Vital information in the Stillwater "Bulletin" Columbus, Montana For the year 1894 Submitted by Joan Shurtliff, USGenWeb Notice: In keeping with our policy of providing free information on the internet, data may be used by non-commercial entities, as long as this message remains on all copied material. These electronic pages may not be reproduced in any format forprofit, nor for commercial presentation by any other organization. Persons or organizations desiring to use this material for purposes other than as stated above, must obtain express written permission from the listed USGenWeb Project archivist. Following are news items pertaining to vital information - births, marriages, divorces and deaths - from the earliest area newspaper, the Stillwater "Bulletin", available on microfilm. It covers only the year of 1894. The spelling of names is as it appears in the newspaper. The date of the issue will be followed by the items from that issue. +++ Saturday, 27 January 1894 H.C. Wilson, a printer, died at Bozeman Monday from an over dose of morphine. David Hudson and Miss Della Riddle, both of Stillwater Creek, were quietly married here Thursday morning, Justice Simpson tying the nuptial knot. The groom is a prosperous young ranchman and possesses many manly qualities. The bride, a beautiful brunette, is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John E. Riddle, and her virtues are multitudinous. On Wednesday, January 24th, at the residence of the bride's parents near Rapids, in presence of the family and a few invited guests, Mr. C.A. Whitlock and Miss Edith M. Parker were united in marriage by Rev. C.H. Cook. The groom is a well known and prosperous ranchman of Grove Creek, is endowed with many admirable characteristics and his friends are numbered by the score. The bride is the charming daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Parker, and is possessed of those womanly traits of character which endear her to all her acquaintences. +++ Saturday, 17 February 1894 Harry E. Leveaux of Big Timber, president and manager of the Independence Mining Co. in the Boulder camp, was found Wednesday evening in his bed shot through the heart, a revolver lying at his side. He was last seen alive by a messenger from the telephone office about 11 o'clock in the forenoon, and said that he would go to the office as soon as he shaved himself. He had also made preparations to go to the mines that afternoon. Not making his appearance his friends became alarmed and went to his cottage where they found the doors locked. Receiving no answer from within they broke into the house where they found Mr. Leveaux cold in death. Opinion is divided in regard to the cause of death, some believing that it was caused by his own hands, while others think it was foul play. Mr. Leveaux was well and favorably known throughout the state and also had many friends in the east. He was of a gentlemanly, genial disposition and his sudden taking off casts a gloom over communities in which he was known. Up to the time of going to press we have been unable to learn the result of the coroner's inquest held Thursday. +++ Saturday, 24 February 1894 R.W. Tanner of the Columbus hotel, received the sad intelligence Tuesday night of the death of his mother at Boston. +++ Saturday, 3 March 1894 A Double Murder - On last Saturday a terrible tragedy occurred on Red Lodge creek, 20 miles south of this place, by which D.T. Edwards and his son Clarence met their death by shooting at the hands of Wm. Lockaby. All three were living together in Lockaby's cabin, and the difficulty arose over a grub stake. According to Lockaby's story he and the elder Edwards were endeavoring to effect a settlement of their differences when the son interfered and, pulling his six-shooter, told Lockaby if he batted an eye he would kill him. At this moment Lockaby grabbed his revolver from off the bed and began firing at young Edwards with fatal results. At this juncture the father attempted to avenge the death of his son with a shot gun, when Lockaby also shot him. After the shooting Lockaby went to Red Lodge and gave himself up, stating that he had acted in self-defense. Constable Calhoun and Deputy Sheriff Harry Ramsey left here Sunday morning in search of the murderer. Upon arriving at the scene of the shooting the officers learned that Lockaby had gone to Red Lodge to give himself up. Continuing their journey to the coal camp they found the jail in which Lockaby was confined surrounded by a highly excited mob. Fearing for the safety of the prisoner the officers lost little time in removing him to a room in the third story of the Spofford hotel, where they took turns in guarding him until the next morning when the deputy took him to Billings. From the story told by Lockaby, together