Wayne County Journal Articles, Wayne County, Missouri ************************************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. http://www.usgwarchives.net/copyright.htm Contributed by: Sharon Hackworth , http://freepages.genealogy.rootsweb.com/~wcmc/index.html ************************************************************************ Notice of Final Settlement - January 2, 1903 Wayne Co Journal Notice of Final Settlement Notice is hereby given that the undersigned Administrator of the estate of J. B. Barnhart deceased, will make final settlement of his accounts with said Estate as such Administrator, at the next Term of the Probate Court of Wayne County, Missouri, to be holden in Greenville in said county, on the 18th, day of February A, D, 1903. W. A. Hefner – Administrator ======================================== Greenville – local news, January 2, 1903 Wayne Co Journal We wish all of our readers a happy New Year. The first real snow of the season fell Sunday Night. Col. John H. Raney returned Saturday from St. Louis. E. L. Smoot, a good farmer of near Chaonia, was in town Monday. Ellis and Mac Barrow spent several days last week with relatives at Buchanan. Hon. Mose Whybark, of Marble Hill spent Monday last in our town on business. O. L. Munger returned Saturday from Poplar Bluff, where he had been on legal business. Jos. O’Dell, a good farmer of near Bounds, has our thanks for subscription favors Monday while he was in town. V. V. Ing will leave Monday for Jefferson City to represent Wayne County in the next session of the legislature. Miss Alice Harvey, who is teaching here, attended the State teachers association at St. Louis last Monday and Tuesday. Grof. Grossenbacher is spending this week with home folks and will attend the State Teachers association in St. Louis. Ed Buehler,of Robilene, La., came in Monday on a visit to relatives and friends. Ed looks as if Louisiana agrees with him. Miss Virgie O’Bannon, who spent Christmas with her parents near Lowndes, returned to Lutesville Saturday, where she is teaching. It is reported that Jeff Cowan will soon build on his lot in front of the Central hotel, where he lost his building by fire some time ago. Maj. J. B. Dennis, one of the best known lawyers of Cape Girardeau, died in St. Louis last Saturday and was buried at the Cape Monday. The Piedmont Banner says a stock company with a capital of $50,000 has been organized to establish a ginseng farm near Lesterville in Reynolds County. J. P. Gipson, formerly of near this place, but who now resides in Madison County, was here last Saturday visiting friends. He is well pleased with Madison County. Born, to the wife of F. C. Ryle, near Taskee, on Christmas day, a fine ten pound boy. Mr. Ryle is all smiles now, and is already thinking what a fine plow boy he will have. Circuit court convenes in this county the first Monday in February. It is reported that the legislature will be asked to change the date of the terms of circuit court in this county from February and August to April and October. The change would be a good one. ======================================== Big Fire at Piedmont - January 2, 1903 Wayne Co Journal BIG FIRE AT PIEDMONT. The New Commercial Hotel Burned Last Friday – Piedmont Without a Hotel. Last Friday at 9:30 a.m., the New Commercial Hotel at Piedmont was discovered to be on fire in the northeast corner of the building. The alarm was given but the fire and smoke was so dense that nothing could be done to save the building. Mr. Durden who had the building rented and had been running the hotel for the past year, lost most of his household goods which was partly insured. The building belonged to Mr. Wash Creath and was fully insured, but the loss of the building will be much felt by the public, as it was the best hotel building in town. It is to be hoped that a new hotel building will put up in the town as this accident leaves the town practically without a regular hotel. ======================================== Lieut. Col. J. N. Morrison - January 2 1903 Wayne Co Journal Lieut. Co., J. N. Morrison, formerly of Wayne county, died in a hospital at San Francisco, last week, on his return from the Philippines. He had recently recovered from an attack of typhoid fever; but an operation for appendicitis ended his life. He had been connected with the adjutant general’s office, at Washington, several years, and