Butler Co., Missouri 1910 Federal Census - - pg 228b-220btxt This Census was transcribed by Brenda Rodgers and proofread by Mary Hudson Copyright (c) 2000 by Brenda Rodgers ************************************************************************ These electronic pages may NOT be reproduced in any format for profit or presentation by any other organization or persons. Persons or organizations desiring to use this material, must obtain the written consent of the contributor, or the legal representative of the submitter. ************************************************************************ Census Year 1910 Microfilm Roll T624-769 Ward of City 3 part of Sheet # 228a to 259b 1910 BUTLER CO. MO. CENSUS/ TWP POPLAR BLUFF/ SUPV/DIST-12/ ENUM/DIST-18/ENUMERATOR-Hiram Doily Pharr / ENUM-DATE -05/09/10 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- RELA- S.M. YRS NO CHILD BIRTH FATHER MOTHER YEAR OF LANGUAGE NATURE EMP(R Y/N WKS ATT OWN FREE FARM PG# LN# DW# FM# Last Name First Name TION SEX RACE AGE W.D. MARR CHILDREN LIVING PLACE BRTH PL BRTH PL IMMIGRA N/A SPOKE TRADE WORK EMP(E EMP OW READ WRITE SCH RENT MORTG HOME (1) (2) (3) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13) (14) (15) (16) (17) (18) (19) (20) (21) (22) (23) (24) (25) (26) (27) (28) --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 228b 1 1 1 Wilburn Henry head M W 39 m2 15 Missouri Tennessee Tennessee Eng wiper engine W no 0 yes yes R H 228b 2 Wilburn Rosa wife F W 32 m1 15 4 4 Missouri North CaroliTennessee Eng none yes yes 228b 3 Wilburn Gertie daughter F W 14 S Missouri Missouri Missouri Eng none yes yes yes 228b 4 Wilburn Vada daughter F W 8 S Missouri Missouri Missouri none yes 228b 5 Wilburn Elsia daughter F W 5 S Missouri Missouri Missouri none 228b 6 x x Wilburn Lorene daughter F W 2 S Missouri Missouri Missouri none 228b 7 2 2 Bullock Elmore head M W ## m1 4 Missouri Missouri Missouri Eng heading tParker f W no 0 yes yes H 228b 8 Bullock Vera wife F W 25 m1 4 Missouri Iowa Missouri Eng none yes yes 228b 9 Bullock Elmo son M W 3 S Missouri Missouri Missouri none 228b 10 Bullock Ervin son M W 15/12 S Missouri Missouri Missouri none 228b 11 3 3 Adins A C head M W 31 m2 7 Ketnucky Ketnucky Ketnucky Eng agent insuranc W no 0 yes yes O M H 228b 12 Adins Ethel wife F W 27 m1 7 4 4 Ohio PennsylvaniaOhio Eng none yes yes 228b 13 Adins Leon son M W 5 S Kentucky Kentucky Ohio none 228b 14 Adins Lerman C son M W 3 S Kentucky Kentucky Ohio none 228b 15 Adins Letha Fay daughter F W 19/12 S Missouri Kentucky Ohio none 228b 16 Adins Aubrey L son M W 8/12 S Missouri Kentucky Ohio none 228b 17 4 4 Shadle Frank head M W 33 m1 8 Illinois Illinois Illinois Eng clerk furnitur W n 0 yes yes O M H 228b 18 Shadle Dona wife F W 27 m1 8 3 3 Missouri Missouri Missouri Eng none yes yes 228b 19 Shadle Lillian daughter F W 6 S Missouri Illinois Missouri none 228b 20 Shadle George son M W 3 S Missouri Illinois Missouri none 228b 21 Shadle Chester son M W 17/12 S Missouri Illinois Missouri none 228b 22 Powers Eva sister i F W 15 S Missouri Missouri Missouri Eng none yes yes yes 228b 23 5 5 Mills Mattie head F W 53 WD 9 9 Missouri Tennessee Tennessee Eng none yes yes