Autographs 1888 - 1901 Missouri: Bolivar, Polk Co.; Clinton, Henry Co. Nebraska: Howard Co. Wyoming: Albany Co. *********************************************************************** USGENWEB NOTICE: These electronic pages may NOT be reproduced in any format for profit or presentation by any other organization or persons. Persons or organizations desiring to use this material, must obtain the written consent of the contributor, or the legal representative of the submitter, and contact the listed USGenWeb archivist with proof of this consent. Transcribed by by Leniegh Schrinar 145 Mazet Road Riverton, WY 82501 *********************************************************************** by Leniegh Schrinar 145 Mazet Road Riverton, WY 82501 Edna Mae GREGG/PRIDEAUX’s autograph booklet is 3 1/4 x 5 1/4 inches with Autographs on the front cover. It holds the autographs and rhyming sentences of my great grandmothers classmates, teachers, and relatives beginning May 4th, 1888. In addition it is a timeline of where she lived between the years 1888 and 1902 as a seven year old girl through age 21 as a young married woman of two years. Nebraska surnames: MENTER, SLOCUM, STEWART Wyoming surnames: DOWNEY, GREGG, NAISMITH, RICHARDSON, WAAGE, WALLIS, WARREN, WASHBURN, YOUNG Missouri surnames: CARLTON, CHOPIN, CLARK, HALL, NEUHART, WELLS The first page has a preprinted verse: Go forth, thou little volume, I leave thee to thy fate; To love and friendship truly Thy leaves I dedicate. May 4, 1888 St. Paul, Nebraska (Edna is 7 years old) Friend Edna, May thy life be blest with the joys Thou lovest best, Friendship, virtue. Pleasure, Truth, hover round thy happy youth. The wish of your friend, Mary Stewart Edna, May love and joy they steps attend As through this world you roam, And when you journey is at end May heaven be your home Ever your friend, Mrs. T. J. Brown St. Paul, Nebr. January the 5th 1891 Laramie City, Wyo Dear Edna M. Gregg, When in thoughts O miss you are thinking And from core your Mind is free and of Others you are thinking Will you sometimes think of me. G. G. Gregg Laramie City, Wyoming January 12,1891 (Edna is 10 years old) (autograph of) Nettie Naismith Laramie City Jan 15, 1891 Edna, Not like the Rose May our friendship wither but like the evergreen live forever. Alice Warren May 1891 Dear Edna, Remember in kindness Remember me in love Remember me dear Edna When we shall meet above Louisa Waage Laramie City, WY June 5, 1891 Friend Edna, Remember me when far away Remember me care how long I stay Remember when in the grave I lay. Your friend, Maria W. June 9th, 1891 (autograph) Fanchon Downey Laramie City, Wyo. June 15, 1891 (autograph) A. G. Richardson Laramie City, Wyo Dear Edna, Remmber me you must you must As long as you can bit a crust. If ever you should fail to bite Forget me if you think it right. Carrie Laramie City, Wyo. (autograph) Anna Washburn Laramie City, Wyo Friend Edna, When you are old and can not see, Put on your spec’s and think of me. Maud Wallis Jan 7, 1893 (Edna is 12) Dear Edna, Remember me when the grass shall wave The Grass above your friends grave And if the grave should be my bid Think of me when I’m dead. Anna Young Bolivar, Mo Nov. 14, 1893 Dear Edna, Lives of great men all remind us We can make our lives sublime And dying leave behind us Foot prints on the sands of time Your friend and teacher, Daisy Johnson Bolivar MO Nov. 6, 1894 (Edna is 13) Dear Edna, Remember me early Remember me late Remember me at the garden gate Your friend and schoolmate, Anna M. Carlton Bolivar MO Jan 1895 (Edna is 14) Dear Edna, When memory with her jeweled hand Counts o’er her gems by lifes bright Sea, Drop not my pearl upon The sand, but keep it and Remember me, Your friend, Stella Wells Jan 24, 1895 Bolivar, Mo Dear Edna, May angels twine for Thee a wreath of Immortality Is the wish of your friend Cadis Chapin Jan 24, 1895 Dear Edna, Leaves may wither and flowers may die Friends may forget you but never will I Your friend, Noria Hall Jan 24, 1895 At School for get me not Dear Edna Forget me never untill the sun goes dow forever and When my face no more you see go to my grave and think of me Your friend and schoolmate, Effie Clark Jan 24, 1895 Dear friend, May your life be as happy and Free as the dancing wave of the Deep blue sea Your loving friend, Ollie Chapin Jan 24, 1895 Dear Edna, These few lines to you are tendered By a friend sincere and true Hoping but to be remembered Then I am far far away from you, Your friend and schoolmate, Ida M. Clark Bolivar, MO Dear schoolmate, There are angels guard above us Who joy to make us glad and A father who doth love us then Why should we be sad. Your friend and schoolmate, Sarah Neuhart Clinton, MO Jan 25, 1896 (Edna is 16) (autograph) Guy Menter Clinton, Mo. April 10, 1896 Dear Edna, Remember me early and remember me late Remember me at the Golden Gate, Zettie Slocum May 30, 1900 Edna Mae GREGG married Edwin Gundy PRIDEAUX Howard Co. NE Pittsburg, Kansas Oct 24th 1902 Miss Edna Prideaux, (remember Oct 23rd) Dear Friend When years and years have glided by And on this page you cast your eye Think it was a friend sincere That ask the kind remembrance here. Your friend, Daisy E. Her father had signed: Dear Daughter C. R. Gregg Her mother wrote: Some friends may wish Thee free from care; others joy and wealth, Some may wish you blessings rare, long life and perfect health. My wish for thee is better far; Than all others have given. That unless your from this world depart, your soul may rest in heaven. Mamma