Anson County, NC - Marriage & Death Notices, 1859-1860 Copyright. All rights reserved. This file was contributed for use in the USGenWeb Archives by Anson NCGenWeb Marriage and Death Notices from The North Carolina ARGUS newspaper published in Wadesboro from 1848-1884 "Instant" means "this month" and "ultimo" means "last month." Articles 184-266 ~~~~~August 11, 1859 issue 184. Married at the residence of the bride's grandfather, Samuel SPENCER, Esq., of this county, on the 9th inst., by Rev. R.R. PEGUES, Mr. A.S. STURDIVANT to Miss Mary R., daughter of the late Robert J. RAIFORD. 185. Died in Moore county, on Monday, the 18th ult., Daniel R. McIVER, in the 71st year of his of the oldest citizens of his neighborhood.N.C. Presbyterian ~~~~~August 18, 1859 issue 186. Married in Richmond county, N.C., July 21, by T. BOSTICK, Esq., Mr. H.M. BROADAWAY, of Anson county, to Miss L. C EWING, daughter of Isaac EWING. 187. On the 7th inst., near Norwood, Stanly county, by John R. LIVINGSTON, Esq., Mr. James D. LEE, to Miss Julia Ann RUMAGE, all of Stanly. 188. Died in Richmond county, on the 4th inst., Lillie, the infant daughter of O.H. and M.J. DOCKERY, aged 11 months and 2 days. ~~~~~August 25, 1859 issue 189. Died in this county, on the 15th ult., Caswell T. REDFEARN, son of Wilson REDFEARN, deceased, and Zilphia REDFEARN. He was born March 26, 1837. ~~~~~September 1, 1859 issue 190. Died in this place, on the 22d of August, Ann Eliza WILLOUGHBY, youngest daughter of Mary M. and G.W. WILLOUGHBY, aged 9 years 6 months and 25 days. 191. Died in Richmond county, on the 9th inst., Mrs. Polly FREEMAN, consort of Wm. FREEMAN, and daughter of Samuel COPE, late of Alabama, aged 55 years 3 months and 17 days. ~~~~~September 29, 1859 issue 192. Died in Wadesboro, on the 23rd, Mrs. Louisa HUTCHINSON, wife of Benjamin HUTCHINSON, aged 32 years. 193. In this county, on the 20th inst., Elijah COVINGTON, for many years a member of the Baptist Church. 194. On the 24th inst., F. Duncan NIVEN, infant son of Arch'd and Martha A. NIVEN, aged 8 months and 8 days. ~~~~~October 6, 1859 issue 195. Married on Thursday, Sept. 22nd, at the residence of Capt. Charles McDOWELL, in Burke county, by Rev. S.C. ROBERTS, Hon. Richmond M. PEARSON, Chief Justice of the Supreme Court of N.C., to Mrs. Mary L. BYNUM. 196. Died in Wadesboro', on Thursday, October 29 (sic), Miss Jennie F. MARSHALL, aged 21 years and 5 months. ~~~~~October 13, 1859 issue 197. Married on the 12th inst., at the house of the bride's grandfather, Edmund LILLY, Mr. Wm. H. BOGGAN and Miss Sallie DUMAS, daughter of Jas. DUMAS, dec'd. 198. Died two miles west of this place, on Tuesday the 4th inst., Lizzie, only daughter of J.W. and Mary Ann COX, aged 3 years 7 months and 20 days. ~~~~~October 20, 1859 issue 199. Married in this county, on Tuesday the 18th inst., by John BROADAWAY, Esq., Mr. James P. PARKER, formerly of this county, but now of Baker Co., Ga., to Miss Ann BIRD, of this county. 200. On the 10th inst., at the residence of Aaron RODGERS, Esq., in Stanly county, by J.R. LIVINGSTON, Esq., Mr. John WILLIAMS to Miss Sarah UPCHURCH, all of Stanly. 