R H 228b 24 Mills Lee son M W 32 S Missouri Tennessee Missouri Eng drill preadding T W no 0 yes yes 228b 25 Mills Bob son M W 29 S Missouri Tennessee Missouri Eng erector adding T W no 0 yes yes 228b 26 Mills Almo son M W 24 S Missouri Tennessee Missouri Eng foreman adding T W no 0 yes yes 228b 27 Mills Eldon son M W 18 S Missouri Tennessee Missouri Eng farm handfarm W no 0 yes yes 228b 28 Mills Lattie daughter F W 16 S Missouri Tennessee Missouri Eng none yes yes yes 228b 29 Mills Lester son M W 14 S Missouri Tennessee Missouri Eng none yes yes yes 228b 30 Mills Irene daughter F W 12 S Missouri Tennessee Missouri Eng none yes yes yes 228b 31 6 6 Lane Wiborn head M W 51 m1 28 Georgia Georgia Georgia Eng foreman round ho W no 0 yes yes R H 228b 32 Lane Matilda wife F W 47 m1 28 4 4 Illinois Tennessee Tennessee Eng none yes yes 228b 33 Lane Hurbert son M W 19 S Missouri Georgia Illinois Eng tool sharadding T W no 0 yes yes 228b 34 Lane Ruith daughter F W 16 S Missouri Georgia Illinois Eng none yes yes yes 228b 35 Lane Blanch daughter F W 14 S Missouri Georgia Illinois Eng none yes yes yes 228b 36 Lane Maggie daughter F W 11 S Missouri Georgia Illinois Eng none 228b 37 7 7 Riggs C S head M W 39 m1 7 Missouri U S U S Eng carpenterhouse W no 0 yes yes R H 228b 38 Riggs C C wife F W 25 m1 7 2 2 Illinois Illinois Illinois Eng none yes yes 228b 39 Riggs Nellie daughter F W 4 S Missouri Missouri Illinois none 228b 40 Riggs Bennie A son M W 1 S Missouri Missouri Illinois none 228b 41 8 8 Henson Walter head M W 27 m1 2 Tennessee Tennessee Tennessee Eng book keepbank W no 0 yes yes O F H 228b 42 Henson Etoyle wife F W 23 m1 2 0 0 MississippiMississippi Mississippi Eng none yes yes 228b 43 Mahony Mollie Mother i F W 54 WD MississippiTennessee Tennessee Eng none yes yes 228b 44 9 9 Roberts J R head M W 23 m1 1 Illinois Illinois Illinois Eng drill preadding T W no 0 yes yes R H 228b 45 Roberts R R wife F W 19 m1 1 1 1 Illinois Illinois Illinois Eng none yes yes 228b 46 Roberts Hersel N son M W 8/12 S Missouri Illinois Illinois none 228b 47 10 10 Vineyard Yong head M W 65 m5 23 Illinois Tennessee Tennessee Eng none * * * 228b 48 Vineyard Hanay wife F W 45 m1 23 3 3 Illinois Alabama Alabama Eng none 228b 49 Vineyard John son M W 22 S Illinois Illinois Alabama Eng lather lather W no 0 yes yes 228b 50 Vineyard Mary daughter F W 9 S Illinois Illinois Alabama Eng none yes yes yes --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- RELA- S.M. YRS NO CHILD BIRTH FATHER MOTHER YEAR OF LANGUAGE NATURE EMP(R Y/N WKS ATT OWN FREE FARM PG# LN# DW# FM# Last Name First Name TION SEX RACE AGE W.D. MARR CHILDREN LIVING PLACE BRTH PL BRTH PL IMMIGRA N/A SPOKE TRADE WORK EMP(E EMP OW READ WRITE SCH RENT MORTG HOME (1) (2) (3) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13) (14) (15) (16) (17) (18) (19) (20) (21) (22) (23) (24) (25) (26) (27) (28) --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 229a 51 Vineyard Levi son M W 15 S Illinois Illinois Alabama Eng none yes yes 229a 52 11 11 Priest Ed J head M W 36 m1 13 Missouri Kentucky Ohio Eng painter house W no 0 yes yes O F H 229a 53 Priest Ida wife F W 34 m1 13 7 7 Indiana Indiana Ohio Eng