Anson County, NC - Marriage & Death Notices, 1848-1859 Copyright. All rights reserved. This file was contributed for use in the USGenWeb Archives by Anson NCGenWeb Marriage and Death Notices from The North Carolina ARGUS newspaper published in Wadesboro from 1848-1884 "Instant" means "this month" and "ultimo" means "last month." Articles 1-184 ~~~~~November 14, 1848 issue Married in Anson County, on Sunday the 12th instant, Mr. John EASON to Miss Mary LILES, daughter of Rufus LILES, Esq., all of this county. Died in Cheraw, on Tuesday the 7th inst., Mr. William A. McQUAGE. The deceased was one of the volunteers who went from that place to Mexico, and he never recovered from diarrhoea contracted in that country. ~~~~~November 28, 1848 issue Married in (Mont)gomery county, on the 21st instant, by E.G.___Esq., Mr. William Riley REDDING to____. Died in Wadesborough, on the 21st instant, at an advanced age, Starling MAY, Esq. ~~~~~May 15, 1849 issue Married on the 10th instant by James BROADAWAY esq., Mr. Jas. BRANTLEY to Miss Elizabeth BAUCOM, all of Anson County. On Wednesday morning, April 25th, in St. Bartholomew's church, Pitsborough, by Rev. A.F. OLMSTED, Augustus W. BURTON of Lincolnton, to Julia C. OLMSTED, of East Hartford, Connecticut. In Rowan County on the 3rd inst., by the Rev. Wm. A. HALL, Mr. Andrew J. FLEMING, to Miss Margaret E., daughter of Wm. P. GRAHAM, Esq. At the Methodist Parsonage in Concord, on the 1st instant, by the Rev. W.C. PATTERSON, Mr. C.N. WAGONER, to Miss Leah HEATHCOCK. In Rowan County, on the 3rd ult., by Henry F. MILLER, Esq., Mr. Alex PARKS , to Miss Sarah BEAM. Died near Wadesborough, on Friday the 11th inst., George A., oldest son of John O. SMITH, aged 15. The deceased was a most amiable and promising youth. ~~~~~June 19, 1849 issue Married in Robeson county, on the 7th inst., by the Rev. Hector McNEILL, Mr. Dugald CURRIE, to Miss Caroline SHAW, all of Robeson. Died in Cumberland county, on the 30th ult., Mrs. Martha Ann, wife of Patrick A. MONROE, and daughter of John A. and Sarah McCOLL, of Marlborough District, S.C., aged 19 years. ~~~~~December 11, 1849 issue Mrs. Charlotte J. PEMBERTON was born on the 31st day of March 1815 and departed this life in Richmond County, North Carolina, on the 28th day of November 1849...joined the M.E. Church in the year 1837...left an affectionate husband and three children. In Moore county, on the morning of the 16th instant, Miss Margaret McINIS, daughter of Neill and Flora McINIS, in the 15th year of her age. In Cumberland county, on the 28th ult., Mrs. Catherine JOHNSON, aged 86 years. She had been a consistent member of the Presbyterian Church for 50 years. ~~~~~March 2, 1850 issue Married in this county on Wednesday evening, the 20th ult., by Rev. A.B. SMITH, Mr. Benjamin BUCHANAN to Miss Caroline, daughter of William KEARY(?), Esq. Died in Anson County on the 22nd ult., Sarah Elizabeth, daughter of Gideon E. and Judith R.S. Wooley(?), aged 2 years, 3 months and 14 days. ~~~~~March 16, 1850 issue Married in Anson County on the 7th ult., by James T. STREATER Esqr., Mr. Eli M. LILES to Miss Mary, daughter of Brooks HINSON. In Anson County, on the 7th inst., by Rev. e. DAVID, Mr. Jas. RATCLIFF, to Miss Sarah, daughter of John KNOTTS. In Stanly county, on the 27th ult., by Dr. H.D. KENDALL, Esq., Mr. Nehemiah HERNE to Miss Elizabeth, daughter o Nelson PEMBERTON, Esq., all of Stanly. In this county, on