US GenWeb Notice: In keeping with our policy of providing free information on the Internet, data may be freely used by non-commercial entities, as long as this message remains on all copied material. These electronic pages cannot be reproduced in any format for profit or other presentation. File Compiled and Submitted by Sue (Skay) Abruscato . Estate Records of John Dixon * Probate Court June Term 1850 Estate of John Dixon, Des'd, Petition for sale of Real Estate Cite : Lindsey Dixon } Hinds Co, MS James Henderson } " Emily Henderson } " Alfred B. Dixon } Amite County, MS Sarah Ann Wood } " Henderson } " Henderson } " Petition amended by mating the names of Eliza, J.E.A.B. Robert J. William A. Sarah Ann and Calvin E. Henderson B.W. Smith grd al litere M.M. Wilkins } Harrison Co., MS Henrietta Wilkins } To A______ ___ 1851 ___ & Publication April Term 1851, Recorded & 416 * To the Honorable James F. Lowry Esquire, Judge of the Probate Court in and for the County of Amite and State of Mississippi. Respectfully the Petition of Zachariah Dixon and John Henderson administrators of all and singular the goods, chattels rights and credits which were of John Dixon, deceased, at the time of his death. That the said intestate, the said John Dixon, deceased, did seized and possessed of a certain tract or parcel of land, situated, lying and being in said County of Amite and state aforesaid containing by estimation seven hundred and ninety-seven and twelve hundredths of an acre more or less known by the name of the John Dixon place, being the same plantation upon which the said John Dixon resided in his lifetime and at the time of his death, and described as follows To Wit: The north west quarter of Section forty-one, Township Two Range Two East containing 160 56/100 acres. North East quarter of Section forty-one Township Two, Range Two East containing 160 and the South East quarter of Section thirty-three in Township Two of Range Two East containing 159 acres, and North West quarter of Section thirty-three Township Two Range Two East containing 159 acres. And this Petition further shows unto your Honor that the said John Dixon did seized and possessed of a large number of negro slaves, that said deceased and leaving six children or the descendants of them among whom the said negro slaves have been divided by an order of this honorable Court. That all of said heirs or distributees of said deceased are possessed of a large number of slaves besides those drawn by lot from said deceased and capable of carrying on a large farm without the aid of said slaves so drawn as aforesaid from the said John Dixon deceased. That owing to the number of heirs to said deceased's Estate, and the small quantity of land owned by said deceased, and also in view of the fact that all of said children or heirs at law have a large number of slaves, it will be impossible to make a division of said lands that would be advantageous to said heirs. And this petition further shows that the said John Dixon, deceased, left living and surviving him at the time of his death the following children and descendents viz. Your Petitioner Zachariah Dixon, Arzelia Henderson wife of your Petitioner John Henderson which said Arzelia Henderson has since departed this life leaving Eliza, James S.N.B, Robert J, William A. Sarah Ann and Calvin E. - Children minors To Wit: Martha, Scott, Ann, Jane, George, and Moses Henderson and on whom no one is guardian at law. Lindsey Dixon, Emily Henderson wife of James Henderson, Henrietta Wilkins wife of M.M. Wilkins, Sarah Ann Wood a minor and for whom your petitioner Zachariah Dixon is legal guardian, and Alfred B. Dixon, the foregoing children descendants are the only heirs at law of the said John Dixon deceased, now living and the only persons interested in the descent of his lands, tenements and hereditaments. And your petitioners further represent that several of said heirs at law are now located upon other and