold, 31 Lula, 31 William, 31 PENNELL Charlie, 74 infant, 69 John, 69 Lettie, 74 Lloyd, 74 Lula, 74 Mary, 69, 74 Roy, 74 Samuel, 74 Teresa, 74 Thomas, 74 PENNINGTON Cammerley, 9 Everett, 6 Florence, 6 I. W., 9 James, 122 Mary, 6 Parizadie, 33 Shirley, 122 W. J., 9 Wanda, 6 William, 33 PEOPLES William, 7 PERKINS Hugh., 44 PERRY Jim, 93 PERRYMAN Nancy, 114 PETERS Leonard, 121 Myrtle, 121 PETERSON Edith, 76 Lloyd, 76 PETTY Nancy, 72 William, 72 PHALEN W., 93 PHELPS Forrest, 56 Phalina, 11 Ruth, 38 Thomas, 11 Vard, 56 Phelps FH, 35, 131, 132, 133, 134 PHEONIEX Mary, 104 PHEONIEX, see also FENIX PHOENIX PHILBERT Charles, 123 PHILLIPS Telie, 93 PHOENIX Mary, 103 PHOENIX, see also PHEONEIX PIERCE Donald, 129 Jason, 38 Phoebe, 141 Ruth, 129 PINKERTON Brenda, 66 John, 64, 66, 103 Julia, 64 Kim, 66 Sarah, 64 PITTS H., 103 Henry, 103 PLEMANS Evaline, 93 PLUNK Alexander, 19 Fredrick, 19 Hildred, 19 Mildred, 19 Otis, 19 Viola, 19 POISAL Edna, 103 POLK Will, 93 POLLARD Janice, 125 S. M., 34 PONDER Lurannah, 57 PORCH J. P., 43 Nancy, 43, 44 PORTER Bertha, 9, 17 Clyde, 21 Dalton, 26 Daniel, 21 Ellen, 3 Elmer, 3 Frank, 3, 9 infant, 26, 29 John, 29 Lucy, 29 Macie, 21 Mary, 29 Nina, 21 Rae, 29 Raymond, 21 Razzie, 30 Virginia, 3 Wash, 29 William, 21 POST Martha, 28 POTILLO _____, 133 G. S., 133 Geo., 45 George, 61 Grover, 61 Harriet, 133 Henry, 45 J. D., 133 Jesse, 61 John, 133 Paul, 133 Paula, 133 William, 133 POTTENGER Sadie, 14 POTTER Minnie, 30 Taft, 30 POWELL Felix, 25 Margaret, 88 Timothy, 122 POWERS Allie, 9 David, 72 Dora, 85 Elizabeth, 57 Elmer, 9 George, 9, 10, 119, 130 POWERS, cont. Georgia, 9, 119 James, 85 Jerry, 95 Jessy, 95 Levona, 72 Luther, 72 Mabel, 8 Pennington, 57 Polly, 58 Roy, 9 Washington, 58 PRATT Becky, 28 George, 28 PRESLEY B. D., 16 T. H., 16 PRESTON Melissa, 93 PRICE Cora, 94 PRIEST Liba, 103 PRIOR Lola, 61 PRY James, 133 May, 130 Paul, 124 PRY, see also FRY PRYOR Marion, 61 —Q— QUALLS Carrie, 140 Henry, 140 Jewell, 140 —R— RADCLIFF Amanda, 9 Hattie, 10 Henry, 9 J. W., 9 John, 4 Josephine, 4, 9 Lula, 9 Olie, 9 Ollie, 9 Polly, 9, 10 Sarah, 9 Thomas, 4, 9 RAGSDALE Lizzie, 133 Pansy, 133 RAINS April, 112 Dolly, 112 Fred, 108 Jimmy, 108 John, 55, 108, 109 Mary, 109 Philip, 112 Rit, 142 Rittie, 108, 143 Vela, 112, 141 Velar, 143 Verla, 112 Wesley, 112 William, 111 Wilma, 55 RALSTON Nancy, 9 RAMBO George, 119 Helen, 119 Lester, 111 Robert, 119 RAMSEY Joseph, 15 Vivian, 15 RANDLES Harvey, 35 James, 35 Rubina, 35 Sarah, 103 RASH Lena, 140, 141 RATCLIFF Carl, 39 Polly, 39 RAY Alfred, 19 