Sunday, the 10th inst., by Rev. John MONROE, Mr. Brooks HINSON to Mrs. Biddy LILES. Died on the 28th ultimo, in Union county, Mr. Owen POPE, aged about 55 years. On Sunday, the 10th inst., in Union Co., Mrs. WILLIAMS, wife of Henry WILLIAMS. Near Beaver Dam, Union county, N.C., on the 19th inst., Mr. Denis LILES, formerly of Anson County, aged about 40(?) years...a member of the Baptist church. ~~~~~March 23, 1850 issue Died in the first inst., at her residence in Pickens county, Alabama, Mrs. Elizabeth HARRIS, widow of the late Simeon HARRIS, Sr., aged 60 years. The deceased was a daughter of Chas. HICKS (also lately deceased, aged 81) of Anson County, N.C., and a native of that State, from whence she moved to Greene Co., Ala., 28 years ago. For the last 20 years she has resided in Pickens County. ~~~~~July 13, 1850 issue Married in Monroe, on Tuesday 25th June, by Rev. Mr. PATTERSON, William L. HOWIE, to Miss Sarah E. LIDE. In Cabarrus Co., on the 8th ult., John A. BRADSHAW, of Lexington, to Miss Mary B. PHYPHER, youngest daughter of the late John PHYPHER. In Cabarrus County, on the 4th inst., Henry HUDSON, to Miss Martha S. HARRISON. Died in Fayetteville, on the 5th inst., Thomas L., son of D.A. and Mary Ann MAYO, aged one year eight months and eleven days. In Bladen County, on the 21st ult., Mrs. Elizabeth SMITH, wife of Dr. John SMITH, aged about 60 years. In Rutherford County, on the 13th ult., W.E. MILLS, Esqr. ~~~~~October 26, 1850 issue At his residence, De Kalb, Miss., on Friday the 13th, Mr. Archibald C. ADAMS, in the 38th year of his age...a native of Anson Co., N.C., but emigrated to this state in 1841.(from Poulding (Miss.) Clarion) In Autauga Co., Ala., on the 28th ult., Col. Wm. R. PICKETT...a native of Anson Co., N.C., aged 73 years. he removed 32 years ago. He had served as Sheriff of Anson, a member of the State Legislature, and Assessor and Collector of direct Taxes, by appointment of President MADISON. In Alabama, he was repeatedly elected to both branches of the Legislature, and was three times chosen Presidential Elector. ~~~~~November 23, 1850 issue Married in this county on the 21st instant, by John BROADAWAY, Esqr., Mr. W.J.T. MASK to Miss Mary E. KNOTTS. Died at his residence on Pee Dee River, in Montgomery Co., on the 29th ult., John L. CHRISTIAN, Esq., former Sheriff of Montgomery, aged about 41 years...a native of Montgomery county...member of the M.E. Church. ~~~~~September 15, 1851 issue Married in Anson Co., on the 6th day of May 1851, by M.W. MASK, esq., Mr. Semeon D. PEMBERTON to Miss Mary A. TREADAWAY, daughter of John T. TREADAWAY. In Anson County, on the 4th inst., Mr. Merit DAVIS of Stanly county, to Miss Elizabeth TURNER, daughter of George TURNER of Anson County. In Russel Co., Ala., on the 19th ult., by Rev. J.P.W. BROWN, Mr. James Berrygrove THOMAS, formerly of Anson county, to Miss Cordelia A.A. DAY, daughter of Mr. Martin DAY, formerly of Edgefield District, S.C. Died on the 5th inst., at the residence of his father, Wm. E. DOSTER, Clerk of the Superior Court of Union County, in the 26th year of his age. In Anson county, on the 23rd ult., Wm. INGRAM, son of Wesley and Rachel INGRAM, aged 6 years. In Anson county, on the 8th inst., Sanders G. INGRAM, son of Hugh M. and Ann M. INGRAM, aged 5 years. ~~~~~January 24, 1852 issue Died in Richmond county, on the 14th instant, Tyrrell BALDWIN ~~~~~May 8, 1852 issue Married on the 