had been promoted several times. He was acting judge advocate general at Cebu, P. I., prior to his return home. He was a bold, fearless man and made lasting friends and unforgiving enemies. Dunklin-Democrat. ======================================== Hiram Items - January 2 1903 Wayne Co Journal Hiram Items Noah Graham had business at Lowndes last week. Mrs. Nancy Ward is yet very sick at her home near here. Mr. Carter Bennett and family visited his sister at Takee last week. The Holliday-Klotz Co., are at work on their new Railroad East of Hiram. Amos Tidwell who is attending school at the Cape spent this week with home folks. Miss Amy Graham one of the Bear Creek teachers spent Sunday last visiting friends here. Owing to the inclemency of the weather Rev. Richmond did not fill his appointment at New Home last Sunday. Mr. Thos. Harris, the Holliday Co.’s clerk at Hiram is again behind the counter after a three week vacation. Mr. Tice Alexander and Miss Hatie Ward got married one day last week. We guess Tice wanted to heed the scriptures, which says “It is not good for man to be alone.” Mr. J. K. Clubb one of Wayne County’s successful teachers, has closed his school for another year. Mr. Clubb says he don’t know what to do now. We would advise him to get married. Frank Bennet the Davis school teacher only has 18 days more of school. Frank says when his term of school is out he will look after his capital stock at Bounds closer than he has been doing. ======================================== LAKE CREEK ITEMS - Friday, February 6, 1903 Wayne County Journal Mud is no longer a source article on Lake Creek. Health is tolerable good in this vicinity. Mrs. Leeper, of Mill Spring, visited her daughter, Mrs. C. C. Sheets, last week. Eld. H.M. Duncan filled his appointment at Liberty Hill Sunday. Emery Stenvenson and family, of St. Louis, visited relatives in this community last week. E. H. Lasater left last week for Louisiana where, we understand, he will engage in log-hauling. D. J. Lane and family and M. N. Lane left last Wednesday for Thornton, Ark., where they expect to remain a year or two. A. C. Hughes and sons have enlarged their grist-mill house. Their great amount of custom demanded more room. If I see this in print I may come again. ======================================== CUBA ITEMS - Friday, February 6, 1903 Wayne County Journal Uncle Joe Bennett is on the sick list this week. Married at the home of the bride Last Sunday, James Shearer and Miss Mollie Twidwell. We wish them a bright, happy and prosperous life. Mr. Andy Montgomery and daughter Miss Grace, were Piedmont visitors one day last week. Clardy Smith and wife were welcome visitors at the home of Joe Odell last week. Miss Ida Ward and George Bennett were united in holy bonds of matrimony last Saturday night. “ May they ever tred on roses and avoid the thorns.”Frank Bennett and Dan Wakefield were pleasant callers at the home of Andy Montgomery last Sunday, what’s the attraction boys? Ask Miss G. if there is going to be a wedding soon. Jocephus. ======================================== Lowndes Items - Friday, February 6, 1903 Not seeing anything in your columns from this place for some time I thought I would come again. News scarce, plenty of mud, and the farmers are repairing their fence preparing for another crop. Several of our youngsters attended an exhibition at Scowden last Friday night and report a good time. Dr. Montgomery went to Greenville the first of the week on business. Mr. Bell visited friends and relatives in Jefferson township last Saturday. Surveyor H. A. Hovis passed through this part last Friday. B. F. McCulloughs has opened a fine sugar orchard. Prof. J. I. Kinder visited our burg last Saturday. N. J. Wicecarver visited his brother at Marble Hill last week. M. Alexander passed through our streets Sunday. Geo. McLane has a load of fine beef cattle. Gilbert Turner retuned a few wells ago from Hoquiam, Wash. He intends going back in the spring. ======================================== Wayne County Journal February 6, 1903 Marriage License The following is a list of the marriage license issued since our last report: John Helton to Nora Mann, both of Mill Springs. Thos. Snyder to Sarah Caroline Adams, both of Brunot. Ed Collins, of Coldwater to Ora Thornburg, or Patterson. C. S. Southerland to CarrieGladden, both of Williamsville. W. F. Cook, of Lesterville, to