St. Charles County Missouri, THE LAST WILL AND TESTAMENT OF JONATHAN WOODS Copyright. All rights reserved. Submitted by: Mary Beth Marchant THE LAST WILL AND TESTAMENT OF JONATHAN WOODS 16 APRIL 1910 Territory of Louisiana Probate Court District of Saint Charles 25 April 1810 Be it remembered that on the twenty fiseth day of April in the year of our Lord one thousand and eight hundred and ten the last will and testament of Jonathan Woods deceased was exhibited in the office of the judge of probate of the district of Saint Charles aforesaid in the words following to wit. In the name of God Amen I Jonathan Woods of the township of Lower Cuivre in the district of Saint Charles and Territory of Louisiana Yeoman being in perfect health of body and of perfect mind and memory thanks be given to God. Calling unto mind the mortality of my body and knowing that it is appointed for all men once to die do make and ordain this my last will and testament that is to say principally and first of all I give and recommend my soul unto the hand of almighty God that gave it and my body I recommend ???? to the earth to be buried in decent Christian burial at the discretion of my executors nothing doubting but at the general Resurrection I shall receive the same again by the mighty power of God---and as touching such worldly estate wherewith it has pleased God to bleps(bless) me in this life I give demise and dispose of the same in the following manner and form.---- -First I give and bequeath to Keziah my dearly beloved wife all and singular my lands mepuages (messauges) tenements and chattels by her freely to be popeped (possessed) during her life and at her death to be disposed of in the following manner and form viz---first I give to my well beloved daughter Sarah Allen ten dollars to be raised and levied out of my estate-- --Secondly I give to my well beloved son Zadok Woods fifty dollars to be raised and levied out of my estate-----Thirdly I give and bequeath to my two beloved sons Martin Woods and James Woods all and singular the remainder of my estate Lands and mepauges(messauges) tenements and chattels freely by them to be popeped( possessed) and enjoyed equally(severally or jointly) as the case may be between or by the two ---and I hereby constitute make and ordain my beloved sons Zadok Woods and Martin Woods Executors of this my last will and testament and I do hereby utterly disallow revoke and disannual all and every other former testaments, wills, legacies, bequeaths and executors by me in any wise before named willed and bequeathed ratifying and confirming this and no other to be my last will and testament In witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seal this sixteenth day of April AD one thousand eight hundred and ten------- Signed sealed published pronounced | grn and declared by the said Jonathan Woods | Jonathan Woods (seal) as his last will and testament in the presence | of us who in his presence and in the presence | of each other have hereunto subscribed our names John Lindsey Seth Millington James White Whereupon on the twenty sixth day of April aforesaid John Lindsey on his oath says that he subscribed at the request and in the presence of the above named Jonathan Woods the above will that the said Jonathan made an attempt to sign the same but appeared too feeble that he declared the same to be his last will and testament and was as the said Lindsey firmly believe of sound disposing mind and memory---and on the twenty fifth day of June 1810 Seth Millington on his oath declared that he was present at the execution of the will above mentioned that John Lindsey signed the same at the testators request and that he (the said Woods) declared the same to be his last will and testament that he appeared to be and was in the belief of the said Millington of sound disposing mind and memory----and on the twenty fourth day of August one thousand eight hundred and ten James White on his oath declared that he was present and saw Jonathan Woods deceased attempt to sign his name to the above mentioned will he appeared feeble and requested John Lindsey to write the same for him---and he did that he(Woods) acknowledged the same to be his last will and testament and was as this deponent believed of sound disposing mind and memory at the time--- Upon which probate and on the application of Martin Woods one of the executors (the other Zadok Woods declining and refusing to act) and on his giving bond for eight hundred dollars, with James White and Stephen Hempstead his securities and taking the oath prescribed by law a letter testamentary is granted to the said Martin Woods and Ira Cottle, James Cochran and William Turbet appointed appraisers to estimate and appraise the estate of the said Jonathan Woods deceased---- H. Hight Judge of Probate A List of the Goods & Effects of Jonathan Woods deceased 2 Beds & beding $20.00 4 Chairs, 2 Chests and 1 table 6.00 6 Plates 1 Platter, 2 Basons & 1 Teapot 6.00 3 Teacups & Saucers, 3 Tinspoons and 6 Tincups 1.62.5 1 Tinpale together with knives, forks, Spoons, etc. 1.00 1 large kettle, 1 Pot 1 large Pot & 1 Bakepan 12.00 1 Teakettle & 1 Skillet 4.00 Pales, Tubs, Barrels, etc. 3.00 2 Hoes & Ploughs, Axe & 1 Set of Scythe hangins 7.62.5 1 Horse & Harnis 15.00 3 Cows & Calves 30.00 2 Heifers of 1 year old 8.00 12 grown Hogs 40.00 30 Shoats 59.50 4 Pigs 2.00 ________ -------------------Whole Amount in Dollars $215.75 We the undersigned in Obedience to an Order of the Judge of Probate(Henery Hight Esqr) and after being sworn, attended at the House of Jonathan Woods—deceas’d in the Township of Lower Cuivre & District of Saint Charles on the fifteenth day of October, in the year of our Lord, one thousand eight hundred & ten, and then and there, proceeded to & estimated & appraised according the best of our judgements the Articles, & Species of Property contained in the above List, which was presented to us by Martin Woods, Executor of the last will, & testament of the aforesaid Jonathan Woods deceas’d, as the sum total of the Personal Estate, or rather the whole of the Goods & Effects (Lands excepted) belonging to the Estate, of the aforesaid—deceas’d. which we estimated (as appears by the above list at two hundred & fifteen dollars, seventy five cents. Ira Cottle Jas Cochran Almond Cottle NOTE: The words in italics are mine. Although the information I have says that Jonathan Woods died in Old Monroe, Lincoln County, Missouri, his will was found in the Saint Charles Courthouse some years ago. This transcript is from an original copy that I have in my possession.