201. In Jackson parish, La., on the 14th ult., at the residence of the bride's mother, by Rev. C.W. HODGE, M. Sanford McLEROY, to Miss Adelia McLEOD, all of Jackson parish, La. 202. In Marlboro' District, S.C., on the 13th inst., Mrs. Martha E. RICHARDSON, age 23 years, consort of Dr. Wm. M. RICHARDSON. 203. Died in Cheraw, S.C., on the 13th inst., Mrs. Martha E. RICHARDSON, age 23 years, consort of Dr. Wm. M. RICHARDSON. ~~~~~October 27, 1859 issue 204. Died at Monroe, Union County, on the 13th inst., in the 32d year of his age, Mr. William RINGSTAFF, formerly of Hillsboro'. ~~~~~November 3, 1859 issue 205. Married in this county on the 27th ult., at the residence of the bride's father, by Rev. James E. MORRISON, Mr. Pleasant P. BALLARD, of Montgomery county, to Miss Mary C. SMITH. 206. In Richmond county, on the 26th ult., by John C. ELLERBE, Esq., Solomon R. FORD, to Miss Martha NORTHAM, daughter of George NORTHAM, esq., all of Richmond co. 207. Died in Union County, on the 21st ult., Miss Eliza CHEARS, daughter of Vachel CHEARS...member of the Baptist Church. 208. In Memphis, Alabama(?), on the 30th of September, Mary A. SINCLAIR, consort of Wm. T. SINCLAIR (son of Maj. Alfred SINCLAIR) late of Anson County, N.C. Mrs. S. was born in Williamson County, Tenn., Nov. 18, 1833, and was in her 26th year. She leaves a husband and three small children. ~~~~~November 10, 1859 issue 209. Married in Union county, on the 27th October, by Elder BRAZENTON, Mr. Marmaduke MYERS, of Chesterfield Dist., S.C., to Miss Elizabeth TIMMONS, third daughter of Col. King C. SIMMONS. 210. Died in Union county, on November 1st, James MORGAN, aged about 50 years. ~~~~~November 17, 1859 211. Married in Unione county on the 8th inst., D. MASS to Miss Margaret ROWLAND, daughter of Sheriff ROWLAND. 212. In Union county, about the 10th of October, Mr. Frederick STATON, aged 88 to Mrs. Rhoda SHARON, aged 60. 213. Died in this county, on the 7th inst., John W., son of Garland C. DIGGS, in the 25th year of his age. ~~~~~November 24, 1859 issue 214. Married in Cheraw, at the Methodist Church, on the 23d inst., Rev. R.R. PEGUES to Miss N.G. GILLESPIE. ~~~~~December 1, 1859 issue 215. Married on the 23d ult., by the Rev. Mr. JORDON, Mr. Robert J. FLAKE, to Miss Jennie GARRIS, daughter of Benjamine F. GARRIS, all of this county. 216. On Friday evening last, by Charles OVERMAN, Esq., at the residence of Mr. PENGLAZE, Mr. William WEDLOCK, to Miss Mary E. MORROW, all of Mecklenburg Co., N.C. 217. Died at Camden, Arkansas, on the 13th of October, Mrs. Adaline B. AGEE, in the 27th year of her age...daughter of Moses and P.A. THOMPSON. ~~~~~December 8, 1859 218. Married at the residence of the bride, near Timmonsville, S.C. on the 20th ult., by the Rev. Wm. BROCKINGTON, Mr. W.W. MOORE of N.C. to Mrs. Elizabeth HILL. 219. In Union county, on the 22d ult., Mr. Abel BELK of Lancaster District to Miss Sally WALKUP, daughter of Robt. WALKUP, dec'd. 220. In Union county, on the 24th ult., Col. W. McCAIN of Lancaster, to Miss WALKER, daughter of John WALKER, dec'd, of Union. ~~~~~December 15, 1859 issue 221. Married on the 8th inst., by Rev. J.E. MORRISON, Mr. M.A. MURR to Miss Susan GULLEDGE, both of Anson. 