perhaps better lands which is in their determination to cuttibate (?) and upon which it is their interest to employ all the capital which they may devise from a division and distribution of the Estate real and personal of said intestate; and that consequently it is not only reasonable (?) but necessary for the furthurance of their interest to sell the lands of said intestate in order that they may have all the bun___ [benefits ?] to accrue from their share of the proceeds by a Judicious appreciation and payment thereof. Your Petitioners in pursuance of the Statute in this behalf made and provided therefor suggests to this honorable Court that the welfare of all persons interested in said tract of land will be promoted by a sale of said land on a credit of twelve months from the day of sale or as early a day as the note if this case will admit wherefore your petitioners pray that the same upon due and lawful procedings had as the premises may be ordered to be sold. In consideration and in the end that said lands may be sold as aforesaid, your petitioners further pray that it may please your honour to order the said Lindsey Dixon, James Henderson and Emily Henderson his wife of Hinds County in said state, Alfred B. Dixon of the County of Amite in said state, Henrietta Wilkins and M.M. Wilkins of Madison County in said state, Sarah Ann Wood for where your petitioner Zachariah Dixon her legal guardian, and Martha, Scott, Ann, Jane, George, & Moses Henderson, minor heirs of Arzelia Henderson, deceased and for whom there is no legal guardian of Amite County in said state. That they be made defendants in this petition as cited to personally be and appear before this Court at a day certain then and there to answer this petition and to show cause if they can why the said lands should not be sold with the tenements and herediments thereon and _____ belonging: and that your honor will order publication to be made in this behalf according to statute and cause such order to be made as your Honor deems necessary and proper. And as in duty bound your petitioners will pray /s/ George F. Webb, Solicitor for Petitioner * State of Mississippi, Amite County} Personally appeared before the chief justice of the peace in and for the state and county aforesaid Arron Robinson, Robert Germany, Timothy Dr. Rogers [this name lined out], Robert P. Smiley and Joseph W. Anderson, commissioners, appointed by the Probate Court of said County to divide the negro slaves belonging to the estate of John Dixon des'd who sayd an oath that the foregoing inventory contains a true valuation and assessment of all the negro slaves belonging to the estate of John Dixon dec'd __ ___ as the same have been exhibited to ___ ___ before me this 24th day of April AD 1850. /s/ L.R. Hanks /s/ A. Robinson} /s/ Robt. Germany} /s/ J.W. Anderson } Commissioners /s/ R.P. Smiley} * To the Honorable James F. Lowry, Esquire, Judge of Probate in and for the County of Amite and State of Mississippi. The undersigned commissioners, appointed by this honorable Court at the last April term thereof, and ordered and directed, among other things, to divide the personal estate of John Dixon, deceased among any legal heirs and distributees agreeable to the law of descents to assertain each heirs share of said personal estate and to accord to them their respective shares thereof. Beg leave respectfully to report that pursuant to the instruction contained in the commission to them directed and the rule of the statute in this behalf, after giving legal notice to the said heirs which will fully appear from the proof herewith they assembled for the purpose of making said division at the late residence of said decedent on the 24th day of April 1850. And your commissioners further report that on the day and year last aforesaid they caused to be assembled and collected at the residence of said deceased all of his negro slaves, subject to division and distribution among said heirs and divided the same into six equal shares according to value, that they designated said shares as No. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 and by lot assigned and set off to said heirs their respective shares as follows, To Wit: Share No. 1 was alloted and assigned to Alfred B. Dixon " 2 Henrietta Wilkins & Sarah A. Woods " 3 Lindsey Dixon " 4 Arzelia Henderson " 5 Emily Henderson " 6 Zachariah Dixon As will fully appear to your honour by reference to the annexed schedule marked B in which said shares are serially attached and marked as aforesaid containing the names and value of said negro slaves and designated with the value the description of said slaves which said schedule as will as Exhibit A aforesaid is made a part of this report and your commissioners further report that to equalize said shares and to compensate the said A.B. Dixon. Lot No. 2 pays Lot No. 1 $19.20, Lot No. 2 pays Lot No. 3 $11.64, Lot No. 6 pays Lot No. 3 $7.52, Lot No. 6 pays Lot No. 4 $154.16, Lot No. 6 pays Lot No. 5 $44.16. * An Inventory and appraisement of the negro slaves belonging to the Estate of John Dixon dec'd as made out by the commissioners appointed by the Probate Court of said county to divide the same, To Wit: Schedule B One negro man named Adam valued at $ 825.00 Jack 825.00 Tom 800.00 Bob 800.00 Daniel 700.00 Jim 600.00 Gandan (?) 725.00 Lucy 725.00 Arrula 300.00 Isau 650.00 Charles 190.00 William 50.00 Charlottee 725.00 Liley 225.00 Ben 150.00 Elsey 100.00 Chary 725.00 Isaac 275.00 Nany Jane 450.00 Mary 725.00 ---------- Value $11065.00 Amt of each heir's share $1844.16 * The following is a list of the negro slaves as appraised, and divided by the undersigned commissioners, viz.: Exhibit B For No. 1 drawn by Alfred B. Dixon - one negro man named Adam valued at $825.00, Chary 725.00, Isaac 275.00. For No. 2 " Henrietta Wilkins & Sarah A Wood Jack 825.00, Jim 600.00, Nany Jane 450.00 deduct amt due A.B. Dixon $19.20 & Lindsey Dixon $11.64 For No. 3 " Lindsey Dixon Tom 800.00, Gandain (?) 735.00, Arrula 300.00 Amt paid by Zachariah Dixon $7.52 & by Henrietta Wilkins & Sarah A. Wood $11.64 For No. 4 " Arzelia Henderson Isau 650.00, Bob 800.00, Charles 190.00, William 50.00. paid by Zachariah Dixon $154.16 For No. 5 " Emily Henderson Daniel 700.00, Charlottee 725.00, Liley 225.00, Ben 150.00 For No. 6 " Zachariah Dixon Jim 600.00, Mary 725.00, Lucy 725.00 Zachariah Dixon pays Lots 3,4 & 5 $205.84 Shown in said schedule B, they did and they do hereby award that the said Henrietta Wilkins & Sarah A. Wood pay to the said A.B. Dixon the sum of $19.20 and that the said Henrietta Wilkins & Sarah A. Woods pay to the said Lindsey Dixon the sum of $7.52 & pay Arzelia Henderson $154.16 & pay to Emily Henderson $44.16 thereby settling the value of each of said six shares at $1844.16 and your commissioners having now fully discharged the duties made upon them by said commission and having fully reported these proceedings under and by authority thereby beg leave to be discharged. Given under our hands and seals this 24th day of April AD 1850. /s/ A. Robinson /s/ J.W. Anderson /s/ Robt. Germany /s/ R.P. Smiley State of Mississippi, County of Amite} Personally appeared before me Louis R. Hanks a Justice of the Peace in and for said county the foregoing named Arron Robinson, Robert Germany, Robert P. Smiley, Joseph W. Anderson and made oath that the foregoing report contained an honest, faithful and impartial division of the personal estate of John Dixon deceased and that they had performed the duty, trust and services required of them in this behalf to the best of their skill, knowledge and judgement. Sworn to and subscribed before me this 24th day of April AD 1850 /s/ L.R. Hanks, J.P. * [File #50, Nov Term 1850] The State of Mississippi, Amite County} The State of Mississippi, To the Sheriff of Amite County, Greetings. You are hereby commanded to cite A.B. Dixon, & B.M. Smith guardian ad litere