Newspaper accounts of marriages & deaths in NC - Anson, Mecklenburg & Union USGENWEB ARCHIVES NOTICE: These electronic pages may NOT be reproduced in any format for profit or presentation by any other organization or persons. Persons or organizations desiring to use this material, must obtain the written consent of the contributor, or the legal representative of the submitter, and contact the listed USGenWeb archivist with proof of this consent. The submitter has given permission to the USGenWeb Archives to store the file permanently for free access. Submitted by: Julie Hampton Ganis ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Farmer's and Miner's Journal, (Charlotte, Mecklenburg Co, NC), November 17, 1832 -Married, In Anson County on the 23rd October, Mr. Lewis UNDERWOOD of Mecklenburg, 50 years of age to Miss Molsy PHILLIPS, 16 years of age. Charlotte Journal, (Mecklenburg Co, NC), March 9, 1843 -Married in Anson County, on the 20th December last, Col. Absalom SHERRILL of Catawba County, to miss Sarah McALPIN of Anson. Charlotte Journal, (Mecklenburg Co, NC), August 22, 1843 -Married in Anson County, on the 2d instant, Mr. Albert WALLACE of Mecklenburg county, to Miss Lydia KERLOCK [CARELOCK] of Anson County. Charlotte Journal, (Mecklenburg Co, NC), September 19, 1843 -Married near Wadesboro, Anson county, on the 6th instant, by the Rev. A. H. SMITH, Mr. Angus M. LIVINGSTON to Miss Martha D. COVINGTON. Charlotte Journal (Mecklenburg Co, NC), January 2, 1846 -Married in Anson County, on the 23rd inst, at the residence of A. C. MOORE, Esq., by the Rev. E. SINCLAIR, Gen. James M. WADDILL to Miss Harriet A. MAY, daughter of Wm. R. MAY, dec'd. Charlotte Journal, (Mecklenburg Co, NC), June 26, 1846 -Married in Mecklenburg County on the evening of the 13th inst., by E. POTTS, Esq., W. C. ROGERS of Wadesborough, NC to Miss Mary A. FINCH, eldest daughter of S. FINCH. NC Argus (Fayetteville, NC), June 10, 1854 -Died in Anson county, on the 25th ult., of erysipeles, Mrs. Catherine, wife of Joseph J. JOWERS, and daughter of Daniel and Nancy PATTERSON of Richmond Co., in the 28th year of her age. NC Argus (Fayetteville, NC), November 4, 1854 -Died in Anson County, on the night of the 18th ultimo, after an illness of five days of congestive fever, Josiah ALLEN, aged 18 years and one month, son of Joseph and Nancy ALLEN. He was a young man of great promise and kindly disposed and loved by all who knew him. -Died at Lilesville, October the 7th, Ella Florence, daughter of James A. and Tempie LILES, aged 10 months and 20 days. NC Argus (Fayetteville, NC), December 16, 1854 -Married in Anson County, by John BROADWAY, Esq., Col. James M. BROADWAY to Miss Susannah MORRISS, all of that County -Died near Lilesville, Anson County on the 4th inst., Mrs. Martha MEACHAM, wife of W. G. MEACHAM, Esq., at an advanced age. NC Argus (Fayetteville, NC), August 31, 1855 -Died in Wadesboro, on the 21st July, Mary S., daughter of R. A. and Mary PAUL, aged about 3 months. NC Argus (Fayetteville, NC), October 20, 1855 -Married in Anson County on the 4th inst., by the Rev. Q. A. LARTY, Dr. W. C. RAMSAY to Miss Amelia C. BENNETT, daughter of James C. BENNETT, Esq., all of Anson county. NC Argus (Fayetteville, NC), November 15, 1855 -Married on Tuesday evening, the 6th inst., by the Rev. S. H. BROWNE, Rev. Joseph W. FALKNER to Miss Mary C., daughter of Col. Joseph WHITE, all of Anson Co, NC. NC Argus (Fayetteville, NC), August 16, 1856 -Married near Lanesboro, on the 26th July, by N. M. HUBBARD, Esq., Capt. James PRESLAR to miss Laura Ann GRIFFIN, all of Anson. -Died near Wadesborough, on the 8th instant, after a lingering illness, Mrs. Ann P. LEAK, relict of the late Wm. P. LEAK, in the 71st year of her age. NC Argus (Fayetteville, NC), January 3, 1857 -Married near Wadesborough, on the 2nd inst., by the Rev. O. A. DARBY, Dr. H. Y. HOWZE, of Wadesborough, to Miss Cornelia F. MARSHALL, second daughter of the late Clement MARSHALL of Anson. NC Argus (Fayetteville, NC), January 10, 1857 -Married by [N. M. HUBBARD], Mr. Cyrus A. BARKLEY to Miss Elizabeth, daughter of the late Thomas D. GREEN, both of Anson. NC Argus (Fayetteville, NC), January 24, 1857 -Died in Wadesborough, on the 2nd inst., of Dropsy, Mrs. Lucy PATRICK, aged 70 years. NC Argus (Fayetteville, NC), June 6, 1857 -Died near Wadesborough [___], Mrs. Sarah H. PAUL in the [______]. NC Argus (Fayetteville, NC), June 27, 1857 -Died in Anson