Butler Co., Missouri 1910 Federal Census - - pg 257a-259b.txt This Census was transcribed by Brenda Rodgers and proofread by Mary Hudson Copyright (c) 2000 by Brenda Rodgers ************************************************************************ These electronic pages may NOT be reproduced in any format for profit or presentation by any other organization or persons. Persons or organizations desiring to use this material, must obtain the written consent of the contributor, or the legal representative of the submitter. ************************************************************************ Census Year 1910 Microfilm Roll T624-769 Ward of City 3 part of Sheet # 228a to 259b 1910 BUTLER CO. MO. CENSUS/ TWP POPLAR BLUFF/ SUPV/DIST-12/ ENUM/DIST-18/ENUMERATOR-Hiram Doily Pharr / ENUM-DATE -05/09/10 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- RELA- S.M. YRS NO CHILD BIRTH FATHER MOTHER YEAR OF LANGUAGE NATURE EMP(R Y/N WKS ATT OWN FREE FARM PG# LN# DW# FM# Last Name First Name TION SEX RACE AGE W.D. MARR CHILDREN LIVING PLACE BRTH PL BRTH PL IMMIGRA N/A SPOKE TRADE WORK EMP(E EMP OW READ WRITE SCH RENT MORTG HOME (1) (2) (3) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13) (14) (15) (16) (17) (18) (19) (20) (21) (22) (23) (24) (25) (26) (27) (28) --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 257b 1 Rugsby Minnie wife F W 28 m1 11 2 1 Missouri Tennessee Alabama Eng none yes yes 257b 2 Rugsby Margori daughter F W 8 S Missouri Kentucky Tennessee Eng none yes 257b 3 Smith Louisa Mother i F W 56 WD 4 1 Alabama Georgia Alabama Eng none yes yes 257b 4 620 620 Andrews Robert K head M W 43 m2 19 2 2 Missouri Missouri Missouri Eng water engCity Pop W no 0 yes yes O F H 257b 5 Andrews Lucy H wife F W 40 m1 19 4 3 Missouri Virginia Missouri Eng none yes yes 257b 6 Andrews William K son M W 23 S Missouri Missouri Missouri Eng deliverymONeal & W no 0 yes yes 257b 7 Andrews Ethel daughter F W 20 S Missouri Missouri Missouri Eng none yes yes 257b 8 Andrews Stella daughter F W 18 S Missouri Missouri Missouri Eng none yes yes 257b 9 Andrews Charles A son M W 16 S Missouri Missouri Missouri Eng none yes yes yes 257b 10 Andrews Robert K son M W 13 S Missouri Missouri Missouri Eng none yes yes yes 257b 11 621 621 Pearce Emma L head M W 49 WD 2 1 Maryland Virginia Virginia Eng none yes yes O F H 257b 12 Pearce Clarence son F W 18 S Missouri Illinois Maryland Eng colector Poplar W no 0 yes yes 257b 13 622 622 Brown Albert T head M W 49 m1 20 Tennessee unknown unknown Eng restauranJerrys W no 0 yes yes 257b 14 Brown Adaline M wife F W 38 m1 20 6 4 Ohio Germany Ohio Eng none yes yes 257b 15 Brown Waldo P son M W 16 S Missouri Tennessee Ohio Eng clerk restaura W no 0 yes yes 257b 16 Brown Milvin daughter F W 15 S Missouri Tennessee Ohio Eng none yes yes yes 257b 17 Brown Calvin son M W 8 S Missouri Tennessee Ohio none yes 257b 18 Brown Albert Jr son M W 6 S Missouri Tennessee Ohio none yes 257b 19 623 623 Feeny Gus head M W 40 m1 7 Kentucky Kentucky Kentucky Eng druggist Emp no 0 yes yes R H 257b 20 Feeny Bird wife F W 30 m1 7 2 2 Arkansas North CaroliAlabama Eng none yes yes 257b 21 Feeny Marth W daughter F W 3 S Missouri Kentucky Arkansas none 257b 22 Feeny Jack W son M W 11/12 S Missouri Kentucky Arkansas none 257b 23 624 624 Pehling August head M W 39 m1 