20th ult., at the residence of Capt. Jas. WHITE in this county, by Wm. ALLEN, Esqr., Mr. E.J. MARSH, to Miss Elizabeth WHITE. In Anson county, on the 21st ult., by Rev. William C. SUTTON, Josiah H. STEWART of Union County, to Miss Sarah R. PEARSON, of Anson. In Union county, on Wednesday evening, the 7th ult., by J.H. WOODARD, Esq., Mr. Wm. T. SMITH, to Miss Salina E. LINK In Union county, on the 21st ult., by A. STEAGALL, Esq., Mr. Wm. L. GRIFFIN, to Mrs. Mary S. DAVIS, second daughter of J.H. WOODWARD, Esq. Died in Choctaw Co., Miss., on the 6th ult., in the 19th year of her age, Mary Ann COVINGTON, formerly of Anson Co., and daughter of Davis KINDRED, also late of Anson County. Died, near Wadesborough, on the 2nd instant, suddenly, Daniel McIVER. ~~~~~August 28, 1852 issue Col. Martin J. PICKETT, second son of the late Col. Joseph PICKETT, of this county, is no more. He expired in this village on Tuesday morning, the 24th inst., in the 26th year of his age...left wife and four small children. Died in Richmond county, on the afternoon of the 18th inst., Martha Adelle, daughter of Dr. Wilie and Carolina SMITH, aged 15 months and 25 days. In Albemarle, Stanley co., on the 13th inst., Mr. G. TEDER. ~~~~~September 23, 1858 issue Married in Richmond County, on the 9th ult., at the residence of Mrs. Sarah McMILLAN, near Laurel Hill, by Rev. John MONROE, Mr. D.W. LIVINGSTON and Miss Mary PATTERSON, all of Richmond. In Wake county, on the 8th inst., by Rev. D.R. BRUTON, Mr. D.S. AVERY of Johnston and Miss Charlotte A. FORT. In Chatham county, on the 1st inst., at the residence of the bride's father, by Rev. Jos. C. THOMAS, Mr. Alfred BROWER of Randolph, to Emilie B., daughter of James C. GUTHRIE. Died, near Meltonsville, Anson County, on the 24th of July, of putrid sore throat, Bettie BIVENS, in the 5th year of her age, daughter of John BIVENS, and adopted daughter of H.A. and E.J. CRAWFORD. In Hillsboro', on the 8th inst., Mr. William HORTON, aged 86 years. He was the oldest man in that place, and had spent his whole life there. In Orange County, on the 9th instant, Abigail McCRACKEN, in the 72d year of her age. In Orange County on the 30th of July, in the 78th year of his age, Mr. Adam DICKSON, leaving an aged companion to whom he had been wedded 54 years. In Charlotte, July 1st, in her 24th year, Mrs. Mary Adaline HUTCHISON, beloved wife of Dr. E. Nye HUTCHISON, and only child of David PARKS, Esq. In Asheville, on the 6th of August, Dr. John Simianer ERWIN, in the 40th year of his age. At the Female Colledge, Statesville, on the 4th inst., Miss Margaret J. JOHNSON, of Alamance, in the 18th year of her age. At Denmark, Tenn., on the 28th August, David REID, Esq., aged about 50 years, formerly of North Carolina. In Washington, Connecticut, on the 8th of August, Mrs. Phoebe MITCHELL, aged 93 years. Mrs. MITCHELL's maiden name was ELIOT, and a descendant in the fifth generation of John ELIOT, the famous "Apostle to the Indians." She was the widow of Abner MITCHELL, and the mother of the late Dr. MITCHELL. ~~~~~October 7, 1858 issue Married in Orange on the 18th ult., by Rev. Robert TINNIN, Mathew M'CAULEY, Esq., to Mrs. Nannie L._______. Near Chapel Hill, on the 16th ult., by Rev. Dr. ____, Mr. John CLEMMONS, to Miss Betty HESTER, all of Orange. In Wayne, on the 14th ult., by Rev. Dr. DEEMS, Mr. Henry HAZELL, conductor on the North Carolina Railroad, to Miss Maria D. ROBERTSON. In