Dunklin co. MO Ora Pitman - Wess Happy RALAFORD ==================================================================== Copyright. All rights reserved. http://www.usgwarchives.net/copyright.htm This file was contributed for use in the USGenWeb Archives by: © B & S COPAL ==================================================================== This is a "Double" gravestone with the following inscription: RALAFORD Ora Pitman Wess Happy July 24, 1894 Sept. 11, 1889 Feb. 3, 1965 Mar. 2, 1963 Ora was the daughter of Fannie Copal-Thomas & Charles Edward Thomas. Fannie is also buried in Oak Ridge Cemetery near Ora. Ora's father, Charles is buried in Silverdale Cemetery in Dunklin Co., MO Fannie died at Ora's home on Feb. 16, 1940 at the age of 86. Her father, Charles, died on July 7, 1924. Ora was "1" of "21" children, born to Fannie & Charles ! Ora is buried beside her last husband, Wess Happy Ralaford. Their grave is located in Oak Ridge Cemetery in Kennett, MO The cemetery is located on College St., a couple of blocks from North Bypass. The gravestone is just at the end of the fourth drive into the cemetery. This photo was taken by Linda Thomas-Robinett of Memphis, Tenn. Ora was Linda's great aunt. E-mail: probinet@midsouth.rr.com Through our Family Genealogy Research, we discovered the THOMAS family decendants are from our great-great grandfather, Abraham Copal of Germany. Ora was "one" of his granchildren. Our names: Boyd & Shirley Copal 317 10th St. Vinton, VA 24179 E-mail: koppal@webtv.net 20:59 7/28/2004