8 Germany Germany Germany Eng liquor dealer W no 0 yes yes O F H 257b 24 Pehling Clara E wife F W 34 m1 8 2 2 Missouri Germany Missouri Eng none yes yes 257b 25 Pehling Neoma daughter F W 7 S Missouri Germany Missouri none 257b 26 Pehling Irine daughter F W 5 S Missouri Germany Missouri none 257b 27 625 625 Willliamson Charles W head M W 46 m1 21 Illinois Illinois Illinois Eng physician W no 0 yes yes O F H 257b 28 Willliamson Hattie wife F W 45 m1 21 Missouri Virginia England Eng teacher school W no 0 yes yes 257b 29 626 626 Allison Geo R head M W 26 m1 3 Missouri Illinois Missouri Eng merchant OA no 0 yes yes O F H 257b 30 Allison Myrtle M wife F W 23 m1 3 Missouri Missouri Missouri Eng none yes yes 257b 31 Winston Joseph Father i M W 65 m1 29 Missouri unknown unknown Eng night watW D B A W no 0 yes yes 257b 32 Winston Mary Mother i F W 40 m1 29 2 2 Missouri England England Eng milliner W D B A W no 0 yes yes 257b 33 Winston Nettie sister i F W 27 S Missouri Missouri Missouri Eng sales ladW D B A W no 0 yes yes 257b 34 Mictchel Maggie servant F W 16 S Missouri Canada Missouri Eng servant private W no 0 yes yes 257b 35 627 627 Dalton James L head M W 41 m1 22 Missouri Missouri Missouri Eng Presidentadding T W no 0 yes yes O F H 257b 36 Dalton Clara wife F W 39 m1 22 4 4 Missouri England Ireland Eng none yes yes 257b 37 Dalton Grover son M W 21 S Missouri Missouri Missouri Eng salesman adding T W no 0 yes yes 257b 38 Dalton Charlie son M W 19 S Missouri Missouri Missouri Eng eustor* adding T W no 0 yes yes 257b 39 Dalton Clara daughter F W 15 S Missouri Missouri Missouri Eng none yes yes 257b 40 Dalton Mary daughter F W 11 S Missouri Missouri Missouri Eng none yes yes yes 257b 41 Mortiner Delaney servant F W 33 WD 2 2 Illinois Illinois Illinois Eng servant private W no 0 yes yes 257b 42 Westmorland Mary servant F B 62 m1 0 0 Arkansas Arkansas Arkansas Eng servant private W no 0 yes yes 257b 43 Westmorland Martha servant F B 63 m1 0 0 Arkansas Arkansas Arkansas Eng servant private W no 0 yes yes 257b 44 628 628 H*ter Edward L head M W 41 m2 9 1 1 Illinois Tennessee Tennessee Eng foreman Parker P W no 0 yes yes O F H 257b 45 H*ter Laura E wife F W 30 m2 9 7 3 Illinois Illinois Illinois Eng none * * * * * * 257b 46 H*ter Chares E son M W 17 S Arkansas Illinois Missouri Eng none * * * * * * 257b 47 H*ter Edward L son M W 6 S Missouri Illinois Illinois none * * * * * * 257b 48 H*ter Chester F son M W 20/12 S Missouri Illinois Illinois none * * * * * * 257b 49 Byers Clarence A stepson M W 14 S Illinois Illinois Illinois Eng none * * * * * * 257b 50 Alaman Josie sister i F W 16 Illinois Illinois Illinois Eng none * * * * * * --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- RELA- S.M. YRS NO CHILD BIRTH FATHER MOTHER YEAR OF LANGUAGE NATURE EMP(R Y/N WKS ATT OWN FREE FARM PG# LN# DW# FM# Last Name First Name TION SEX RACE AGE W.D. MARR CHILDREN LIVING PLACE BRTH PL BRTH PL IMMIGRA N/A SPOKE TRADE WORK EMP(E EMP OW READ WRITE SCH RENT MORTG HOME (1) (2) (3) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13) (14) (15) (16) (17) (18) (19) (20) (21) (22) (23) (24) (25) (26) (27) (28) --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 258a 51 629 629 Barton Francis M head M W 45 m1 21 Missouri Missouri Missouri Eng physician W no 0 yes yes R H 258a 52 