Scott County MsArchives Court.....Lowry, Gertrude January 14 1885 ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. ************************************************ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Ronald J. Reid June 12, 2004, 11:06 am Source: Register Of Probate Claims, Scott Co., Ms, Fhl 1987614, Page 491 Written: January 14 1885 Recorded: February 6 1889 Estate of Gertrude Lowry Minor The State of Mississippi In Chancery Court of said County Scott County To the Honorable T.B. Graham Chancellor of the 8th Chancery Court District. Your petitioner Gertrude Lowry of said County and State respectfully represents to your Honor that she is a minor over the age of 14 years of age. That she has a small personal estate consisting of about 850 in money in the hands of J.L. Brown her present guardian. That said J.L. Brown is desirous to surrender his trust as guardian to Mrs. C.J. Lowry. Your petitioner therefore prays your honor to appoint the said Cornelia J. Lowry guardian of her estate and as duty bound your petitioner will ever pray so. Gertrude E. Lowry Sworn to & Subscribed before me this Jany 14th 1885 RTM Simmons Clerk By J.A. Ware DC Petition of C.J. Lowry To the Honrl T.B. Graham Chancellor of the Chancery Court of the County of Scott in the State of Mississippi. The petition of the undersigned C.J. Lowry respectfully represents that G.F. & L.J. Lowry late of said County deceased left surviving these Minor children to wit. Gertrude E. a minor aged 15 years on the 15th day of Dec AD 1884 That said minor is a resident of this County that said minor is entitled as heir at law of said G.F. & L.J. Lowry deceased who died testate to a personal estate estimated at Eight hundred fifty Dollars for heirs share and your petitioner is advised that a legal guardian is necessary for her protection of the interest of said minor therein. That your petitioner is the Aunt by marriage and natural guardian of said minor since the death of said decedents and that said minor has been under the guardianship of J.L. Brown of Madison County had the custody and tuition of said minor and now prays your Honor that letters of guardianship may be granted to her the said C.J. Lowry of the person and estate of said minor according to the statute as said J.L. Brown has rescinded the guardianship and your petitioner as is duly bound will ever pray C.J. Lowry Sworn and subscribed to before me the 14th day of Jany AD 1885 RTM Simmons clerk By J.A. Ware D.C. Order of Court in Vacation In the matter of the guardianship of Gertrude E. Lowry a minor On reading the petition of Gertrude E. Lowry a minor this day filed and it appearing from said petition duly verified that said G.E. Lowry is a minor over the age of fourteen years and that she has selected Mrs Cornelia J. Lowry for her guardian and she said Mrs C.J. Lowry by her petition accepted said Trust and having entered said bond in the sum of nine hundred dollars with W.W. Lowry as her surety conditioned according to law and taken the oath prescribed by Stature which bond is appended said Letters of Guardianship are accordingly granted and ordered to be issued and recorded according to Law RTM Simmons clerk By J.A. Ware D.C. For Bond & Listers See Gdin Bond Book P 42 First Annual Account of CJ Lowry Guardian Mrs. CJ Lowry Guardian In afsc cash Gertrude Lowry Minor 1885 Feb 5 To cash from J.L. Brown former Gdn 790.22 Feb 6 To cash from J.L. Brown former Gdn 6.81 Dec 1st 86 Int in 797.03 from July 6th 1885 to Dec 6th 1886 @ 10% 146.11 943.04 Vouch Sept 9. By cash traveling ex to Blue Mountain(see footnote) $15.00 1 Nov 22 By ____ & ______ Board & Tuition Bill 67.85 2 Dec 6 By WW Lowry Vouch 113.86 3 Dec 6 By WW Lowry for 19 ??? Board 95.00 4 ????? Feby 5th 1885 to Sept 9th 1886 $291.71 by estate being amt in excess of income 144.60 $146.11 Bal. Due Ward 797.03 93.14 Bal due Ward $93.14 Sworn to subscribed before me Respectfully submitted This 9th day of December AD1886 CJ Lowry RTM Simmons clerk Order of Court In the matter of the estate of Gertrude Lowry. CJ Lowry guardian This cause coming on to be heard on motion of said Guardian for audition and allowance of the first account of the Guardianship and it appearing to the satisfaction of the court that the same is in all things correct & all the charges therein contained for which allowance is claimed and supported by proper & legal vouchers It is therefore ordered that said account is exhibiting a balance due said Ward of seven hundred and ninety seven & 03/100 Dollars bew & is hereby allowed & ordered to be recorded. And it is further ordered that said guardian be & is hereby authorized to expend annually the sum of two hundred fifty dollars for the maintainance support & education of the said Ward. Ordered adjudged and recorded this 9th day of December AD1886 TB Graham Chancellor C.J. Lowry Guardian 2nd Annual a/c with Gertrude Lowry minor 1886 Decr 9 To Balance 1st anu a/c recorded 797.03 To Int – 2 years & 2 Mos 172.68 1887 June 17 To ?? Lawrence Lowry Estate 237.55 To Int on same to 4th Febry 1889, 1 year 71/2 Mos 38.60 1,245.86 1886 Dec 6By Expenses at College voucher #5 42.00 By Int to 4th Feby 1889 – 2 years & 2 mos 9.10 1887 By Expenses at College Voucher #6 56.40 By Int to 4th Feby 1889. 2 years 11.28 1887 April 15 By Expenses at College Voucher #7 64.80 By Int to 4th Feby 1889 1 yr 9 ˝ mos 11.61 1888 Oct 5/88 ByExpenses at School Voucher #8 100.00 By Int to 4th Febry 1889 4 mos 3.33 1889 Feby 4 By Expenses at College Voucher #9 176.55 1889 Feby 4 WW Lowrys a/c Voucher #10 143.21 1889 Feby 4 By Int as stated on a/c 16.70 $634.98 1889 Feby 6 Balance down due Ward 610.88 1889 Feby 6 To Balance down due Ward $610.88 Sworn to & subscribed Febry 6th 1889 C.J. Lowry Guardian N.T. Liles Clk J.A. Ware D.C. Order of Court In the matter of the Guardianship, Of Trudy Lowry. C.J. Lowry Guardn The 2nd annual account of C.J. Lowry guardian of said Trudy Lowry being presented to the court for allowance the Court after examining the same being satisfied that said account is correct, and that all the charges therein is supported by proper vouchers, It is ordered that said account exhibiting a balance due said Ward of 610.88 be allowed and recorded. T.B. Graham Chancellor Additional Comments: Footnote: Blue Mountain refers to Blue Mountain College founded in 1873 by Brigadier General Mark Perrin Lowrey. (no relation that we know of) Blue Mountain College is located in Northeast Mississippi on Highway 15 approximately 35 miles from Tupelo and 69 miles from Memphis, Tennessee. The college is located in a small village, which bears the same name--Blue Mountain. It was founded as a women’s college and remained so until approximately 1968. This file has been created by a form at File size: 7.6 Kb