J.F. McClelland History of Montana,by Joaquin Miller, 1894 May be copied for non-profit purposes.USGENWEB Montana Archives J.F. McClelland, County Treasurer of Cascade County, Montana was born in Canton Pennsylvania, November 15, 1858,and is a descendant of Scotch ancestors. His great-grandfather, John McClelland, emigrated to America prior to the Revolution, espoused the cause of the Colonies and fought in the war for independence. He lived to be eighty years of age. His wife's maiden name was Anna Maria Weller. Their son, Frederick, served through the Mexican War.He married a Miss Car, daughter of James Carr, a native of New Hampshire and a Major in the Revolution. Their son,Reuben W., the father of our subject, was born in Orange County, New York, October 14, 1830. He was married to Catherine Santee, a native of Pennsylvania and ten days his junior. She died in 1873, in the forty-third year of her age, leaving three children, all of whom are still living, J.F. being the oldest. Reuben W. McClelland died July 26, 1894 at Canton, Pennsylvania where early in life he was engaged in farming, later turning his attention to the lumber business.J.F. McClelland received a public school and academic education in his native town. He was then engaged in merchandising at Williamsport, later was in the hotel business at Altoona, Pennsylvania and in 1882 he came West with the Northern Pacific Railroad Company to Forsyth, where he was superintendent of one of the company'sdining cars. We next find him in Portland, Oregon, employed as manager of the Merchant's Hotel. He remained thereone year. In 1887 when the Park Hotel was opened at Great Falls, he came hither to take charge of it. A year later he turned his attention to the real estate and insurance business and while doing a successful business in that line, in the fall of 1889, he was elected on the Republican ticket to the office of County Treasurer.Here he has rendered the highest degree of satisfaction and he is now (1894) serving on his second term.Mr. McClelland was married February 13, 1882 to Miss Ann Espenlaub, a native of Altoona Pennsylvania and a daughterof John Espenlaub, who came to this country from Germany. Mr. and Mrs. McClennand have two children, Ed. W.and Bretta M. USGenWeb Project NOTICE: In keeping with our policy of providing free information on the internet, data may be used by non-commercial entities, as long as this message remains on all copied material. These electronic pages may not be reproduced in any format forprofit, nor for commercial presentation by any other organization. Persons or organizations desiring to use this material for purposes other than as stated above, must obtain express writtenpermission from the author, or the submitter and from the listed USGenWeb Project archivist.