with the general surroundings, Mr. Calhoun is inclined to the belief that the accused acted in self-defense, but adds that a strong point against the prisoner is the fact that his victims were perforated with bullets. +++ Saturday, 10 March 1894 At Merrill on Tuesday evening there was born to Mr. and Mrs. Patton a ten pound girl. Mr. and Mrs. John Morton have returned to Fodder Land with an heir - a fine boy. +++ Saturday, 17 March 1894 District Court In the matter of the estate of Caleb Rich, deceased, order granted confirming sale of real estate. In the matter of the estate of Eldridge B. Cooley, in re-application for allowance, set for hearing. Estate of Wm. J. Wilson, Matthew Miller appointed administrator. Hyatt vs. Hyatt, divorce, Jas. R. Goss for defendant. Mrs. Sperry vs. Sperry, divorce granted. ++ Mr. and Mrs. W.L. Luther of East Rosebud are mourning the loss of their 8-month-old babe, which died very unexpectedly and while the parents were asleep Friday night of last week. The 4-days-old infant of Mr. and Mrs. Pat McGraw died at Dickinson Monday. Pat Patterson was in Columbus Saturday wearing an unusual broad smile and setting 'em up to the boys, the occasion being the arrival of a little daughter at his home last week. +++ Saturday, 31 March 1894 On Wednesday of this week at the Columbus hotel occurred a most happy marriage, the contracting parties being Louis Biert, our enterprising dairyman, and Mrs. Jennie Griffith, who at one time was the popular proprietress of the Countryman hotel. +++ Saturday, 14 April 1894 Born, to the wife of Dan'l Wood, two miles west of town, on Friday, April 13, 1894, a daughter. +++ Saturday, 21 April 1894 Born - To the wife of Frank Hart of Stillwater creek, on Monday, April 16, 1894, a son. +++ Saturday, 28 April 1894 Dr. Moore reports the birth of a daughter Tuesday to Mr. and Mrs. J.W. Hufford of Stillwater creek. +++ Saturday, 12 May 1894 The family of Ed Chute was increased Saturday morning by the arrival of a daughter at their household. +++ Saturday, 19 May 1894 The hearts and home of Mr. and Mrs. A.P. Wheat were gladdened by the arrival of an 8 1/2 pound girl Monday morning. The mother and child are doing nicely, and there are slight hopes for Charley's recovery. +++ Saturday, 26 May 1894 Born - To Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Phelps of Stillwater creek, on Friday, May 25, 1894, a son. Rev. J. Pope performed the ceremony that on Wednesday united for better or worse the lives and fortunes of Miss Carrie Kent and William H. Cashen, of Grey Cliff. The marriage took place at the residence of the groom. +++ Saturday, 2 June 1894 M.J. Havalla was crushed to death by falling rock in the Cokedale mines Monday. S.A. Stewart Obituary: After a week's illness S.A. Stewart died at this place Wednesday morning of inflamation of the bowels, aged 36 years. Mr. Stewart was attacked with the disease, that so suddenly terminated in his death, last week while working on Gordon's ditch. He was immediately conveyed to Dr. J.H. Moore's office for treatment. The case being of a serious nature Dr. W.A. Moore of Big Timber was called in consultation, and everything known to medical skill was done to relieve the unfortunate man, but without avail. His wife, with her brother, Jesse Erb, was in constant attendance during his illness and with kind deeds and loving words did all possible to alleviate the sufferer and retain on earth the one most dear to her. A wife and three children are left to mourn the untimely loss of a husband and father, to whom the sympathy of the entire community is extended in this hour of their greatest grief. The funeral took place from Gorden's vacant store at 3 p.m. Thursday, Rev. J. Pope of Big Timber, conducting the services. The remains were followed to their last resting place by sorrowing relatives and many sympathizing friends. +++ Saturday, 9 June 1894 The 4-year-old child of Mr. and Mrs. W.A. Hedges of Yale, was drowned in Careless creek Wednesday. Near Fridley Monday in attempting to ford a slough on horseback in quest of a deer, W.H. Davis was drowned. Besides a wife, the deceased leaves a father, brother and sister. The sister is the wife of Newt Daly of Ingersoll creek. A.A. Campbell of the Rosebud, and Miss Matie Curtis of Glendive, were united in marriage Wednesday at Billings. +++ Saturday, 23 June 1894 Mr. and Mrs. S.B. Roberts of White Beaver are rejoicing over the arrival of a 13-pound boy, which made its advent in their household Sunday morning. Patrick Cannon, a miner, was shot and killed by Frank Ladhoff at Red Lodge Tuesday morning. The murder was committed in Martin Johnson's saloon and seems to have been an unprovoked and cold-blooded affair. Ladhoff has been lodged in the Park county jail. +++ Saturday, 30 June 1894 Mrs. Jennie