Madison County MsArchives Court.....Balfour, William Lovett June 8, 1857 ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. ************************************************ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Nicka Sewell May 12, 2008, 1:57 pm Source: Chancery Court (estate) Records, File #733 Written: June 8, 1857 Madison County, Mississippi Chancery Court (Estate) Records, File #733 Estate of William Lovett Balfour (03/25/1802 to 05/08/1857) *Transcriber’s Note: Only the slaves in this inventory have been transcribed in this document. If you would like to know what else is on this inventory, please contact me.* In accordance with the above and foregoing commission of the Probate Court of Madison County, Mis – we the undersigned, did proceed on the 4th day of June to value the good chattels and personal estate of W.L. Balfour – as follows: Negroes Name Age Valuation *In Dollars* Jerry 60 100.00 Mary Jerry 50 200.00 Emily 18 1100.00 Malinda 8 675.00 Jeff 20 1425.00 Ead 17 1225.00 Hyram 22 1425.00 Henry Chiles 20 1400.00 Ary 50 600.00 Old Lewis 65 400.00 Little Lucy 19 1300.00 Risty 50 200.00 Adam 7 625.00 Easter Ann 9 700.00 Sandy 8 625.00 Frank 6 500.00 Old Ben 50 50.00 Maria 35 900.00 Little Ben 12 900.00 Josh 8 625.00 Little Peter 7 600.00 Little Martha 5 300.00 Rindy 17 850.00 Cap Henry 35 1050.00 Watsy 30 875.00 John Tarer 10 800.00 Little Henry 8 650.00 Matilda 6 425.00 Primus 4 250.00 Alex Cobb 46 1025.00 Sarah Cobb 32 175.00 Little Bobb 13 1025.00 Leathe Ann 8 425.00 George Whitney 40 800.00 Nancy 20 1200.00 Lucinda 6 months old 100.00 Harry, the ginner 55 500.00 Mary Harris 50 255.00 Martha Sharp 30 900.00 Little Martha 9 512.00 Little Mary 7 400.00 Ema 5 375.00 Sallie 50 400.00 Anthony 18 1400.00 George German 16 900.00 Little Sarah 16 925.00 *Next Page* Name Age Valuation *In Dollars* Tom South 35 775.00 Elvina 20 1150.00 Charity 18 1100.00 Dave 15 1000.00 Little Nancy 6 months 100.00 Little Harry 50 500.00 Edmund 24 1200.00 Peter Johnson 55 900.00 Ceily 35 850.00 Polly 17 1050.00 Ann 9 525.00 Jim Cotton 55 550.00 Mary Cotton 50 325.00 Melvina 19 1075.00 Fanny 8 410.00 Austin 38 1025.00 Epsy 33 850.00 Jonas 17 1025.00 Marsh 10 1000.00 Jane 8 500.00 Ned Cobb 65 1000.00 Eliza 35 825.00 Anderson 14 975.00 Clinton 12 800.00 Mart 8 500.00 Margy 7 450.00 Allen 5 300.00 Lucy 48 600.00 Caleb 18 1150.00 Toney 60 275.00 Little Betty 8 335.00 Julia 35 925.00 Catharine 8 300.00 Dick 19 1400.00 Lovy 5 275.00 Wash 35 1400.00 Lilly 9 415.00 Lissia 7 315.00 Little Andy 3 200.00 Gid 22 1300.00 Betty 20 1100.00 Tom Carter 30 1500.00 Rachael 40 675.00 Charlotte 16 925.00 Old Andy 55 25.00 Mary Andy 55 175.00 Rufus 15 1075.00 Ike 35 150.00 Hart 18 1150.00 Richmond 45 835.00 Abraham 40 500.00 Mary House 45 400.00 Isabel 15 925.00 Little Jim 12 875.00 *Next Page* Name Age Valuation *In Dollars* Palmer 10 850.00 Louisa 8 550.00 Jack 6 500.00 Willy 4 300.00 Horrace 10 months 200.00 Old Milly 60 25.00 Old Betty 60 25.00 Bob 45 1300.00 Little Charlotte 11 525.00 Granberry 12 950.00 Bil 12 912.00 Kate 45 575.00 Ellen 10 625.00 Lady 10 635.00 Nicey 10 500.00 Philip 11 850.00 John Buttons 9 660.00 Matt 12 725.00 Alex Bailey 34 1325.00 Prince 32 300.00 Horrice ___ 200.00 Tennessee 14 775.00 *Next Page* Name Age Valuation *In Dollars* Henry 33 1255.00 Duff 40 850.00 Peter 45 975.00 Jim Hutton 35 1000.00 Horace 30 1100.00 Mary 35 1125.00 Jennett 35 1125.00 Adaline 20 1025.00 Jane 50 450.00 Milly 20 1025.00 Margaret 18 1125.00 Rachael 18 1000.00 Big Susan 34 800.00 Hanna 20 950.00 Mima 18 1050.00 Little Susan 24 875.00 Jefs 15 975.00 Little Joe 12 750.00 Mary Ann 12 700.00 Lady 11 650.00 Cinthia 9 587.00 Dock 10 600.00 George 35 1100.00 Ben 20 1375.00 Jane 28 1075.00 *Next Page* Name Age Valuation *In Dollars* Edward 22 1375.00 Big Joe 29 1150.00 Rodney 47 800.00 Nelson 45 500.00 Jacob 46 775.00 Addison 45 550.00 Moses 40 400.00 Serena 25 975.00 Phillie 40 625.00 Martha Thomas 35 700.00 Lidia 35 625.00 Minerva 25 1050.00 Jim 30 1100.00 Wash 30 1075.00 Jack 25 1300.00 John 8 600.00 Moses 45 125.00 Daniel 4 300.00 Betty 5 400.00 Ellen 4 300.00 Francis 6 months 100.00 Jane 6 months 100.00 Kate 4 400.00 Malinda 2 200.00 Anny 4 300.00 Little Horrace 5 425.00 Albert 4 months 100.00 Westley 10 months 150.00 Philip 4 300.00 Neil 4 350.00 Philip Baby 150.00 Lewis 4 250.00 Little Peter 2 200.00 Hiram 2 months 100.00 Patsy 4 300.00 Elizabeth 2 250.00 Randol 2 300.00 Kate 2 250.00 Mary 40 100.00 Ainny 40 725.00 Marth Hiran 30 1000.00 Eliza ____ 0000.00 Gracy 45 600.00 Bil 7 525.00 The state of Mis, Madison Cty. - We, the undersigned do hereby certify that the foregoing schedule of appraisement of the property of the estate of William L. Balfour is true so far as shown to us by the executor of said deceased, - Given under hour hands this 8th day of June AD 1857. William Jordan Dunson, J. Lipscomb, WH Newston, John Shackleford. Additional Comments: **Please see for more information** File at: This file has been created by a form at File size: 8.3 Kb