Cascade County MT Archives History .....History Of The Royal Milling Company 1900 ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. ************************************************ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Joy Fisher July 16, 2022, 2:24 am THE ROYAL MILLING COMPANY of Great Falls has the largest flouring plant in the state. It was organized in 1892 with a capital stock of $100,000. The president is James A. Bell, of Minneapolis, Minn.; vice-president, William H. Dunwoody; secretary and treasurer, Charles J. Martin, of Minneapolis. The general manager of this extensive plant is William M. Atkinson, also of Minneapolis. In 1892 the mill was erected with a capacity of 300 barrels, which has since been increased to 400. In the manufacture of flour they use Montana and Dakota wheat, the product finding a ready sale in Montana, Washington and California. Mr. Atkinson is a native of Chicago, Ill. He was, however, reared and educated in Minneapolis. In 1882 he entered the employment of the Washburn-Crosby Milling Company as office boy. Thence he followed, step by step, along the line of steady promotion, until he arrived at the position of head salesman in 1892. He was then advanced to his present position of general manager of the Royal Milling Company. This company now employs fifteen men. It is erecting a two-story warehouse and with its collateral equipments the institution embraces an altogether superior plant, and the mill now supplies all the home trade. The company belongs to the National Millers’ Association, and has branch warehouses at Butte, Helena and Anaconda, anti a large elevator and mill at Kalispell. The establishment is supplied with all modern improvements, rollers, bolters, etc. Tt can be pronounced one of the most successful business enterprises in Montana, and it is entirely just to say that this is owing very largely to the superior ability and sagacious business methods of Mr. Atkinson. Extracted from: PROGRESSIVE MEN OF THE STATE OF MONTANA. Chicago: A. W. BOWEN & CO., (about 1900) File at: This file has been created by a form at File size: 2.4 Kb