Biographical Sketch of Marvin W. Trask, Crawford County, Missouri >From "History of Franklin, Jefferson, Washington, Crawford and Gasconade Counties", Biographical Appendix, Goodspeed Publishing Company, 1888. ********************************************************************** Marvin W. Trask, deceased, an early settler of Crawford County, MO., was born in Connecticut in 1794. His father, Sampson Trask, died when Marvin W. was but a boy, and the latter being bound out ran away, ser- ving as a cook during the War of 1812. The exact date of his settle- ment in Missouri is not known, but certain it is, he was a resident of that State as early as 1826. He was engaged in mining in Crawford Co., and though beginning a poor boy he became worth some $30,000. For many years he was surveyor of Crawford County, and in 1844 was its represen- tative in the State Legislature. Though a farmer by occupation he was an active politician, and held many offices of trust and honor. His first wife was Alice (Stewart) Steen, who was born in 1826 and died in 1852, the mother of nine children. Two years after the death of his first wife Mr. Trask married Elizabeth J. Dawson, of East Tennessee. Nine children blessed this union and were deprived of their father by death in 1865; the mother still lives. Eugene Trask, the eldest child by the last marriage, was born in Crawford County, MO., July 16, 1855, and was reared and educated in Steelville. At the age of sixteen he began to learn the printer's trade, and helped set the type for the first newspaper printed in Crawford County. After working at this and clerking in a drug store for some years he bought a stock of drugs in 1880, and established a business in Steelville. In 1879 he married Mary, daughter of Jorgean and Anna Johansen, who was born in Maribo City, Island of Lolan, Denmark, and came to America with her parents when a child. Mr. and Mrs. Trask have four children; they are members of the Baptist Church. Politically, he is a Democrat. Mr. Trask was elected county treasurer in 1884, and re-elected in 1886, which posi- tion he has since filled. He is a member of the Missouri State Pharm- aceutical Association. ==================================================================== USGENWEB NOTICE: In keeping with our policy of providing free information on the Internet, data may be used by non-commercial entities, as long as this message remains on all copied material. These electronic pages may NOT be reproduced in any format for profit or for presentation by other persons or organizations. Persons or organizations desiring to use this material for purposes other than stated above must obtain the written consent of the file contributor. This file was contributed for use in the USGenWeb Archives by: Joe Miller Penny Harrell ====================================================================