Ivy P. Bennett, of Bounds. Leslie Bennett to Callie Berryman, both of Lodi. Thaddus Sparkman, of Cane Creek to Elisabeth Rushing, of Williamsville. ======================================== Wayne County Journal May 15, 1903 LOCAL ITEMS Mrs. Miller has been quite sick at her home for several days. Dexter is just recovering from the effects of a street fair. Hon. Moses Whybark, of Marble Hill was here on legal business last Thursday. The public schools have been closed at Bloomfield on account of small pox in that town. Jos. Lindsey, of the Exchange Bank of Piedmont, came over Friday evening on business. Rev. Carpenter returned last Friday from Advance where he attended district conference. I. N. Daffron has bought the residence now occupied by Abner Barrow, near the Central Hotel. P. A. Short and wife, of DeSoto, spent Saturday and Sunday last here visiting John L. Short and family. Hon. Louis Houck and wife have built and donated to the M. E. Church, south, a beautiful church building near their home. 4 ˝ miles west of Cape Girardeau. Dick Croy, the young blacksmith of Patterson, was married to Miss Sallie Williams, of Piedmont, last week. County and probate court meets next Monday, and Greenville will be more lively than usual for a week. Carl Strader, who has been at work at Flat River for some time is now “holding cases” in the Sun office in this town. Dr. Dozier Bugg, of near Patterson, returned last Friday from St. Louis where he graduated at a medical college a few days ago. John Wynn, of near Chaonia, has made arrangements to go to work for the company and will move to Greenville in a few days. A Negro by the name of Hightower married a white woman at Poplar Bluff a few days ago and now they are both under arrest. J. L. Hunter, a prosperous farmer of near Bounds, had business in Greenville, last Friday, and while there here renewed his subscription to the Journal. J. F. Janis, of Coldwater, was in town last Friday and called at the Journal office and advanced his subscription. He reports things flourishing at Coldwater. W. A. Mathews, one of our county’s best citizens of near Coldwater, has our thanks for subscription favors this week. He says he can’t do without the Journal. Chas Buckner, of Grandin, who has a responsible position with the Mo. Tie and Timber Co., of Grandin, was here Saturday and Sunday on business and visiting old friends. The ladies of the Methodist church caused Rev. Carpenter to smile last week by presenting him with a nice suit of clothes. Rev. Carpenter feels very grateful for the compliment and the ladies can fee assured their kindness is appreciated. We can testify that W. T. Wilson is the boss fisherman of the town. Last Friday ye editor and Mr. Wilson went fishing and Mr. Wilson caught a nice string of croppie and bass. The little town of Ellsinore, in Carter County, shows much evidence of thrift. There are three iron mines being worked at a good profit, and from present indications there are large bodies of splendid ore, and a smelter is being prospected. Several prominent Republicans of the county were before the board of equalization a week or two ago wanting their taxes lowered, and some of them high tax Republicans too. When they have to pay the tariff out of their own pockets it makes a difference. Dr. F. R. Atkins and wife returned Friday last from DeSoto, where they attended a meeting of the Southeast Medical Society. Dr. Atkins is a un-to-date physician and believe in attending these meetings and keeping posted on all the new things that come up. J. M. Boatright has just opened a jewelry shop in the City Drug Store. All kinds of clock, watch, sewing machine and organ repairing neatly done. Satisfaction guaranteed. The Missouri Lumber and Mining Co., at Grandin, in Carter County, has just recently sold 83,000 acres of its cut-off lands to some people who are going to bring a colony of farmers and fruit growers of the east. Now let the Holladay-Klotz Co., here follow suit, and build the country up. ======================================== Wayne Co Journal May 22, 1903 Bear Creek Items Plenty of rain and mud. Some sickness. There will be a childrens day at Hiram the fifth Sunday. Everybody cordially invited. Mr. T. W. Iv6y visited Hiram Tuesday. P. C. Ivy and Mrs. T. W. Ivy visited Mr. and Mrs. Sherman Rhodes, of Greenville last Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Burke, of