W.P. Beachly History of Montana, 1898 US Genweb Montana Archives W.P. Beachly, County Auditor of Cascade County Montana and a resident of Great Falls, is a native of Somerset County Pennsylvania, born March 18, 1849. Mr. Beachly is descended from the Germans on his father's side, while his mother's people were English. The Beachlys settled in Pennsylvania about the year 1694. They acquired lands in Somerset County and in that county several generations of the family were born and died, their lives being passed as industrious and honest farmers. Our subject's grandfather, Jacob K. Beachly was born in 1795 and his father Peter Beachly was born March 3, 1824. The latter was married in 1848 to Miss Phebe Cover, daughter of J.P. Cover her birth having occurred in the same county in 1828. Her mother was a Putman, a descendant of the famous General Putman. After their marriage, Peter Beachly and his wife settled down at the old Beachly homestead where they still reside he being now seventy and she sixty-six years. USGenWeb Project NOTICE: In keeping with our policy of providing free information on the internet, data may be used by non-commercial entities, as long as this message remains on all copied material. These electronic pages may not be reproduced in any format forprofit, nor for commercial presentation by any other organization. Persons or organizations desiring to use this material for purposes other than as stated above, must obtain express writtenpermission from the author, or the submitter and from the listed USGenWeb Project archivist. W.P. Beachly was reared on his father's farm, receiving his early education in the public schools. When he was eighteen he began teaching in the winter and attending normal school in the summer and was thus occupied until the spring of 1870. He then removed to Iowa. There he improved a farm and spent two winters in teaching school. Returning east, he next turned his attention to the lumber business, being a partner with others, and in 1873, owing to the failure of other parties, he met with business reverses. Then he began farming again, later was employed as clerk in a store for two years, and about 1880 removed to Johnstown, where for some time he was connected with the steel works of that place, first as a common laborer and later as foreman in charge of a crew of men. In the spring of 1882 we find him in Pueblo Colorado where he was also employed as foreman in steel works. In July 1884, Mr. Beachly came to Great Falls and joined his brother Silas in opening a stationery store. Paris Gibson was at that time postmaster-the first postmaster of the town-and he employed Mr. Beachly as his deputy. He and his brother continued in partnership for three years at the end of which the latter retired. Our subject conducted the business alone for two years longer and then took in as a partner, Mr. C.F. Fullerton, to whom in 1890 he sold out his interest. In 1890 Mr. Beachly accepted the position of Under Sheriff of the county. He served for two years and for a short time was Deputy Assessor. Mr. Beachly has been twice married. His first wife, whom he wedded in 1874, and whose maiden name was Kate Gumbert was a native of his own county. Her untimely death occurred two years after their marriage leaving a son, Orren. In 1880 he married Miss Kate C. Salter, also a native of Somerset County, Pennsylvania.