none yes yes 229a 54 Priest Gladys daughter F W 10 S Missouri Missouri Indiana none yes yes yes 229a 55 Priest Ivylol daughter F W 8 S Missouri Missouri Indiana none yes 229a 56 Priest Charlie son M W 6 S Missouri Missouri Indiana none yes 229a 57 Priest Stella daughter F W 5 S Missouri Missouri Indiana none 229a 58 Priest Ella daughter F W 5 S Missouri Missouri Indiana none 229a 59 Priest James son M W 3 S Missouri Missouri Indiana none 229a 60 Priest Curtis son M W 6/12 S Missouri Missouri Indiana none 229a 61 12 12 Powell E C head M W 22 m1 5 Arkansas U S U S Eng salesman Walkins W no 0 yes yes R H 229a 62 Powell Ethel wife F W 20 m1 5 2 2 Kansas Illinois Illinois Eng none yes yes 229a 63 Powell Mildred daughter F W 3 S Missouri Arkansas Kansas none 229a 64 Powell Ineze daughter F W 10/12 S Missouri Arkansas Kansas none 229a 65 13 13 Self Ed head M W 25 m1 6 Missouri u s u s Eng car repairail roa W no 0 yes yes R H 229a 66 Self Rosa wife F W 27 m1 6 2 2 Arkansas Illinois Missouri Eng none yes yes 229a 67 Self Mary daughter F W 4 S Missouri Missouri Arkansas none 229a 68 Self Clarence son M W 23/12 S Missouri Missouri Arkansas none 229a 69 14 14 Wilborn Tom E head M W 32 m1 7 Missouri Tennessee Tennessee Eng clerk grocery W no 0 yes yes R H 229a 70 Wilborn Sarah M wife F W 28 m1 7 4 2 Indiana Indiana Iowa Eng none yes yes 229a 71 Wilborn Earl son M W 3 S Missouri Missouri Indiana none 229a 72 Wilborn Edith daughter F W 2 S Missouri Missouri Indiana none 229a 73 15 15 McGowen William head M W 38 m1 16 Illinois Illinois Kentucky Eng carpenterhouse W no 0 yes yes O F H 229a 74 McGowen Katie wife F W 38 m1 * 2 0 Missouri Ireland Ireland Eng none yes yes 229a 75 16 16 Gibbs N F head M W 32 m1 1 Missouri Missouri Kentucky Eng erector adding T W no 0 yes yes O M H 229a 76 Gibbs Ida M wife F W 26 m2 1 Missouri Illinois Illinois Eng none yes yes 229a 77 Gibbs Charlie stepson M W 9 S Missouri Missouri Missouri none yes 229a 78 17 17 Baker J C head M W 33 m1 6 Kentucky Ireland Ireland Eng carpenterhouse W no 0 yes yes R H 229a 79 Baker M E wife F W 22 m1 6 0 0 Iowa Germany Germany Eng none yes yes 229a 80 18 18 Berry J H head M W 36 m1 11 Missouri Missouri Missouri Eng carpenterhouse W no 0 yes yes 229a 81 Berry B M wife F W 31 m1 11 3 3 Missouri Missouri Missouri Eng none yes yes 229a 82 Berry Cecil son M W 9 S Missouri Missouri Missouri none yes 229a 83 Berry Tomsay daughter F W 4 S Missouri Missouri Missouri none 229a 84 Berry Minta daughter F W 2 S Missouri Missouri Missouri none 229a 85 19 19 Hendrix L head M W 33 m1 5 Kentucky Indiana Kentucky Eng assembleradding T W no 0 yes yes O M H 229a 86 Hendrix C B wife F W 30 m1 5 1 1 Missouri Virginia Missouri Eng none yes yes 229a 87 Hendrix E A son M W 3 S Missouri Kentucky Missouri none 229a 88 20 20 Evers Hana head M W 29 m1 4 Germany Germany Germany 1882 Eng tool makeadding T W no 0 yes yes O F H 229a 89 Evers M M wife F W 22 m1 4 1 1 Missouri Missouri Missouri Eng none yes yes 229a 90 Evers Leon son M W 4 S Missouri Germany Missouri none 229a 91 21 21 Davis john head M W 28 m1 U S U S U S Eng shring clBluff C W no 0 yes yes O M H 229a 92 Davis Rillie wife F W 18 m1 Missouri Indiana