Biert has filed a complaint in the district court, asking that a divorce be granted her from Louis Biert. Extreme cruelty is alleged. Sy Ainley and Miss Mary Shaen of up the Stillwater, were in attendance at the wedding of Ralph Mulherrin and Miss Sally Hundley at the Columbus hotel Sunday. Word reached here yesterday that the body of Wm. Soncie, a sheepherder employed by Chas. Strong, was found Wednesday morning on the prairie about six miles east of Park City. He was struck by lightning while herding sheep during the storm Tuesday. He shepherd dog, which had been killed by the same bolt, was lying beside him. Deceased formerly resided in Minnesota, where he has relatives. +++ Saturday, 21 July 1894 W.M. Gordon is the proud father of an 11-pound son, which made its advent in his household Saturday morning. Will struts around like a turkey gobbler and is as proud as a peacock and has set 'em up to everybody in town except ye editors. +++ Saturday, 28 July 1894 O.E. Haskins, the Fishtail sawmill man, and Miss Bessie Swain of Livingston were quietly wed at the Hotel Lavelle Tuesday morning, Justice Simpson performing the ceremony that united their hearts forever with the blessed tie that binds. Mr. Hoskins is so well and favorably known to our readers that all words eulogistic of him are unnecessary. Miss Swain is an accomplished young lady and taught school near Absarokee last winter where the contracting parties met, loved and became betrothed. +++ Saturday, 4 August 1894 Married - Saturday, July 28, 1894, at Billings, Judge Campbell officiating, Jacob T. Lande and Abbie Hundley, both of the old agency. +++ Saturday, 25 August 1894 Joseph Connelly obituary: After a lingering illness of over a year a highly respected old citizen has gone to his rest. Joseph Connelly died at the home of his daughter, Mrs. Ed Cardwell, at 10:30 o'clock Monday morning of dropsy of the heart, aged 75 years. For over a year past Mr. Connelly had been residing with Mr. and Mrs. Cardwell, during which time he had been almost a constant sufferer from the disease that carried him off. After being embalmed, the remains were accompanied by Mrs. Cardwell to Harriston, Ontario, the former home of the deceased, where they will be interred. The sympathy of the entire community is extended to the daughter and her family. Marriage: Mr. Geo. W. Robertson of Fishtail, and Miss Alma Allen of Martinsdale, were married at Livingston Monday by Rev. Hoskins. The bride is a most charming and highly respected young lady, and the groom a well known and most worthy young man, whose friends are legion. The "Bulletin" extends congratulations and wished the happy couple a pleasant voyage through life. Birth: Mr. and Mrs. J.H. Schwenneker of Nye City, are rejoicing over the birth of a daughter, which made its advent in the household Tuesday. +++ Saturday, 15 September 1894 Last week Mr. Sieber and Miss Sundell were united in marriage. During the summer Miss Sundell conducted the school at Rapids. A dead man was found in the Yellowstone near Merrill Thursday by J.J. Craft. It is supposed to be the body of James Weazen who drowned at Grey Cliff several weeks ago. Milo Collins was here yesterday after a coffin and will take the remains to Grey Cliff for burial. +++ Saturday, 6 October 1894 Mr. Levi Colsgrove and Miss Louisa Wimsett were united in marriage last week. For the size of the town, Rapids seems to lead in Cupid's art. The funeral of Bessie Brown was held Friday, and the remains interred in the family burying ground at Park. Rev. J.J. Crow conducted the services. Mr. and Mrs. Z.P. Brown returned to Forsyth in the evening. +++ Saturday, 13 October 1894 Dr. J.H. Moore reports the birth of a son to Mr. and Mrs. T.C. Benbow of the Stillwater, Saturday of last week. +++ Saturday, 27 October 1894 A daughter was born Saturday to the wife of C.A. Whitlock of Grove creek. Horace and Clara Countryman, children of Henry Countryman, deceased, were accompanied to Twin Bridges by Sheriff Ramsey this week, where they will be placed in the orphan's home. +++ Saturday, 3 November 1894 Mr. Jesse Gile and Miss Belle Kilby, both of the Mussellshell, were married Sunday afternoon at the residence of J.M. Ramsey, Justice Simpson performing the ceremony. They left an hour later for Billings and from thence to the home of the groom on the Musselshell. Miss Kilby is a sister of Mrs. Fred Bequette of the Stillwater, with whom she pays frequent visits and consequently has an extensive acquaintance in Columbus and vicinity. The groom is a prosperous young stockman. We extend congratulations to the happy couple. +++ Saturday, 10 November 1894 Rev. Jos. Pope was called to Big Timber on Wednesday to perform the funeral services of Miss Nellie Merrielees, who died at that place early Sunday morning.