Castor are visiting friends here. Rev. McKenzie, wife and baby of Williamsville, visited Castor and Bear Creek two weeks ago. Blackeyed Susen. ======================================== Wayne Co Journal - June 6, 1903 LOCAL ITEMS HW. G. Hartman returned Friday from a visit to Piedmont. Sheriff Malugen returned Sunday from a trip to Arkansas on business. Sheriff Malugen brought Alice Cline back home from the asylum last week. There has been lots of rain in this part of the county during the last week. O. L. Munger returned last Sunday from Centerville where he had been attending court for a week. Joe Taylor, formerly of Williamsville, has opened a new barber shop and bath room at Piedmont. Our young friend, Johnny Wilkinson, returned home last week from a several day’s visit in St. Louis. Mr. Lucy has moved into the Finis Stephens property and Mrs. Sharp has moved into the residence vacated by Mr. Lucy. Bur Williams and family came in from Shannon County Monday and will make their home in Wayne County again. Robt. Nelson of Romine Springs, Mo., was in town last Saturday on business and paid the journal office a pleasant call. Uncle Mart Warren and Jos. Cline, two of our county’s best farmers of near Patterson, were in town last Saturday on business.Lute Snider and “Dutch” Wagoner, accompanied by several other young men from Poplar Bluff, spent Sunday last in this city. Jerry Hixon, one of our county’s best farmers of near Patterson, was in town Monday on business and paid the Journal office a pleasant call. Our friend, Peter Shular, one of the best citizens of Lowndes, was in town last week and called and paid his subscription to the Journal. He reported things quiet at Lowndes. Phillip Gross, one of the good farmers of near Patterson, was in town last Saturday and paid the Journal office a pleasant call. Phillip clerked in the company store here for four years but is farming now. Miss Maud J. Davis, graduate optician, will be in Greenville June 15th and will remain ten days. All who need spectacles should see her up-to-date stock of optical goods. Eyes tested free of charge. Office in the Bennett Hotel. W. L. Mathews manager of the company stores, has returned from Hot Springs where had been for his health. Lat looks to be in much better health than when he went to the Springs. We are glad to see him at his post of duty again. Misses Rosa and Daisy Hughes, daughters of Wash Hughes, of near Taskee, returned last Friday from Fredericktown where they have been attending school at the Marvin Collegiate Institute. They have been attending school there for two years and are exceedingly bright young ladies. ======================================== Wayne Co Journal June 6, 1903 Marriage License The following is a list of marriage license issued since our last report: Chas Lunyon to Minnie Hall, both of Greenville. J. R. Woods to Kate McAllistar, both of Patterson. Emanuel Tennison to Minnie Vincent, both of Chaonia. Wm. Nunn, Kerrigan, to Ollie Warren, Mill Spring. Geo Pearson, Leeper, to Celia Crowder, both of Leeper. Chas. B. Ford, of Sylvia, to Clara McCormick, Patterson. John Tune, Ojibway, to Elizabeth Munsey, Taskee. G. F. Morgan, Greenville, to Bessie Snelton, Hiram. ======================================== Wayne County Journal June 12, 1903 Marriage License The following is a list of the marriage license issued since our last report: W. J. Pennington to Ida Watkins, both of Kyles. John C. Kettridge, of Poplar Bluff, to Laura M. Dunn, of Piedmont. Robert Winner to Ida M. Estes, both of Williamsville, to Flora Kates of Taskee. ======================================== Wayne County Journal November 26, 1903 Local Items Dr. Frank Williams the dentist of Bloomfield spent Monday night here visiting Dr. Akins and family. Today is Thanksgiving. All who are able should make some less fortunate brother happy by a small donation. Mr. Dunn is still here working in the interests of the Settle Relief Association of American and is doing good work. A new frame building has been erected in Williamsville which is to be occupied by the Post-Office and a grocery store. J. T. Gibbons the boss road-overseer of this part of the county, has our thanks for subscription favors this week. We this week received a copy of the Educational Outlook, a new Magazine published by the faculty of the Cape Girardeau Normal. Dr. F. M. Williams Dentist of Bloomfield, was over the first of the week. The doctor has established a branch office here, all desiring dental work can depend on him at least once a month. Mrs. Sarah Brower of Havana, Ill., has our thanks for a year’s subscription to the Journal this week. M. M. Sheets, Prosecuting Attorney of Carter County, spent Tuesday last in our town on legal business. He paid us a pleasant call while here. Miss Sadie Jones who is assisting her father in making a set of abstracts for the Company here, is visiting relatives at Centerville, this week. Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Hope, of Chaonia, Wayne County, were visiting relatives in Jackson and their daughter Miss Ellis Hope, last week. Jackson Cash-Book A marriage license has been issued to Geo. Creath, of Piedmont, and Miss Grace Batten, of Naylor, Ripley County. They will be married to-day, Thanksgiving. President Roosevelt has said that we should observe to-day as Thanksgiving and Gov. Dockery has seconded the motion. Now who is going to furnish us with a turkey? J. A. Clubb of Lutesville, was in town Monday. He came over from Lutesville and brought 23 bushels of apples, which he sold for $1.50 per bushel. He paid up for the Journal while here. Ex-Judge Ed Creasy, of near Mill Springs, was in town last Tuesday on business. Judge Creasy tried a case in the Justice Court last week at Mill Springs and is making record as a lawyer. U. W. McGhee spent Saturday and Sunday last at his swamp farms looking after them. He says the swamps are on fire and the range is being hurt so cattle will have to be taken out of the swamps. Married- At the Central Hotel here last Saturday, D. E. Ditts, of Greenville, to Miss May Reusch, of Doniphan. The happy couple will make Greenville their future home and have friends here who wish them long life and much happiness. Some sneak thief stole a nice pair of gloves and a muffler out of an overcoat pocket at the public school building during a session of the literary society, last Friday night. Such petty thief’s should be punished, and this one will be if he can be found out. A reward of five dollars will be paid if the thief can be discovered. ======================================== Wayne County Journal November 26, 1903 Marriage License The following is a list of marriage license issued since our last report: Charlie Mitchell of Taskee to Jettie Smith of Taske. Chas. Eaton of Williamsville, to Donia Stout of Williamsville. D. E. Ditts of Doniphan Mo. to May Reusch of Doniphan, MO. H. M. Tong of Taskee to Stella Coleman of Taskee. Roscoe Lindsey of Piedmont, to Mayme Nevine of Zeitonia. ======================================== Wayne County Journal December 3, 1903 Married At the residence of Rev. Rothenstiener, at Fredericktown, on Thanksgiving eve, Mr. Henry Green of St Louis, to Miss Mercie Nolle. The bride is well known in Greenville and has many friends here who wish them long life and much happiness. ======================================== Wayne County Journal December 3, 1903 Died Jas. Isbell died at Poplar Bluff last Friday and his remains were brought through here Saturday and taken to Patterson for interment. He belonged to the Royal Circle. ======================================== Marriage Licenses, Wayne County Journal December 17, 1903 Following is a list marriage licenses issued since our last report: Frank Hughes of Greenville to Miss Josie Scott of Greenville. John F. Wills of Greenville to Miss M. L. Fox of Greenville. Henry C. Pinch of Wappapello, to Lucinda Raab of Wappapello. L. C. Warren of Mill Spring to Eva Collins of Kerrigan. Bennett Green of Greenville to Mrs. M. J. Sullivan of Greenville. Lucius Farris of Piedmont to Myrtle Stevenson of Piedmont, Sherman Garren of Piedmont, to Nettie Berryman, of Piedmont. H. N. Phillips of Wappapello to Belle Dagger of Wappapello. A. J. Thomas of Brunot, to L. M. Lovelace of Brunot. Ed Darling of Roodhouse, Ill., to Eva Beck of Marble Hill, MO. Seymour Dudley of Patterson to Sallie Westbrook of Greenville. John White of Greenville to Oceola Phelps of Greenville. Joe Loyd of Greenville to Miss Minnie Worley of Piedmont. ======================================== Wayne County Journal December 17, 1903 Local Items O. L. Munger visited Piedmont last Friday on business. W. J. Maxwell, of near Lowndes was in town Tuesday on business. Attorney R. L. Ward paid Piedmont a business visit last