222. In Union county, on the 22d November, by G.W. MAY, Esq., Stephen A. WILLIAMS, to Miss Elizabeth E. GRIFFIN, daughter of Jesse C. GRIFFIN, Esq. 223. none 224. Died at his residence, near Morven, in this county, on the 2d inst., John PRATT, aged about forty-seven. ~~~~~December 22, 1859 issue 225. Married on the 13th inst., by Rev. Mr. PENICK, Mr. T.R. BENNETT, of Anson, to Miss M.J. TOWNSEN, of Cabarrus. 226. Near Lilesville, on the 4th inst., by W.R. WILLIAMS, Esq., John S. CLARK to Miss Rachel A. TERRY, all of Anson. 227. On the 13th inst., Mr. B.F. BROOKSHIRE to Miss Bettie C. ROWELL ?, of Montgomery. 228. In Washington, D.C., on the evening of the 7th inst., at the First Baptist Church, by Rev. S.P. HILL, D.D., August H. MARTIN, Esq., of King and Queen County, Va., and Miss Kate J., daughter of Dr. R.J. POWELL, of Washington. 229. Died at his residence in Montgomery county, on the 12th inst., Hon. Edmund DE BERRY, for many years a Representative in Congress from this District. ~~~~~January 12, 1860 issue 230. Married in this county, on the 13th December, 1859, by William ALLEN, Esq., T.W. ALLEN, to Miss Martha W. HUBBARD, daughter of Nealy M. HUBBARD, Esq. 231. On the 7th inst., by Rev. Ed. C. MORTON, Mr. Wm. SEAGOE to Miss ___TEALE, all of Anson. 232. On the 8th, by Wm. T. WILLIAMS, Esq., Mr. Adam CLARKE, to MIss Bettie COX, daughter of Wm. H. COX, Esq. 233. Died in Wilmington, on the 4th inst., Mr. William Alva BURR, aged 44 years. He was the brother of the Editors of the Herald. ~~~~~January 19, 1960 issue 234. Died on the 16th of December, 1859, Mrs. Elizabeth MASK, wife of James G. MASK, of Anson, North Carolina, in the 88th year of her age. She was born in Sussex Co., Va., on the 1st of October 1771, and joined the Methodist Church when very young. ~~~~~January 26, 1860 issue 235. Married on the 16th Dec., by James A. LILES, Esq., Mr. D.W. HOWELL to Miss Eugenia HEMBY, all of this place. 236. On the 15th inst., by John T. RATLIFF, Esq., Mr. Davis L. GADDY to Miss E.A. TICE, daughter of Wm. TICE, all of this county. 237. On the 12th inst., by W.T. WILLIAMS, Esq., Mr. Samuel P. SPENCER, to Miss Mary Ann SEAGO, all of Anson. 238. On the 17th inst., by W.T. WILLIAMS, Esq., W.M. MORTON to Miss Martha C. YATES, all of Anson. 239. In Chesterfield District, S.C., on the evening of the 16th of November, 1859, by G.F.H. CROCKETT, M.D., Mr. Joseph HENDRICK of Ansonville, N.C. to Miss Louisa, daughter of Mr. Dixon RUSHING. 240. Died in Richmond co., N.C., on the 7th of Jan., 1860, Mrs. Sarah CROUCH, wife of Samuel CROUCH, Sr., in the 72d year of her age...baptized into the fellowship of the Baptist Church by Elder Daniel GOULD. She raised a family of twelve children. ~~~~~February 2, 1860 issue 241. Married near White Plain, S.C., by Rev. A.L. STOUGH, on the 3d of January 1860, Mr. J.M. MORGAN, to Mary Ann LEE. 242. Died on the 7th inst., near Ripley, Tippah county, Miss., Mr. Benjamin SMITH, formerly of Anson county, N.C. ~~~~~February 9, 1860 issue 243. Married near White's Store, on the 24th January, by H.A. CRAWFORD, Esq., Mr. J.E. MARSH to Miss E.E. GORDEN, all of Anson. 244. Near White's Store, on the 1st inst., by H.A. CRAWFORD, Esq., Mr. C.C. BLACKWELL to Mrs. Sarah LOWRY, all of Anson. 