of Sarah Ann Wood, Martha Henderson, Scott Henderson, Ann Henderson, Jane Henderson, George Henderson & Moses Henderson to be and personally appear before the Probate Court of Amite County on the Third Monday in November next, there and then to show cause if any they can why the following discribed Land belonging to the Estate of John Dixon dec'd should not be ordered to be sold. To Wit: the NW 1/4 of Section 41, T 2, R 2 E containing 160 56/100 acres - NE 1/4 of Section 41, T 2, R 2 E containing 160 acres; and the SE 1/4 of Sec 33 in T 2 of R 2E containing 159 acres and NW 1/4 of Section 33 T 2, R 2E containing 159 acres and further to do and suffer such other things as shall be considered and ordered by the Court aforesaid in the previous and have ____ there this writ _______ the Honorable James F. Lowry, Judge of the Probate Court of said County at the Court House thereof Ord[ered] the third Monday in September AD 1850. B.M. Smith, Clerk Issued 19 Sept 1850 * NOTE: The following is from the Liberty Advocate The State of Mississippi, Amite County. The State of Mississippi. To all persons interested in the Real Estate of John Dixon, deceased -- Greetings: You are hereby cited to be and personally appear before the Probate Court of Amite County On the third Monday in February, 185`, then and there to shew cause, if any you can, why the following described Lands belonging to the Estate of John Dixon, Deceased, should not be ordered to be sold, To Wit: The northwest quarter of section number 41, in township number 2, of range number 2, east containing 160 56-100ths of an acres. North east quarter of section number 41, in township number 2, of range number 2, east - containing 150 acres. And the south west quarter of section number 33, in township number 2, of range number 2, east - containing 159 acres, lying and being in the County of Amite and State aforesaid, and further to do and suffer such other things as shall be considered and ordered by the Court aforesaid in the premises. Witness, the Honorable James R. Lowry, Judge of the Probate Court of said county at the Court House thereof on the Third Monday in September A.D. 1850. Issued 20th November, 1850, B.W. Smith, Clerk November 23, 1850. (Attached is a document from the Court stating that the above notice was in the Liberty Advocate (issues 39, 40, 41) on 23rd Nov, 1850, 30th Nov, 1850 and 7th Dec, 1850. * [Note: the following document has been changed by grouping purchases by an individual] Sale of the personal property of the Estate of John Dixon dec'd on the 27th and 29th May, 1850. Exhibit A J.W. Anderson 1 _______ $ 8.00 1 Desk 18.00 1 Large pot 1.81 5 Sides leather 21.60 1 keg powder 4.00 1 keg soap 1.50 47 bushel corn 52.87 1 oven .50 1 patent balancer 3.88 1 lot pewter basins .05 M.G. Anderson 1 tea kettle .75 2 spades 1.43 4 ____ ____ 3.00 1 lot tin pans 1.40 1/2 block mar___ 4.75 1 pr. blankets 1.50 1 brown mule 62.50 1 black mare and colt 22.50 1 Han__y ___ndg .35 J. Smylie 1 clock 7.00 36 yds bagging 3.16 1 side leather .70 A.B. Dixon 1 small table .50 1 shovel tongs 1.00 2 doz chains 2.00 1 lot chains 1.31 1 bedstead and bedding 8.13 1 cherry chest 1.31 1 bed stead .20 1 small table .25 1 common table .15 1 wash stand .55 1 bed stead 10.00 1 yo____ ____ 31.25 1 cow and calf 5.75 1 team horses 80.00 1 spotted colt 30.00 A. B Dixon 27 head stock cattle @ 4.12 per 111.37 2 leg irons .50 A.B. Dixon (cont) 1 bay colt 22.10 12 weeding hoes 7.50 5 ploughes 10.00 5 ploughes 5.00 8 Bar iron 7.37 1 Ox waggon 50.00 1 wooden safe 7.63 1 pr blankets 1.81 1 Can S__ turpintine .60 1 table .15 1 pr linsey pants .50 1 loom .50 1 Lot lumber 2.11 1 Lot sugar 7.00 1 Lot sugar 1.30 1 Lot Syrup 4.60 1 Lot syrup 2.87 1 Lot sundries .20 512 lbs bacon 24.32 2 blocks salt 3.62 A.B. Dixon (cont) 1 table 2 cans & tray .20 1 Lot cans .50 115 bushels corn 161.55 1000 lbs fodder 7.50 100 lbs coffee 12.50 1 Lot jugs .15 1 jug vinegar 1.00 1 Lot crockery & glassware 3.00 1 Lot empty bottles 1.31 1/2 doz G.S. table spoons .60 1 Lot Pa___ ___ks .10 1 Lot empty sacks .20 1 coffee mill .