Monday. W. G. Hartman spent the first of this week in St. Louis on Business. It is reported that we are to have another butcher shop in town. Mrs. Mary Carson has returned from her visit to relatives in Arkansas. Mrs. Perin, proprietress of the Company boarding house, has a new pianp. W. P. Bollinger made a speech last week at Oak Grove in favor of locale option. Miss Josie McLane, of Lowndes, came Tuesday on a few days visit to friends. W. L. Matthews, of Williamsville, spent Monday last in our town on business. Sturgeon & Berry are still making and selling their up-to-date hand made wagons. We now have another barbershop in town, in the front room over the Midway Saloon. Mississippi County went “dry” by 69 votes at their local option election there last Friday. Wash Davis, one of the good farmers of near Taskee, was in town last Saturday on business. Prof. Will Settle, of Piedmont, was shaking hands with old friends in our town last Sunday. A wagon load of fish was brought in fom down the river Tuesday and sold for 5cts per pound. There will be a Christmas tree and a splendid program rendered at the Christian Church Christmas Eve night. The Red Men’s Lodge that was organized here some time ago, is progressing nicely and has a good membership. H. B. McElhannon, the insurance man of Hiram, was in town last Saturday looking after his insurance business. The Jefferson Clubb of St. Louis is a new subscriber to the Journal. We will give them some good Folk literature. W. C. Brewer, representing the L. E. Lines Music Co., of Springfield, was here Tuesday looking after the company’s interests. Dr. F. M. Williams, the Bloomfield dentist, is here this week at the Bennett House, and all who want dental work should call on him. Miss Ethel Foley and Miss June Bennett, who are attending school at Arcadia, are expected home Saturday to spend the holidays with home folks. The ladies of the Methodist Church will give another one of their splendid dinners on Christmas day, the proceeds to go for the benefit of the Church. They gave a good dinner here on Thanksgiving Day. Miss Rose Marley, of Poplar Bluff, was last week admitted to the bar in Judge Fort’s court at Poplar Bluff. She passed a good examination, and is the second lady in this state licensed to practice law. Miss Woodside, of Salem, was the first. Miss Marley is especially bright on real estate law. Wayne County Journal, December 17, 1903 DIED Died at the home of its parents in this town on Thursday of last week, the little daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Lucy. The little one was only sick a few days and died of croup. The remains were laid to rest in the piedmont cemetery last Friday. The bereaved parents have the sympathy of the entire community. Wayne County Journal, December 17, 1903 Capt. H. C. McKinney, city editor of the Daily Citizen, of Poplar Bluff, and Miss Corinne Hetzler, of Carmi, Ill., were married last week at Carmi, Ill., Capt. McKinney is well known in Southeast Missouri journalism and has many friends here who wish himself and bride long life and much happiness. Wayne County Journal, December 17, 1903 MARRIED Married at the residence of Anson Hughes, of near town, on Sunday evening last, Mr. Frank Hughes to Miss Josie Scott. The happy couple are well known in Greenville and have many friends here who wish them long life and much happiness. They will make their future home at the Greenville Hotel for the present. MARRIED Married on Wednesday evening, at the Greenville Hotel, Mr. Jos. Loyd, of Greenville, to Miss Minnie Worley, of Piedmont. Mr. Loyd is employed on the W. G. & St. L. R. R. and Miss Worley is one of the accomplished young ladies of Piedmont. The happy couple invited a number of friends who enjoyed a splendid wedding supper at the Greenville Hotel. Their many friends wished them long life an much happiness. ======================================== Wayne County Journal December 24, 1903 Robbery at Williamsville Rovers Blow Safes of the Frisco R. R. and W. G. & St. L. R. R. at Williamsville. Last Friday night burglars entered J. S. O’Neal’s store at Mill Spring, blew open the safe and secured $500.00. This big haul only whetted their appetites for another raid, as they went on to Williamsville, and Monday morning at about 1:30 a.m. they blew open the safe at W. G. & St. L. depot only securing about $70.00, in cash, and at about the same time