Gholson Cemetery, Noxubee , MS Submitted by Catherine ****************************************************************** Copyright. All rights reserved. ***************************************************************** The following survey of the Gholson Cemetery was taken on Dec. 29, 2004 by Catherine Williams Cooper. The cemetery grounds have been maintained, but some of the tombstones are broken or lost or damaged by erosion, and many are in need of cleaning. At least one tombstone base was seen in the woods outside the cemetery fence - apparently thrown there. The Gholson Cemetery is located in Township 13N, Range 15E, and Section 35 in Gholson on a dirt road off of Highway 21. Some tombstones in this survey were not included in the 1975 survey done by historian E.Q. Richards and included in the book "Tombstone Inscriptions of Noxubee County, Mississippi" published by the Noxubee County Historical Society in 1975. I have listed the tombstones in the same order as they were included in the above book. There are some minor differences between the present survey and the one included in the 1975 book - such as spellings of names, dates, etc. Where a discrepancy occurred, I re-checked the tombstones to ensure accuracy. I have also included some notes related to individuals resting in this cemetery. Finally, some tombstones included in the 1975 survey could not be located. In addition, a partial survey done by the late Annie Calmes McGraw Thomas of Gholson in the 1950s included some tombstones that could not be located in 2004. I have included these "missing" tombstones at the bottom of this survey. My hope is that these tombstones will be located in the future. * Indicates double tombstone Laura Thompson Combs Wife of J.W. Combs Born Dec. 8, 1875. Died Jan. 6, 1903 Age 27Ys. & 29Ds. John T. Combs Co B 11 Miss Cav CSA Oct 3 1889 [Obituary says he died of cancer.] Mable R. Wife of J.W. Combs Born Sep. 5, 1880 [Tombstone buried in ground. Bottom of tombstone broken. This is Mable Rosser. She married J.W. Combs on Oct. 31, 1882 in Noxubee Co.] *Watkins Jennie Haynes Sept. 8, 1902 Mar. 23, 1973 *Watkins Prince M. Aug. 13, 1895 Nov. 6, 1965 Pearl Hairston Haynes Oct. 8, 1882 May 28, 1965 Asleep in Jesus [Pearl Hairston married Thomas Edward Haynes on Nov. 14, 1901 in Noxubee Co.] Thomas Edward Haynes Jan. 8, 1878 June 23, 1934 Asleep in Jesus Prince M. Watkins Mississippi Sgt Co K 329 Infantry Word War I Aug 13 1893 Nov 6 1965 [Tombstone was under the ground.] Thomas Edward Haynes Jr. Dec. 12, 1907 May 4, 1942 At Home With God *Haynes *Laura Ann Apr. 20, 1854 Mar. 18, 1941 [This is Laura Ann Edwards, daughter of Matt Edwards of Kemper and Noxubee Co. and wife of Henry Greer Haynes. The late Laura Mae Edwards Davenport, daughter of Laura Ann and Henry Greer Haynes had been maintaining the Gholson cemetery until her death in 2004.] *Haynes Henry Greer Jan. 26, 1850 Oct. 24, 1888 [Son of George L. & Elizabeth A. Greer Haynes.] Mary E. Haynes July 7, 1874 Feb. 14, 1938 Asleep in Jesus *Hailey *Annie E. 1881 - 1961 [Annie E. Haynes married J.W. Hailey on Feb. 8, 1899 in Noxubee Co.] *Hailey John W. 1874-1936 Mary E. Wife of Wm. Cook, May 4, 1827 Jan. 21, 1904 Jesus has come and borne thee home, Beyond the [can't read word] blast. Mary E. Wife of G.L. Haynes Jr. May 4, 1854 May 13, 1904 In Thee Oh