Elestial, 80 Elizabeth, 19 Ella, 75 Elmer, 75 Florence, 80 G. W., 94 George, 75 James, 19 Joseph, 81 Julius, 80 Rodah, 81 Thelma, 80 Vera, 64 Will, 32 William, 19 RAYNER Duane, 27 READ Ermel, 5 N. C., 5 W. E., 5 REAVIS John, 94 REED Billie, 94 Dicie, Mrs., 94 Gordon, 87 H. G., 87 REEVES A. C., 69 Emma, 69 REIPE Belle, 40 REISINGER Charles, 25, 103 Cora, 97, 103 F. S., 103 Frederick, 25 Jasper, 103 Martha, 103 RENEAU Clyde, 88 RENICK Clifford, 124 Dora, 124 Lura, 124 Roy, 124 RESNICK John, 117 Joyce, 117 Marvin, 130 Olga, 117 RESNIK Roy, 130 REVELLE Levi, 55 REYNOLDS E. L., 139 Emory, 139 RHINEBERGER Maggie, 84 RICE Ada, 80 Alice, 80 Andrew, 81 Dorothy, 83 Harold, 80 Howard, 81 Jacob, 81 Nancy, 81 Sheba, 81 Victor, 80 RICHARDS Alma, 140 Dovie, 142 Elmer, 21 Odell, 142 RICHARDSON Ida, 103 Jessie, 26 Margaret, 103 Theodore, 95, 103 RICKMAN Marrietta, 54 Rita, 55 Ricks FH, 65 RIDDLE Seymour, 94 RIECKEN Carolina, 86 Charles, 86 RIEVLEY Belle, 75 John, 75 RIGGEN A. A., 9 RIGGIN Rachel, 9 Vilia, 9 RIGGINS Arthur, 133 Azalea, 133 Bertha, 133 Floyd, 54 Granville, 133 Ira, 133 James, 133 John, 133 Joseph, 133 Luther, 133 Margaret, 133 Maxine, 84 Nelly, 133 RIGGS S. E., 94 RILEY John, 144 Tenny, 144 Virginia, 144 RIMER Cora, 52 Herman, 52 ROARK Edith, 141 James, 94 ROBERTS D. H., 96, 103, 106 David, 65, 103 Donald, 13 Elzada, 96 Joseph, 94 Josie, 133 Mattie, 103 S. J., 106 Sarah, 65, 96, 103 Zada, 96, 103 Zilla, 42 ROBERTSON Albert, 89 baby, 82 Bessie, 34 Bonita, 37 Calvin, 89 Cecil, 37 Charles, 90 David, 32, 33 Eddie, 25 Edith, 15 Elizabeth, 32 Enoch, 15, 89 Everet, 15 Frank, 29 Freddie, 34 George, 21 Henry, 25, 90 Hermon, 21 Irene, 18 J. H., 25 James, 34 Jessie, 29 Louis, 89 Mary, 89 Maxie, 134 Nancy, 34 Nellie, 29 Noah, 15 Pearl, 90 Princess, 21 Rosa, 89 Roy, 18 Rush, 21 Shirley, 62 Tom, 29 Victoria, 29 William, 29 ROBIN Edith, 103 ROBINS Edith, 103 Jacob, 45 ROBINSON _____, 79 Albert, 72 Ammon, 71 Betty, 71 Charles, 69 Edgar, 21 Edward, 79 Edwin, 69 Ella, 72 Ethel, 72 F. D., 79 G. M., 69 Georgia, 69 James, 70 Jessie, 70 John, 71, 72 Johnny, 71 L. A., 72 Louise, 69 Marie, 71 Marjorie, 71 Marvin, 69, 71 Mary, 69 Milbern, 71 Nancy, 71 Ola, 71 Sarah, 72 Velvie, 70 William, 69, 103 RODENBECK Allie, 14 RODGERS W. H., 94 ROGERS Betty, 34 Everett, 18 Felix, 18 Frank, 34 George, 9, 18 Nellie, 18 ROMINE Benjamin, 26 ROOK Luella, 14 ROPER Ernest, 43 George, 43 ROSE Charley, 43 Howard, 43 Martha, 43 ROSEBERRY Dorothy, 143 John, 140, 143 ROSS Belle, 62 Charles, 62 Clarence, 87 Elgin, 23 Ethel, 23 Frank, 