Cascade County MT Archives History .....History Of The Cascade Bank 1900 ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. ************************************************ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Joy Fisher July 16, 2022, 1:08 am THE CASCADE BANK, of Great Falls, Mont., was established April 24, 1889, incorporated under the laws of Montana, and among its corporators were: S. E. Atkinson, Peter Larson, Jacob Switzer, Judge William Chumesaro, John J. Ellis and F. P. Atkinson. The original capital stock was $40,000, since increased to $75,000. The first officers were S. E. Atkinson, president; F. P. Atkinson, cashier; W. W. Miller, assistant cashier; Jacob Switzer, vice-president. Up to the present time these officers have been continued and, with the exception of Vice-President Switzer, they are now successfully operating the bank. In number of years of continuous business the Cascade Bank is today the oldest banking institution in Cascade county. It was one of the few banks of Montana that successfully weathered the disastrous financial storm of 1893 and 1894. The resources of the bank on January 1, 1900, were as follows: RESOURCES. Loans and discounts, $294,368.79; furniture and fixtures, $2,348.55; real estate, $6,033,18; county and city warrants, $30,027.58. Reserve — U. S. Bonds, $112,866.25; from other banks, $69,277.99; cash in vault, $53,142.65. Total, $568,064.99. LIABILITIES. Capital stock, $75,000.00; surplus, $15,000.00; undivided profits, less taxes and expenses, $9,364.33; demand deposits, $363,590.62; time deposits, $105,110.04. Total, $568,064.99. The unqualified success of the Cascade Bank has been in the main largely due to the careful and judicious management of its officers. Each of them is thoroughly versed in his business and each of their financial careers has been such as to gain the confidence, not only of the local community but of the business men throughout the state. Since 1878 S. E. Atkinson, president of the bank, has been identified with Montana banking institutions. He was born in the town of Carrollton, Ohio, on November 17, 1848, and traces his ancestors in this country back to Stephen Atkinson, an Englishman, who emigrated to the colonies before the Revolution, and was a manufacturer of woolen goods in Maryland. His son, Isaac Atkinson, removed to Pennsylvania and thence to Ohio, where he was a pioneer settler of Carroll county. He too was a manufacturer of woolen goods and served one term in the Ohio legislature. Isaac’s son, Robert J. Atkinson, was born in western Pennsylvania. lie became a prominent member of the Ohio bar, and served as third auditor of the U. S. treasury under the administration of Presidents Pierce, Buchanan and Lincoln. He married Miss Matilda Jackson, who bore him three sons and three daughters, all now living. His son, S. E. Atkinson, received his education in Ohio and at Columbian College, Washington, D. C., from which he was graduated in June, 1871. The same year he entered a law school, but the death of his father prevented him from completing the course of study and the following six years he was employed as assistant secretary of the Jefferson Fire Insurance Co., of Steubenville, Ohio. In 1878, on receipt of a telegram from his uncle, Gov. B. F. Potts (further mention of whom will be found in this volume), he came to Helena, Mont., and accepted a position in the old First National Bank of that city. Here he remained five years and upon the organization of the Montana National Bank of Helena he became its assistant cashier and for eight years ably discharged the duties of that position. In company with his brother, F. P. Atkinson, he came to Great Falls in 1889. The organization of the Cascade Bank soon followed, of which he was chosen president and he is still serving in that capacity. He continued his residence in Helena, however, until 1891. Since that period he has been a citizen of Great Falls and was honored by Gov. J. K. Toole, who appointed him quartermaster general on his staff in May, 1901. Mr. F. P. Atkinson, cashier of the Cascade Bank, is one of the best known banking men in Montana. Like his brother, he is a native of Ohio, born at Carrollton, on July 24, 1855. He completed his education at Columbian College, Washington, D. C., then passed some years in the oil regions of western Pennsylvania, operating in that section until 1887 when he came to Great Falls and took a position in the First National Bank and later became assistant cashier for two years. Since that period be has been with the Cascade Bank. Both of the brothers Atkinson are interested in sheep and mining in Cascade and adjoining counties, also in real estate in Great Falls. Their business operations have brought them in contact with many leading men of Montana and by all who know them they are highly esteemed and deservedly honored. Extracted from: PROGRESSIVE MEN OF THE STATE OF MONTANA. Chicago: A. W. BOWEN & CO., (about 1900) File at: This file has been created by a form at File size: 5.2 Kb