Anson County NcArchives Court.....May - Deceased, John 1811 ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. ************************************************ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Carolyn Shank November 8, 2008, 5:09 pm Source: Raleigh Minerva Written: 1811 Fri., May 17, 1811 GOVERNOR'S PROCLAMATION By the Governor of the State of North Carolina: Whereas, by an inquest taken at the house of JEREMIAH GADDY in Anson County on the fourth day of the present month, before ADAM LOCKART, Coroner, thereof upon the view of the body of JOHN MAY, then and there laying dead, it appears that a certain RICHARD FAIR CRAWFORD, late of the said county, feloniously, voluntarily, and of his malice aforethought, did discharge a gun, loaded with forty or fifty shot, which entered in and upon the left part of the belly of the said JOHN MAY, and made a mortal wound, whereby he instantly died - and that the said criminal has made his escape: And it being further represented that the murder was most cruel and unprovoked; that the criminal has fled beyond or out of the jurisdiction of this state; and that from the large connections and influence of the said RICHARD FAIR CRAWFORD, it is apprehended he will not be brought to justice without difficulty. - Now therefore, I, BENJAMIN SMITH, Governor of the State of North Carolina, pursuant to an Act of the General Assembly, passed at Raleigh, on the 26th December, 1810, do hereby offer a reward of Two Hundred Dollars, to be paid to such person or persons as shall apprehend the said RICHARD FAIR CRAWFORD and shall deliver him to the Sheriff of Anson County, at the jail thereof. The aforesaid RICHARD FAIR CRAWFORD is described to me as being "very tall, upwards of six feet high, slender, raw-boned, remarkably strong and nervous; his face long and bony; cheekbones high; eyes large, prominent and grey; hair brown and worn short; shows teeth when he laughs, chews tobacco." Given under my hand at Raleigh, this 15th day of May, 1811. 15th May, 1811 BENJAMIN SMITH File at: This file has been created by a form at File size: 2.4 Kb