Thomas P. Cullen History of Montana,by Joaquin Miller, 1894 USGENWEB NOTICE: These electronic pages may NOT be reproduced in any format for profit or presentation by any other organization or persons. Persons or organizations desiring to use this material must obtain written consent of the archivist or submitter. In the success of this man we have an illustration of what a young man can accomplish in a few years, who has confidence, capacity and preserving pluck. He was born in Highland Wisconsin, in 1864 a son of James and Marguerite (Ford) Cullen. He received a common school education. When eighteen years of age he entered the employ of the Union Pacific Railroad Company as brakeman and worked his way up to the position of conductor of a passenger train now on the Yellowstone division. His general capacity, geniality, and sociability won him many friends. His popularity was demonstrated in the fall of 1892 when he was elected to represent Dawson county on the State of Montana. He bears his honors well and has a bright future before him. He was married in 1887 to Josephine Myer, daughter of Joseph and Josephine Myer of Montana. They have three children: two sons and one daughter: Roy J., Thomas P., Jr and Ruth. He has a beautiful residence and all the necessary surroundings to make life enjoyable.