Anson County NcArchives Deed.....Rogers, Nathan - Rogers, Jesse 1822 ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. ************************************************ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Carolyn Shank April 29, 2007, 7:51 pm Written: 1822 THIS INDENTURE made in the year of our Lord 1822 between JESSE ROGERS of the County of Anson & State of North Carolina of the one part & NATHAN ROGERS of the other part WITNESSTH that the sd. JESSE ROGERS for & in consideration of the sum of fifty dollars to him in hand paid by the said NATHAN ROGERS the receipt whereof the Sd. JESSE ROGERS hereby acknowlegeth hath grant bargained aliened (sic) unto the said NATHAN ROGERS his heirs & assigns all that tract or parcel of land lying and being in the county of Anson beginning at a post oak & runs So. 45 Wt. 40 chains to a stake in another line of old survey then with Sd. line So. 84 ET. 25 ..... to their corner a stake by two post oaks & a pine then to the beginning containing 25 acres more or less hereunto annexed doth appear together with all woods, mines, minerals hereitament & appurtenances to said land belonging to hold to him the said NATHAN ROGERS his heirs & assigns forever and JESSE ROGERS his heirs & assigns will warrant and forever defend against the lawful claims of any person whatsoever. In witness whereof he hath hereunto set his hand & seal this ..... day of Jany. 1822. In present of us JESSE ROGERS (SEAL) THOMAS ROGERS RICH'D ROGERS Anson Jany. Term 1822 Then this deed was duly proved in open court by the oath of Thomas Rogers & ordered to be registered. W. Dismukes, C.C.C. File at: This file has been created by a form at File size: 1.9 Kb