WORLD WAR I DRAFT REGISTRATIONS LAKE COUNTY (FORMER FLATHEAD COUNTY) "R" SURNAMES Extracted and contributed for use on the USGenWeb Project's MT Archives site by: Cheryl Meyer, . USGENWEB NOTICE: These electronic pages may NOT be reproduced in any format for profit or presentation by any other organization or persons. Persons or organizations desiring to use this material, must obtain the written consent of the contributor, or the legal representative of the submitter. Please remember, mistakes can occur so check the records yourself. This file may be freely copied for non-profit purposes. All other rights reserved. Copyright 1998 by Cheryl Meyer. --KEY TO DATA: June 5, 1917, Registration: 1. Name & Age; 2. Home Address; 3. Date of Birth; 4. U.S. Citizenship; 5. Place of Birth; 6. Country of Citizenship (if Alien); 7. Occupation; 8. Employer & Place of Employment; 9. Dependents; 10. Marital Status & Race; 11. Prior Military Service; 12. Grounds for Exemption from Military Service; 13. Height & Build; 14. Color of Eyes & Hair & if Bald; 15. Physical Disqualifications; 16. Date of Registration. June 5, 1918, Registration & Aug. 24, 1918, Supplemental Registration: 1. Name & Age; 2. Home Address; 3. Date of Birth; 4. Place of Birth; 5. U.S. Citizenship Status; 6. Country of Citizenship (if Alien); 7. Father's Place of Birth; 8. Employer & Place of Employment; 9. Nearest Relative, Name & Address of; 10. Race; 11. Height & Build; 12. Color of Eyes & Hair; 13. Physical Disqualifications; 14. Date of Registration. Sept. 12, 1918, Registration: 1. Name; 2. Home Address; 3. Age; 4. Date of Birth; 5.-7. Race (5. White, 6. Negro, 7. Oriental); 8.-9. Indian Citizenship Status (8. Citizen, 9. Noncitizen); 10.-12. U.S. Citizenship (10. Native Born, 11. Naturalized Citizen, 12. Citizen by Father's Naturalization Before Registrant's Majority); 13.-14. Aliens, Status of (13. Declared, 14. Nondeclared); 15. Foreign Citizenship; 16. Occupation; 17. Employer; 18. Place of Employment; 19.-20. Nearest Relative (19. Name, 20. Address); 21.-23. Height (21. Tall, 22. Medium, 23. Short); 24.-26. Build (24. Slender, 25. Medium, 26. Stout); 27. Color of Eyes; 28. Color of Hair; 29. Physical Disqualifications; 30. Date of Registration. HOW TO USE INFORMATION: 1. Go to last item in each record (#14, #16 or #30, depending on form) and note the date of registration. 2. Go to KEY above and find that date of registration to decipher information listed for that individual. REGISTRANTS: "R" SURNAMES - 38 POSTED Rainboth, Guy Eugene - 22 yrs.; 2. D & 4th St., Polson; 3. 6 Aug 1894; 4. natural- born citizen; 5. Norwood, NY; 6. citizen; 7. laborer; 8. Ralph Wheaton, Polson; 9. no; 10. single, Caucasian; 11. none; 12. no; 13. tall, slender; 14. blue, light, no; 15. no; 16. June 5, 1917. Rakeman, Christian Arettus; 2. Polson; 3. 19 yrs.; 4. 19 Feb 1899; 5. white; 10. native-born citizen; 16. surveyman; 17. United States Reclamation Service; 18. Flathead Camp, Flathead Co., MT; 19. Elizabeth Jane Rakeman; 20. Polson; 23. short; 25. medium; 27. brown; 28. black; 29. no; 30. Sept. 12, 1918. Rakeman, Henry Edward; 2. Polson; 3. 18 yrs.; 4. 7 May 1900; 5. white; 10. native-born citizen; 16. drug clerk & student; 17. Polson Drug Co.; 18. Polson; 19. Elizabeth J. Rakeman; 20. Polson; 22. medium; 25. medium; 27. brown; 28. dark brown; 29. no; 30. Sept. 12, 1918. Rakeman, Henry Edward, Sr.; 2. Polson; 3. 42 yrs.; 4. 