Barton Bernice L wife F W 42 m1 21 9 9 Missouri Missouri Missouri Eng none yes yes 258a 53 Barton Ruth C daughter F W 17 S Missouri Missouri Missouri Eng none yes yes 258a 54 Barton Berth M daughter F W 14 S Missouri Missouri Missouri Eng none yes yes yes 258a 55 Barton Palel E son M W 12 S Missouri Missouri Missouri Eng none yes yes yes 258a 56 Barton Leon P son M W 10 S Missouri Missouri Missouri none yes yes yes 258a 57 Barton Marvin L son M W 8 S Missouri Missouri Missouri none yes yes yes 258a 58 Barton Hazel O daughter F W 6 S Missouri Missouri Missouri none yes 258a 59 Barton Ervin N son M W 4 S Missouri Missouri Missouri none 258a 60 630 630 Cooper James M head M W 34 m1 13 Missouri Missouri Missouri Eng heading jParker P W no 0 yes yes O F H 258a 61 Cooper Mary P wife F W 27 m1 13 5 3 Missouri Missouri Missouri Eng none yes yes 258a 62 Cooper Bearle E daughter F W 9 S Missouri Missouri Missouri none yes 258a 63 Cooper Irine daughter F W 7 S Missouri Missouri Missouri none yes 258a 64 Cooper Pat son M W 21/12 S Missouri Missouri Missouri none 258a 65 631 631 Ford John D head M W 24 m1 5 Kentucky Kentucky Kentucky Eng fireman I M S RR W no 0 yes yes O M H 258a 66 Ford Bessie wife F W 21 m1 5 0 0 Kentucky Kentucky Kentucky Eng none yes yes 258a 67 632 632 Shay Oscar head M W 29 m1 4 Illinois Illinois Illinois Eng agent metropol W no 0 yes yes O F H 258a 68 Shay Etta wife F W 22 m1 4 2 2 Illinois Illinois Illinois Eng none yes yes 258a 69 Shay Ivin son M W 3 S Missouri Illinois Illinois Eng none 258a 70 Garner Millie sister i F W 18 S Illinois Illinois Illinois Eng cashier Allison W no 0 yes yes 258a 71 633 633 Karns John L head M W 31 m1 4 Illinois Illinois Illinois Eng agent Metropol W no 0 yes yes O F H 258a 72 Karns Dala wife F W 21 m1 4 1 0 Illinois Illinois Illinois Eng none yes yes 258a 73 634 634 Crocker Hary I head M W 33 m1 2 Illinois Illinois Illinois Eng foreman adding T W no 0 yes yes O M H 258a 74 Crocker May wife F W 29 m1 2 1 1 Indiana Indiana Indiana Eng none yes yes 258a 75 Crocker Flora B daughter F W 8/12 S Missouri Illinois Indiana Eng none 258a 76 635 635 Bulow Carl G head M W 25 m1 3 Kansas Germany Pennsylvania Eng plumber W no 0 yes yes O M H 258a 77 Bulow Grace A wife F W 18 m1 3 Arkansas Sweden Illinois Eng none yes yes 258a 78 636 636 Smith Ed head M W 39 m1 19 Ohio Ohio Ohio Eng laborer common W no 0 yes yes O M H 258a 79 Smith Phobe wife F W 38 m1 19 Ohio Ohio Ohio Eng none yes yes 258a 80 Smith William son M W 17 S Ohio Ohio Ohio Eng laborer spoke fa W no 0 yes yes 258a 81 Smith Chas A son M W 15 S Ohio Ohio Ohio Eng laborer Parker P W no 0 yes yes 258a 82 Smith Carl W son M W 7 S Michigan Ohio Ohio none yes 258a 83 637 637 Grabel Fred H head M W 23 m1 3 Illinois Illinois Illinois Eng engineer Parker P W no 0 yes yes O M H 258a 84 Grabel Clara wife F W 18 m1 3 1 1 Missouri Illinois Illinois Eng none yes yes 258a 85 Grabel Jessie daughter F W 20/12 S Missouri Illinois Missouri none 258a 86 Brown Mary E Mother i F W 58 WD 9 6 Illinois Illinois Tennessee* Eng none yes yes 258a 87 638 638 Grayson Waldin* head M W 22 m1 2 Kentucky Kentucky Kentucky Eng foreman round ho W no 0 yes yes O M H 258a 88 Grayson Norah wife F W 22 m1 2 1 1 Illinois Illinois Illinois Eng none yes 258a 89 Grayson Eartha daughter F W 10/12 S Missouri