In The Land of Chinook, The Story of Blaine County USGENWEB NOTICE: These electronic pages may NOT be reproduced in any format for profit or presentation by any other organization or persons. Persons or organizations desiring to use this material, must obtain the written consent of the contributor, or the legal representative of the submitter, and contact the listed USGenWeb archivist with proof of this consent. Files may be printed or copied for personal use only. "List transcribed and organized by Tom Graham, All rights reserved." Copyright, 1997 by Tom Graham. This file may be freely copied for non-profit purposes. All other rights reserved. "In The Land of Chinook, The Story of Blaine County". by A. J. Noyes. Tom Graham -------------------- 1ľAiken, Gene Aldrich, Frank Allison, A. M. Anderson, Bill Anderson, Reese Anderson, Herbert Angstman, Jesse Arnoux, J. M. Armstrong, Adam Armstrong, R. A. Arnett, Frank Ashby, Col. Shirley Baird, Capt. Baird Ballou Bartzen Barton, Chas. H. Barrows, George Bean, Jaek Bent, Col. Bent, William Beilenberg, John Beilenberg, Nick Bevins, Bill Blackstone, Donald L. Blivens, Taylor Bogy, Louis V. Bogy, Tom Boll, Father Bosley, Preston M. Bostwick Bourne, George Bower, Bertha M. Boyle, Frank Boyd, George Brampar, Louie Brewster, Horace Brewer, James Brewer, Rev. Brisban, Major Brisbeau Broadwater, Ed Brockway, Fred Brown, Charles Brown, Jack Bryan, W. J. Buchanan, Buck Buckley, Mike Buckley, Phil. Burns, T. C. Butler, Vernon. Cabler, John Campbell, Prof. Campbell, Tom Campbell, Jim Canby, General Carter, Captain Carver, Steven Cecil, Al Chapman, Arthur Chrisler, Rev. Clark and Daly Clendenning, Geo. Coburn, Robert Coburn, Bob Coburn, Wallace Cochran, John Cochran, Billy Collins, John Conklin, Charlie Conrad, Chas. C. Cowan, Geo. Cowan, Minn. Cowan, Scott Cowan, Arthur Cooper, Housen Cooper, Nancy Crain, Tom Crawford, Toney Crawford, Henry Culbertson, Alex, Major Cumm, Lee Curry Boys Curry, Kid Curry, Johnnie and Lonnie Curry, Hank Curtis, Miss Lizzie Darwin Davis, A. J. Day, Rev. Dempsey, Bob Denny, Peter Denton, Drew Devine, Richard De Smet, Father De Yon, Joe Dillon, John Dinier, Father Dolman, Henry A. Dorrity, Mrs. James Dowen, Thos. Dryden, Charlie Duke, William Dutch Louie Duncan, Willard Du Boise, Judge Dwyer, Jimmie Eberschweiler, Father Eckerson, Lieut. Edwards, Sen. John Ekergren, Ernest Ellis, Lon. Emery, Bill Ereaux, "Curley" Eulalia, Sister English, Lieut. Everett, Thomas M. Everett, J. M. Featherly, Senator Fenton, Agent Field, Major Flannigan, Jerry Flynn, Tommy Foley, Mat Forgy, John Fox, James E. French, Walter Gamble, "Si" Gelder, Mrs. Gibbon, General . Gibson, Paris Glick, Dr. Gill Giorda, Father Goff, Cortez Gorsuch, Bob Grant, John Grant, Jesse R. Grinell Grounds, Frank Haddow Haley, Tom Hale, Captain Hamilton, Bill Hammer, A. W. Hanson, Chas. A. Hardrick, John Harlan Hart, Bill . Hatch, Mr. Healey, Col. Herendeen, Geo. Hill, J. J. Holmes Hoover, Jake Hopkins, Dr. Chas. F. Houston, Samuel Howard, General Hubble Lewis Huidekoper Jardine, William Jerome, Lieut. Jew Jake Johnson, Albert S. Johnson, Liver Eating, Johnson, William Jones, Dick Jones, Bill Jones J. Dwight, Joseph, Chief Josephine, Sister Kaufman, Louie Keiser, Henry Kelsey Kemp, Charlie Kendrick, J. B. Kennedy, E. M. Kennedy, J, M. Kenyon, Dan'l. Kester, W. C Keyes, Chris Kinney Kingsbury Kosciusco, Dr. Kuhr, Jurgan Larpenture Landon, Frank Landusky, Pike Leader, Jake O. Leavenworth, Col. Lee, John Lehfeldt, Julius , Lepley, John Letcher Lewis, Johnnie T. Lewis and Clark Lincoln Major Lincoln, Mrs. W. L.., Linfield, Prof, Linderman, Frank Lomire and Lee, Lohman, A. S. Logan, Major Logan, Geo. Logan, Capt. Louis "Dutch" Lowery, K. Maginnis, Martin Hon. Main, Bob Mallison, Al Maloney, Chris Maney Manning, Mrs. John Marlow, Tom Marsh, F. M. Martin, J. A, Martin, Bill Matherson, Martha Matt, Cyprenne Matt. Alex Meadors, Senator Meldrum Merchant, Fred Meyers, Louis (Dutch Louis) Middleton, A G. Miles, General Mills, Rev. Jacob Miller, Adam Miller, Wallis Miller, Col. Mills, Jacob Minugh, "Daddy" Montgomery Montgomery, William Moody, Dr Morehouse, John Mosser, Joseph Murphy, Spud McCone, Senator McCommick McDonald, Henry McFarland, Tony McGinnis, D.R. McGregor McKinzie, William McNamara McQuirk, William Murphy, "Spud" Neibaur, Isaac Nelson, Ole Nelson; Prof. Nevins, O. B. Newton, Henry Nicholson. I. Nicholson, Murray Norris, G. R. Norris Edwin L. Norton, Harry Noyes, A.J. Noyes Raymond . Oker, Joseph Olson, B. G. Orman, Robert Owens. Frank O'Hanlon Tom O'Neal, Frank O'Neal, Mrs. Frank Paxon, Ed Pease, Major Pease. Dave Pepin Simon Pepperberg Perkins, Jeff Perret, R.D. Phelps, Jesse Phillips, B. D. Picket, Col Playmondin, Henry Point, Father Potts, Gov. Potter. Capt. Power, T. C. Price, Ed Price, Kid Rainbolt Bros. Ranceler, John Randall, Steve Rash, Harry Rawn, Capt. Ray, Thos. Raymond Reavis, Old Man. Reed Bill Reed, Chub Reed Resor, A. H. Rhoades, Jay Richardson Rideout Riegel, H.D. Riel, Louis Roberts, I. N. Robertson, John Roberts, Ben. Rodgers, Allen Rosenbanm Bros. Rnssell, C. M. Russell Tom Russell Mrs. C. M. Saddller. Jack Sands, W. R.. Sands, W. B. Sanders. Col. Sayer, Frank Scott. I,ee Seiben, Henry Self, Lee Shambow, Lonie Shankland. Sam Shelby, Nigger Shambow, Louie Short, Miss A. L. Shultz, Al Sinclair Sitting Bull Skillen. Bill Smith, John R. Smith, Chas. A. Smith, Frank Smith, Billy Snell. James H. Snyder. Captain Solomon, Moses Spencer. Dr. W. B. Sprinkle Bros Stam, J.W. Stadler & Kaufman Steadman, Clois Stevens, Judge Story, Nels Stringfellow, Rev. Stuart. Bob Stuart, Granville Sullivan, Sarah Sweeney Tabor, Steve Taylor, L. B. Thompson Rev. Peter Thomas, Jobn 'I'hompson, John Thornhill, Jim Titus, N, C. Toomey, Joe Treacy, Dr. Trumble Turner, Henry C. Twete, Hans Umstet Van Orsdel, W.W.