17 Aug 1876; 5. white; 10. native-born citizen; 16. jeweler; 17. self; 18. Polson; 19. Elizabeth J. Rakeman; 20. Polson; 22. medium; 24. slender; 27. brown; 28. dark; 30. Sept. 12, 1918. (Erroneously photographed on microfilm with "A" registrants as "Aakeman.") Rambaud, Marcel - 23 yrs.; 2. C & Third St., Polson; 3. 24 July 1893; 4. naturalized citizen; 5. Marselles, Rone, France; 6. citizen; 7. taylor; 8. myself, Polson; 9. wife, dependent upon me; 10. married, Caucasian; 11. no; 12. yes, under weight; 13. medium, slender; 14. brown, brown, no; 15. no; 16. June 5, 1917. Ramsey, John Willis, M.D. - 29; 2. Dayton; 3. 11 Jul 1887; 4. natural-born citizen; 5. St. Louis, MO; 7. physician & surgeon; 8. self; 9. wife & 2 children under twelve; 10. married, Caucasian; 12. no; 13. medium, stout; 14. dark brown, dark brown, no; 15. no; 16. June 5, 1917. Ramze, John - 24 yrs.; 2. Polson; 3. 15 Jul 1892; 4. alien; 5. Krosenberg Movttlinge(?); 6. Montenegro; 7. labor, USRS (U. S. Reclamation Service); 8. USRS, Polson; 9. none; 10. single, Caucasian; 11. none; 12. poor leg (?) & eyes; 13. short, medium; 14. black, brown, no; 15. no, "too ignorant to understand;" 16. June 5, 1917. Rane Face, Pemo - 30 yrs.; 2. Polson; 3. 15 Nov 1887; 4. natural-born citizen; 5. Polson; 7. none; 9. no; 10. single, Caucasian; 11. none; 13. medium, slender; 14. blue, black, no; 15. no; 16. June 5, 1917. Rawlinson, Edward Joseph; 2. Proctor; 3. 36 yrs.; 4. 31 Aug 1882; 5. white; 13. alien, declared; 15. Lancashire, England; 16. farming; 17. myself; 18. farm, near Proctor; 19. Mrs. Mary Rawlinson; 20. Proctor; 21. tall; 24. slender; 27. blue; 28. dark; 30. Sept. 12, 1918. Redd, Homer Milton - 30 yrs.; 2. B St., Polson; 3. 23 Mar 1887; 4. natural-born citizen; 5. Fairfield, IL; 6. citizen; 7. teamster; 8. Dewey Lumber Co., Polson; 9. wife & 1 child; 10. married, Caucasian; 11. no; 12. yes, wife & child to support; 13. tall, slender; 14. blue, brown, no; 15. no; 16. June 5, 1917. Redd, William E.; 2. RFD 1, Polson; 3. 45 yrs. 4. 12 Mar 1873; 5. white; 10. native- born citizen; 16. farmer; 17. myself; 18. RFD 1, Polson; 19. Mrs. Solomon Redd; 20. E. St., Polson; 22. medium; 24. slender; 27. gray; 28. dark brown; 30. Sept. 12, 1918. Redeker, Raymond Charles; 2. Polson; 3. 32 yrs.; 4. 3 Mar 1886; 5. white; 10. native-born citizen; 16. lumberman; 17. Spaberg(?) Foster Lumber Co.; 18. Polson; 19. Flossie E. Redeker; 20. Polson; 22. medium; 25. medium; 27. gray; 28. brown; 29. no; 30. Sept. 12, 1918. Reed, Fredick(?) Ursel(?) - 21 yrs.; 2. Polson; 3. 4 Mar 1897; 4. Pueblo, CO; 5. a native of the United States; 7. Hannibal, MO; 8. Foley Brothers & Roberts, Polson; 9. Nora Fairchilds (aunt), 633 - 85th St., Seattle, WA; 10. white; 11. tall, stout; 12. blue, dark brown; 13. no; 14. June 5, 1918. Reed, Thomas Willis; 2. Dayton; 3. 43 yrs.; 4. 4 Jun 1875; 5. white; 10. native- born citizen; 16. farming; 17. myself; 18. farm near Proctor; 19. Mrs. Lilly M. Reed; 20. 171 S. Steorws(?), Spokane, WA; 22. medium; 26. stout; 27. brown; 28. brown; 30. Sept. 12, 1918. Regan, Henry - 25 yrs.; 2. Big Arm; 3. 8 Feb 1892; 4. natural-born citizen; 5. Fargo, ND; 7. farmer laborer; 8. Arthur Larrivee, Precinct #13, Flathead Co.; 9. no; 10. single, Caucasian; 11. none; 12. no; 13. tall, slender; 14. blue, light, no; 15. no; 16. June 5, 1917. Reinertson, Richard Martin; 2. RFD 1, Polson; 3. 45 yrs. 4. 