Kentucky Illinois none 258a 90 Watson Jessie boarder M W 19 S Missouri Missouri Missouri Eng laborer round ho W no 0 yes yes 258a 91 639 639 Whitwell Plesant S head M W 50 m1 34 Tennessee unknown unknown Eng farmer W no 0 yes yes O M H 258a 92 Whitwell Marth Anne wife F W 45 m1 34 7 7 Tennessee North Caroliunknown Eng none yes yes 258a 93 Whitwell Nella daughter F W 22 S Missouri Tennessee Tennessee Eng teacher school W no 0 yes yes 258a 94 Whitwell Ollie daughter F W 20 S Missouri Tennessee Tennessee Eng teacher school W no 0 yes yes 258a 95 Whitwell Palmer son M W 18 S Missouri Tennessee Tennessee Eng none yes yes yes 258a 96 Whitwell Ethil daughter F W 15 S Missouri Tennessee Tennessee Eng none yes yes yes 258a 97 640 640 Kliesorge Fred son M W 22 m1 1 Missouri Missouri Missouri Eng fireman rail roa W no 0 yes yes O M H 258a 98 Kliesorge Mary daughter F W 31 m2 1 1 1 Missouri Tennessee Indiana Eng none yes yes 258a 99 Kliesorge Darll son M W 6/12 S Missouri Missouri Missouri none 258a 100 Edmondson Samuel stepson M W 11 S Missouri Missouri Missouri Eng none yes yes yes --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- RELA- S.M. YRS NO CHILD BIRTH FATHER MOTHER YEAR OF LANGUAGE NATURE EMP(R Y/N WKS ATT OWN FREE FARM PG# LN# DW# FM# Last Name First Name TION SEX RACE AGE W.D. MARR CHILDREN LIVING PLACE BRTH PL BRTH PL IMMIGRA N/A SPOKE TRADE WORK EMP(E EMP OW READ WRITE SCH RENT MORTG HOME (1) (2) (3) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13) (14) (15) (16) (17) (18) (19) (20) (21) (22) (23) (24) (25) (26) (27) (28) --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 258b 1 Edmondson Clara daughter F W 9 S Missouri Missouri Missouri none yes 258b 2 Taylor May boarder F W 19 S Missouri Indiana Tennessee Eng none yes yes yes 258b 3 641 641 Lucas Jesa head M W 26 m1 5 Indiana Indiana Indiana Eng laborer adding T W no 0 yes yes O M H 258b 4 Lucas Mary wife F W 22 m1 5 Illinois Germany Germany Eng none yes yes 258b 5 Lucas Roy son M W 4 S Missouri Indiana Illinois none 258b 6 Lucas Claudie son M W 3 S Missouri Indiana Illinois none 258b 7 Lucas Barbra daughter F W 10/12 S Missouri Indiana Illinois none 258b 8 642 642 Ackerman Louis head M W 68 m1 25 Germany Germany Germany Eng none yes yes H 258b 9 Ackerman Catherine N wife F W 62 m1 25 11 7 Ohio Germany Germany Eng none yes yes 258b 10 Ackerman Charlie son M W 42 WD Ohio Germany Ohio Eng carpenter W no 0 yes yes 258b 11 Ackerman Mary E daughter F W 37 S Ohio Germany Ohio Eng none yes yes 258b 12 643 643 Bush Chars R hed M W 29 m1 8 Missouri French Sweden Eng bricklaerhouse W no 0 yes yes O F H 258b 13 Bush Etta wife F W 25 m1 8 Ohio Germany Ohio Eng none yes yes 258b 14 Deitz Mary E boarder F W 3 S Missouri Germany Ohio none 258b 15 644 644 Ermerlynn Ermin head F W 31 WD 4 3 Kentucky Kentucky Kentucky Eng none yes yes O F H 258b 16 Ermerlynn Mary daughter F W 10 S Missouri Kentucky Kentucky none yes 258b 17 Ermerlynn Minnie daughter F W 5 S Missouri Kentucky Kentucky none 258b 18 Ermerlynn Sylvia daughter F W 3 S Missouri Kentucky Kentucky none 258b 19 Palmer William H boarder M W 51 WD 1 1 Missouri Pennsylvaniaunknown Eng bricklaerhouse W no 0 yes yes 258b 20 645 645 Henson Andrew J head M W 27 m1 5 Missouri Missouri Missouri Eng assembleradding T W no 0 yes yes O F H 258b 21 Henson