Indiana Eng none yes yes 229a 93 Davis Maggabelle daughter F W 2/12 S Missouri U S Missouri none 229a 94 Davis Murrel adopted F W 7/12 S Missouri Missouri Missouri none 229a 95 22 22 Walker Isom head M W 47 m3 8 Indiana Ohio Pennsylvania Eng laborer wifth te W no 0 yes yes R H 229a 96 Walker Dela M wife F W 37 m2 8 3 3 Missouri Germany Germany Eng none yes yes 229a 97 Walker Olla son M W 16 S Missouri Indiana Missouri Eng none yes yes yes 229a 98 Walker Linman son M W 14 S Missouri Indiana Missouri Eng none yes yes yes 229a 99 Brantley Ruby step dau F W 14 S Missouri Indiana Missouri Eng none yes yes yes 229a 100 23 23 Steen W E head M W 46 m2 10 PennsylvaniPennsylvaniaPennsylvania Eng repairmansaw mill W no 0 yes yes * * * --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- RELA- S.M. YRS NO CHILD BIRTH FATHER MOTHER YEAR OF LANGUAGE NATURE EMP(R Y/N WKS ATT OWN FREE FARM PG# LN# DW# FM# Last Name First Name TION SEX RACE AGE W.D. MARR CHILDREN LIVING PLACE BRTH PL BRTH PL IMMIGRA N/A SPOKE TRADE WORK EMP(E EMP OW READ WRITE SCH RENT MORTG HOME (1) (2) (3) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13) (14) (15) (16) (17) (18) (19) (20) (21) (22) (23) (24) (25) (26) (27) (28) --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 229b 1 Steen Emma wife F W 33 m1 10 0 0 PennsylvaniCanada FrencGermany Eng none yes yes 229b 2 24 24 Smith Hannan head M W 30 m1 8 Illinois Illinois Illinois Eng none yes yes O F H 229b 3 Smith Maude wife F W 29 m1 8 2 2 Kentucky Tennessee Kentucky Eng none yes yes 229b 4 Smith Edith daughter F W 6 S Missouri Illinois Kentucky none 229b 5 Smith Crystal daughter F W 2 S Texas Illinois Kentucky none 229b 6 Summers John Father i M W 58 WD Tennessee Tennessee Tennessee Eng none yes yes 229b 7 25 25 Nance Plesant head M W 48 m3 12 3 3 Indiana Indiana Indiana Eng merchant dry good W no 0 yes yes O M H 229b 8 Nance Perlie wife F W 34 m1 12 4 3 Indiana Indiana Indiana Eng none yes yes 229b 9 Nance Carrie daughter F W 21 WD Missouri Indiana Indiana Eng none yes yes 229b 10 Nance Emma daughter F W 19 S Missouri Indiana Indiana Eng none yes yes 229b 11 Nance Robert son M W 14 S Missouri Indiana Indiana Eng none yes yes yes 229b 12 Nance Ruthie daughter F W 10 S Missouri Indiana Indiana none yes yes yes 229b 13 Nance Cora daughter F W 7 S Missouri Indiana Indiana none yes 229b 14 Nance Adia daughter F W 6 S Missouri Indiana Indiana none yes 229b 15 Hogg Raymond grand so M W 3 S Missouri Missouri Missouri none 229b 16 26 26 Dodson Mary E head F W 51 WD 5 2 Tennessee Tennessee Tennessee Eng none yes yes O F H 229b 17 Dodson Clarence son M W 20 S Kentucky Kentucky Tennessee Eng Presman printer W no 0 yes yes 229b 18 Dodson Milo son M W 17 S Kentucky Kentucky Tennessee Eng erand boyprinter W no 0 yes yes 229b 19 McAnden Mary servant F W 18 S Kentucky unknown unknown Eng servant private W no 0 yes yes 229b 20 x x Shake Lafayette head M W 42 m1 15 Indiana Indiana Indiana Eng carryaireParker P W no 0 yes yes R H 229b 21 Shake Mattie wife F W 39 m1 15 Indiana Indiana Indiana Eng none yes yes 229b 22 27 27 Nicholas Mary head F W 30 WD 5 3 Illinois Illinois Illinois Eng none yes yes R H 229b 23 Snook Edith