butler co mo cemetery vol4 index t-z Copyrighted information on this site to Betty Hanks and Terry McLean                                                                                                            Index T – Z —T— TALCOTT Phebe, 36 Preston, 36 Ruth, 30 TALLEY Frank, 73 Violet, 73 TAYLOR Anna, 66 Bob, 136 Charles, 63 Edith, 136 Elva, 66 Grace, 136 Hattie, 66 Henry, 66 J. D., 32 James, 66 L., 136 Lawrence, 55 Lube, 136 Lude, 136 Mae, 55 Maggie, 136 Margaret, 136 Martha, 122 Mary, 64, 136, 142 May, 143 Mildred, 136 Miles, 32 Noel, 136 Nora, 143 Ora, 16 Robert, 136 Stella, 136 T L., 55 Theda, 55 TEDFORD Jeff, 10 TENER Anna, 124 TERRY Lorene, 139 THETFORD Evaline, 33 J. M., 6 THOM Bert, 19, 24 Frank, 24 infant, 24 Joseph, 24 Lottie, 24 Mary, 19, 24 THOMAS Alva, 134 B. N., 134 Charley, 128 Cleo, 123 Dallas, 129, 130 Ella, 134 Isaac, 63 J. L., 129, 130 Jackie, 119 James, 123 John, 112 L. S., 63 Leona, 128 Lillian, 119 Nellie, 123 Paul, 119, 130 Sarah, 134 twins, 134 Virgie, 63 W. B., 134 THOMAS, see also   TOMAS THOMLIN Easter, 63 Thelma, 63 THOMPSON Charles, 30 Edna, 82 James, 138 Lester, 128 M. J. G., 10, 11 Ralph, 73 Ruth, 82 Wilma, 128 THORNE Alice, 30 George, 30 Thomas, 30 THURMAN A., 135 Arthur, 5, 10 Artie, 10 Arzula, 5, 10 Catherine, 5, 10 Davin, 135 E. E., 10 Earl, 6, 10, 11 Edna, 122 Emma, 6 Ernest, 5, 10 Eva, 8 Ezekiel, 6 Fred, 5 Hazel, 6 Homer, 122 Ida, 10 infant, 50 Isibell, 50 Jacob, 6 Lucy, 6 Madison, 5 Martha, 5, 10 Martin, 10 Mary, 5, 122 Mattie, 10 N. G., 50 Nancy, 50 Pearl, 10, 135 R. H., 10, 50 Robert, 5 Thomas, 6 Walter, 5 THURSTON Andrew, 52 Cora, 52 Eliza, 96 Margaret, 52 William, 52 TIBBS Carl, 38 James, 14 Laverne, 38 Leonard, 38 Ora, 38 Vilma, 39 TIDWELL Maggie, 129 Mary, 7 TILLEY Arthur, 119, 130 Bobbye, 119 Cephaus, 77 Claud, 77, 78 Flora, 78 Lee, 69 Lisa, 116 Mary, 76 Nancy, 45 Ora, 70, 78 Sarah, 77 Steve, 69 TILMAN Sophia, 144 TIMMONS Gilbert, 94 TINKER Etta, 84 Gay, 134 Guy, 134 Harrison, 134 Lillie, 134 Lorena, 142 Lorene, 143 N__le, 134 Willis, 134 TINSLEY Lydia, 30 TODD Carl, 138 Dymple, 85 Elmer, 85 Hartwell, 85 Mary, 105 Nancy, 79 Robert, 138 Van Buren, 79 TOMAS John, 94 TOMLIN Arlie, 10 Blanche, 44 J. W., 44 John, 45 Perry, 44, 45 Sarah, 10, 44, 60 Silvester, 10 Thomas, 44, 60 TOMMERLIN Eliza, 14 TOMPSON William, 10 TOOMBS Olen, 11 Wayne, 11 TOUNZEN, see also TOWNSEND, Alice, 10 TOUTANT F., 129 Fabian, 115 Mary, 115 TOWNSEND, see also TOUNZEN TREANOR Ann, 136 M. A., 136 Matthew, 136 Thomas, 136 TREECE Elizabeth, 25 John, 25 William, 25 TRIBBLE Mrs., 94 TRIMBLE Lena, 141, 143 Martha, 53 Virgil, 53, 143 TRUSTY William, 21 TUBB Billie, 117 George, 130 Isaac, 117 James, 117 Jane, 117 Louie, 130 Millie, 117 TUBBS, 129 Mr., 1 Thomas, 130 Trury, 99 TUCK Ida, 94 TUCKER C. W., 62 Hattie, 65 Obal, 65 TUNE Acie, 70 Annie, 70 Artie, 70 Calvin, 70 Earl, 70 Emma, 70 Harrison, 70 James, 70 Julia, 70 Lorn, 70 Margarett, 70 Ora, 70 Samuel, 45 Thomas, 70 W. T., 70 William, 70 TURNER J. L., 142 —U— UHL Edward, 28 Francis, 13, 34 Madeline, 13 Manervia, 34 Odies, 34 Otto, 13 Pearl, 