2 Dec 1872; 5. white; 11. naturalized citizen; 16. farmer; 17. myself; 18. RFD 1, Polson; 18. Mrs. Mary M. Reinertson; 20. RFD 1, Polson; 22. medium; 25. medium; 27. dark blue; 28. light brown; 30. Sept. 12, 1918. Reksten, Gjert; 2. Seines; 3. 34 yrs.; 4. 14 Aug 1884; 5. white; 11. naturalized citizen; 16. farmer; 17. myself; 18. Seines; 19. Hilda Reksten; 20. Seines; 22. medium; 25. medium; 27. gray; 28. dark brown; 30. Sept. 12, 1918. Reynolds, William Palmer; 2. RFD 1, Polson; 3. 41 yrs. 4. 12 Mar 1877; 5. white; 10. native-born citizen; 16. farmer; 17. myself; 18. RFD 1, Polson; 19. Miss Nellie Reynolds; 20. Centerville, Appanoose Co., IA; 21. tall; 24. slender; 27. light brown; 28. dark brown; 29. lost eye; 30. Sept. 12, 1918. Ribelin, Carter G. - 21 yrs.; 2. Polson; 3. 13 Aug 1895; 4. natural-born citizen; 5. Palo, MO; 7. farming; 8. farms for self, 6 miles NW of Polson; 9. no; 10. single, Caucasian; 12. no; 13. tall, medium; 14. blue, brown, no; 15. weak knees; 16. June 5, 1917. Rice, Roderick Griffith; 2. Polson; 3. 18 yrs.; 4. 20 Jul 1900; 5. white; 10. native-born citizen; 16. farming; 17. Joseph M. Dixon; 18. Missoula, MT; 19. Mary Rice; 20. 702 Stowell(?) ___(?), Milwaukee, WI; 22. medium; 25. medium; 27. gray; 28. brown; 30. Sept. 12, 1918. Riley, Matthew Harold - 22 yrs.; 2. Rollins; 3. 18 Jun 1897; 4. Washburn Co., WI; 5. a native the of United States; 7. Canada; 8. Joseph Riley (father), Rollins; 9. Joseph Riley (father), Rollins; 10. white; 11. medium, medium; 12. gray, dark; 13. no, "This registrant appeared before a Justice of the Peace on June 5, 1918. This application for registration was mailed to Portland, Ore., but was not delivered to proper authorities." (Registrar's statement); 14. Sept. 11, 1918 (June 5, 1918, registration). Riley, Robert Denver; 2. Rollins; 3. 33 yrs.; 4. 12 Mar 1885; 5. white; 10. native- born citizen; 16. timber cruiser; 17. Bloedel Stewart & Welch; 18. Myrtle Point, BC; 19. Joseph Riley; 20. Rollins; 22. medium; 25. medium; 27. hazel; 28. black; 30. Sept. 23, 1918 (Sept. 12, 1918, registraton). Ritz, Adam John; 2. Big Arm; 3. 38 yrs.; 4. 20 Jan 1880; 5. white; 10. native- born citizen; 16. farmer; 17. (blank); 18. Big Arm; 19. Terressa A. Ritz (wife); 20. Big Arm; 21. tall; 25. medium; 27. dark brown; 28. black; 29. "He is apparently not physically disqualified" (Registrar's comments); 30. Sept. 12, 1918. Robertson, Walter - 29 yrs.; 2. Polson; 3. 24 Dec 1887; 4. alien; 5. Stockholm, Sweden; 6. Sweden; 7. steam shovel & ___athman(?); 8. Higgins & McDonald, Contractors, near Polson - east; 9. mother; 10. single, Caucasian; 12. yes; 13. medium, slender; 14. blue, light, no; 15. no; 16. June 5, 1917. Rodgers, John Michael; 2. Seines; 3. 45 yrs.; 4. 3 Feb 1873; 5. white; 10. native-born citizen; 16. farmer; 17. myself; 18. Seines; 19. Mary Rodgers; 20. Seines; 21. tall; 25. medium; 27. dark blue; 28. gray; 30. Sept. 12, 1918. Rodgers, William - 30 yrs.; 2. Seines; 3. 4 May 1887; 4. natural-born citizen; 5. Warsington, IN; 7. farmer; 8. mother, on her farm; 9. no; 10. single, Caucasian; 11. none; 12. mentally defective & Government pensioner; 13. short, medium; 14. blue, dark, no; 15. mentally defective (X his Mark, his signature by Martin Rodgers, brother); 16. June 5, 1917. Rollins, Daniel Abishai; 2. Rollins; 3. 42 yrs.; 4. 