St. Charles County Missouri, ESTATE PAPERS OF JONATHAN WOODS, DECEASED Copyright. All rights reserved. Submitted by: Mary Beth Marchant ESTATE PAPERS OF JONATHAN WOODS, DECEASED TERRITORY OF MISSOURI COUNTY OF ST. CHARLES MARTIN WOODS, EXECUTOR 7 AUGUST 1813 FINAL ACCOUNTING Territory of Missouri Henry Hight Judge of Probate of County of St. Charles the county aforesaid To Martin Woods executor of the estates of Jonathan Woods, deceased You are hereby notified that the Orphans Court of the county aforesaid have ordered that you render to the Judge of Probate a final accounting of your aforesaid administration within twenty days of the service of this citation by the Sheriff. Witness my hand with the seal of office annexed the twenty seventh day of August in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and thirteen and of the independence of the United States thirty eight H. Hight No. 6 Martin Woods, ext. Citation of Jonathan Woods, dec’d Service----------.33 Amount--------1.20 ------- $1.53 I have summoned the within named Martin Woods to appear agreeable to the within citation by reading the same to him on the thirteenth day of August 1813 M. Simonds Shff August 30 1813