__ 1 Lot tools & cans .31 1 Lot tools, l___s .25 1 copper H__ fixtures .13 1 can ___ .50 3 Scyth blades & cutting knife .20 1 Lot chains, irons .13 3 Iron wedges .75 1 Lot of sacks .65 2 Rat traps .13 1 Single tree (?) .11 1 Old saddle 1.00 A.B. Dixon (cont) 1 Hammer 2.00 1 Set of ___ .62 Hack ____ing 2.06 1/2 doz ___ ____ 1.15 4 ducks 1.00 4 head Guse (Goose ?) .75 1 Large kettle .50 1 oven .25 1 Spider & Si_ .94 1 Lot Plans .12 1 Blanket 3.36 1 Set Wh___, chairs .50 J. McDowell 1 Map United States .37 o/a 18 3/4 bushel corn 18.75 H. Huff 1 Set Dining table 20.00 1 Brown mule 85.00 Lindsey Dixon 1 Comprehension Atlas 5.75 1 Family bible .25 1 Gunn's D__atic Medicin 1.37 1 American Biography 1.00 1 Revolution in Europe .50 1 pair spectakles .60 1 Tundle b_d short gun 24.00 1 Sen__ mule 75.00 1/2 block tar .50 500 lbs bacon 32.50 3 small waiters .50 2 ____ ______ 3.00 1 Blanket 1.13 1 Blanket 2.50 1 ___ table cloth 2.75 Cash (no name) 1 Mason's Saint Har__ .25 1 Comb's Phrenology .10 1 Dictionary .50 1 Evidences of Christianity .13 1 Lot molasses 1.00 2 Sheep pelts 3.00 1 Lot bottles & buckets .10 1 pr__ webbing .40 1 B__p St__th .50 1 Lot saws, hand ax 1.38 1 Bar iron 1.00 1 Set razor, strop 1.31 1 Set of books .37 R.D. McDowell 98 lbs bar iron @ .06 per 5.88 J. Cavin 1 Rocking chair 1.95 1 Stock of hogs 85.00 M. Jackson 1 Small book .31 L.R. Hanks 1 Fether bed & furniture 12.25 1 Fether bed & furniture 12.00 1 Bed stead 4.00 1 Large pot .75 1 small pot .48 1 small pot .56 1 small Sp__ .94 1 Jack saw 2.62 H. Stafford 1 Bed stead 9.75 182 lbs rope 11.83 1 Lot china 3.00 1 can caster oil 3.10 1 Grind stone 3.50 1 pr __ ____ irons 1.00 1 Lot Demijohns .75 1 Counterpoint quilt 2.00 1 ___ waggon 86.00 3 iron wedges .75 1 pr Sm__hing irons .25 W. Stafford 4 Lot cotton yarn 4.50 E.S. McKay 1 Yo__ ___ 18.00 1 ____ ox 3.75 John Gallent 1 Black horse 8.37 Ham__ Covington 1 B. Mule 106.00 S. Dixon 1 Jar lard 13.63 J.M. Hunt 1 Yo___ ____ 31.25 1 Bedstead, matress & furniture 16.50 2 ovens 1.75 1 Frying pan .13 1 Grd im_____ .12 1 Lot Po___ H___ .87 A. McGehan 1 Lot jars & tin cans .50 1 Lot Bee's wax and tallow .63 1 Work bench 1.00 1 Lot pellets and Buckshot .10 2 Hand stamps ? 2 sheep pelts .30 1 Table .50 1 Set coffee pots, cans & __ .10 1 Table 1.00 1 can lamp oil 1.38 5 sides leather 21.60 1 Brown mule 75.00 1 Set _____ .25 3 Grubbing hoes, iron & rake .75 98 lbs warp iron 2.94 Glass Caston 1 Lot bar lead .63 1/2 doz Ba__ candlesticks .20 1 pr sheep shears .20 1 ____ ______ 8.00 J.W. Hinds 1 Set knives & forks .60 J.M. Duwitt 1 pr Bu___ & _____ .68 16 head sheep @ 1.77 per 22.00 1 set of ploughes .38 1 Set of irons .46 W.S. Lea 1 Set blacksmith tools 35.13 1 Cmp cas saw 5.25 L. Thompson (?) 5 Sides leather .61 Jas. I. Lowry 1 Buggy 152.00 Wm. Longmire 1 Brown mule 81.00 * The the Honorable James P. Lowry Esq, Judge of Probate in and for the County of Amite and State of Mississippi. The undersigned administrators of the Estate of John Dixon, deceased, respectfully reports that by virtue of the order of this honorable court made at the April Term 1850 thereof directing and authorizing them to sell the personal estate of the intestate described in his application in this behalf after notice made and duly given according to the statutes and the directions of said orders they did on the 27th and 29th days of May 1850, at the late residence of the intestate in this County between the hours prescribed by law pressed to sell the said personal estate to the highest bidder on a credit of six months from the day of sale; and did then and there & expose for sale at public auction the said personal estate consisting of much farming utensils; household and kitchen furniture & in lots and parcels to such purchasers (having a due and proper regard to the interest of the said estate) until