STELLA MYERS, Obituary, Fergus Co., MT USGENWEB NOTICE: These electronic pages may NOT be reproduced in any format for profit or presentation by any other organization or persons. Persons or organizations desiring to use this material, must obtain the written consent of the contributor, or the legal representative of the submitter, and contact the listed USGenWeb archivist with proof of this consent. Files may be printed or copied for personal use only. "List transcribed and organized by Betty (Phillips) Distad, All rights reserved." Copyright, 1998 by Betty (Phillips) Distad. This file may be freely copied for non-profit purposes. All other rights reserved. Lewistown paper 2-18-1976 Funeral Mass held for Stella Myers The Rosary and Mass of the Resurrection for Mrs. Stella Myers, 88, of Roy and Lewistown, was held this morning at it. Leo’s Catholic Church with Father Martin Fisher as celebrant. Cherelee Martin was the soloist and Joyce Streber, the organist. Pallbearers were Nick Spiroff, Roy Coulter. Milton Kalina. Monty Lund. Dick Distad and Jim Horyna Named as honorary pallbearers were Ray Distad, Vern Puckett and Harold Bauman. Burial was in Calvary Cemetery. The Creel-Morrison-Retz Funeral Home was in charge of arrangements. Mrs. Myers died Sunday afternoon at the family home 12 miles east of Roy She had returned there to live recently, after Living in Lewistown since 1964 She was born Sept, 30, 1887, at Murdock. MI. the daughter of Mr. and Mrs Ed McGinnis. She received her elementary education at Murdock, attended St. Cloud Normal School and was graduated from the University of Minnesota. She taught school for ten years in Minnesota before moving to Ray in 1916, where she filed on a homestead. She taught school in Roy, Moore and Hobson for 32 years. She also taught music for many years. She retired in 1964 and moved into Lewistown. On Sept 4, 1917, she was married to Michael E Myers in Lewistown. Mrs Myers was a member of the Sacred Heart Parish, Sacred Heart Altar Society, St. Leo's Altar Society, Lady of Fatima Guild, Legion of Mary, Catholic Daughters, American Legion Auxiliary and the National Retired Teachers Association Survivors include the widower ,of Lewistown; a son, Don Myers. Roy; a sister, Mrs Mary Houghten. Minneapolis. MI: eight grandchildren and four great-grandchildren.