Ethil wife F W 25 m1 5 3 3 Illinois Illinois Illinois Eng none yes yes 258b 22 Henson Oscar son M W 4 S Missouri Missouri Illinois none 258b 23 Henson Audra daughter F W 2 S Missouri Missouri Illinois none 258b 24 Henson Clyde son M W 1 S Missouri Missouri Illinois none 258b 25 646 646 Harden John head M W 23 m2 3 Ohio Ohio Ohio Eng fairman Brooklin W no 0 yes yes O F H 258b 26 Harden Bertha wife F W 25 m1 3 2 2 Missouri Missouri Missouri Eng none yes yes 258b 27 Harden Nellie daughter F W 2 S Missouri Ohio Missouri none 258b 28 Harden Ethel daughter F W 19/12 S Missouri Ohio Missouri none 258b 29 647 647 Odonnell Constantine head M W 66 m1 44 PennsylvaniPennsylvaniaPennsylvania Eng laborer common W no 0 yes yes O F H 258b 30 Odonnell Emaline J wife F W 62 m1 44 3 3 Tennessee Tennessee Tennessee Eng none yes yes 258b 31 Odonnell Danil Father M W 91 WD 6 2 PennsylvaniIreland Ireland Eng none yes yes 258b 32 648 648 Biggs William S head M W 52 m2 22 Kentucky Kentucky Kentucky Eng inspectortimber W no 0 yes yes O F H 258b 33 Biggs Nannie wife F W 58 m2 22 4 2 Arkansas Arkansas Arkansas Eng none yes yes 258b 34 Biggs Pink son M W 18 S Missouri Kentucky Arkansas Eng weaves lath mil W no 0 yes yes 258b 35 649 649 Verfurth Wess head M W 32 m1 12 Germany Germany Germany 1880NA Eng engineer city of W no 0 yes yes O M H 258b 36 Verfurth Catherine wife F W 32 m1 12 2 1 Indiana Indiana Indiana Eng none yes yes 258b 37 Verfurth Gertrude daughter F W 9 S Missouri Germany Indiana none yes 258b 38 650 650 Bush William C head M W 29 m1 3 Missouri un Sweden Eng carpenterhouse W no 0 yes yes O F H 258b 39 Bush Francis wife F W 20 m1 3 2 1 Illinois Michigan Wisconsin Eng none yes yes 258b 40 Bush Faith daughter F W 18/12 S Missouri Missouri Illinois none 258b 41 651 651 Euling Samuel F head M W 57 S Illinois Kentucky Kentucky Eng *bricklaehouse yes yes O M H 258b 42 Crocker Mary F sister F W 60 WD 2 2 Illinois Kentucky Kentucky Eng none yes yes 258b 43 652 652 Sparkman William Jhead M W 30 m1 2 * Missouri Missouri Missouri Eng laborer adding T W no 0 yes yes O F H 258b 44 Sparkman Francis N wife F W 29 m2 3 3 Indiana PennsylvaniaIndiana Eng none yes yes 258b 45 Sparkman Helen daughter F W 4 S Missouri Missouri Indiana none 258b 46 Sparkman Dena daughter F W 18/12 S Missouri Missouri Indiana none 258b 47 Seitz Edith stepdaug F W 9 S Illinois Indiana Indiana none yes 258b 48 653 653 Shawn Mary head F W 41 WD * 6 Illinois Illinois Illinois Eng keeps boarders OA yes yes * * * 258b 49 Shawn Roy son M W 22 S Illinois Illinois Illinois Eng laborer common W yes yes 258b 50 Shawn Gis son M W 19 S Illinois Illinois Illinois Eng laborer common W yes yes SUPLEMENTRY --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- RELA- S.M. YRS NO CHILD BIRTH FATHER MOTHER YEAR OF LANGUAGE NATURE EMP(R Y/N WKS ATT OWN FREE FARM PG# LN# DW# FM# Last Name First Name TION SEX RACE AGE W.D. MARR CHILDREN LIVING PLACE BRTH PL BRTH PL IMMIGRA N/A SPOKE TRADE WORK EMP(E EMP OW READ WRITE SCH RENT MORTG HOME (1) (2) (3) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13) (14) (15) (16) (17) (18) (19) (20) (21) (22) (23) (24) (25) (26) (27) (28) --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 259a 51 Shawn May daughter F W 16 S Illinois Illinois Illinois Eng none yes yes yes 259a 52 Shawn Lula