daughter F W 11 S Illinois Illinois Illinois Eng none yes yes yes 229b 24 Snook Orria son M W 6 S Illinois Illinois Illinois none 229b 25 Snook Birdie daughter F W 4 S Illinois Illinois Illinois none 229b 26 28 28 Haston John head M W 38 m2 Missouri Illinois Illinois Eng laborer factory W no 0 yes yes R H 229b 27 Haston Libby wife F W 25 m2 0 6 2 Missouri unknown unknown Eng none yes yes 229b 28 Haston Curtis S son M W 4 S 0 Missouri Illinois Missouri Eng none 229b 29 29 29 Kearby James head M W * m1 10 Missouri Tennessee unknown Eng clerk grocery W no 0 yes yes O F H 229b 30 Kearby Mary wife F W 28 m1 10 2 2 Missouri unknown unknown Eng none yes yes 229b 31 Kearby Leo son M W 6 S Missouri Missouri Missouri none 229b 32 Kearby Ora daughter F W 3 S Missouri Missouri Missouri none 229b 33 30 30 Appleby William H head M W 63 WD Missouri Missouri North Carolina Eng laborer common W no 0 yes yes R H 229b 34 Appleby Sarah M daughter F W 25 S Missouri Missouri Ohio Eng none yes yes 229b 35 x x Tibb J H head M W 50 m1 22 Missouri Kentucky Kentucky Eng engineer ice plan W no 0 yes yes O M H 229b 36 Tibb Rhode J wife F W 52 m2 22 6 5 Illinois Indiana Ohio Eng none yes yes 229b 37 Tibb George F son M W 18 S Missouri Missouri Illinois Eng laborer ice plan W no 0 yes yes O F H 229b 38 31 31 Turner John head M W 20 S Missouri Missouri Missouri Eng laborer W no 0 yes yes 229b 39 Turner Othor brother M W 24 WD 0 0 Missouri Missouri Missouri Eng laborer W no 5 yes yes 229b 40 Turner Willis brother M W 22 S Missouri Missouri Missouri Eng laborer W no 0 yes yes 229b 41 Turner Annie sister F W 17 S Missouri Missouri Missouri Eng none yes yes 229b 42 Turner Ida sister F W 14 S Missouri Missouri Missouri Eng none yes yes yes 229b 43 32 32 Smithson Tom head M W 33 m1 12 Tennessee Tennessee Tennessee Eng laborer W yes yes H 229b 44 Smithson Virgie wife F W 28 m1 12 3 3 Missouri Missouri Missouri Eng none yes yes 229b 45 Smithson Addie daughter F W 5 S Missouri Tennessee Missouri none 229b 46 Smithson Dallas son M W 3 S Missouri Tennessee Missouri none 229b 47 Smithson Willis son M W 19/12 S Missouri Tennessee Missouri none 229b 48 33 33 Drew O W head M W 43 m1 20 Indiana unknown unknown Eng laborer adding T W no 0 * * * * * * 229b 49 Drew Lusie wife F W 37 m1 20 7 4 Missouri North CarlolMissouri Eng none * * * * * * 229b 50 Drew Thomas son M W 18 S Missouri Indiana Missouri Eng none yes yes --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- RELA- S.M. YRS NO CHILD BIRTH FATHER MOTHER YEAR OF LANGUAGE NATURE EMP(R Y/N WKS ATT OWN FREE FARM PG# LN# DW# FM# Last Name First Name TION SEX RACE AGE W.D. MARR CHILDREN LIVING PLACE BRTH PL BRTH PL IMMIGRA N/A SPOKE TRADE WORK EMP(E EMP OW READ WRITE SCH RENT MORTG HOME (1) (2) (3) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13) (14) (15) (16) (17) (18) (19) (20) (21) (22) (23) (24) (25) (26) (27) (28) --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 230a 51 Drew Lottie daughter F W 17 S Missouri Indiana Missouri Eng none yes yes yes 230a 52 Drew Bessie daughter F W 13 S Missouri Indiana Missouri Eng none yes 230a 53 Drew Gracie daughter F W 8 S Missouri Indiana Missouri none 230a 54 