Lord, Have I Put My Trust [This is Mary Edwards, daughter of Elisha Edwards and Jane (Ann) Neeley of Kemper Co. The tombstone is in an iron fence enclosure with Geo. L. Haynes. Crepe Myrtle trees have pushed the tombstones over.] My Husband Geo. L. Haynes. Born Aug. 9, 1853 Died Oct. 23, 1895 Aged 42 Yrs. 2 Mos. & 14 Dys. [Could not read inscription at bottom of tombstone. Obituary says he died in Meridian.] George L. Haynes Born Jan. 22, 1815, Died Aug. 25, 1896 He has gone to the mansions of rest. E. A. Wife of G. L. Haynes, Born Dec. 31, 1818, Died Apr. 6, 1881. O, if there be a thought within our breast, One pure deep feeling holier than another, One spot in memory dearer than the rest, 'Tis where thy name is treasured O our mother. [This is Elizabeth A. Greer. Her daughter, Jennie M. Haynes, married Dr. John R. Prince.] Our Mother Ann R. Wife of J. E. Burrage, Born Oct. 4, 1843 Died Mar. 29, 1884 O if there be a thought within our breast One pure deep feeling holier than another One spot in memory dearer than the rest 'Tis where thy name is treasured O our mother. [Ann Haynes married John E. Burrage on Jan. 26, 1864 in Noxubee Co. Obituary says she was the daughter of George Haynes. Her sister, Martha "Jennie," married Dr. John R. Prince.] Charles Toal Pvt Co A 19 Miss Inf Confederate States Army 1822 Nov 16 1863 [This is a newer tombstone erected recently by descendents. Descendent Linda Jenkins provided the following data: Charles Toal was born about 1822 in South Carolina to Henry and Polly Wilson Shands Toal. He married Mary Ann Lovorn, daughter of Thomas and Nancy Brown Lovorn, on February 22, 1846 in Winston Co. MS. Charles died in Summerville, Noxubee Co. MS. His children were Charles Jefferson, Henry Robert, Mary Roseann, Martha Ida, Thomas, Joseph Allmarine and Willie Toal. Mary Ann Lovorn Toal died in 1916 in Frost, Navarro Co. TX. She is buried in Prairie Grove Cemetery, Emmett, TX.] Farewell Henry H. Robinson Jan. 15, 1894, Oct. 26, 1918 Pvt. Co. E 329th Inf. U.S.A. Nannie A. Wife of T.W. Peden, Born Jan. 30, 1858, Died Sept. 1, 1890 [Appeared to be an inscription at bottom but is buried in ground. Nannie Cook married T.W. Peden on July 20, 1882 in Noxubee Co.] G. S. Nester March 5, 1853 Aug. 23, 1924 He is not dead, but sleepeth. M. E. Nester Dec. 10, 1858 Oct. 25, 1905 A tender mother and a faithful friend [Martha Emmeline Rawls. Marriage license issued to her and G.S. Neester on Oct. 17, 1873 in Noxubee Co.] W. E. Nester 1883 Jan 8, 1900 Asleep in Jesus blessed sleep from which none ever wake we weep Mattie T. Nester Oct. 1, 1874 Jan. 7, 1965 Gone But Not Forgotten [Mattie Thornell married J.C. Nester on Jan. 12, 1898 in Noxubee Co.] J.C. Nester Dec. 12, 1875 Aug. 22, 1941 Gone But Not Forgotten Mrs. Sarah A. Floore Sept 14, 1855 Nov 19, 1931 Tender Mother And A Faithful Friend [Tombstone is broken on right side.] My Husband B.E. Flora, Born In 1820, Died Oct. 25, 1895 [Can't read inscription at bottom.] Amanda Wife of B.E. Flora Born Oct. 12, 1825, Died Mar. 12, 1885. She was a kind and affectionate wife a fond mother, and friend to all. [Amanda Daniel married Benjamin E. Flora on Jan. 9, 1846 in Noxubee Co.] Sacred to the memory of Mary Josephine Flora born July 26th 1853, died July 29th, 1867. Our Little Son Born Oct. 24, 1889. Died Dec. 9, 1889. My Mother S.A. Nester, Born