62 Sarah, 62 Vaneti, 87 ROW_AND Thomas, 39 ROWLAND Thomas, 39 RUMLEY Eliza, 103 RUSHIN Rebecca, 57 RUSHING Mary, 43 W. C., 43 RUSSELL Aria, 9 Arthur, 4 Gilbert, 4 J. M. H., 4, 9 James, 6 John, 9 L. C., 4, 28 Lucinda, 4, 9 M. H., 28 Martha, 10 Mary, 8 Samuel, 9 T. M., 28 Vada, 4 Vadie, 4 W. S., 4 Walter, 4, 9 William, 4 RUTHERFORD, 129 H. A., 127 —S— SA___S John, 78 SALLEE Charles, 78 James, 78 Lizzie, 78 William, 78 SAMPLE, see also   SAMPLES Emily, 2 Ruby, 3 Theodore, 3 Walter, 2 SAMPLES Emily, 9 Eugene, 9 Hazel, 8 SAMUEL W. E., 33 SANDERS _____, 18 Edward, 36 Emma, 24 O. M., 24 SANDLIN Hester, 50 James, 50 SAPP Howard, 43 SARGENT baby, 74 SASSER Caroline, 114 SAUL Herman, 94 SAWYER John, 94 SAYLORS Hugh, 77 John, 78 SCARSDALE Caldona, 9 infant, 50 J. C., 50 L. J., 50 William, 9 SCHAUM Eleanor, 138 SCHEELE Rosina, 117 SCHISLER Albert, 22 Cecil, 14 Girtie, 37 Lester, 14 SCHLEIGER Raymond, 115 SCHLEIGER, see also     SLEIGER, SLIGER SCHMIDT Annie, 43 John, 43 Steven, 38 Willie, 4 SCHOAT C., 43 Elsie, 43 John, 43 SCHREMP Henry, 88 Mildred, 88 SCHULTZ Betty, 75 SCOTT Adolphus, 23 Alice, 110 baby, 85 Bertha, 123 Bobbie, 54 Charles, 85 Donald, 123 Edward, 123 Elizabeth, 116 Emeline, 85 Eva, 54 Harvey, 54 Ida, 54, 85 Ivan, 54 J., 70 Jacqueline, 140 James, 118 Jessie, 54 John, 54, 116 Lavina, 23 Lora, 54 Mannie, 54 Mary, 85 Ores, 138 Otto, 129, 130 William, 54, 88, 123 Willis, 54 SEABAUGH Nadine, 77 SEESENGOOD Edward, 6 Lawrence, 6 Mattie, 6 SENDEN Carrie, 9 SERRATT Elvia, 113 SEVERANCE Arthur, 33 Bonita, 33 SEYPHOLTOWSKEY Ada, 20 August, 20 Caroline, 20 Clarence, 20 Emil, 20 Laura, 20 Sadie, 20 Sallie, 20 SHABAN Marie, 138 SHADLE Ann, 104 Anna, 103 Bertie, 103 C. E., 103 Charles, 103 Ed, 103 Edward, 103 Ethel, 103 Flora, 103 Florence, 103 Florie, 103 Franics, 104 Frank, 104 G. W., 104, 106 George, 104 Ida, 104 James, 104 M. R., Mrs., 104 Martha, 104 Mary, 104 Mattie, 96, 104 Minnie, 104, 106 Sam, 104 Samuel, 96, 103, 104, 106 W. A., 104 William, 96, 104 Wm., 106 SHAMBLIN Charles, 75 Freddie, 75 Veva, 75 SHAMWELL Eleanor, 57 SHAW A. J., 94 Flora, 12 Lewis, 12 SHAWN George, 26 Mary, 26 William, 26 SHEARER Irene, 65 SHEEHY Alice, 118 Bill, 130 C. A., 67 E. P., 130 Elmer, 115 Ervin, 116 Frank, 123, 130 Hazel, 134 Henry, 129 Howard, 129 J. A., Mrs., 129 Jessie, 116 Jettie, 9, 116 Joseph, 134 Julia, 116 Leonard, 116 Lucy, 123 Mary, 67, 104, 116 Ralph, 123 Ronald, 123 Thomas, 67, 116, 134 William, 116, 123 SHELTON Cordie, 73 Emmie, 72 Flossie, 72 James, 72 Joel, 72 Jonnie, 72 Lula, 72 Nathan, 72 Robert, 72 Thomas, 72 Vashti, 72 Virgie, 72 Wilbert, 73 SHEPHARD Mary, 113 SHEPPARD Anna, 107 Elijah, 107 Elizabeth, 107 Sallie, 51 SHERIDAN Cora, 55 Ernestine, 55 George, 55 John, 55 William, 55 SHIPLEY Sylvia, 108 W. H., 108 SHIPTON Nora, 56 SHIVLEY Lovella, 19 SHOAT Dianahm, 55 Grace, 136 John, 55 Loueller, 55 R. A., 55 SHOEMACHER O. P., 143 O. P., Mrs., 143 SHOEMAKER Leon, 38 SHOEMATE Mary, 43 SHOUMAKE Leon, 38 SHROUT Arthur, 19 Maudie, 19 Nellie, 19 SIBLEY Eugene, 74 Mary, 74 SIMMERING C. C., 43 Elizabeth, 43 Fred, 43 infant, 43 William, 43 SIMMONS Charles, 13 Clarence, 23 Drillia, 13 Eunice, 13 Henry, 13 Leecil, 13 Marcus, 13 Nellie, 13 William, 13 SIMPSON E. G. F., 130 W. R., 94 SIMS Arrie, 31 Cassie, 64 H. B., 104 J. I., 31 J. W., 64, 104 Jasper, 64 John, 64, 104 Leona, 31 Lucinda, 31, 104 Mary, 64 Nancy, 104 Pearl, 64 Tom, 89 Walter, 31 Zula, 89 SINKS George, 90 Rena, 90 SISK J. W., 18 Rilda, 22 Rodney, 22 Roland, 18 SISNEY G. S., 104 George, 104 Josephine, 101 S. S., 104 SISSON Joseph, 18 SKINNER Ada, 27 infant, 27 John, 28 Sylvester, 27 Viola, 28 Virgil, 27 SLABAUGH Francis, 90 Lemuel, 88 Sara, 88 SLADE Mary, 26 Seymour, 26 SLATER Daniel, 95 SLAUGHTER Perry, 65 SLIEGER Oma, 115 Zeb, 115 SLIGER Allie, 9, 121 baby, 115 Dona, 80 Eli, 80 Fannie, 134 Guy, 134 J. M., 134 Matt, 134 Mildred, 134 Ray, 115, 130 Roy, 129 Ruth, 80 S., 104 Zeb, 129 SLIGER, see also SLIEGER, SCHLEIGER SLOAN Ewell, 19 Lillian, 5 Ollie, 19 SMILEY _____, 40 SMITH Anna, 12 Augusta, Mrs., 104 baby, 20 Bessie, 104 Charles, 33 Clarence, 134 Cora, 62 Corwin, 134 Dan, 94 Edith, 7, 20 Ellen, 104 Estella, 104 Eva, 134 Fred, 104 Geo., 40 George, 44, 104 Green, 32 Harmon, 10 Henry, 104 James, 78 Jas., 104 John, 44 Katie, 134 Lilly, 104 Linda, 104 Margaret, 33 Martha, 44, 59 Mary, 20, 105, 134 Matilda, 20 Maud, 10, 20 Nancy, 134 Nelsa, 12 Norma, 12 Paula, 12 Phillip, 20 Phyllis, 12 Robert, 120 Sarah, 20 Senas, 134 Theodore, 20 Viola, 44 W. H., 105 Wyatt, 134 Zenas, 134 SMITHERS A. F., 35 Eva, 35 Haden, 35 Laulus, 35 Mary, 35 W. F., 35 SNEATHERN Charlie, 7 Hillary, 11 Hillery, 10 Jeff, 7 Robert, 10 SNEED P. A., 130 Perry, 115 SNIDER Press, 10 SOMERS Vituar, 10 SPARKMAN, 105 Alice, 105, 106, 114, 125 B. B., 145 Bessie, 117, 127 Bob, 130 C. N., 130 Catherine, 105 Celey, 127, 129 Charles, 105, 106, 125 Cynthia, 127 Dena, 121 Dora, 127, 129 Edwin, 130 Elizabeth, 126, 127 Frank, 115, 129 G. N., 105 Gertrude, 114, 130 Grace, 10 Green, 118 Green, Mrs., 105 Helen, 122 Ila, 97, 105 Irene, 127 J. E., 130 J. G., 130 Jack, 115 Janice, 125 Jennie, 115 John, 127 Lavinia, 105, 118 Leslie, 117, 130 Leslie, Mrs., 105 M., 130 Margaret, 127 Mary, 125 Nancy, 118, 126, 127 Nannie, 118 Rufus, 127, 129 Samuel, 127 T., 127 T. H., 127, 130 Thaddeus, 126, 127 Thomas, 114, 127, 129 Thos., 105 V. W., 127 Venable, 127 Vera, 114, 127 Verna, 99, 105, 114 Vernelle, 129 Viola, 126 W. J., 130 W. P., 130 W. W., 127, 130 William, 118, 127, 130 Winnie, 127 Wm., 105 SPAWR Elizabeth, 105 Flora, 105 SPENCE Betty, 89 SPENCER Claudie, 79 Floyd, 120 Francis, 79 Henry, 84 Iva, 79 John, 79, 84 Joshua, 79 Lucy, 79 Martha, 84 Maxine, 84 Mildred, 120 Nellie, 36 Phoebe, 79 SPICER Carl, 56 SPIRES Liba, 105 SPIVEY Armel, 37 Betty, 37 SPRADLING Danny, 128 Ethel, 10 Joseph, 95 Leonard, 128 Louise, 128 SPRINGS Tom, 94 SPURLOCK D. L., 130 Deborah, 117 Delbert, 126, 130 Drury, 117 ST CROIX Louise/Lois, 36 STACY Clara, 141 STANLEY Angeline, 45 Arie, 50 Celia, 69 Jasper, 69 STATON Charlie, 28 Lorence, 14 STEEL Josephine, 49 Luther, 49 Martha, 48, 49 Marthey, 49 Marton, 48 Susan, 49 Susie, 49 STEELE John, 24 STEPHENS Albert, 17 Alonzo, 29 Pernecie, 111 STEWARD A. A., 112 Arthur, 112 John, 113 L. A., 112 R. D., 112 R. O., 112 Reed, 112 Rush, 19 Wright, 112 STEWART George, 67 Mary, 19 Monroe, 19 Thomas, 75 Willis, 67 STITH Ethel, 81 Virginia, 80 STOCK Ruby, 36 William, 36 STOKES Nancy, 57 STONE Dona, 10 Dora, 10 Emma, 2, 10 James, 2 M. E., 10 Marion, 2 William, 94, 142 STOVALL Carl, 67 Ella, 67 John, 67 STRANGE David, 30 STRAWMAT Grover Lee, 129 STRENFEL Gertie, 4 James, 6 Valentine, 4 STRENFELL Fred, 7 STRINGER Thomas, 89 STROMAT Grover Lee, 129 STROMATT Florence, 128 Hannibal, 128 STUCKER Bernice, 55 Elmer, 85 Jewel, 85 John, 90 Mildred, 90 SULLENS Sarah, 90 SULLIVAN Alma, 74 Bernice, 74 Clarice, 73 Henry, 73 Luther, 74 Patty, 74 Peggy, 74 Ralph, 73 Ronald, 74 SUMMERS Elsie, 25 Herbert, 25 James, 24 John, 25 Louisa, 16 Marcus, 16 Martha, 25 Mattie, 106 Ruby, 25 Samuel, 105 Sarah, 105 SUMNER Abner, 94 SUTTON Lloyd, 126 SWAFFORD Cynthia, 27 SWAN Billy, 123 Jake, 129 James, 123 Mary, 123, 129 SWANSON Annie, 124 Mary, 124 SWAY Glen, 123 Copyrighted information on this site to Betty Hanks and Terry McLean See Introduction page for copyright of this site ***************************************************************** USGENWEB NOTICE: In keeping with our policy of providing free information on the Internet, data may be used by non-commercial entities, as long as this message remains on all copied material. 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