245. Died in Calhoun Co., Miss., on the 28th of December, 1859, Benj. T. COVINGTON, aged about 32 years, formerly of Anson County, N.C. ~~~~~February 16, 1860 issue 246. Died at his residence in this county, on the 3d instant, Moses MOORE, in the 81st year of his age. 247. In Richmond county, N.C. on the 6th inst., Katie Adelle, daughter of Dr. W. M. RICHARDSON, aged nearly 18 months. ~~~~~February 23, 1860 issue 248. Married in this county, on the 9th inst., by W.T. WILLIAMS, Esq., at the residence of Mr. Henry SAUSSURE, Mr. John McDUFFIE, to Mrs. Elizabeth KELLY. 249. Died in Union county, on the 2d inst., Mr. James ROBINSON, aged 84 years. ~~~~~March 1, 1860 issue 250. Married in this county, on the 9th ult., by J.R. BARBER, Esq., Edmund HILDRETH, to Miss Sarah ROSS. 251. Died on the 15th February 1860 in Providence, Union county, N.C., Col. James A. DUNN, in the 67th year of his age...represented Union and Mecklenburg counties in the State Legislature...Ruling Elder of the Presbyterian church in Providenc for many years... ~~~~~March 15, 1860 issue 252. Married by Rev. S.H. BROWNE, March 1, at Chapel HEATH's, Esq., Lancaster District, S.C., John Postell HEATH to Miss Elizabeth Lucinda STUART. Also, William Thomas MILLER to Mary Amanda HEATH. 253. In this county, on the 8th inst., by John P. RATLIFF, Esq., Mr. Phillip SELLERS to Miss Viny PHILLIPS, daughter of Capt. John PHILLIPS. 254. Died in Marshall county, Miss., on the 15th day of February, 1860, Sarah M. WILLIAMS, wife of William J. WILLIAMS, and daughter of Robertson and Elizabeth RISTOLE, who was born in N.C., Anson County, Jan. 14, 1815, leaving a widowed husband and seven children. ~~~~~March 22, 1860 issue 255. Died in Richmond county, N.C., February 18th, Mrs. Martha Jane DOCKERTY, wife of Oliver H. DOCKERTY. She was born August 12th, 1828, attached herself to the M.C. Church, South, at Zion, in October 1845. The next two winters were spent in Charleston, S.C. S.D. ADAMS. ~~~~~March 29, 1860 issue 256. Married in Wilson, on the 19th inst., by the Rev. Charles F. DEEMS, Mr. Joseph H. FOY, editor of the Ledger, to Miss Kate J. BATTLE, daughter of the Rev. A.J. BATTLE. 257. Died in this county, near White's Store, on the 14th inst., James M. MORGAN, in the 18th year of his age, son of R. MORGAN, deceased. He left a widowed mother, and brothers and sisters. 258. In memory of Miss Ella JONES. A school girl at Winchester, Tenn. ~~~~~April 5, 1860 issue 259. Married in this county on the 3d instant, by Rev. J.E. MORRISON, Mr. H.P. TOWNSEN, of Cabarrus, to Miss Ann Eliza BENNETT, of Anson. 260. Died at the Poor House, in this county, on the 15th of March, James G. MASK in the 86th year of his age. 261. Very suddenly, in this county, on the 20th ult., Joseph JOWERS, Sr., aged about 83 years. 262. On the night of the 2d inst., Patty JOWERS, aged 78, relict of Joseph JOWERS, Sr., deceased. ~~~~~April 12, 1860 issue 263. Married in this county, on the 27th ult., by William ALLEN, Esq., Mr. F.J. HORN to Miss Martha E. CAUDEL, daughter of Jefferson CAUDEL. 264. In this county, on the 27th ult., by William ALLEN, Esq., Mr. George L. STEAGALL, to Miss M.J. DUNCAN, daughter of J.R. DUNCAN. 265. In this county on the 20th ult., by John BROADAWAY, Esq., Mr. James BRILEY to Miss Sallie BARBER, daughter of John R. BARBER, Esq. 266. Died in Telfair county, Ga., Mrs. Margaret CAMPBELL, wife of Daniel CAMPBELL. She was born in Richmond county, N.C., January 26, 1796, and died Feb. 2, 1860.