daughter F W 14 S Illinois Illinois Illinois Eng none yes yes 259a 53 Shawn Homer son M W 12 S Illinois Illinois Illinois Eng none yes 259a 54 McGinnis Sherman boarder M W 38 WD Missouri Missouri Missouri Eng cook W no 0 yes yes 259a 55 654 654 Peterson Daniel G head M W 54 m1 35 Illinois Illinois Illinois Eng stock buyer W no 0 yes yes O F H 259a 56 Peterson Etta L wife F W 50 m1 35 9 7 Illinois Illinois Illinois Eng none yes yes 259a 57 Peterson Hubbard R son M W 28 S Illinois Illinois Illinois Eng barber W no 0 yes yes 259a 58 Peterson Margaret L daughter F W 25 S Illinois Illinois Illinois Eng sales ladW D B A W no 0 yes yes 259a 59 Peterson Thedora O daughter F W 21 S Illinois Illinois Illinois Eng none yes yes 259a 60 Peterson Octabelle daughter F W 19 S Illinois Illinois Illinois Eng none yes yes yes 259a 61 Peterson Stella daughter F W 16 S Illinois Illinois Illinois Eng none yes yes yes 259a 62 Peterson Martin B son M W 14 S Illinois Illinois Illinois Eng none yes yes yes 259a 63 655 655 Chapman Lafayette W head M W 30 m1 3 Louisiana Louisiana Louisiana Eng ass cashFarmers W no 0 yes yes O F H 259a 64 Chapman Novella wife F W 27 m1 3 0 0 Kentucky Kentucky Kentucky Eng none yes yes 259a 65 x x Thomas Edward C head M W 28 m1 0 Maine Maine Maine Eng sivil engcity of W no 0 yes yes R H 259a 66 Thomas Attie Bird wife F W 26 m1 0 0 0 Kentucky Kentucky Kentucky Eng none yes yes 259a 67 x x Knott Geo W head M W 29 m1 9 PennsylvaniPennsylvaniaPennsylvania Eng book keepH D R W no 0 yes yes 259a 68 Knott Clara M wife F W 28 m1 9 Missouri Tennessee Missouri Eng none yes yes 259a 69 656 656 Hendrickson James D head M W 48 m1 28 Missouri Indiana North Carolina Eng inspectorlumber W no 0 yes yes O M H 259a 70 Hendrickson Lissie wife F W 44 m1 28 4 4 Missouri Missouri Missouri Eng none yes yes 259a 71 Hendrickson James D Jr son M W 15 S Missouri Missouri Missouri Eng none yes yes yes 259a 72 Hendrickson May daughter F W 21 S Missouri Missouri Missouri Eng none yes yes 259a 73 Hendrickson Albert son M W 10 S Missouri Missouri Missouri none yes yes yes 259a 74 Hendrickson Clyde son M W 7 S Missouri Missouri Missouri none yes 259a 75 657 657 Mathis Hurbert head M W 27 m1 Missouri Illinois Missouri Eng clerk dry good W no 0 yes yes O M H 259a 76 Mathis Cora wife F W 23 m1 Ohio Ohio Ohio Eng none yes yes 259a 77 Mathis Roy brother M W 20 S Missouri Illinois Missouri Eng clerk dry good W no 0 yes yes 259a 78 658 658 Windsor Geo H head M W 31 m1 10 Canada England * 1898 Eng auditor Butler C W no 0 yes yes O F H 259a 79 Windsor Bertie wife F W 29 m1 10 2 1 Arkansas Tennessee Kentucky Eng none yes yes 259a 80 Windsor Ruth G daughter F W 8 S Missouri Canada Arkansas none yes 259a 81 659 659 Kearbey John head M W 34 m1 10 Missouri Missouri Arkansas Eng Depty State of W no 0 yes yes O F H 259a 82 Kearbey Etta E wife F W 29 m1 10 2 2 Indiana Indiana Indiana Eng none yes yes 259a 83 Kearbey Nora V daughter F W 9 S Missouri Missouri Indiana none yes 259a 84 Kearbey J P son M W 4/12 S Missouri Missouri Indiana none 259a 85 660 660 Chambers Oliver head M W 35 m1 14 Indiana Indiana Indiana Eng TreasurerPoplar B W no 0 yes yes O M H 259a 86 Chambers Mary E wife F W 32 m1 14 4 3 Missouri Virginia Missouri Eng none yes yes 259a 87 Chambers William Earl son M W 12 S Missouri Indiana