Gentry county Missouri, Obituaries: Capt. Joseph Margason Copyright. All rights reserved. Submitted by: Don Raymond The Stanberry Herald, Wednesday, January 11, 1899: Death of Capt. Margason: Capt. Joseph Margason died at his home in this city on Sunday morning January 8, 1899, in his 69th year. He had been in poor health for a long time and for the past six months had been bedfast. Funeral survices were held at the residence late Sunday afternoon by Eld. W. C. Long, and the remains were taken on Monday to Isadora, Worth county, his old home for burial. Capt. Margason was a veteran of two wars, haveing served in the Mexican war and the war of the rebellion. He was an upright citizen and his death is lamented not only in this city, but in the neighborhood of his old home in Worth county, where he was so well and favorably known.