Sketch of Edward C. Cunningham, St. Charles County, Missouri >From "A History of the Pioneer Families of Missouri, with numerous sketches, anecdotes, adventures, etc., relating to Early Days in Missouri" by William S. Bryan and Robert Rose, Published by Bryan, Brand & Co., St. Louis Missouri, 1876. ********************************************************************** Edward C. Cunningham was born in Frederick County, Maryland, February 22, 1809. He married Margaret Buxton, of Montgomery County, Maryland, on January 27, 1831, and emigrated to Missouri in 1836. He remained one year in St. Charles County, and then removed to Warren, but remain- ed there only a short time, when he came back to St. Charles, where he has since resided. In the spring of 1838 Mr. Cunningham was appointed Collector of revenues for the city of St. Charles, and the following August was elected Constable of the township. In 1844 he was elected Sheriff of the County, as an independent candidate, and was re-elected in 1846. Since the expiration of his second term of office he has been employed in various branches of business, such as farming, stock raising, dealing in stock and butchering; and at present he is culti- vating his farm near St. Charles, attending to the butcher's business and operating a coal mine. He purchased the Wardlow farm in 1847, and is still proprietor of the place. The stepping plank to the horse block at his front gate, was placed there by Mr. Wardlow forty four years ago, and it is still sound and used for the same purpose. In 1845 Mr. Cunningham introduced a new variety of wheat, from Frederick County, Maryland, called the Zimmerman, which has since become the standard wheat of St. Charles County, and has given a reputation to the wheat and flour of that county which extends over a large portion of the civilized world. In 1840 he imported from Albany, New York, the first Berkshire hogs that had ever been introduced into St. Charles County, and since that time the county has become celebrated for its fine pork. By his first wife Mr. Cunningham had four children: Mary, Nancy E., Charles W. and Margaret S. Mary and Margaret S. died in infancy. Nancy E., died in her thirteenth year and Charles W. died in his eighteenth year. Mrs. Cunningham died August 28, 1836, and her husband afterward married Elizabeth Slagle, of Frederick County, Mary- land, by whom he had: Sarah N., Frderick S., Edward L., Ann E., John M. and Elizabeth S. Anne E., Elizabeth S. and Sarah N., all died in in- fancy. Frederick S. married Ann Taylor. He was at one time postmaster of St. Charles, but, being in bad health, he resigned the office and went to California, where he died, April 23, 1865. His widow afterward married Charles A. Cunningham, and now resides in Carrollton, Missouri. Edward L. married Mary Stewart, and lives in Texas. John M. is in business with his father. Mrs. Cunningham died May 1, 1854, and on December 21, 1854, he married Teresa Johnson, of Cumberland, Maryland, who died August 16, 1855. ==================================================================== USGENWEB NOTICE: In keeping with our policy of providing free information on the Internet, data may be used by non-commercial entities, as long as this message remains on all copied material. These electronic pages may NOT be reproduced in any format for profit or for presentation by other persons or organizations. Persons or organizations desiring to use this material for purposes other than stated above must obtain the written consent of the file contributor. This file was contributed for use in the USGenWeb Archives by: Penny Harrell ====================================================================