they blew open the safe at the Frisco depot in that town securing about $40.00, for their trouble. The burglars effected an entrance to both depots by breaking window panes. They dynamited both safes blowing them almost to atoms. It is thought at Williamsville that the burglars went in an eastern direction from Williamsville. Three strange men were seen in that town Saturday and Sunday but no attention was paid to them at the time. There is no question but what they are professional safe crackers as they done a complete job in this case. Every effort is being made to capture the burglars and it is hoped they will be landed behind bars in the penitentiary. ======================================== Local Items, Wayne County Journal December 24, 1903 Mr. Krimminger, of Piedmont came over Tuesday on business. Judge Almon Ing. of Piedmont came over Monday on legal business. Squire J. M. Chenoweth paid up his subscription to the Journal this week. Rev. McKinzie of Williamsville, went to St. Louis last Monday on business. The ladies of the Baptist Church will give a supper at their church to-night. There will be a grand ball at Piedmont to-morrow night, Christmas night. Sturgeon & Berry are still making and selling their up-to-date hand made wagons. Miss Bertha Enloe, who is attending a music conservatory at St. Louis, will spend the holidays with home folks. Lee Gill, of Grandin, is visiting relatives at Patterson during the holidays. He will go to Victoria, La., after Christmas to work. O. L. Munger and his mother who has been visiting him, went over to Carter County Monday where his mother will visit for a while. C. C. Mitchim has sold the Piedmont Banner to the Mitchim Publishing Company, of DeSoto, of which J. F. Mitchim is manager and J. F. has taken charge of the office. Miss Blanch Holladay will accept the position as deputy Circuit Clerk in D. N. Holladay’s office. Miss Blanch is a competent young lady and will be quite a help in the Circuit Clerk’s office. Miss Myrtle Stevenson, formerly of this town, and Mr. L. F. Farris of Piedmont, were married last week, Miss Stevenson’s many friends here wish them long life and much happiness. MARRIED- At the home of the bride’s parents on Cedar Creek on Sunday last, Mr. Lee Alley and Miss Mary Hovis. They are both well known in this county and have many friends who wish them long life and much happiness. ======================================== Marriage Licenses, Wayne County Journal December 24, 1903 W. J. Murray, of Williamsville, to Miss Cora Buck, of Greenville. R. L. Miller, of Piedmont, to Miss Agnes Berryman, of Piedmont. John Stroup, of Gravelton, to Miss Mary S. Clubb, of Gravelton. John Waltman of Hiram, to Miss Lulu White, of Hiram. T. H. Lacy of Williamsville to Caroline Bradshaw of Elsinore. Chas Halbert of Williamsville, to Miss Belle Hunt of Williamsville. Lee Alley of Coldwater to Mary Hovis of Coldwater. Geo. Gilbreath of Van Buren to Perncy Long of Van Buren. G. L. Hassill, of Leeper, to Miss Martha Marler, of Leeper. James O’ Mize, of Mill Spring, to Miss Annie Piercefield, of Mill Spring. John Crunkleton of Leeper, to Miss Dee Green, of Leeper. J. F. Ward, of Bounds, to Miss Maggie Bennett of Patterson ======================================== Dear Santa - Wayne County Journal December 24, 1903 A Letter to Santa Claus. Dear Santa- My name is Noah. I live at Brunot, Mo. Dear Santa, bring me a hobby horse, a Jew’s harp, a jumping jack and a French harp. Say, Santa, did you ever have a sweetheart. I have, but I don’t like sweethearts for Christmas, for pa and ma say I have to buy her doll for Christmas, but Santa I want you to bring her a a great big doll with long, black, curly hair, red eyes and big feet, and bring her some candy too. I want you to bring me a toy goat, one that can’t butt, but one I can work to my little wagon, so I can take my girl out riding. Bring me some candy and some chewing gum with little bells on it, so I can put them on my goat. Bring me some candy hearts for I want a “heart” for Christmas. Now, old Santa, if you have any little wives, bring them along too. If you can’t get down the chimney just whistle and I’ll come. Bye-bye, Santa, be sure and come and bring all I ask for. My whole name is Noah Marvin Joner, Brunot, Mo. =============== Obituary, Clayton McGhee, Wayne County Journal December 24, 1903 The death angel has visited one of the best