Caldwell County MO Archives Obituaries.....Farrar, Mariam WOODARD March 9, 1928 ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. ************************************************ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: George Daniel Woodard September 18, 2009, 4:20 pm Braymer Bee, Braymer, Mo., 21 Mar 1928 SUDDEN DEATH OF MRS. S. F. FARRAR FRIDAY NIGHT As related in last week’s Bee, Mr. (sic) S. F. Farrar arrived home from New York Friday morning, March 9th, and the following Sunday went to Kansas City to a hospital, for an operation for cancer. The operation was performed Wednesday morning and she recovered from the anasthetic (sic) nicely, seemingly doing very well until Friday. Another light anaestic (sic) was necessary to correct a kidney difficulty and she seemed to be getting on very nicely, until a very short time before the end came - at about midnight Friday. Our community has seldom been so shocked or dismayed. Mr. Farrar was in the south, making a business trip with J. R. Dalbey. Their destination was known, but the time at which they were to be at any one place was not known. So in spite of every possible effort on behalf of the family the news of her serious condition or death did not reach them until yesterday in the early afternoon when they were met at Waverly bridge on their way home. Mr. Farrar stood the shock of the terrible news as one who bows in his strength to the Great Inevitable. It was a sad home coming indeed. The remains, accompanied by two sons Lynn and S. F. Jr., and daughter Miss Mariam and Mrs. Lutie Barger, arrived home on the limited Sunday night and the remains lay in state at the family home in this city until the funeral this afternoon. Mrs. Farrar was a most gracious lady - kindly almost to a fault, charitable in her judgments, keenly intelligent in her conceptions, ideal as a mother and a home maker. She was a devoted Christian, a sainted Godly woman. What more is there to say, save that in her loving kindness she had won the affection of all with whom she come in contact. The funeral services took place at 2 o‘clock this afternoon. The business houses were all closed from 2 to 3. The Baptist church was filled and the overflow packed the church yard. The services were conducted by Rev. E. Riddle, pastor of the church of which Mrs. Farrar had long been a loved and honored member. The burial at Evergreen Cemetery was as of one we love who is gone on, and the fullness of her life beckons us all to the higher and better things. ______________ Obituary Mariam Woodard Farrar was born May 10th, 1863 near Salem, N. Y. and died March 16th, 1928. In early life she united with the Baptist church at Granville, N. Y. She was united in marriage to S. F. Farrar, February 24th, 1887, and in 1888 they came to Braymer, Missouri, where they placed their letters in the Braymer Baptist church, and her life is well known to all. She leaves to mourn her loss her husband and four children, a daughter- in-law and a grandson: Lynn W., of Springeld, Mo., S. F. Jr., of Kansas City, Mariam E. and Mr. and Mrs. D. Irving Farrar and son Robert King, of Braymer. In addition to these, she leaves three brothers and two sisters, D. D. Woodard, of Granville, N. Y., J. M. and Eli Woodard, of Albany, N. Y., Mrs. Emma Hays, of Salem, N. Y., and Mrs. S. M. Everts, of Granville, N. Y. File at: This file has been created by a form at File size: 3.7 Kb