Stanly, on the 16th ult., by Rev. John WATTS, Ephraim MANNEY, Esq., of Gold Hill, to Mrs. Eliza Jane CRUMP. In Cabarrus, on the 16th ult., by Rev. J.S. HEILIG, Mr. Richard M. GILLESPIE of Iredell, to Miss Sarah E. DOTSON, of Cabarrus. In Lincolnton, on the 23d ult., Mr. Laban A. HOYLE, of Gaston county, to Miss Mary Helen HENDERSON. In Rowan on the 15th ult., Mr. Hugh L. BROWN, to Miss Mary E. PINCKSTON. In Iredell, on the 8th ult., Mr. A.A. LIPE, to Miss Sarah M. BENTON. On the 21st inst., Mr. Thomas W. CLIMER, of ____, to Miss Mag MARTIN of Rockingham. Died at Carolina College, in this county, on the 17th ult., Mrs. Tabitha R., wife of Stephen W. COLE, aged 47 years. In Robeson on the 25th ult., John P. FULMORE, aged 32 years. In the same county, on the 26th ult., Timothy GRIFFIN(?), aged 75 years. In the same county, on the 22d ult., Thomas TOLLESON of Carroll, Miss., but formerly a resident of Robeson, aged 62 years. In Ashboro, on the 23d ult., John GLUTS, aged 63. In Rowan, on the 18th ult., Mr. Samuel BEAVER, in the 59th year of his age. In Moore, on the 11th ult., Mrs. Susan MUSE, wife of the late Daniel MUSE, aged 65 years. In Charleston, S.C., on the 17th ult., Mr. William W. SMITH, printer, formerly of Raleigh. ~~~~~December 2, 1858 issue Married in Union county, on the 16th ult., by A. HARLEY, Esq., Mr. John C. GRIER, to Miss Sarah A., daughter of James T. CHRISTENBERRY. Died on the 22d ult., at the residence of his father W.H. BATTLE, at Chapel Hill, Dr. Joel D. BATTLE, of Everton, Wayne county. In Choctaw, Miss., on the 14th of Oct., A. Fidelius, only son of H.J. and C. TALLEY, aged 6 years, 2 months, and 15 days. ~~~~~December 9, 1858 issue Married near this place, on the 5th inst., by H.M. INGRAM, Esq., Mr. Calvin HARE, to Miss Mary McRAE, all of this county. Near White's Store, in this county, on the 23d ult., by N.M. HUBBARD, Esq., Thomas D. TRAYWICK to Miss Susannah BARKLEY, daughter of Micaga BARKLEY, all of this county. In Stanley county, on the evening of the 3d inst., by John W. SMITH, Esq., Mr. John C. McSWAIN, to Miss Bettie FLOYD, all of that county. Died at the residence of his son, Wm. S. MALLETT, Esq., near Brenham, Washington county, Texas, on the 11th of November, Lallerstedt MALLET, Esq., a native of Fayetteville, aged about 58 years. ~~~~~December 16, 1858 issue Married on Thursday the 9th inst., by the Rev. E.C. MORTON, Mr. Samuel GATEWOOD, to Miss Nancy COVINGTON, daughter of Elijah COVINGTON, Esq., all of Anson. In this county, on the 11th ult., by John P. RATLIFF, Esq., Mr. Davidson SMITH, to Miss Martha A. LAMPLY, all of Anson. In this county, on the 18th ult., by John P. RATLIFF, Esq., Mr. Richard SMOTHERS, to Miss Elizabeth PHILLIPS, all of Anson. In Christian county, Ky., on the 26th ult., by Rev. N.H. LEE, Major John GUNN of Rockingham co., N.C. and Mrs. Susan P. STEVENS. Died in Macksville, Davie county, on the 3d inst., Franklin M. AUSTIN, son of Col. H.R. and Elvira AUSTIN, in the 23d year of his age...a bright ornament to the M.E. Church and the Masonic Fraternity. ~~~~~December 23, 1858 issue Married on the 14th inst., by John P. RATLIFF, Esq., Mr. George W. SINCLAIR, to Miss Matilda LITTLE, daughter of William LITTLE, all of Anson. On the 12th inst., by William T. WILLIAMS, Esq., Mr. Alfred DAWKINS to Miss Elizabeth SMITH, all of Anson County. In this county, on the 16th inst., by Rev. Samuel P. MORTON, Mr. Joseph