Anson County NcArchives Obituaries.....Crowder, Richard 1893 ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. ************************************************ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Carolyn Shank November 6, 2007, 10:59 pm Daily Charlotte Observer 11 Jun 1893 Eaten by Hogs Mr. Richard Crowder, a Wealthy Citizen of Anson, Found Dead in His Pastures. Last Thursday night Mr. Richard Crowder, a prominent citizen of Anson County, failed to put in an appearance at his supper-table. His family began to look for him but did not at first think very strange of his absence as Mr. Crowder was a peculiar man who rarely spoke to any one about his intentions. It was supposed that he had perhaps gone off on a trip without telling his family of it. But as time passed on his family began to be alarmed and searchers were sent out. His brother, Mr. Frank Crowder, was in Charlotte yesterday looking for him. He had not, however, gone away from home and yesterday the news reached the city that the dead body of Mr. Crowder had been found in his pasture almost half eaten by hogs. The supposition is that he must have died suddenly from heart failure or some other cause while out at work in his pasture. Mr. Crowder was a wealthy citizen highly respected for his honesty and integrity. He was about sixty years of age and leaves five children, four being boys between the ages of twenty-two and thirteen. His brother, Joe Crowder, was at one time sheriff of Anson County. The deceased owned a large amount of land in Anson and two well situated stores in Wadesboro. File at: This file has been created by a form at File size: 1.9 Kb