Aug. 18, 1816, Died Feb. 1, 1896. Mother thou art now at home Mona anar[_]s fair above But yet below the child [can't read] room Till summond by His love. Oliver A Edwards Died Oct. 5, 1865, Aged 6 Yrs, [_] Ms. 3 Ds. Infant Son of C.B. & W.J. Dorroh Died Nov. 19, 1883. Bessie N. Wilson June 3, 1898 Aug. 12, 1975 Thomas C. Floore Oct. 29, 1887 Oct. 8, 1942 May he rest in peace Father Thomas Clinton Floore, Jr. Jan. 1, 1909 Feb. 22, 1974 May he rest in peace Mother Jackie Shepherd Floore Aug. 12, 1891 Nov. 12, 1981 Asleep in Jesus Father J. Nunn Died Aug. 7, 1873, Aged 76 Yrs. 7 ms. 7 ds. [Inscription at bottom - could not read. In fenced enclosure with Jane Nunn.] Sacred to the Memory Mrs. Jane Nunn, Born May 9, 1801, Died Nov. 7, 1874 "Blessed are the pure in heart For they shall see God." [This is a daughter of George Tubb Jr. and Elizabeth Jane Floyd. Jane Tubb married John Nunn on Nov. 11, 1821 in Perry Co., AL.] F. W. Nunn Born Sep. 13, 1841, Died Sep. 13, 1867 A good name is better than precious ointment, and the day of death than the day of one's birth [This is Floyd W. Nunn, son of John and Jane Tubb Nunn. He was a sergeant and lieutenant in the 14th Mississippi Infantry in Co. F. He married Ann Eliza Hudson and was later murdered in a store.] Ann Eliza Wife of F. W. Nunn, Born Sep. 12, 1842 Died June 29, 1865 Then shall the dust return to the earth as it was, and the spirit shall return unto God who gave it. Edwin Pace Born Mch. 22, 1808 [or 1803?], Died Feb. 2, 1890. [Can't read inscription at bottom. This is Edwin Lafayette Pace, a well-known and respected Baptist minister in the area. Obituary says he died after a long illness resulting from a fall.] Mary J. Wife of G.D.C. Reed Born May 5, 1835 Died Feb. 10, 1886 [This is Mary Jane Pace, daughter of Rev. Edwin Pace and Sarah Baldwin. She married George David Caleb Reed on Mar. 6, 1857. He was a son of Caleb Reed and Evelina Darden.] L. Mahala. Daughter of Eld. E. Pace, Born Sept 19, 1839, Died Sept. 30, 1887. Jesus said unto her, I am the resurrection and the life, he that believeth in me though he were dead yet shall he live. - John XI.25 [Daughter of Rev. Edwin Pace. Never married.] Edwin A. Son of E. A. & F. A. Pace, Born June 1, 1875 Died June 8, 1875 God blesses in an early death, but takes the infant to himself. [This is a son of Edwin Augustus Pace and Frances Alice Coolidge.] Alice C. Daughter of E. A. & F. A. Pace. Born Oct. 18, 1871. Died Ap. 19, 1874. Suffer little children to come unto me, For of such is the kingdom of Heaven. [This is a daughter of Edwin Augustus Pace and Frances Alice Coolidge.] Miss E. Eugenie Pace Born May 28, 1844. Died Dec. 19, 1876. Harp strings touched by angel fingers Murmer in my raptured ear Evermore their sweet tone lingers Shall know each other there. [This is a daughter of Rev. Edwin Pace and was called "Dena" or "Denie" by friends. She never married.] Sacred to the memory of Augusta Pace, Born Oct. 18, 1878, Died Aug. 1, 1882. The Lord hath given The Lord hath taken away blessed be the name of the Lord. Alfred Petty 1795 - 1843 Son of James & Kiziah Petty Husband of Mary Tubb [This is a newer tombstone. Alfred Petty married Mary Tubb in 1815 in Franklin Co., TN. She was a daughter of George Tubb Jr. and Elizabeth Jane Floyd.] Fannie Buck Wife of Dr. Jno. R. Prince May 10, 1857 