R. CARPENTER, to Miss Martha WADDILL, all of the county. On the 15th inst., by R. BOSTICK, Esq., Mr. Thos. CAPEL to Miss Mary, daughter of Solomon BOSTICK, all of Richmond. Died in this place, at the residence of his father, on the 18th inst., John C. BEEMAN, aged 28 years. ~~~~~January 6, 1859 issue Married on the 23d ult., by W.R. WILLIAMS, Esq., Mr. James WORNER of Montgomery, to Miss Elizabeth HOOK of Anson. On the 12th ult., by W.T. WILLIAMS, Esq., Mr. Alfred DAWKINS of Richmond, to Miss Elizabeth SMITH of Anson. On the 30th by S.W. NEAL, Esq., Mr. John C. SMITH, to Miss Elizabeth LIVINGSTON, all of Anson County. On the 2d instant, by M.B. McRAE, Esq., John CROUCH, Esq. of Richmond, to Miss Martha Ann JACKSON, of Marlboro District, S.C. Died, in Mecklenburg county, on the 17th ult., Mr. James M. GRIER, aged 67 years. ~~~~~January 13, 1859 issue Married near Union Church on the 23d December by N.M. HUBBARD, Esq., Jackson HUBBARD to Miss Sarah Jane, youngest daughter of Robert GADDY, Esq., all of Anson. At Woodland, Barnwell District, S.C., on the 29th ult., by Rev. Dr. HANCKEL, Anne Augusta, eldest daughter of William Gilmore SIMMS, Esq., to Mr. Edward ROACH, of Charleston. Died in Union Co., on the morning of 22d December, Miss Sarah Louisa CURETON, in the 23d year of her age. ~~~~~January 20, 1859 issue Married near Mineral Spring Camp Ground, on the 6th inst., by N.M. HUBBARD, Esq., Capt. William B. HORN to Miss Adalinee, eldest daughter of Rev. James B. GREEN, all of Anson. Near White's Store, on the 12th inst., by W.M. HUBBARD, Esq. Turner SWINK to Miss Matilda Jane HORNE, daughter of Henry HORNE, all of Anson County. ~~~~~January 27, 1859 issue Married in Stanly county, N.C., on the evening of the 8th of January, at West Store, by H.R. WEST, Esq., Mr. Daniel FLOYD to Miss Franky CALLAWAY. Mary SMITH, relict of James SMITH, was born Dec. 6, 1787, and died in Anson County, N.C., January 17th 1859, aged 71 years, one month and eleven days. For sixteen years she was an acceptable member of the Methodist Church. ~~~~~February 3, 1859 issue Married in this county, on the 25th ult., by Rev. A.D. BLACKWOOD, Mr. Josiah HORTON of Wake County, to Miss M.R. POLK, daughter of Thomas J. POLK of this county. ~~~~~February 10, 1859 issue Married in Kemper county, Miss., on the 25th ult., Mr. John C. FLAKE of Anson County, N.C. to Miss Eliza, daughter of I.M. and Mary A. McLENDON. Died at his residence in Marlboro Dist., S.C., on the 23d ult., Rev. Charles MANSHIP. He was born Sept. 30 1795> Near Rockingham, Richmond Co., on the 20th ult., Mr. William A. TERRY, in the 25th year of his age. In Raleigh, on the 27th ult., Howard Littleton, infant son of A.M. & M.E. GORMAN, aged 6 months and 25 days. ~~~~~February 17, 1859 issue Married on Thursday the 27th January, by John P. RATLIFF, Esq., Mr. James B. COTTINGHAM, to Miss Judah L. GATEWOOD, all of Anson County. In Cheraw, on the 5th ult., by Rev. A. GREGG, Mr. Josiah E. SMITH, of this place, to Miss Francis D. JARREL, of Richmond County, N.C. ~~~~~February 24, 1859 issue Married near this place, on the 20th inst., by H.M. INGRAM, Esq., Mr. W.J. ASHCRAFT, to Miss Julia A. HILDRITH, daughter of William HILDRETH, deceased. On the 6th inst., by Rev. W.H. JORDAN, jr., Christopher C. KIRBY, to Miss Mary FORT, all of Anson. ~~~~~March 3, 1859 issue Married on Wednesday evening, the 23d ult., at the residence of the bride's father, in Chesterfield