2 Apr 1876; 5. white; 10. native- born citizen; 16. mill hand; 17. Columbia River Lumber Co., Ltd.; 18. Golden, Kootenay, BC (Province); 19. Rhenault A. Rollins; 20. Rollins; 22. medium; 25. medium; 27. blue; 28. dark brown; 29. no, but refused by medical examining board at Vancouver, Dec. 21, 1916, as unfit for present(?) service; 30. Oct. 5, 1918 (Sept. 12, 1918, registration). Ronnfeldt, Henry; 2. RFD 1, Polson; 3. 36 yrs.; 4. 22 Nov 1881; 5. white; 10. native- born citizen; 16. farmer; 17. myself; 18. RFD 1, Polson; 19. Mrs. Rena Ronnfeldt; 20. RFD 1, Polson; 21. tall; 25. medium; 27. gray; 28. light, slightly bald; 30. Sept. 12, 1918. Rooney, Hugh Benedict; 2. Big Arm; 3. 36 yrs.; 4. 14 Apr 1882; 5. white; 11. naturalized citizen; 16. coal miner; 17. (blank); 18. Big Arm; 19. James Rooney (brother); 20. Big Arm; 22. medium; 25. medium; 27. blue light; 28. dark brown; 29. "He is apparently not physically disqualified" (Registrar's comments); 30. Sept. 12, 1918. Rooney, James Joseph; 2. Big Arm; 3. 41 yrs.; 4. 1 Jun 1877; 5. white; 11. naturalized citizen; 16. farmer; 17. (blank); 18. Big Arm; 19. Martha Ann Rooney (wife); 20. Big Arm; 22. medium; 25. medium; 27. light blue; 28. red; 29. no; 30. Sept. 12, 1918. Ross, Max; 2. Polson; 3. 36 yrs.; 4. 4 Mar 1882; 5. white; 14. alien, nondeclared; 15. Sweden; 16. labor; 17. USRS (U. S. Reclamation Service); 18. St. Ignatius, Missoula Co., MT; 19. (blank); 20. (blank); 22. medium; 25. medium; 27. blue; 28. sandy; 30. Sept. 12, 1918. Rovelli, Moreilio(?); 2. Polson; 3. 42 yrs.; 4. 13 Sep 1876; 5. white; 13. alien, declared; 15. Bulgaria; 16. farmer; 17. self; 18. Polson; 19. (blank); 20. (blank); 22. medium; 25. medium; 27. blue; 28. dark; 30. Sept. 12, 1918. Rowell, Samuel Leroy; 2. 3rd St., Polson; 3. 37 yrs.; 4. 7 Dec 1881; 5. white; 10. native-born citizen; 16. lumberman; 17. Dewey Lumber Co.; 18. Polson; 19. Samuel Porter Rowell; 20. Angella, MT; 22. medium; 26. stout; 27. blue; 28. brown; 29. no; 30. Sept. 12, 1918. Rude, Albert - 22 yrs.; 2. Big Arm; 3. 9 Sep 1894; 4. natural-born citizen; 5. Springfield, MN; 7. farm laborer; 8. Helaire LeDoux, Big Arm; 9. I am contributing to the support of my parents and family; 10. single, Caucasian; 12. yes, on the grounds of being a farm laborer; 13. tall, medium; 14. blue, brown, no; 15. no; 16. June 5, 1917. Rude, Harry Milton - 29 yrs.; 2. Big Arm; 3. 23 Aug 1887; 4. natural-born citizen; 5. Springfield, MN; 7. laborer; 8. have no steady employment; 9. I have a wife and 2 children dependent on me for support; 10. married, Caucasian; 11. private, infantry, 3 yrs., Minnesota Co. "A," 2nd Regiment, MN Guard; 12. yes, claim exemption for being sole support of wife and 2 children; 13. medium, medium; 14. blue, fair(?), no; 15. no; 16. June 5, 1917. Rude, James Oliver; 2. Big Arm; 3. 19 yrs.; 4. 5 Nov 1898; 5. white; 10. native-born citizen; 16. farm laborer; 17. Helaire LeDoux; 18. Big Arm; 19. Mrs. Jennie Rude (mother); 20. Big Arm; 21. tall; 24. slender; 27. light blue; 28. light; 29. no; 30. Sept. 12, 1918. Ruesler, Fred Robert; 2. Big Arm; 3. 39 yrs.; 4. 15 Jul 1879; 5. white; 10. native-born citizen; 16. farmer; 17. (blank); 18. Big Arm; 19. Jay L. Tabor; 20. Big Arm; 22. medium; 25. medium; 27. dark brown; 28. black; 29. no; 30. Sept. 12, 1918. Rufenach, Leopold; 2. 4 miles east of Polson; 3. 40 yrs.; 4. 11 Feb 1878; 5. white; 11. naturalized citizen; 16. farmer; 17. (blank); 18. 4 miles east of Polson; 19. Pauline Rufenach; 20. Polson; 22. medium; 27. blue; 28. brown; 29. no; 30. (blank) (Sept. 12, 1918, registration).