12 Pearley, 13 Pice, 12 Velma, 37 UMFLEET A. J., 67 Carter, 67 Cora, 67 Rosabelle, 67 —V— VAN, 105 Nathan, 94 VANCE Cooper, 141 Jessie, 141 VANDERPOOL Sophah, 105 Sophia, 105 VANDOVER baby, 115 Cage?, 135 M. H., 135 Martha, 135, 136 Pearl, 135 Thomas, 136 VANGORDER Drew, 26 Ruth, 26 VANLANDINGHAM Annie, 105 Eldora, 105 James, 105 Mary, 105 VARGASON Anna, 82 VAUGHN Emma, 38 George, 13, 89 James, 89 Jason, 38 Julia, 89 Velma, 89 VICTORY James, 94 VINCENT A. R., 71 David, 74 Delia, 71 Donie, 70 Earl, 72 Eliza, 72 Ethel, 71 Howard, 70 Leola, 72 Lillian, 70 Oca, 67 Ola, 70 Olie, 67 Ora, 70 Phoebe, 67 Roosevelt, 71 Vineyard FH, 30 VINSON Mary, 27 Mikel, 27 —W— W. H. P, 26 W.M.T, 95 WADDELL Georgia, 122 Ralph, 122 WADE Shelley, 71 WAGNER Alfred, 63 WALKER Albert, 94 George, 113 Jean, 140 Jim, 94 John, 78 Martha, 45 WALLACE Bernice, 55 Ed, 55 Edward, 55 WALTON _____, 112 Chester, 109, 112 Clarence, 141 Clyde, 141 D. R., 112 Dennis, 139 Edna, 112 Elsie, 140 Freddy, 113 Grace, 140, 141 Henry, 108 John, 109, 113, 139, 140, 141, 143 Laura, 109, 112 Lavern, 109 Lena, 141 Lochard, 139 Lorena, 142 Lorene, 143 Lovey, 140, 141 Loyd, 141 Lucille, 139, 141, 143 Martha, 108, 110 Minnie, 141 Orleana, 141 Orlena, 109, 140 P., 108 Parnelia, 113 Reed, 138, 141, 143 Reuben, 113 Russell, 110 Sallie, 108 Sara, 143 Sarah, 112, 139, 140, 141 Thomas, 140 W. L., 140, 141 Wilburn, 109 William, 109, 111 WALZ L. J., 31 WARBINGTON Edward, 10 Ellis, 10 Tussie, 8 WARD Arthur, 125, 129, 130 baby, 18, 114, 115, 119 Birl, 129 Charles, 130 Charley, 4, 10, 120 Claud, 119 Dovie, 119 Edd, 10 Edward, 119 Everett, 119 George, 119, 130 Geraldine, 129 Gertie, 4, 10 James, 119 John, 130 Lura, 119 Raymond, 115, 129 Robert, 4, 10 Roy, 18 Sandra, 114 Valerie, 18 Victoria, 120 WARFIELD Minnie, 134 Oscar, 134 WARREN Bessie, 105 E. G., 105 Edna, 105 Laura, 97 W. L., 105 WATERALL Myrtle, 118 Watkins FH, 13 WATSON Loretta, 12 Sadie, 14 WATTS John, 18 Lou, 18 WAY E. F., 34 Morinda, 34 WEBB Allie, 14 Cordelia, 4 Daniel, 78 Eliza, 14 Gertie, 10 H. D., 78 Henry, 78 Ida, 28 James, 3, 28 Jennie, 18 Joseph, 14, 35 Lawson, 18 Liza, 35 Mary, 3 Maud, 10 WELCH J. R., 142 WELKER William, 126 WELLINGHAM Mary S., 45 WELLS Allie, 14 Anna, 35 Jacob, 44 James, 4, 14 Janette, 35 Lela, 142, 143 Luetha, 139 Mabel, 14 Mary, 142, 143 Minerva, 4 Peggy, 35 Tony, 139 WELLS, see also WILLS WENTZLER Stella, 78 WEST Clara, 39 James, 23 Jesse, 39 WESTHAVER Jennie, 94 WESTON J. E., 130 John, 117 Lavina, 117 WHALEN Bridget, 54 Daisy, 53 George, 53 Gertrude, 55 Henrietta, 53 James, 53 John, 55 Laverne, 56 Lawrence, 56 Linda, 55 Martin, 55 Patrick, 53 Veda, 55 WHEELER Mary, 24 Monroe, 24 Wesley, 105 WHEELING James, 134 Jane, 134 Martha Lee, 134 William, 134 WHITE Barbara, 134 Edward, 65 Freeman, 38 Herbert, 65 Irene, 65 Lester, 65 Mary, 65 Sylvia, 38 Tracy, 134 WHITED Alice, 62 White-Sanders FH, 87 WHITFIELD Rhina, 94 WHITHORN Boyd, 37 WHITMER Connie, 5 Cynthia, 5 Mamie, 36 Michaelyn, 5 Robert, 6 Verna, 6 WHITNACK George, 63 WHITTINGTON Frank, 11 WHITWORTH Elias, 144 WIL____, 31 WILBURN _____, 