District, South Carolina, by Rev. President WALSH of Carolina Female College, Mr. John H. WALSH, of Ansonville, N.C. to Miss Sallie, daughter of O.H. SPENCER, Esq. On the 17th of February, by Rev. L.M. LITTLE, Wm. BOWMAN, to Louisa BOSWELL, all of Anson. At Long Meadow, Massachusetts, on the morning of 16th February, by the Rev. John W. HARDING, Dr. Henry B. NOBLE, of Washington, D.C., to Maria R., daughter of James BLISS, of Long Meadow, Mass. ~~~~~March 10, 1859 issue Died in this place, at 3 o'clock a.m. of Saturday, the 5th inst., Mrs. Ella, wife of L.C. LAUDY, aged 29 years and 9 months... In Stanly county, at the residence of his mother, on Tuesday morning, February 22, L.C. CARTER, in the 28th year of his age. ~~~~~March 17, 1859 issue Married near Lilesville, on the 13th inst., by W.T. WILLIAMS, Esq., Wm. J. GULLEDGE to Miss Martha T. ADCOCK, all of Anson County. Died in Montgomery county, on the 13th inst., John W. HUTCHINSON, in the 57th year of his age, leaving a wife and seven children. In Stanly county, on the 9th of February, John W. SIMMONS, in the 59th year of his age. In Walkersville, Union county, on the 27th ult., Mr. M. ADALINE, consort of Hugh WILSON, Esq. In Washington, D.C., on the 6th inst., of pneumonia, Wm. CARSON, printer. Mr. C. was a native of Ireland, though a resident of this country for about 25 years and upwards, and served in the Florida and Mexican Wars. He leaves a wife, but no children. ~~~~~March 24, 1859 issue Married on the evening of the 15th inst., at the residence of the bride's father, by the Rev. D. HAYS, Miss Saphronia H. PARKER, of Baker county, Georgia, formerly of Anson County, N.C., to Thomas B. Davis, of Burke County, Georgia. Died on the 14th inst., in Richmond county, Mrs. Sarah CAMPBELL, a native of Argyleshire, Scotland, and relict of Mr. Hugh CAMPBELL, aged about 90 years. In Montgomery county, on the 13th inst., John W. HUTCHINSON, in the 36th year of his age, leaving a wife and seven children. In Washington, D.C., on the 14th inst., the Hon. Vespasian ELLIS, aged 59 years and 4 months. A native of Vermont, he had been a member of the Senate of the State of Virginia, and subsequently an U.S. Charge des Affairs of the southern portion of this continent...Washington Star. ~~~~~March 31, 1859 issue Married in Union county, on the 17th instant, by Rev. Mr. CONLEY, Mr. Charley TRULL to Miss Rody HELMS. In the same county, on the 10th inst., by A. HARKEY, Esq., Mr. John SECREST to Miss Jane HANEGAN. In the same county, on the 10th inst., Mr. G.C. DAVIS to Miss Abigail MOORE. Died in this county on the 17th inst., Lucy Anne STRICKLIN, aged about 13 years, only daughter of Major F.L. STRICKLIN. ~~~~~April 7, 1859 issue Married in this county, on the 3d inst., by H.M. INGRAM, Esq., Eli P. WINFREE, of Anson to Miss Martha BOSTICK, of Richmond. In this county on the 16th January, 1859, by Rev. Samuel P. MORTON, William A. LEE, to Miss Charlotte WATSON. Died in this county, on the 17th, in her 17th year, Anna Elizabeth, eldest daughter of Samuel and Jane SMITH. ~~~~~April 14, 1859 issue Married near Poplar Hill, on the 31st March, by N.M. HUBBARD, Esq., Armsted D. GREEN to Miss Elizabeth, youngest daughter of Mr. James HUBBARD, all of Anson. In this county, 7th inst., by H.M. INGRAM, Esq., J.B. CAPEL, of Richmond, to Mrs. Charlotte R. WATKINS, of Anson. ~~~~~April 21, 1859 issue Married on the 16th inst., near Norwood, Stanly