Drew Georgia daughter F W 4 S Missouri Indiana Missouri none 230a 55 34 34 Huggins Jim head M W 40 m1 13 Missouri North CaroliAlabama Eng mail carrU S W no 0 yes yes H 230a 56 Huggins Cela wife F W 32 m1 13 5 5 Missouri Missouri Georgia Eng none yes yes 230a 57 Huggins Eugene son M W 12 S Missouri Missouri Missouri Eng none yes yes yes 230a 58 Huggins Lenora daughter F W 10 S Missouri Missouri Missouri none yes yes yes 230a 59 Huggins Gerold son M W 7 S Missouri Missouri Missouri none yes 230a 60 Huggins Raymond son M W 4 S Missouri Missouri Missouri none 230a 61 Huggins Ula May daughter F W 1 S Missouri Missouri Missouri none 230a 62 35 35 Trandt Earnest W head M W 52 m2 18 Newark N. JGermany Germany Eng agent fire ins W no 0 yes yes R H 230a 63 Trandt Nancy J wife F W 43 m1 18 4 3 Illinois Illinois Indiana Eng none yes yes 230a 64 Trandt Fredrick W son M W 17 S Missouri Newark N. Illinois Eng none yes yes 230a 65 Trandt Theodore son M W 8 S Missouri Newark N. J.Illinois none yes 230a 66 Trandt Annie L daughter F W 2 S Missouri Newark N. JIllinois none 230a 67 36 36 Smith Margarett head F W 64 WD 2 2 Missouri Virginia Tennessee Eng none yes yes O F H 230a 68 Smith Margarett daughter F W 26 S Missouri Virginia Missouri Eng none yes yes 230a 69 Smith Albert C son M W 22 m1 2 Missouri Virginia Missouri Eng drives grocery W no 0 yes yes 230a 70 Smith Lulu daughter F W 19 m1 2 1 1 Missouri Missouri Illinois Eng yes yes 230a 71 Smith Ethel May grand ch F W 8/12 S Missouri Missouri Missouri none 230a 72 230a 73 REST OF PAGE IS BLANK --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- RELA- S.M. YRS NO CHILD BIRTH FATHER MOTHER YEAR OF LANGUAGE NATURE EMP(R Y/N WKS ATT OWN FREE FARM PG# LN# DW# FM# Last Name First Name TION SEX RACE AGE W.D. MARR CHILDREN LIVING PLACE BRTH PL BRTH PL IMMIGRA N/A SPOKE TRADE WORK EMP(E EMP OW READ WRITE SCH RENT MORTG HOME (1) (2) (3) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13) (14) (15) (16) (17) (18) (19) (20) (21) (22) (23) (24) (25) (26) (27) (28) --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 230b 1 37 37 Burge James P head M W 41 m1 14 unknown unknown unknown Eng farm handfarm W no 0 yes yes R H 230b 2 Burge Maggie wife F W 35 m1 14 4 4 Tennessee unknown Tennessee Eng none yes yes 230b 3 Burge Vernon son M W 13 S Kentucky unknown Tennessee Eng none yes yes 230b 4 Burge Bullah daughter F W 9 S Kentucky unknown Tennessee none 230b 5 Burge Puline daughter F W 4 S Kentucky unknown Tennessee none 230b 6 Burge Leonard son M W 6/12 S Kentucky unknown Tennessee none 230b 7 38 38 Gould Ed head M W 26 m1 9 Indiana Indiana Indiana Eng barber own shop OA no 0 yes yes O M H 230b 8 Gould Emma wife F W 29 m1 9 2 2 Missouri Missouri Missouri Eng none yes yes 230b 9 Gould Helen daughter F W 8 S Missouri Indiana Missouri none yes 230b 10 Gould Roy son M W 5 S Missouri Indiana Missouri none 230b 11 39 39 Wilson James D head M W 32 m2 3 Indiana Indiana Indiana Eng section hrail roa W no 0 yes yes R H 230b 12 Wilson Emma wife F W 25 m1 3 1 1 Missouri Missouri Missouri Eng none yes yes 230b 13 Wilson Alvis James son M W 20/12 S Indiana Missouri none 230b 14 Wilson Rhoda Mother F W 71 WD