Missouri Eng none yes yes yes 259a 88 Chambers Verga A L daughter F W 7 S Missouri Indiana Missouri none yes 259a 89 Chambers Agnis C daughter F W 2 S Missouri Indiana Missouri none 259a 90 661 661 Hausoles Ores head M W 42 WD 4 4 Missouri Missouri Missouri Eng laborer I M S RR W no 0 yes yes R H 259a 91 Hausoles Hazel daughter F W 17 S Missouri Missouri Missouri Eng none yes yes 259a 92 Hausoles Josephine daughter F W 15 S Missouri Missouri Missouri Eng none yes yes yes 259a 93 Hausoles Bessie daughter F W 13 S Missouri Missouri Missouri Eng none yes yes yes 259a 94 Hausoles Austin son M W 11 S Missouri Missouri Missouri Eng none yes yes yes 259a 95 Hausoles Jim brother M W 72 S Missouri Missouri Missouri Eng none yes yes 259a 96 662 662 McDaniel Gus head M B 54 m3 1 South CarolSouth CaroliSouth Carolina Eng plastererhouse W no 0 yes yes O * H 259a 97 McDaniel Melia wife F B 33 m3 1 0 0 Arkansas Arkansas Arkansas Eng none yes yes 259a 98 663 663 Millmaker Jake head M W 26 m1 5 Illinois unknown Germany Eng laborer * W no 0 yes yes * * * 259a 99 Millmaker Hattie wife F W 26 m1 5 1 1 Missouri Missouri Tennessee Eng none yes yes 259a 100 Millmaker Pauline daughter F W 4 S Missouri Illinois Missouri none --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- RELA- S.M. YRS NO CHILD BIRTH FATHER MOTHER YEAR OF LANGUAGE NATURE EMP(R Y/N WKS ATT OWN FREE FARM PG# LN# DW# FM# Last Name First Name TION SEX RACE AGE W.D. MARR CHILDREN LIVING PLACE BRTH PL BRTH PL IMMIGRA N/A SPOKE TRADE WORK EMP(E EMP OW READ WRITE SCH RENT MORTG HOME (1) (2) (3) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13) (14) (15) (16) (17) (18) (19) (20) (21) (22) (23) (24) (25) (26) (27) (28) --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 259b 1 664 664 Bacon Ernest head M W 46 m1 24 Michigan New York New York Eng real estate W no 0 yes yes O F H 259b 2 Bacon Alice L wife F W 42 m1 24 5 4 MassashusetVermont Pennsylvania Eng none yes yes 259b 3 Bacon Paul D son M W 18 S Michigan Michigan Massashusett Eng none yes yes yes 259b 4 Bacon Erna daughter F W 16 S Michigan Michigan Massashusett Eng none yes yes yes 259b 5 Bacon Edward W son M W 13 S Michigan Michigan Massashusett Eng none yes yes yes 259b 6 Bacon Alice F daughter F W 5 S Missouri Michigan Massashusett none 259b 7 665 665 Boyd Jessie boarder M W 21 S Iowa Iowa Iowa Eng book keepErmest W no 0 yes yes 259b 8 Hartman Blanche boarder F W 26 S New York New York New York Eng stenograpBarnes W no 0 yes yes 259b 9 Wolf Henry Father i M W 70 WD 0 0 Germany Germany Germany Germanone yes yes 259b 10 666 666 McDonald A head M W 48 m1 28 Illinois PennsylvaniaPennsylvania Eng agent I M S W no 0 yes yes R H 259b 11 McDonald Nina wife F W 47 m1 28 4 4 Louisana Spain England Eng none yes yes 259b 12 McDonald Frank son M W 14 S Illinois Illinois Louisana Eng none yes yes yes 259b 13 667 667 Evans William head M B 38 WD Missouri Missouri Missouri Eng train porI M S RR W no 0 yes yes R H 259b 14 Williams Irine sister F B 33 WD 0 0 Missouri Missouri Missouri Eng none yes yes 259b 15 668 668 Lewis Lizzie head F B 35 WD 0 0 Missouri South CaroliSouth Carolina Eng wash woman W no 0 yes yes R H 259b 16 669 699 Fisher Clarence O head M W 53 m1 25 Illinois unknown unknown Eng manager of W D B W no 0 yes yes O F H 259b 17 Fisher Flora wife F W 