county, by J.R. LIVINGSTON, Esq., Mr. John BLAYLOCK to Miss Sarah Frances RUMAGE, daughter of Thomas RUMAGE, all of Stanly county, N.C. At Rocky Mount, Miss., on the 24th ult., by L.M. McLENDON, Esq., Mr. George W. ROWE, to Miss Sarah Ann, daughter of Dr. John H. and Mary ODEN. Died in Union county, on the 10th inst., Mr. Elijah PARKER, aged about 75 years, a native of Halifax county, N.C....member of the Baptist Church. Near Wadesborough, on the 12th inst., Cornelia Ann, daughter of Gideon E. and Judith R.S. WINFREE, in the 4th year of her age. ~~~~~April 28, 1859 issue Married at Cedar Hill in this county, on the 2d of February 1859, by D. CARPENTER, Esq., Mr. Amon F. LIMAR, to Miss Eliza E. CRUMP. Died in this county, on the 21st inst., Elizabeth LILLY, consort of Edmund LILLY, in her 68th year. She had been for about 50 years a consistent member of the Baptist Church. In Holmes Co., Miss., on the 7th of April 1859, Charley MARSHALL, son of Dr. W.M. and M.E. RICHARDSON, aged nearly three years... Mrs. Margaret JENKINS, consort of Mr. Thomas JENKINS, of Monticello, Drew county, Arkansas, departed this life on the 12th day of April 1859...a pious member of the Methodist Society. She has left a kind and affectionate husband and two children. ~~~~~May 5, 1859 issue Married at the bride's residence, on the 1st inst., by John BROADAWAY, Esq., Mr. Alexander HORNBACK to Mrs. Rosana MANESS, all of Anson. Died on the 17th of April near Aberdeen, Miss., in the 34th year of her age, Mrs. Martha A. GATHINGS, wife of Sampson GATHINGS, and daughter of Wilson CHAMBERS, Esq., of Anson, N.C. ~~~~~May 12, 1859 issue Died in Russell county, Ala., on the 24th ult., in the 43d year of his age, Andrew J. THOMAS, formerly of Anson County, N.C. ~~~~~May 19, 1859 issue Married on the 3d inst., in Chesterfield Dist., S.C., Dr. Benj. CHEARS, to Miss Sarah, daughter of Henry GRADY, Esq. Died, at Lilesville, on Saturday the 7th inst., Nelson R. LILES, aged 55 years. In Harnett county, on the 27th ult., Mrs. Mary CAMERON, relict of John CAMERON, in the 86th year of her age...For 20 years previous to her death she had been in connection with the Presbyterian Church. ~~~~~May 26, 1859 issue Married near Cedar Hill, on the 19th ult., by D. CARPENTER, Esq., Mr. Peter S. EARNHART to Miss Cornelia A. THREADGILL, all of Anson. In Washington, D.C., on the 10th inst., by the Rev. Mason NOBLE, Mr. Richard HENDERSON to Miss Helen B. HERCUS, all of that city. At his residence in Lilesville, N.C., on the 7th inst., Nelson P. LILES, aged 55 years, leaving a wife and two children... ~~~~~June 2, 1859 issue Married at Ansonville, on the 25th ult., by Rev. Tracy R. WALSH, Mr. P.J. LOWRIE, of Charlotte, to Miss L.J. WATKINS, daughter of Dr. C. WATKINS, of the former place. Died on the 29th ult., Mrs. Christianna BEEMAN, wife of Lemuel BEEMAN, aged 54 years. She joined the Methodist Episcopal Church under the administration of Rev. H.H. DURANT in 1843...leaves husband and four children. W.H.P. At the residence of his father, in Choctaw Co., Ala., on the 20th ult., Joshua J. GRACE, in the 20th year of his age, son of John J. and Lucy GRACE, formerly of Anson County. ~~~~~June 9, 1859 issue Married at the residence of Tyre GLENN, Esq., in Yadkin county, on the evening of 27th ult., by the Rev. J.B. SOLOMON, the Hon. Thomas SETTLE Jr., of Rockingham, to Miss Mary GLENN. Died of measles, at White's Store, Anson