Lawrence/Randle Cemetery, Lowndes, MS submitted by Clare Herrick ****************************************************************** Copyright. All rights reserved. ****************************************************************** LAWRENCE/RANDLE CEMETERY Location: about 200 yards east of the intersection of two county roads. One runs from U. S. 45 to Artesia. The second is the southern approach to the Golden Triangle Airport. The cemetery is in the area of Billups Gate. SUMMERSELL, Lillian Minga Born February 19, 1887 Died December 9, 1904 WILLIAMS, Mrs. Elizabeth Ann, Dau of John T. Connell, Esq. Born January 13, 1828 Died January 18, 1852 LAWRENCE Mary A., Grandmother Born November 27, 1790 Died January 1, 1865 MINGA, Henry A. Born May 19, 1850 Died May 30, 1898 BROTHERS, Ann, wife of Elijah Brothers Died Aug. 21, 1836 Age 31y 5m 22d MINGA, Sarah E. Born July 23, 1859 Died Mar. 31, 1921 RANDLE, Eliza C., Our Mother Born Jan. 31, 1824 Died June 16, 1862 LAWRENCE, Rev. Nathaniel Born July 27, 1766 Bertie County, North Carolina Died Dec. 24, 1849 LAWRENCE, Louisa C., dau of the late Rev. N. Lawrence Died June 9, 1854 Age 24 RANDLE, Louisa L. No Dates Age 3y 1 month ll days RANDLE, Eliza C. Born June 20, 1861 Died October 15, 1868 (There is a broken stone near the grave of the other Eliza C. Randle (1824-1862) which may be this person.) RANDLE, Henry Born June 5, 1817 Died November 7, 1865 RANDLE, Margaret E. Born June 16, 1836 Died September 20, 1868 RANDLE, Wiatt Ordained Methodist Episcopal Church in Lowndes Co. Born September 1785 Died March 24, 1853 (Born Brunswick Co.) (Died Lowndes Co.) RANDLE, Columbia O. Died No Dates Age ly im RANDLE, Alonzo B. Died No Dates Age 6m 8d