homes in Greenville, and his coming was almost announced and unknown until his arrival. Little Clayton McGhee, the only son of Mr. and Mrs. U. W. McGhee, died Friday evening at their home in this city. He died of croup and was only sick a few hours. He commenced to choke while at school and was hauled home at 2:00p.m., and died 5 hours later. The best medical aid that could be procured in town was summoned and every attention that could bestowed on anyone was given him up to the time of death. He was a manly little boy of 13 years, and was the pride and joy of fond and devoted parents who used every effort to have him grow up to be a useful and prominent citizen. The sudden ending of little Clayton’s life was a blow to the fond parents, the pain and sorrow of which words are inadequate to explain. The fond parents are almost prostrated with grief at the sudden parting with their only son and fondest hope of this life. The funeral was held at the family cemetery on Mr. McGhee’s farm, in Jefferson Township, Sunday evening. The whole community was shocked at the sudden death of little Clayton, who was a favorite with all who knew him, and every citizen of our town join in extending to the grief- stricken and sorrowing parents their deepest sympathy and condolence in this their sad hour of bereavement. Weep not dear parents, and take consolation in the following lines: All who mourn may comfort find, In hoping good will follow ill, For God still reigns and we should bow In calm submission to His will. Let the words “God’s will be done,” Our watchword ever be, Each day may find us better Like him “Nearer My God To Thee.” ======================================== Wedding Bells, Wayne County Journal, December 31, 1903 Married- On Wednesday evening last Dec. 23, 1903, at the home of the groom’s parents Mr. Fred Bollinger of near Greenville to Miss Lillie Costner of near Coldwater. The happy couple have many friends in this part of the county who wish them a happy voyage o’er life’s hymeneal sea. They are of two of the best families in the county and start out in life with the best wishes and hearty congratulations of all who know them. They will make their future home near Greenville, and are now at home to their friends. ======================================== Local Items, Wayne County Journal, December 31, 1903 Robt. Duckett, of Williamsville, came over Monday on business. The Republican National Convention will be held in Chicago June 21st. O. L. Munger expects to attend the Folk meeting at St. Louis next Saturday. Sturgeon & Berry are still making and selling their up-to-date hand made wagons. Chas. McGhee, the Williamsville druggist, was in town Monday last on business. Col. John G. Prather, Jury Commissioner, died at his home in St. Louis last Sunday. ======================================== Happy Wedding, Wayne County Journal, December 31, 1903 MARRIED- at the home of the bride’s parents near Greenville, on Wednesday Dec. 23rd, 1903, D. A. Lasater of Dodson, La., to Miss Lucy Bollinger of Wayne County. The groom is a fine young businessman now engaged in the saw-milling business in Louisiana…. Article cut off by microfilm. ======================================== Died-Mrs. V. V. Ing, Wayne County Journal, December 31, 1903 Died -At her home in this city on Tuesday night last, Mrs. V. V. Ing, aged 38 years. She had been sick only few days and although she had the best of medical attention she passed peacefully away at 11 p.m., Tuesday. She leaves a loving husband and three children, one of which is only four months old, to mourn her loss. The entire community sympathizes with the bereaved father and children in the sad loss of a Christian mother and devoted wife. The funeral services were conducted today at the Lake Creek cemetery at 11 a.m. ======================================== Jas. Harrison, Caught Again, Wayne County Journal, December 31, 1903 Last Sunday, Sheriff Malugen went over into Bollinger County and arrested Jas. Harrison who broke jail here last July and has been at large ever since. Harrison was confined in jail here on a charge of larceny and he was to have been tried at the August term of court but he broke jail. Sheriff Malugen now has him in jail here and will see that he is kept secure until the February term of court when he will be tried and if convicted will probably be put where he won’t break jail again soon.