Co, NC, on Tuesday, 16th inst., Thomas Chambers LANCE, in the 30th year of his age. NC Argus (Fayetteville, NC), October 31,1857 -Died on Wednesday the 21st of October, Miss Mary Ann SHEPHERD, eldest daughter of Augustin SHEPHERD, Esq., Wadesborough, Anson County, NC, after suffering during many months. The ills consequent upon a continuous and wasting disease. Monroe Enquirer, (Union Co, NC), Monday, January 5, 1878 -Married near Statesville, NC, on the 26th of Dec'r., 1877, at the house of the bride's father, Dr. John ROBERTSON, by Rev. J. B. BOONE, Miss Nellie M. ROBERTSON and Rev. J. J. McLENDON, Principal of the Carolina Central Academy, Ansonville, NC. Monroe Enquirer, (Union Co, NC), Saturday, June 29, 1878 -On the 19th day of the present month, in Anson County, Jas. BROADWAY, Esq., age 81 years, was united in matrimony to Miss Nancy MARTIN, aged 21 years. Monroe Enquirer, (Union Co, NC), Saturday, July 20, 1878 -Died on the 9th inst., near Olive Branch, in New Salem township, John HYATT, about 90 years of age. Mr. HYATT was a soldier in the War of 1812 under the late Col. Dosier CASH of Anson County, and was properly a pensioner... Monroe Enquirer, (Union Co, NC), Saturday, August 31, 1878 -Died near Wadesboro, on the 16th inst., Mr. Joseph DUNN, aged 99 years. He was a citizen of this county for many years, and afterwards moved to Lynch's Creek, SC, but has resided with his son, Mr. J. A. DUNN, near Wadesboro, for the last ten years. Monroe Enquirer, (Union Co, NC), Saturday, September 21, 1878 -Died near Polkton, on the 11th inst., Mrs. Cally TRAYWICK; wife of Asa TRAYWICK, Esq., aged 68 years. Monroe Enquirer, (Union Co, NC), Saturday, March 22, 1879 -Mack HILL, who resides eighteen miles south of this place, in Chesterfield county, S.C., [committed] suicide by drowning himself in a well...Tuesday last, 18th inst... originally a native of Anson county, and resided in the White Store section until a year or two ago, when he married and moved to Chesterfield. He leaves a wife and two children, and was between 30 and 35 years of age... was considered a man of honor and integrity, and was well thought of by those who knew him. Monroe Enquirer, (Union Co, NC), Saturday, May, 3, 1879 -Married by Rev. J.H. TURNER, at the residence of Mr. Isaac HUNTLY, on the 24th ult., Mr. Thos. GARLAND of Union Co. to Miss Fannie RICHARDSON of Anson co. Monroe Enquirer, (Union Co, NC), Saturday, September 6, 1879 -We learn of the sudden death of Mr. Charlie BOWMAN of Anson county...about 20 years of age and resided in the vicinity of White's Store... Monroe Enquirer, (Union Co, NC), Saturday, December 20, 1879 -Married in this place, on the 18th inst., by Rev J.E. KING, Mr. Hampton HORN, of Anson county and Miss Ida, daughter of Jno. A. McCALL, Esq., of this place. Monroe Enquirer, (Union Co, NC), Saturday, February 7, 1880 -Married at the residence of the bride's uncle, Mr. Jno. R. DUNN, on the morning of the 28th of January, by Rev. O. J. BRENT, Mr. Willie T. WEBB to Miss Kate SHAW. All of Anson county. Monroe Enquirer, (Union Co, NC), Saturday, March 13, 1880 -Mr. Charles SMITH of Anson, died a few days ago. Monroe Enquirer, (Union Co, NC), Saturday, August 14, 1880 -Died in Vermont, Texas, on the 25th ult., Mr. Sandy MORGAN, a former citizen of Anson County. Monroe Enquirer, (Union Co, NC), Thursday, November 15, 1894 -Mr. C.P. GRIFFIN, of Anson Co., died yesterday. He was about 75 years old and was a good old man. He was the father of Messrs. J.H. and [_].C. GRIFFIN of Rock Rest. The Greensboro Patriot, (Guilford Co, NC), Wednesday, January 21, 1903 Tar Heel Member of Jesse James' Gang. At his home, in Lanesboro township, Mr. Merrimon LITTLE, after a short illness of pneumonia, died last Saturday [10th]. Mr. LITTLE, who was 76 years of age, was well known in upper Anson and Union Counties. The Messenger-Intelligencer is informed by several reliable parties that Mr. LITTLE was, at one time, a member of the famous Jesse JAMES Gang, the history of which is well known to every one. Just how long he followed the daring James boys, or why he left them, is not known, as Mr. LITTLE, of course, was always reticent in regard to the matter. He, however, imbibed some of the daring spirit of his leader, as many of his neighbors well knew, and some of them to their sorrow. But whatever his past may have been, we bow our heads and say, "Peace to his ashes." Wadesboro Messenger Intelligencer.