Tennessee Tennessee Tennessee Eng none yes yes R H 230b 15 40 40 Martin Samuel head M W 32 m1 6 Missouri Illinois Illinois Eng engineer saw mill W no 0 yes yes 230b 16 Martin Stella wife F W 32 m5 6 x x Indiana unknown unknown Eng none yes yes 230b 17 Acord Isabel sister F W 50 WD Illinois Illinois Illinois Eng none yes yes 230b 18 Brooksmier Lenna niece F W 14 S Missouri Missouri Illinois Eng none yes yes 230b 19 Brooksmier Lee nephew M W 14 S Missouri Missouri Illinois Eng none yes yes O un H 230b 20 41 41 Rogers Frank head M W 49 m1 12 Missouri Missouri Missouri Eng enumeratocensus W no 0 yes yes 230b 21 Rogers Ella wife F W 45 m1 12 2 2 Missouri Missouri Missouri Eng none yes yes 230b 22 Rogers Wallace son M W 9 S Missouri Missouri Missouri Eng none yes yes 230b 23 Rogers Earl son M W 4 S Missouri Missouri Missouri Eng none 230b 24 42 42 Dare ***ls head M W 45 m1 19 Illinois Alabama Kentucky Eng carpenterhouse W no 0 yes yes O F H 230b 25 Dare Sarah wife F W 33 m1 19 4 4 Indiana Kentucky Kentucky Eng none yes yes 230b 26 Dare Earl son M W 17 S Missouri Illinois Indiana Eng none yes yes 230b 27 Dare Ollie daughter F W 14 S Missouri Illinois Indiana Eng none yes yes 230b 28 Dare Onnie daughter F W 11 S Missouri Illinois Indiana Eng none yes yes yes 230b 29 Dare Easter daughter F W 7 S Missouri Illinois Indiana none yes yes yes 230b 30 ***lee G boarder M W 27 WD Kentucky Kentucky Kentucky Eng polisher adding T W no 0 yes yes 230b 31 43 43 Livngston Fini head M W 37 m1 13 Indiana unknown unknown Eng laborer adding T W no 0 yes yes O M H 230b 32 Livngston R* wife F W 38 m1 13 1 1 Indiana Indiana Iowa Eng none 230b 33 Livngston Anna daughter F W 11 S Missouri Indiana Indiana Eng none 230b 34 44 44 ***rleston Frank head M W 35 m2 0 3 3 Illinois Illinois Illinois Eng store keeown OA no 0 yes yes O F H 230b 35 ***rleston *Gertie wife F W 31 m2 0 3 Illinois Kentucky Illinois Eng none yes yes 230b 36 Cl**k Lyda stepdaug F W 16 S Illinois Tennessee unknown Eng none yes yes yes 230b 37 ***rleston E* son M W 18 S Arkansas Illinois Illinois Eng none 230b 38 ***rleston Evert son M W 9 S Missouri Illinois Illinois none 230b 39 ***rleston Erning* son M W 7 S Missouri Illinois Illinois none 230b 40 45 45 Mitchell Will head M W 36 m2 2 Missouri Missouri Missouri Eng merchant grocerie OA no 0 yes yes R 230b 41 Mitchell Etta wife F W 19 m1 2 1 1 Missouri Illinois Illinois Eng none yes yes 230b 42 Mitchell Leslie son M W 7/12 S Missouri Missouri Missouri Eng none yes yes 230b 43 46 46 Wingart Dan head M W 48 m1 22 Tennessee Tennessee Tennessee Eng none yes yes 230b 44 Wingart Callie wife F W 44 m1 22 7 7 Alabama Alabama Pennsylvania Eng none yes yes 230b 45 Wingart * son M W 21 S Tennessee Tennessee Tennessee Eng none yes yes 230b 46 Wingart * daughter F W 19 S Tennessee Tennessee Tennessee Eng none yes yes 230b 47 Wingart Berta daughter F W * S Tennessee Tennessee Tennessee Eng none yes yes 230b 48 Wingart Lawrence son M W 14 S Tennessee Tennessee Tennessee Eng delivery grocerie W yes yes 230b 49 Wingart Blanch daughter F W 11 S Tennessee Tennessee Tennessee Eng none yes yes 230b 50 Wingart Lesl* daughter F W 7 S Washington Tennessee Tennessee none