45 m1 25 1 1 Canada Canada Canada Eng none yes yes 259b 18 Peck Clarence Uncle M W 24 S Texas Missouri Canada Eng teller Bank of W no 0 yes yes 259b 19 670 670 Townsend Soloman head M B 35 m1 6 Missouri unknown unknown Eng porter saloon W no 0 yes yes O M H 259b 20 Townsend Ava wife F B 24 m1 6 0 0 Arkansas unknown unknown Eng none yes yes 259b 21 Porter Stella sister i F B 17 S Arkansas unknown unknown Eng none yes yes 259b 22 671 671 Hurbert Author head M W 50 m1 27 Kentucky England England Eng conductorButler R W no 0 yes yes R H 259b 23 Hurbert Cora wife F W 49 m1 27 4 3 Missouri Missouri Missouri Eng none yes yes 259b 24 Hurbert Bernice daughter F W 23 S Missouri Missouri Kentucky Eng book keepcolector W yes yes 259b 25 Hurbert Georj B son M W 22 S Missouri Missouri Kentucky Eng salesman Dalton Adding Machine yes yes 259b 26 672 672 Bacon Carie B head F W 45 WD Michigan Germany Germany Eng none yes yes O F H 259b 27 Lamberson Rose boarder F W 30 S Indiana Indiana Indiana Eng book keepBacon Re W no 0 yes yes 259b 28 Jones May servant F W 29 S Tennessee Tennessee Tennessee Eng servant private W no 0 yes yes 259b 29 Anderson John servant M W 52 S Kentucky Kentucky Kentucky Eng servant private W no 0 yes yes 259b 30 673 673 Van Old K H head M W 58 WD 2 2 Sweden Sweden Sweden 1878NA Eng none yes yes O F H 259b 31 674 674 Overfield Chas F head M W 32 m1 6 Kentucky Kentucky Kentucky Eng salesman Kirkoff W no 0 yes yes O F H 259b 32 Overfield Lodema wife F W 28 m1 6 0 0 Missouri Germany Missouri Eng none yes yes 259b 33 675 675 Zellers Simon head M W 45 m2 14 PennsylvaniPennsylvaniaPennsylvania Eng engineer house Fr W no 0 yes yes R H 259b 34 Zellers May wife F W 33 m1 14 7 1 Missouri Missouri Missouri Eng none yes yes 259b 35 Zellers Earl son M W 4 S Arkansas PennsylvaniaMissouri none 259b 36 676 676 Raymond Nellie head F W 43 WD 1 1 Illinois England England Eng seamstress yes yes 259b 37 Raymond Jessie daughter F W 11 S Tennessee Indiana Illinois Eng none yes yes yes R H 259b 38 Raymond Ed brother M W 20 S Iowa Iowa Iowa Eng none yes yes yes 259b 39 Raymond Ben brother M W 20 S Iowa Iowa Iowa Eng none yes yes yes 259b 40 Raymond Earl brother M W 28 S Iowa Iowa Iowa Eng none yes yes yes 259b 41 Lorenz John B roomer M W 25 S Pennsylvaniunknown unknown Eng merchant dry good W no 0 yes yes 259b 42 Bradfield Simon Otis roomer M W 27 S Indiana Ohio Indiana Eng manager pool roo W no 0 yes yes 259b 43 Bruce Charles Ray roomer M W 23 S Ohio PennsylvaniaOhio Eng book keepI M S R W no 0 yes yes 259b 44 Walters Harry roomer M W 55 m1 3 3 Iowa Germany France Eng book keepI M S RR W no 0 yes yes 259b 45 Taylor James R roomer M W 25 S Virginia Virginia Virginia Eng civil engI M S RR W no 0 yes yes 259b 46 Johnston Danil M roomer M W 37 S Tennessee Tennessee Tennessee Eng manager wholesal W no 0 yes yes 259b 47 Johnston James A roomer M W 39 S Tennessee Tennessee Tennessee Eng manager wholesal W no 0 yes yes 259b 48 x x Davison Joseph J head M W 62 m1 33 Ohio PennsylvaniaPennsylvania Eng attorney at law W no 0 yes yes 259b 49 Davison Lilla wife F W 48 m1 33 5 3 Kentucky Kentucky Kentucky Eng none yes yes 259b 50 Taylor Chas boarder M W 28 S Russia Russia Russia un Eng taylor * W no 0 yes yes HERE ENDS THE ENUMERATION OF WARD 3 POPLAR BLUFF TOWNSHIP 260a 51 THIS PAGE IS BLANK