the same was fully concluded; for a full account of which said sale with the names of purchasers and the highest amount bid for the several articles give said administrators. beg leave to upon your honor give now to the account of sales in the aggregate amount of sales herewith paid and marked Exhibit A. and prayed to be made a part of this report's said account of sales in the aggregate amount of the sum of $[amount section blank]. These administrators for proof of legal and proper notice of said sale beg leave likewise to upon your honor Exhibit B herewith filed; and also to Exhibit C herewith for proof of his having properly conducted said sale in all things into of which said Exhibit are prayed to be made a part of this report. And these administrators further report that all of said purchasers have here given notes with good and sufficient securities for the payment of the sums bid by them respectively for said personal estate. And these administrators having now fully reported respectively in this behalf pray that the said sale may be approved and confirmed by this honorable Court. Respectfully submitted /s/ Zachariah Dixon; /s/ John Henderson, Administrators *The State of Mississippi, Amite County} The State of Mississippi to the Sheriff of Amite County, Greetings. You are hereby commanded to cite Joseph H Daugherty and Sarah A Dougherty; and A.B. Dixon, Robert P Smylie guardian ad litere of Eliza Henderson, James L M Henderson, Robert J Henderson, William A Henderson, Sarah Ann Henderson & Calvin A Henderson to be and personally appear before the Probate Court of Amite County on the third Monday in March next and then and there to examine the final account of Zachariah Dixon and John Henderson administrators of the estate of John Dixon deceased which final is on file in our said Court And for final hearing on the said March Term 1852 of said Court, and there [show] cause if any he can why the same should not be allowed and a decree made thereon accordingly and further to do and suffer such other things as shall be considered and ordered by the court aforesaid in the previous. And have ____ there this writ _____ the Honorable James F Lowry Judge of the Probate Court of said county at the Court house thereof on the third Monday in December AD 1851. B M Smith, Clk Issued 18 Dec 1851 * Mississippi Territory, Amite County} Know all men by these presents that we John Dixon, Jesse Smith and James McKnight are held and firmly bound unto Micajah Davis, Esquire chief Justice of the Orphan's Court and his successors in office in the final sum of four hundred dollars - which payment will and truly to be made we bind ourselves our heirs executors and administrators jointly and severally by these presents Sealed with our Seals and dated the 10th day of September 1814. The conditions of this obligation is such that whereas John Dixon hath this day been appointed guardian of Prissa Dixon & Martha Dixon daughters of David Dixon, deceased. Now if the said John Dixon shall and do faithfully act as guardian to the said Prissa Dixon & Martha Dixon and act conformable to the Statute and laws of this Territory in such cases made and provided then the above obligation to be void otherwise to remain in full force and virtue. Signed, Sealed and acknowledged in the presence of Tho. Batchelor} /s/ John Dixson /s/ Jesse Smith /s/ James McKnight April, 1850 Est of John Dixon to J.W. Crowley / Coffin for Mrs. Dixon $15.00 Received payment of John Henderson, Administrator of the estate deseast [deceased ?] s/J.W. Crowley Rec'd of Z. Dixon administrator of John Dixon deceased nineteen & 20/100 dollars in full of all demands coming from said Dixon & Sarah A. Wood to me in the division of the slaves of John & Alexander Dixon's estates deceased set apart by the commissioners this 25th April, 1850 s/A.B. Dixon Transcribed from copies of original documents by Tony Abruscato More information on this line can be obtained at: