Coahoma County MsArchives Obituaries.....Ellis, Marshall Stone January 11, 1999 ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. ************************************************ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Kenneth Stacy May 5, 2008, 9:27 am Commercial Appeal, The (Memphis, TN) January 12, 1999, Page B4 Name: Dr. Marshall Stone Ellis Age: 72 Death: Monday, 11 January 1999 of cancer at his home. Last Residence: Clarksdale, MS Burial: Wednesday, 13 January in Oakridge Cemetery. Survivors: Wife, daughter, three sons and two grandchildren Facts: Retired general practitioner after 30 years and former chief of staff at Northwest Mississippi Regional Medical Center. Vestryman at St. George’s Episcopal Church. World War II Naval aviation veteran. Graduate of Tulane University and University of Tennessee Medical School. Former member of Clarksdale Exchange Club. File at: This file has been created by a form at File size: 1.2 Kb