Ashe County NcArchives Wills.....Smith, William Byrd February 15, 1864 ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. ************************************************ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Susan Shaver August 21, 2005, 9:18 pm Source: Susan Smith Shaver Written: February 15, 1864 In the Name of God Amen: I, Wm. B. Smith of Ashe County, North Caorlina being of sound mind and memory and knowing the shortness of life and the sweetness of death do make and establish this my last will and testiment. Item the 1st. I give and bequeath to my beloved wife Evaline Smith two hundred acres of land for her use during her natural life and it to include the house and building and one rone mare, one sorrel horse, and one bay mare, twenty head of cattle, thirty head of sheep, and twelve head of hogs and all the grain now on hand and all the grain of all kinds and the grain that I have saved and is now growing and the pent grain that is due me at Harvey Plummer's and all the hay and forage of all kinds that is now on hand and all the muneys on hand and one wagon and all the iron that is now on hand of every kinde and all the farming tules of every kind, two beds and bedsteads, and the nesasary bedclose for the same, and all the houhold and citchen furniture of all kinds and all the bacon and large that is now on hand, and all the lether and salt and every other thing that is mine I give and bequeth to my wife, Evaline Smith, everything that I do not name or have not named and shall not give and bequeth to my several heirs or children in this will I give to her during her natural life. Item the 2nd. I give and bequeth to my son John C. Smith nine hundred dollars out of the proceeds of the dets due me and one bed. Item the 3rd. I give and bequeth to my son Joshua M. Smith my land in Wilkes County, N.C., one hundred acres more or less lying on the north fork of the Redis River the land that my Uncle Whitley willed to me and two beds and every other thing there belonging that my Uncle William bequethed to me I give and bequeth it to him and my will is that he shall take care of my Aunt Elizabeth Whitley as I was to do and I give and bequeth to him one cow and one shot gun and one hundred dollars to be paid him out of the proceeds of my dets. Item the 4th. I give and bequeth to my son Elijah F. Smith the land known as the Poe land adjoining John Davis and John Richardson beginning on a hickory harris is corner and running westward with Richardson's line to the cross road then southward with a road passing through a lane to a marked black oak bush near the mouth of said lane thence southward to two marked chestnut bushes thence running down a ridge eastward to the forkes of a small branch thence down said branch to a marked servis on the south bank of said branch then east to John Davis' line then northward with said Davis' line to the beginning and I give and bequeth to him one sorrel mare and one cow and calf and three head of sheep and one saddle and one bed and one stand of bees and I give and bequeth to him Elizabeth and Joshua four hundred and eighty pounds of grain and the wood works of a wgon that is at John Stampens shop. Item the 5th. I give and bequeth to my son Andrew B. Smith my lands on the long branch the lands that I purchased of Joseph Reedy where Harvey Plummer now lives , one hundred twenty seven acres and one bed and one cow. Item the 6th. I give and bequeth to my son Wm. W. Smith my lands where Alexander Mannen now lives one hundred and thirty five acres and one cow and one bed. Item the 7th. I give and bequeth to my daughter, Martha, one hundred and fifty acres of land lying on the south side of my hoam track hit to include the Davis house, one young rone horse, and one cow and two sheep and one bed and bedstead and the nesasary bed close for the same and one chest with drawer and one chest with drawers. Item the 8th. I give and bequeth to my daughter, Sary Smith, one hundred and twenty acres of land on the east side of my hoam tract adjoining the lands of John Davis and ___________ and one young bay horse and one cow and two head of sheep and one writing table with a drawer and one chest and one bed and one bedstead and the nesasary bed close for the same. Item the 9th. I give and bequeth to my daughter Matilda one hundred and twenty acres of land and hit to be taken off of her mother's lot of land at her mother's death or at such time as she the said Matilda may becum of age or may neade it and hit to include the house and bilding and I bequeth to Matilda one bed and bedstead and the nesasary bed close for the same and one writing table or a table with a drawer, one cow and two sheep and one chest and my will is that her mother, Evaline, furnish Matilda a good horse creature out of the horses I have willed to her. Item the 10th. My will is that all that my wife Evaline may have on hand at the time of her death in muney and personal property shal be equally divided between my sons Joshua, Elijah, Andrew, and William, and my three daughters, Martha, Sarah, and Matilda. Item the 11th. My will is that after my daughter, Matilda's land one hundred and twenty acres is taken out of the land I have give to my wife, Evaline, during her natural life that the balance of the land in my hoam tract suposed to be six hundred and forty acres be the more or less my will is that my son Elijah, and my three daughters, Martha, Sarah, and Matilda and that they be made equal in land. Item the 12th. My will is that if the commision alowered by the court do not pay my execuctor for his services that he be paid out of the notes that I hold on him, Joseph B. Parsons, one for one hundred and thirty three dollars and 15 cts and the other for seventy seven dollars and 15 cts booth executed in 1860 Eighteen Sixty. Item the 13th. I make and appoint my faithful friend Joseph B. Parsons of Ashe County, North Carolina, my executor to my last will and testament given under my hand and seal this 15th day of February 1864. Wm B. Smith (seal) File at: This file has been created by a form at File size: 6.4 Kb