James R. Boyce Jr History of Montana, 1898 US Genweb Montana Archives James R. Boyce Jr, a highly respected citizen of Butte City has been identified with Montana since 1865. He was born in Missouri, April 20, 1844 and comes of an old Virginia family, his father being Hon. James R. Boyce Sr., further mention of whom is found elsewhere in this work. The subject of this sketch was reared and educated in his native state and in 1865 came up the Missouri River with his mother and the rest of the family to join the father in Montana, the father having come to Virginia City the year before. He met them with teams at Ft. Benton and brought them across the mountains to Virginia City where he was engaged in the mercantile business. James Fr. had just arrived at maturity and he was given employment as a collector by the firm of which his father was a member-Tootle, Leech and Company. When the firm moved their business to Helena he went with them and continued in their employ until 1875. He then succeeded his father and the firm name was changed to Sands and Boyce. In 1879 they removed the business to Butte City and Mr. Boyce continued in charge of it. In 1887 another change was made, Mr. Boyce and Mr. A.J. Davis becoming equal partners in the business, which was done under the firm name of J.R. Boyce Jr. and Company until after the death of Mr. Davis. In 1891 the First National Bank of Butte City, through a misunderstanding and as Mr. Boyce believes, in an unavoidable way, attached Mr. Davis' interest and in that way the business was wrecked. The matter has since been in the courts, Mr. Boyce suing for damages and it is firmly believed that he will get his rights. Since 1891 Mr. Boyce has been retired from mercantile business. He resides with his family in their commodious residence, No. 523 West Galena Street and gives his attention to looking after his real estate interest. He owns a large and beautiful ranch at the mouth of Black Tail Canon, nine miles south of Butte City, which for beauty of scenery is unsurpassed. He keeps a tenant on this place. Mr. Boyce was married April 26, 1870 to Miss Bettie Fant, a native of Missouri, who died at the age of thirty three after nine years of happy married life, leaving four children-Lyman F., Wilber, Thomas and Bettie. She was greatly beloved by her husband and family and her untimely death was a source of great bereavement to all who knew her. March 6, 1881 Mr. Boyce married Miss Lynnie Fant, a sister of his first wife and they have two sons, Owen and Alvin. USGenWeb Project NOTICE: In keeping with our policy of providing free information on the internet, data may be used by non-commercial entities, as long as this message remains on all copied material. These electronic pages may not be reproduced in any format forprofit, nor for commercial presentation by any other organization. Persons or organizations desiring to use this material for purposes other than as stated above, must obtain express writtenpermission from the author, or the submitter and from the listed USGenWeb Project archivist.