31 Sadie, 102, 106 WILCOX Bertha, 96 WILKER Martha, 45 WILKES Martha, 45 WILLARD William, 76 WILLCUT Catherine, 10 Kibbie, 10, 11 Lee, 11 Tee, 10 WILLIAMS Anna, 106 Edison, 90 Eva, 16 Hattie, 90 I. G., 44 James, 32 Lewis, 106 Marlie, 106 Nannie, 44 O. F., 16 T. H., 90 Thomas, 90, 130 William, 71, 106 WILLS Harvey, 142 Louise, 10 WILLS, see also WELLS WILLSON Kirt, 106 WILSE Jessie, 10 WILSEN Sarah C., 40 WILSON Acel, 4 Arie, 10 B. F., 145 Bille, 15 Carline, 10 Charles, 4, 6, 77 Dovie, 110 Eliza, 50 Emma, 30 Goodridge, 145 Green, 106 Green, Mrs., 106 Hattie, 10 Hazel, 4 Hetty, 145 Ivy, 10 J. E., 34 J. M., 145 J. T., 50 James, 51 John, 50, 51 Lola, 10 Lulu, 40 M. C., 20 M. P., 50 Martha, 50 Mary, 10, 51 Mattie, 106 Minnie, 10 Nancy, 126 Nellie, 34 Nettie, 77 Nola, 10, 11, 20 Parle, 34 R. A., 10, 20 Rachel, 107 Robert, 145 Ruben, 20 S. V., 145 Samuel, 145 Sarah, 145 Sarah C., 40 Thomas, 51 Warren, 112 William, 10, 30, 32 WILSON, see also WILLSON WINCKEL Pearl, 77 WINDGATE Mart, 94 WINGATE Rebecca, 28 WINGERT James, 31 WISDOM Dickie, 28 Girtie, 37 Imogene, 28 M. R., 28 Marion, 23 Maudie, 23 Memphis, 28 Ray, 35 Roy, 23 William, 65 WISECARVER Alice, 110 Belle, 108 D., 111 Dessie, 109 Dorothy, 111 Easter, 109 Eloy, 111 Eva, 110 Freddie, 109 G. N., 110 Grace, 108 Haskel, 111 Henry, 109 Hester, 109 Isabelle, 113 J. F., 109 James, 109 Jess, 109 John, 109, 110, 111 Lillie, 108 Margaret, 110, 140, 141 Mary, 108, 109, 111 Mervie, 111 Minerva, 111 Nancy, 111 Nellie, 108 Stephen, 134 William, 113 WISEMAN D., 69 Sadie, 69 WITHERS Marlie, 106 WOMACK Alec, 35 Alexander, 106 Della, 35 Edith, 106 Etta, 106 H., 13 J. A., 13 Lend, 106 M. A., 13 R. R., 24 Wm., 106 WOOD Adrian, 15 Blanche, 63 Elisha, 63 George, 63 Laura, 63 Luke, 15 Myrtle, 15 Odie, 130 Ollie, 94 Rachel, 64 Sarah, 63 Wilburt, 15 WOODRING, 130 Fronie, 117 Virgie, 117 WOODRUFF Edward, 38 WOODS Belle, 106 Grant, 106 J. T., 94 Marion, 76 WOOTEN Nellie, 98 WORLEY Helen, 122 John, 122 WORSHAM Clyde, 88 Elizabeth, 106 WRIGHT D. M., 106 Gene, 128, 130 L. J., 32 Mary, 32 Minnie, 128 —Y— YANDALL Mary, 40 YORK Evelyn, 109 Ira, 112 Julia, 112 Walter, 112 YOUNG Chalmer, 39 Dustin, 76 Georgia, 39 Jas., 106 John, 94 Maudy, 39 Sallie, 94 Slim, 39 —Z— ZUMALT Clara, 141 Doar, 141 Laura, 141 This Web Site Created on October 1, 2001 Copyrighted information on this site to Betty Hanks and Terry McLean ***************************************************************** USGENWEB NOTICE: In keeping with our policy of providing free information on the Internet, data may be used by non-commercial entities, as long as this message remains on all copied material. These electronic pages may NOT be reproduced in any format for profit or for presentation by other persons or organizations. Persons or organizations desiring to use this material for purposes other than stated above must obtain the written consent of the file contributor. The submitter has given permission to the USGenWeb Archives to store the file permanently for free access. 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