County, N.C., on the 21st day of May, at half past two p.m., Mrs. Nancy Jane REDFEARN, wife of David REDFEARN, and daughter of D.A. and S.A. COVINGTON, aged 17 years 11 months and 20 days...united with Mount Olive Baptist Church in August 1856. Her remains were conveyed to Monroe. Nathan BEVERLY was born in Anson County, N.C., February 13th, 1806, and died near Wadesboro', May 5th 1859, aged 53 years 2 months and 23 days. ~~~~~June 16, 1859 issue Married near Ansonville, on the 31st of May, by the Rev. R. Randolph PEGUES, Mr. Archibald C. BENTON, to Nannie W. INGRAM, all of Anson County. Died in Wadesboro', on the 7th inst., Mary Ella Captoler, infant daughter of W.D. and Nancey RAGAN, aged two months and twenty-five days. Near Ansonville, on the 1st inst., James Martin, infant son of John J. and Melvina F. COLSON, aged 9 months and 20 days. In Monroe, Union county, on the 28th day of May 1859, Susan Amelia, daughter of Thomas D. and Elizabeth J. WINCHESTER, aged 8 years 3 months and 22 days. Walter R. LEAK was born in Rockingham, N.C., Jan. 15th 1811, and died near Little Rock, Arkansas, May 3, 1859, aged 48 years 3 months and 19 days. ~~~~~June 23, 1859 issue Died in this county, on the 20th inst., Jeannie Bet, infant daughter of John and A.J. ROBINSON, aged eight months. Near Ansonville, on the 1st inst., James Martin, infant son of John J. and Melvina F. COLSON, aged 9 months and 20 days. ~~~~~June 30, 1859 issue Married on the 8th inst., by J.R. BARBER, Esq., Mr. Benjamin BENNETT to Miss Susan ALLEN, all of Anson County Died on Saturday the 18th at Danbury, Stokes county, Mr. Francis E. BONER, junior editor of the Western Sentinel, aged 23 years and 30 days...Salem Press ~~~~~July 14, 1859 issue Married near Rocky Mount, Kemper county, Miss., on the evening of the 24th ult., by L.M. McLENDON, Esq., Mr. William KEY to Miss Eliza, daughter of James H. and Temperance GRACE, formerly from Anson County, N.C. Died in Statesville, on the 23d ult., Mrs. V. Amada PHARR, wife of Rev. W.W. PHARR, and daughter of Mr. John R. ALEXANDER of Mecklenburg. In this county, on the 5th inst., John M. ASHCRAFT, in the 21st year of his age. ~~~~~July 28, 1859 issue Married in Richmond County, at the residence of Col. W.L. STEELE, on Wednesday, the 20th inst., by Rev. Robert LEDBETTER, Dr. W.L. LEDBETTER of Anson, and Miss Emma J. PORTER, of Richmond. Died on the 18th inst., Calvin Bogan, aged thirty-seven months and 18 days, son of Hugh and Caroline E. MAY. ~~~~~August 4, 1859 issue Married in Dallas co., Arkansas, on the 3d July, by A.F. KENDALL, Esq., Henry PARKER, formerly of Stanly, N.C. to Miss Mary SIMPSON, formerly of Union, N.C. Died in this county, May 20th 1859, Sarah REDFEARN, wife of Townley REDFEARN, in her 46th year...joined in the Methodist denomination in 1853.. At Spartenburg, S.C., July 17, 1859, in the 17th year of his age, John J. SMITH, son of Joseph P. and Mary SMITH, formerly of Wadesboro', N.C. At White's Store, July 25th, 1859, Mrs. Frances McLAUGHLIN, daughter of the late Stephen HASTY, Esq., grand-daughter of James GORDON, Esq., and first child of Sarah A. GORDON. She was born in the Anson part of Union county September 18, 1829, married July 30, 1845, joined in the Methodist Episcopal Church South in 1852, under the ministry of Rev. Levin SCARBOROUGH. In Bladen county, on the 12th inst., James Somerfield, infant son of Dr. J.S. and Eliza RICHARDSON, aged 13 months.