DEATH OF JAMES H. BAKER, Pettis Co., MO ************************************************************************ File contributed for use in the USGenWeb Archives by: James R. Baker, Jr." ********************************************************************** USGENWEB NOTICE: In keeping with our policy of providing free information on the Internet, data may be freely used by non-commercial entities, as long as this message remains on all copied material. These electronic pages cannot be reproduced in any format for profit or other presentation. **************************************************************** News story, KANSAS CITY STAR, 13 Dec. 1907 Reprinted with permission of Curt Floerchinger of the K.C. Star. A FALL FROM A TRESTLE FATAL The Death of James H. Baker, Wire Chief of The Missouri Pacific James H. Baker, 58 years old, wire chief of the Missouri Pacific Telegraph System, died last night at the Missouri Pacific Hospital from injuries received Monday in a fall from a trestle near Leeds, Mo. With R. A. Land, a lineman, Baker was making a short inspection trip on a railroad velocipede. While going around a curve the machine left the tracks and fell thirty feet from the trestle. Land received only a few bruises and was able to go to his home in Hallowell, Kas. Tuesday morning. Baker had lived in Sedalia Mo. more than twenty years and had been employed by the Missouri Pacific Railway Company thirty four years. His son, George Baker, and the widow arrived in Kansas City last night after they were notified of the death. Another son, Benjamin, lives in Bartlesville, Oklahoma. The body was taken to Carroll-Davidson's undertaking rooms, where the coroner will hold an autopsy this morning. ++++++++ James H. Baker was born in 1848 in Shelby Co., Indiana, a son of George and Eliza (Hollis) Baker. The family moved to Page Co., Iowa in 1850, then to Kingsville, Johnson Co. Missouri in 1868. James H. Baker was married to Selena Leedy, who died in Sedalia on 3 Aug. 1929 and was buried in Crown Hill Cemetery. He began his career as a telegraph line repairman in 1873 in Johnson Co., Mo. , and worked his way up to head of the department in thirty four years of service. The funeral was held at the family residence at 222 E. Fourth Street in Sedalia. It was attended by E.A. Chenery, Superintendent of Telegraph for the Missouri Pacific, T. W. Jackson, representing a Chicago electrical firm, and J. C. Brown, General Foreman from Little Rock, Arkansas. Pall bearers were James T. Montgomery, Edward Shultz, Harry Mayer, L. C. Redmond, William Harris and T. J. Higgins, a lineman from Wichita, Kansas. Every lineman on the branches west of St. Louis attended. The Rev. S. S. Martin officiated and burial was in the City Cemetery. James R. Baker, Jr.