March 30, 1908 As a wife devoted as a mother affectionate as a friend ever kind and true. [Daughter of Joseph Buck. She married John R. Prince on Sept. 6, 1894 in Noxubee Co.] William M. Son of J. R. & Fannie B. Prince, Sept. 14, 1901, June 28, 1905 [This is William Montgomery Prince.] Dr. John R. Prince, Born July 28, 1837, Died June 4, 1910. No pains no griefs no anxious fears, Can reach our loved one sleeping here *Jennie Daughter of J. R. & M. J. Prince Born Nov. 3, 1868. Died Nov. 3, 1868. *Susie Daughter of J. R. & M. J. Prince Born March 7, 1874, Died Oct. 14, 1874. The fairest bud that [can't read] nature know Oft never unfolds but withers ere it [can't read] *Rosser Willie L Dec. 2, 1868 Feb. 3, 1943 [This is Willie Love Thomas, daughter of Daniel Holcomb Thomas and Elizabeth Jane Hunter. She married Wilson G. Rosser on Dec. 19, 1889 in Noxubee Co.] May They Rest In Peace *Rosser Wilson G. Sept. 5, 1861, Jan. 1, 1916 [The following tombstone for Moses Rosser was broken in two. I located the two halves in different locations lying on the cemetery grounds. A third piece containing the birth date is missing. Only the footstone remains in the ground.] Moses Rosser Died Mar. 23, 1888 [Inscription at bottom is nearly eroded.] M. R. [footstone] [The Tombstone Inscriptions book gives his birth date as Dec. 12, 1821. Annie Calmes McGraw Thomas gives his birthdate as Dec. 13, 1821. Moses Rosser was a brother-in-law of Thomas G. Gathright.] Willie A. Son of J. [_]. & N. [_]. Slaughter Born [month gone] 30, 1880 Died Dec. 13, 1881 Sleep [word gone] babe, and [words gone] rest, God called thee home He thought it best. [The Tombstone Inscriptions book gives the initials of the above as J.C. & M.A. However, this tombstone is nearly eroded and could not be read during this survey.] C. C. Slaughter Son of O. P. & N. E. Slaughter, Born Nov 30 1888 Died Nov 11 1891 John C. Carr born June 29th 1829, died October 27th 1857, while a student at the Summerville Institute The Lord gave and the Lord taketh away Blessed by the name of the Lord Katie S. Dau. of. T. S. & S. A. Gathright Born Sept. 8, [can't read year] Died Oct. 4, 1875 [Tombstone is overgrown and difficult to read. The Tombstone Inscription book gives the birth year as 1870.] Sacred to the memory of Susan Rebecca daughter of T. S. and S. A. Gathright born June 3rd , and died Sept. 20th, 1856. "And he laid his hand upon them, And blessed them." [The above two girls were daughters of Thomas S. Gathright and Sophronia Prince, a sister of Dr. John R. Prince.] Mother Susan R. Prince Died January 31 1876 Aged about 66 years [This is Susan R. Jackson who married Richard Prince. They were the parents of Dr. John R. Prince and Sophronia Prince.] *Whittle Dr. James J. Whittle June 22, 1861 Oct. 16, 1921 [Dr. Whittle was a dentist and owned a store in Gholson.] *Mamie E. McGraw Whittle July 7, 1875 Dec. 15, 1958 They Are Not Dead But Sleepeth. [This is Mamie Ella McGraw, daughter of Dewitt Clinton McGraw and Bethenia Elizabeth Yoe. Mamie was postmistress of Gholson. She married Dr. James J. Whittle on June 26, 1919.] Danial Webster Kelly Sept. 15, 1922 Nov. 18, 1923 [Name is written Danial - not Daniel - on tombstone.] Eula Mae Kelly April 22, 1908 July 30, 1932 Susan Elizabeth Kelly Nov. 16, 1849 Aug. 10, 1926 Marion Fletcher Kelly Mar. 12, 1876 Oct. 23, 