Bath County NcArchives Court.....Lords Proprietors, Residents Indebted To 1713 ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. ************************************************ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Guy Potts August 27, 2008, 2:49 am Source: Colonial Records Written: 1713 North Carolina ss. Att a Councill holden att the house of the Honorable Thomas Pollock Esqr. in Chowan on the 14th day of Aprill Anno Domini 1713. Present the Honorable Thos. Pollock Esqr. President etc. The Honorable Thos. Boyd, Nath. Chevin, Christo. Gale, Tobs. Knight Esqrs. Lds. proprietors Deputys. Forasmuch as it has been represented to this Board that Divers persons in this Government and especially in the County of Bath doe under pretense of purchase hold large tracts of land not haveing paid or secured the purchase money to the Lds. proprietors nor haveing any other title thereto than a bare entry and survey to the great loss and prejudice of the Lds. proprietors and also to the hindrance of the good setlement of the Government and this Board haveing the same into their consideration. It is hereby ordered that noe person that doe pretend any title to any lands within this Government upon purchase as aforesaid that shall not pay or secure to be paid unto the Receiver General for the tyme being the purchase money due therefore on or before the 25th December next all such lands shall be free and cleare for any person to enter on and take up as if the same had never been entred or survey'd before and all persons that shall from henceforward survey any lands or pretence of purchase and shall not pay or secure to be paid the purchase money therefore to the Receiver General as aforesaid within six months after such survey the same shall be also free and cheare for any other person to enter upon as if the same had never been survey'd before.3 [NC Colonial Records - Records of the Executive Council, 1664-1734, p. 34] File at: This file has been created by a form at File size: 2.3 Kb