1940 Lulla Susanna Kelly Sep. 16, 1888 Mar. 17, 1936 [can't read] by J.D. White Family Lula Susanna Kelly Sept. 16, 1888 Mar. 17, 1936 [There are two tombstones for this person in the cemetery.] Edmund Crook, Son of L. E. and Mary Crook, born August 9th, 1840, died March 2nd, 1859, while a student of Summerville Institute aged 18 years 6 months and 24 days. William Harrison Stubbs, Son of T. and J. Stubbs, born July 29th, 1842, died March 8th, 1859, while a student of Summerville Institute, aged 16 years 7 months and 10 days. In memory of Henry M. Axum, Born March 21, 1839, Died March 13, 1859. Aged 19 yrs. 11 mos. & 22 days [Bottom is buried in ground, so there may be an inscription. Per survey of Annie Calmes McGraw, he died while a student at Summerville Institute.] William Hardy Evans, Born May 31, 1860, Died Aug. 4, 1906. How many hopes lie buried here. Evans [Tombstone is broken. Obituary says he was born in Raleigh, MS and was a son of Henry W. Evans and Margaret Elizabeth Hardy. He married Jessie Cook on Dec. 30, 1886 in Noxubee Co.] Sarah A. Evans, Born Sept. 26, 1830, Died Jan. 10, 1905. Blessed are the dead who die in the Lord. [Tombstone is broken with pieces lying on top and leaning against the bottom. Another piece is in nearby ground.] Jehu Reagan Evans Born Jan 25, 1827 Died May 19, 1902 There is rest in heaven [Tombstone is broken with piece lying on the top. Obituary says he had a brother Henry W. Evans, a sister Mrs. William Dorroh, and a sister Mrs. Combs.] Departed this life on the 29th of Nov. 1859, Nancy D. Hall, wife of Jordan Hall, in the 25th year of her age Behold stranger in passing by, As you are now so once was I; As I am now so you must be, Prepare for death and follow me. [This is the only tombstone in the back of the cemetery though it appears there are probably unmarked graves there.] N. D. H. [broken footstone on ground - probably of Nancy D. Hall] Our Baby Cleveland Harold Floore Aug. 24, 1916 Jan. 16, 1918 Daughter Annie Bell Pierce Dec. 31, 1913 May 21, 2004 Rest In Peace M. E. C. [broken footstone? lying on ground. Could this belong to grave of Mary E. Cook?] *Floore Benjamin Cleveland Oct. 9, 1889 May 12, 1934 *Cora S. Nester July 10, 1893 June 8, 1930 The following tombstones could not be located: Pickrell R. Penry Joined the Baptist church in 1833. May 21, 1820 Sept. 5, 1847 [Source: E. Q. Richards survey and Annie Calmes McGraw Thomas survey] John M. Gunnell First husband of Mrs. Gunnell Poteet Died Feb. 3, 1857. Age 24 years [Source: Annie Calmes McGraw Thomas survey. E.Q. Richards noted that the stone was broken in 1975.] Martha Haynes Hudson Wife of Robert J. Born Apr. 4, 1820. Died Sept. 17, 1888. [Source: Annie Calmes McGraw Thomas survey and E.Q. Richards survey. Martha Haynes married Robert Hudson on Jan. 2, 1851 in Noxubee Co.] Robert J. Hudson Born May 24, 1820 Died Sept. 9, 1892 [Source: Annie Calmes McGraw Thomas survey and E.Q. Richards survey. Ms. McGraw also noted that Robert was called "Bob."] William Cook died Jan. 24, 1871 51 yrs. 10 mo. 13 da. [Source: E. Q. Richards survey.] Martha J. Wife of Dr. J. R. Prince Daughter of Geo. L. and Elizabeth Haynes Born July 29, 1846 Died Oct. 3, 1889 [Source: Annie Calmes McGraw Thomas survey and E. Q. Richards survey. Martha "Jennie" Haynes and John R. Prince were married Aug. 26, 1867.] END